Thorin watches as the stunning redhead women, left the room with a smirk on her face. He had to admit that the king was shocked by the tone in her voice as she spoke to him, did she not realise she was talking to royal blood. He was the king of Erebor but he guesses that means nothing without a mountain; still the women knew how to anger someone.

Let her go back home, wherever that will be, better then staying here with him and the company. Thorin had enough problems to deal with and he certainly didn't need her to be added to that list. The dwarf ran his fingers over his beard, staring at his company, they stared right back at him, some held sadness and disappointment in their eyes but would not say anything against their king "What!" He demanded to know, the company just shook they heads, in the time off meeting the lass the company must have grown to like women. This just proves to the king that she would of being a distraction, he bets any of them would gladly lay their lives down for such a beautiful women. . . Wait what, he did not just think that.

"Well done Thorin" Gandalf sighed also disappointed. Thorin rolled his eyes annoyed at the grey wizard. Why is this his fault?

Not liking the way the wizard was talking to him, Thorin snaps "I was only stating the truth" He pauses a moment narrowing his eyes at the old man "Wasn't I?" Thorin questions himself. Gandalf shook his head telling the dwarf king he was wrong, but he just couldn't see it.

Thorin though of the girl once more, she was medium height, rather skinny and had rather slim arms that look like she has never held a sword and lets not forget her gorgeous sea blue eyes, he sighs dreamily picturing her eyes, they were swimming with emotions. Oh for Durin sake he did it again, he scowls to himself. "Well lads, shall we?" Thorin spoke to his kin and headed to the foyer ignoring the looks from Kili and Fili. They both looked like a wounded puppy that need to be put down.

"Will she come back Gandalf?" The younger prince asked the grey wizard, he knew his uncle was harsh sometimes, for good reason but Kili had a feeling his uncle was wrong about Nova. He truly hoped the women would join them, she was an interesting individual and he would like to get to know her and Kili knew the company would like that as well.

"You can bet on it, I'm sure she just wanted to cool off" Gandalf replied to Thorin nephew, Kili nods his head at the wizards answer and joined the rest of the company "I hope" He whispered to himself.

The company gathered themselves around the table "What news from the meeting in Ered Luin?" Balin asked his king as he dug into a small portion of soup and bread, it really seemed like his company had quite a party before his arrival "Did they come?"

"Aye" He simply replies, taking a bite out of his bread "Envoys from all seven kingdoms" The company muttered in excitement at the news.

"And what did the Dwarves of the Iron Hills say?" Dwalin pipes up above the noise of the company "Is Dain with us?" He questions.

Thorin lets out a heavy sigh, he was still disappointed at cousin. He knew that this was his burden to bare but still Thorin at least hoped to have his cousins assistance with the journey but Dain refused "They will not come" He mumbled out. The company faces fell at his words and began whispering too each other "They say this quest is ours and ours alone" Thorin admitted to his company.

"Your going on a quest?" A quite voice pipes up from behind the king. Thorin turns his head to the source of the voice to see the hobbit standing there with a curious look on his face.

Gandalf looks to Bilbo "Bilbo, my dear fellow, let us have a little more light" He requested. The hobbit walks over to us with a candle in his hands, the wizard reaches into his pocket and pulls out a yellow map and placed it in front of Thorin "Far to the east, over ranges and rivers, beyond woodlands and wastelands, lies a single solitary peak" Thorin rolls his eyes in annoyance as the hobbit leaded closer to the map of the lonely mountain, his home; his companies home.

"The lonely mountain" He reads the map.

"Aye, Oin has read the portents, and the portents say it's time" Gloin spoke up.

Oin leaned forward and spoke "Ravens have been seen flying back to the mountain as it was foretold; when the birds of yore return to Erebor, the reign of the beast will end."

The company watches as the hobbit's eye widen "What beast?" He questioned or more like stuttered out. There was no way this hobbit was coming on their journey; especially if the mention of a dragon scares him.

"Well, that would be a reference to Smaug the terrible. Chiefest and greatest calamity of our age" Bofur explains to the hobbit, but he didn't stop there "Air-borne fire breather. Teeth like razors, claws like meathooks. Extremely fond of precious metal." He says describing the dragon.

The hobbit look rather irritated at the dwarf and let out a huff "Yes, i know what a dragon is" He snapped, he may have never left the shire but the hobbit did read.

The youngest dwarf Ori stood up "I'm not afraid" He stated, bravely. "I'm up for it. I'll give him a taste of Dwarvish iron right up his jacksie!" The company agreed in cheer at the Ori's words.

Ori was quickly pulled back to his sit by his brother Dori "This task would be difficult enough with an army behind us" Balin spoke up to silence the company "But we number just thirteen, and not thirteen of the best, nor brightest" Balin sighed stating the truth, which lead to an argument through out the company.

Thorin's oldest nephew, proudly stood up a little gaining the attention of the company "We may be few in numbers but we are fighters" Fili spoke with pride "All of us, down to the last dwarf" He says hitting the table, it was time like these Thorin proud to have him as his heir.

Kili leans over the table "And you forget, we have a wizard in our company" Kili adds to the conversation, he looks over at the wizard "Gandalf would have killed hundreds of dragons in his time" Thorin watches as the wizard chocked on his pipe. He knew then that the wizard himself has not faced a dragon.

Gandalf's eyes widen at Kili's comment and did not know how to reply to it "Oh, well, now, uh, I-I-I wouldn't say that, I-" The wizard stuttered out still not finding his words.

"How many?" Dori pressed on.

Gandalf looks at the dwarves "What?" He asked.

"How many dragons have you killed?" Gandalf just looked around the room not giving an answer as he did not have one.

"Go on, give us an answer" The Dwarves ask, the noise in the room became loud as the arguing began between the company.

Thorin lets out a breath and rubs his eyes, the dwarf king could hardly hear himself think at this moment. He knew that the company wouldn't shut up any time soon, this quest is already doomed. Thorin growls under his breath and raises to his feet and shouted "Shazara!" The kings voice echoed through the room silencing the company "If we have read the signs, do you not think others have read them too? Rumors have begun to spread. The dragon Smaug has not been seen in sixty years. Eyes look east to the mountain, assessing, wondering, weighing the risks. Perhaps the vast wealth of our people now lies unprotected. Do we sit back whiles other claim what is rightfully ours? Or do we seize this chance to take back Erebor" His company cheered in excitement at his speech.

Balin shook his head "You forget the front gate is sealed" The dwarves quite down "There is no way into the mountain" Thorin narrows his eyes at little at his oldest friend, Balin seems to always bring forward the negatives.

Gandalf let out a breath"That, my dear Balin is not entirely true "Gandalf informs the company and pulls out a key from his robe.

Thorin stare in awe "How came you by this?" Thorin asked his voice ran thick with emotion at the sight of a Dwarvish key.

Gandalf looks to Thorin "It was given to me by your father, by Thrain, for safe keeping" He answered he held the key towards him "It is yours now" Thorin looks at the wizard then back at the key, his moves his shaky hand to retrieve the key. Thorin gently gripped the key in his hand, all he could do was stare at it in disbelief, this was his ticket home.

Shocked by the sudden event, the company began to feel hope at getting their home back "If there is a key, there must be a door" Fili spoke up.

Gandalf moves the map and points at different parts of the map "These runes speak of a hidden passage to the lower halls" He explains to the company.

"There's another way in" Kili says in almost shock.

Gandalf waits a moment before answering "Well if we can find it, but Dwarf doors are invisible when closed" Gandalf sighs out, why did the dwarves have to be a stubborn race "The answer lies hidden in the map. I do not have the skill to find it. But there are others in middle-earth who can" He stares at Thorin for a moment, he knew it was going to be a challenge to get the dwarf to agree in getting help from Elves "The task I have in mind will require a great deal of stealth and a small amount of courage. But if we are careful and clever, I believe it can be done." He finishes off.

"That's why we need a burglar" Ori commented.

"Hmm, a good one" Bilbo muttered "A expert, I'd imagine" Thorin raises his brow at the hobbit, does he not know he's the burglar, leave it to the stupid wizard to not tell the hobbit, just like him not telling him about the women.

"And are you?" Gloin asks, staring at the hobbit

All the attention turned on Bilbo "Am i what?" He asked confused.

Oin laughed "He said he's an expert!" He exclaimed.

"M-e" He stuttered out "No, no, no, no. I'm not a burglar; I've never stolen a thing in my life" He admits to the company.

Balin sighed "I'm afraid I have to agree with Mr. Baggins" He said truthfully "He's hardly burglar material" Balin made a good point but the king knew that most of the company were not warrior material, still Thorin did not want the hobbit coming.

"Aye the wild is no place for gently folk, who can neither fight nor fend for themselves" Dwalin agreed with his brother. Bilbo nods his head in agreement with the comments, once again the company began to argue amongst each other. Thorin looks to the wizard, he could tell he was getting angry, power radiated off him.

Gandalf has enough of all the arguments, the hobbit hole became dark as the wizards power grew "Enough! If i say Bilbo is a burglar then a burglar he is" He bellowed then calmed down a little "Hobbits are remarkably light on their feet" He informed the company, his anger vanished from his face "In fact, they can pass unseen by most, if they choose. And while the dragon is accustomed to the smell of dwarf, the sent of hobbit is all but unknown to him, which gives us a distinct advantage" The wizard turns to me "You asked me to find a fourteenth member of this company, and I have chosen Mr. Baggins. There's a lot more to him then appearances suggests, and he's got a great deal more to offer then any of you know, himself included" Gandalf paused for a second "You must trust me on this"

Thorin thought it over for a second before nodding "Very well" He spoke up "We'll do it your way" Then turns to Balin "Give him the contract" He ordered ignoring the hobbits protesting.

Balin smiles softly and hands the hobbit his contract "It's just the usual. Summary of out of pocket expensive, time required, remuneration, funeral arrangements, so forth" Balin explains.

"Funeral arrangements" Bilbo squeaked out backing away from the table and unfolded the contract and began to read through it. Thorin leans closer to Gandalf.

"I can't guarantee his safety" He warned him "Nor will i be responsible for his fate" Gandalf look conflicted for a moment before nodding with a sigh "Agreed" He muttered out. "I still don't understand why you brought a women to the company wizard. But i trust you with the decision with the hobbit" He pauses for a moment, Thorin knew he going to regret the words coming from his mouth "I'm going to trust you with the women"

Gandalf sighs softly, if only he agreed earlier "Well that great to hear, but I think you already chased her off" Gandalf says with a glint in his eyes.

"No, he did not" The company including Thorin froze in their spot. The dwarf king turns his head to see the red head standing in the doorway "You lads really need to work on your senses. I've been here for about five minutes now"

Gandalf beams at the skin changer "Nova dear, calmed down now?" Gandalf asked politely.

"Just a little but you know me Gandalf, I have a wild personality" She chuckled along with Gandalf. Why was that funny? Thorin thought to himself "So almighty Oakenshield you think you can handle me in your company?" She smirked at the king.

Thorin's heart skipped a beat "I suppose" Thorin grumbled, Balin handed him a spare contract. Nova's smirk widened and gripped a pen without looking through the contract.

Sign here
Nova Daughter of Beorn

"Welcome to the company Lady Nova" Balin commented, making the company cheer. Nova bows her head, It's official the women was apart of his company, Oh Durin help him.