The silence was almost painful and then he finally spoke.

'I would touch you. I would touch every part of your delectable body. I would run my hands over you as if I were a sculpture creating a work of art, because that's what you are, Rey. A breath-taking piece of art.'

Rey let out a jagged breath as she rubbed herself. 'Continue, please,' she croaked.

'I would palm your perfect breasts and take them into my mouth one at a time, gently sucking at the sensitive skin, then work my way down your body to taste the sweet nectar I know resides between your tempting thighs.'

Fuck. Rey had never felt so hot. How was that possible? He wasn't even touching her. Couldn't really touch her. She cupped her breast with one hand as she entered herself with the other.

'Oh Kylo,' she moaned.

'Rey, are you touching yourself? Oh god, please… I need to…. can I…'

Rey was lost in a sea of pleasure. She didn't care anymore; she just needed his eyes on her.

'Come in.'

She barely got the words out before he appeared beside her. She looked up at him with a lust filled gaze. He crouched beside her. His eyes sweeping over her body. She shivered.

'Kylo, I wish it was you… I wish you were touching me,' she confessed as her walls contracted around her fingers.

'Close your eyes,' Kylo commanded.

She did as he asked. Then his voice was at her ear.

'Imagine it's me, my darling, Rey. I'm the one pushing into you right now. I'm the one squeezing your delicious mounts of flesh, you're so beautiful Rey, from the moment you walked through those doors, I've felt alive and that's because of you. I've never wanted anything, as much as I want you. Come now, my sweet. Give me what I need. Break apart. Call out my name. Oh, how I need you to give in to me.'

Rey drew in a sharp breath and her eyes flew open.

'Kylo,' she called out as she came on her fingers, her body trembling as she looked up at him with desperate eyes. Then it was over, and she hit reality hard. What the fuck was she doing? She just masturbated Infront of a fucking ghost and enjoyed it?

She covered her face with her hands. 'Oh God,' she whined.

'Rey, Rey please look at me.'

Rey peeked through her hands.

'Rey, that was the most wonderful gift anyone has ever given me. Thank you. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of that intimate moment.'

Then Rey took her hands away from her face. Because Kylo was looking down at her with such devotion in his eyes, and she realised, he was in love with her.

'How long have you felt this way about me?' she asked gently.

Kylo looked away. 'I believe since the first moment I saw you.'

'Why didn't you say anything?'

Kylo looked resigned. 'To what avail? You know what I am. We can have no future together, what would you want with me?'

Rey's heart broke for him. 'You have lots to offer a woman,' she said softly.

Kylo's eyes bore into hers. 'Do not give me hope where there is none, Rey.'

She nodded. 'Do you want me to go?'

His eyes returned sharply to hers. 'No. Please. Stay.'

Rey's heart thumped in her chest. 'Okay, I'll stay.'

Kylo smiled a small smile. 'I shall leave you now,' he said before disappearing.

Rey let out a deep breath. She had just had the most mind-blowing orgasm of all time. She couldn't help but wish that Kylo was alive, if he could do all that without touching her, what could he do if he were corporeal?

'Just my fucking luck,' Rey muttered as she got out of the tub. 'I find a guy who I would really like under me, and he's already six feet under.'

Rey dressed for bed and lay down under the silk sheets. 'Kylo?'

He appeared beside her on the bed, lying down.

'Where did you go?' she asked, turning to face him.

'For a walk, around the grounds.'

Rey nodded. 'I'm sorry about what happened, I shouldn't have done that.'

Kylo's eyes snapped to hers. 'Don't you dare say that. That was more than I could ever have hoped for.'

'It isn't painful? To have that memory but not be able to act upon your desires?' she asked gently.

'It is bittersweet,' Kylo agreed. 'But I would never give it up for anything.'

'Kylo, what happened to you? You never talk about it.'

Kylo shrugged. 'I don't even remember anymore. It happened so long ago.'

'I don't know if I'm happy or sad that you're dead, because if you hadn't died, I would never have met you,' Rey said shyly.

'Again, it is bittersweet,' Kylo said looking longingly at her.

Rey bit her lip. 'Can I try to touch you?'

Kylo nodded.

Rey reached out with her hand and ran it through his torso. Kylo drew in a sharp breath.

'I'm sorry,' Rey said quickly, pulling her hand away.

'No. It… it felt good,' he admitted.

Rey ran her hand through him again. Kylo closed his eyes and groaned. Rey shuffled closer to him and looked at his face. He was so striking. With his full lips and dark waves of hair resting against his slightly furrowed forehead.

'When I touch you here, how does it feel?' Rey whispered.

'Like your hands are running over my chest and stomach.'

'So, if I move my hands lower…' she moved down to his crotch.

Kylo stiffened. 'Yes… I feel that.'

Rey's heart hammered in her chest. Was it even possible for a ghost to…? Guess they were about to find out.

'So right now it feels like I'm running my hands over your hard cock?' she panted.

Kylo nodded. His eyes remained tightly closed.

'I bet you're big. I bet my tiny hands can barely handle you.'

'Rey,' he whispered.

How did that one little whisper mean more to her than a whole lifetime's worth of conversations?

'Right there,' he panted.

Rey concentrated her movements on the room around them rumbled. Ornaments fell to the ground and the four-poster bed rocked violently as Kylo came. Then the room went silent and Kylo opened his eyes.

'Thank you.'

'Wow,' was all Rey could say.

'May I?' Kylo reached out towards her.

'Yes,' Rey breathed, peeling the covers away from her skin.

The moment Kylo's hands entered her body, Rey exploded with feeling. She felt his hands on her breasts. They were warm and calloused and deliciously large.

'Oh my god,' she uttered as her eyelids clasped shut.

'Rey, I can… feel you.'


'I can feel you, I can feel your breasts, your soft skin, your Goosebumps, everything…'

Rey opened her eyes. Kylo looked back at her with liquid orbs.

'Lower,' she murmured.

Kylo nodded. He kept his eyes on hers as he moved his hands down between her thighs.

'I feel you,' she moaned.

She felt his fingers rubbing up against her wetness, as his other hand gripping her ass tightly.

'I knew your hands would feel amazing,' Rey said rubbing her tongue over her lips. 'Yes, there. Right there, Kylo.'


'Yes, there!' She broke apart. Stars danced in front of her eyes. It was better than before. A million times better. She floated back down with a dreamy smile on her face.

'I've never felt this relaxed,' she yawned.

'Sleep, my love.'

Rey closed her eyes and sighed.

'Will you stay with me?'

'For all time.'

When Kylo opened his eyes, he realised he had slept for the first time since his death. Was it because of Rey? Did she make him more human? He turned over. Rey wasn't there.



Kylo stood up and went out into the hall.


He searched the house and the grounds, then noted her car was gone. His faded heart slumped in his chest. She was gone. She didn't want him.

'Why would she want you, old man? What can you offer her?'

He sat on the stairs with his head in his hands. A noise caught his attention. He looked up and saw Rey's vehicle pull up outside. She entered the house with a huge smile on her face.

'I thought you'd left,' Kylo said, rising to meet her.

'I have a surprise for you.' Rey held out a piece of paper with her signature on it.

'You bought the house?' Kylo asked in amazement.

'I did. Well I made an agreement to buy the house. So, I get to keep my job and I get to take out a mortgage for the rest of my life. Yey me. But it's worth it. Because now we get to be together.'

'Rey.' Kylo came towards her. He held up his hand and Rey placed her palm against his.

'I can't believe you did this for me.' his voice broke as his eyes met hers.

'I did this for me. You really think I'm going to give up a lifetime of the best orgasms I've ever had?'

Kylo smiled down at her.

'Okay, I'll admit it. I did it because I love you,' Rey blushed.

'You do?' Kylo couldn't believe her words.

'Yes, now all I gotta do is raise the funds to pay for this place. How much do kidneys go for these days?'

Kylo laughed. 'I can help with that. There are a number of stocks and bonds in a hidden safe in my study. They should provide you with enough capital to cover the value of the house and live a comfortable life here with me. But are you sure this is really what you want?'

'Yes. I want to be with you, because I love you. I can't believe this has happened to me but I do. I love you.'

Kylo let the words wash over him. 'I love you too. My Rey, my beautiful Rey. So full of life. My soul is full.'

Rey smiled up at him. 'So tell me old man, what does one do with eternity?'

Kylo smirked. 'Well, usually I try to frighten away your potential buyers so I shall have to find a new way to utilise my time.'

'Scrapbooking?' Rey offered heading for the stairs.

Kylo shook his head as he followed her slowly.

'Stamp collecting?' Rey suggested as she started to walk up the stairs.

Kylo followed her and took up the chase as she started to run. Rey giggled as she led him back to the bedroom.

'I think we need to do a few experiments regarding human and apparition interaction, you know, for science,' Rey murmured as she pulled her vest over her head and started to undo her jeans.

Kylo watched her with hungry eyes. 'I've always been interested in the pursuit of knowledge.'

His voice was gruff and low. Rey licked her lips.

'Good because this could take some time, but I'm very committed to the cause,' she said, as she shed her clothes and lay down on the bed.

'I am at your disposal, my lady,' he growled as he lay beside her.

Rey groaned. 'Keep saying stuff like that.'

'As you wish.'

'Fuck, you make me so weak,' she moaned as Kylo ran his hands through her body making her arch of the bed.

'You make me strong,' he replied as his eyes swept over her. 'Words cannot express what you have done for me.'

'Then show me how you feel,' she panted as his hands once again drove her towards a mind-blowing climax.

'With pleasure,' he murmured moving down her body to press his mouth between her thighs.

Later, when Rey returned the favour, there was a power outage in the town for a period of three hours.

Finn once asked Rey what made her decide to buy Hill House, and she simply smiled at him and replied that after spending the night there she finally saw the charm that the place had to offer.

When Finn frowned and looked confused, she laughed and gave him a knowing smile.

'All you need to know is that Hill House has captured my heart and I am truly happy there.'

'I'm happy for you, Rey. But I don't get the appeal.'

Rey shrugged, 'That's okay. No one does. No one but me and I like it that way. I like being the only one to unlock its secrets.'

'What have you got stashed away up there? An eccentric, billionaire boyfriend I don't know about?' Finn laughed.

Rey grinned back at him. 'Wouldn't that be something?' she said with a wink.