Hi! So, I had another idea.

There's not enough fake/pretend relationship in the Black Clover! This came to me one morning and despite the fact I have a bunch of other WIPs, I wanted to share this dumpster fire with you all.

Langris tried practice having patience with other people, especially after his actions just before the war against the elves broke out a few years ago. Being possessed and nearly killing his family, Lady Finesse and the King made Langris take a step back to reassess how he wanted to change and what way. As the co-Vice-Captain of the Golden Dawn, along with Yuno, Langris had grown up considerably, keeping his temper in check. Sometimes, he even went out with his Golden Dawn comrades without Captain Vangeance looking at Langris with that parental look that usually meant that Langris was going to do something bothersome.

He truly tried to be a better person. Langris even had a better relationship with his big brother! They went out to dinner when they both weren't busy. Thing were good.

Except, it was clear to Langris that God was testing him, as that morning Captain Vangeance called Langris, Yuno and Lady Letoile into his office with a special bodyguard escort mission.

Normally, Langris and Yuno as Vice-Captains wouldn't be put on the same small team. However, the escort mission was for the two 19-year-old twin sisters, who were the cousin of the King of Clover via the mother's side of the family. The young nobles were heading to the family's summer home in the south to meet up with their older brother and the head of the Bryson Noble Family. With high-value targets, it only made sense to have Yuno, Langris and Lady Letoile on the mission. Since Yuno was still considering a peasant and Langris was a disgraced noble, Lady Letoile was there to have a "proper noble" protect them.

"It's so amazing that you made Captain so young," said Lady Apphia Bryson, the taller of the twins, who attached herself to Langris' arm since the start of the mission. In order to avoid any mishaps, they were alternating between flying and walking.

To Langris' credit, in his opinion, he hadn't yanked his arm away from the girl or yelled at her to not touch him. And it only made him feel marginally better that Yuno had the other girl, Lady Peninnah Bryson, chattering away in his ear.

"I suppose," replied Langris, hoping that he didn't give away how incredibly annoyed he felt.

Lady Apphia clutched his arm closer, causing Langris untold discomfort. "Are you betrothed to anyone?"

"No," said Langris. He shot a pleading look over at Lady Letoile, who was grimacing and unable to help Langris or Yuno. It was just unfortunate that if this had been a few years ago, Langris would have had the girl in tears already, but Langris had to be very careful on how to handle the situation.

"Oh? You're so handsome though? You must have many admirers," cooed Lady Apphia. "I'll marry you." (No, he didn't have admirers, just the art-crazy Captain of the Azure Deer sending him paintings or the bottomless black-hole that was Charmy from the Black Bulls sending him sweets).

Langris was very much in trouble, as he found he couldn't say anything. Rejecting the cousin of the King might not be a problem for someone else but the Clover King was just waiting to do something to get rid of Langris. The King relented when Lord Julius and Captain Vangeance argued in defense of Langris, but the Clover King was a petty man. If Langris made his cousin cry because he was harsh towards her feelings, no matter how hollow they were, it would mean the end of his Magic Knight career.

"I don't think that's appropriate," said Langris, hoping that she'd get the message and back off. Langris spotted Yuno's wind spirit was fuming mad, hovering above them, but knew that Yuno wasn't able to do anything as he was from a backwater village and the Clover King hated Yuno as well.

Lady Apphia giggled. "How chivalrous! I'm going to talk to my big brother..."

And that's when Lady Letoile finally interjected, "Lady Apphia, Lady Peninnah, can you keep a secret?"

The two nineteen-year-olds looked at Lady Letoile with big, trusting eyes. Lady Apphia gasped, "Of course!"

"Yes," agreed Lady Peninnah, nodding quickly.

"You see, as Magic Knights, we like to keep things professional on missions, but I can't keep quiet anymore," said Lady Letoile, like it was the secret of the century. Langris made a mental note to buy her favorite cookies from that bakery near Golden Dawn headquarters. "You see our Vice-Captains are together in a romantic relationship, which is why they cannot return your affections."

Scratch the gift of cookies, Langris was going to murder Letoile, what was she thinking? He and Yuno, together? Of all the ridiculous things in the universe, how did that make sense? Langris didn't have a death wish. Asta would tear Langris apart if it were the case. He didn't want to fight the anti-magic guy again, especially since he finally got on good terms with Asta since Finral forgave him!

Yuno looked paler and probably had visions of Langris' overprotective brother and sister-in-law descending upon him. Yuno, however, spoke, "Uh, Lady Letoile, it's supposed to be a secret!"

Grimacing, he had no choice but to go with this terrible plan, Langris said, solemnly, "You know if the Captain found out, we'd never get go on missions together again. They might even transfer us!"

Thankfully, their bad acting worked and Lady Apphia immediately let go of Langris' arm and her sister did the same to Yuno. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry. How embarrassing, I didn't mean to make things awkward. So you have to keep your love a secret because you don't want to be separated?! That's so sweet and tragic."

"Right," said Langris, nodding.

"Well, you don't have to worry, Pen and I won't say a word," said Lady Apphia. "Right, Pen?"

"Naturally, Phia," said the shorter twin, nodding. "They are so professional that I would have never even guessed, but then again, they both have very stoic demeanors."

"Thank you for understanding," said Yuno, trading panicked looks with Langris. "Now, I do believe it's time to get flying again, on this last leg of the trip."

With that, conversation ceased as they had to get airborne. Yuno and Letoile checked for enemies, while Langris flew the carriage (one of the girls' magic was wood). He had a bad taste in his mouth at the notion that Yuno and Langris were lovey-dovey in their off-hours. Truthfully, they barely handled each other's company, but they were Vice-Captains, and both heralded as prodigies and there was respect. And everyone who saw Yuno with Asta knew where the dark-haired wind wizard's affection lay.

"I see the Manor up ahead," called out Yuno, flying easily with Bell's help.

Langris went a bit faster as he wanted this mission over and done. Once they landed in the courtyard of the Bryson Summer Manor, he prayed that he was not going suffer the return trip escort mission once summer was over. Lord Xander A. Bryson greeted his sisters and the Magic Knights as Langris and Letoile helped the girls out of the carriage.

"Thank you so much for you hard work," said Lord Bryson. "I hope the girls weren't a bother."

"They were lovely," said Letoile. "Have a wonderful time together, but we must hurry back. There's more work to be done."

"Girls, thank the Magic Knights for their help when they have so much work to do," said Lord Bryson.

The girls chorused, "Thank you!"

And with that, Langris, Letoile and Yuno raced home and didn't look back. With ferrying the girls the return trip to Golden Dawn Headquarters was so much faster. Yuno was already leagues ahead of him and Letoile. Knowing him, he was the probably annoyed with the situation they just endured.

"At least it's over," commented Letoile, smiling apologetically. "I'm sorry, I couldn't think of anything else!"

"It worked and that's all that matters," said Langris.

They reached their Golden Dawn home in record time. They entered the castle grounds and headed to Captain Vangeance's office to report in that the mission was a success.

The Captain and Klaus were discussing the latest in training, when they entered the office. "Welcome back. Success, I take it?"

"Yes, Captain," said Langris, Yuno and Letoile at the same time.

"Very good, then one of you write up the report so I can send it to Lord Julius," said Captain Vangeance, nodding. "Good work, you three."

Before Langris said anything, however, Mimosa burst into the room, with the Daily Crier (more like the Five Times a Day Crier), one of the most notorious gossip newspapers in the kingdom. As Magic Knights, they got a copy of every news publication, but that paper was just a trash publication.

"Mimosa, calm yourself," said Captain Vangeance.

"OH? Really, should I calm down? It says that Langris and Yuno are in a relationship," said Mimosa, showing the brand new copy of the paper with bad pictures of them (from photo ops in other papers while they were doing their duty as Magic Knights). "The Ladies Bryson confirm it as they heard it from you two!"

"Oh fuck," said Lady Letoile.

Yuno look miffed, as Langris let out a huge sigh, "Well, that came back to bite us in the ass real quick."

Captain Vangeance sternly said, "Now, pray tell what is going on?"

Langris cringed as Letoile explained and begged God in his mind that the Black Bulls didn't waste time reading newspapers.

~to be continued


Fake/Pretend Relationship, Misunderstandings, Jealousy, Overprotective Big Brother, Rumors, Post-Canon, Future Fic, Demisexual Yuno, Bisexual Langris, The Golden Dawn are collectively and individually bad at feelings, Squads as Families, Asta is Oblivious and in Denial, Noelle is a Good Friend to Asta, Mimosa is a good friend to Yuno, It's All Letoile's Fault, William as a Tired Dad, Yami as a Chaotic Dad, The Magic Knights' Intelligence Unit is a Rumor Mill, Rom-Com in Nature

As always let me know what you think.

I'm on Twitter.
