Howdy! Here's part two, so I ask that you sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!

"Hey Ren." She looked up from her desk to see a shock of pink on Hikaru. "Good morning." Shifting uncomfortably, both because of the stares and the pain from yesterday, she simply nodded at him and focused back on getting ready for class.

Haruhi turned around, curious. "Hikaru, what in the world happened to your hair? Why is it dyed pink?"

"Cause pink suits me! Don't you think it's cute? From now on I'm the pink haired twin." Ren heard footsteps stopping at the door. "I didn't wanna be mistaken for that idiot Kaoru for the rest of my life, you know?"

"Good morning Haruhi, Ren." Kaoru went to stand by his sibling, also with dyed hair.

"So, Kaoru's the blue twin?" Haruhi muttered.

"I was finally able to sleep all by myself last night, but I ended up having a nightmare. I dreamt that my stylist had dyed my hair pink. It was so garish and ridiculous looking that I woke up screaming!" Kaoru laughed and went to take a seat, only for Hikaru to knock his chair over.

...then Kaoru followed suit while on the floor.

Commence operation throw any and every object possible at each other. After having to catch Honey, Ren was done.

"Okay, that's enough. Please…" She pleaded, glancing at the brothers. "And if it isn't, then… Sit next to Haruhi. I can't handle you two fighting. Not with me here." Seeing their hesitation and slight guilt, she sighed. "Miss, I'm going to the nurse's office."

"A-Alright, Mrs. Kamiya."

Ren sat at her usual table, with Haruhi sitting beside her. "Hey, you okay? I saw what happened yesterday, and now this morning…"

She waved the host off. "It's nothing you need to worry about. Though don't you usually eat back in the classroom?"

"Well I'm worrying anyway, both for you and the twins. That's actually why I'm here, even brought my boxed lunch." Haruhi held up the food as proof.

"Do you want me to get you anything? The food here isn't bad, but it does taste pricey." Ren held up her own bento, wrapped in a more expensive cloth. "That or we could just switch, if that's okay with you. I don't think my stomach can handle the usual amount…"

"Alright, sure I guess. It's just leftovers though." They swapped lunches, and it was fairly calm for a second. A second.


"I'll... catch you later, Haruhi. I have a feeling the fighting is just going to continue and I'm not the best with yelling." Giving a little salute, she tried her best to ignore the pity in the other's eyes.

"Where're you going Ren? I was just about to sit with you!" Hikaru asked while Kaoru pulled up next to him. It seemed like he genuinely didn't realize what was wrong.

"I'm gonna go eat in class. I meant what I said this morning, Hikaru, Kaoru. I can't handle y'all fighting, or yelling at each other, and if you're still going to do all that then…" She shrugged, not meeting their eyes.

"Then what."

"...Nothing. It's nothing. Just…" Ren felt the sting in her eyes again. "Just know I care."

She walked to back to class, furiously scrubbing her eyes because fuck this, not here, not in front of anyone, especially not them…!

It wasn't long after that Haruhi joined her, and by the look in her eyes, Ren knew the stupid fight just continued.

Ren felt her phone buzz on the way home, and saw a text from Haruhi.

Haruhost: these bastards

You: ?

You: who?

Haruhost: hikaru and kaoru

Haruhost: they planned this whale stupid fight

Haruhost: *whole

You: wait what

You: are you kidding me

Haruhost: I KNOW

Ren opened up the group chat with them both, only to see two or more typing...

Orange a tang: are you okay?

Haiku cause i can't spell: we promise it the fights weren't real, ren

Orange a tang: yeah! so please don't worry anymore renny...

You: it's

You: it's still not good

You: i don't know if you could tell but

You: i have… issues i guess. with stuff like that

Haiku cause i can't spell: i'm so sorry. we should have told you earlier, or at least asked…

Orange a tang: i'm sorry ren…

You: i'm not going to say it was okay, cause it's not

You: but

You: i forgive y'all

Ren smiled down at her phone, reading their excited replies while she finally had a general feeling of content. The fact that they messaged the group chat as proof, kinda explained, and even apologized? Her friends, (when not being assholes,) were pretty darn sweet when they wanted to be. For being raised in a richer household, anyway.

You: yup, you were right

You: confessed and everything

Haruhost: they tell you?

Haruhost: i can't believe it was all so they could come to my house…

Again, why did that make her uncomfortable to think about?

You: would you have agreed if they asked normally?

Haruhost: absolutely not

maybe that's why they resorted to extremes?

No, that's too accusatory. Stop trying to push this on her, Ren. Just agree and stop.

You: alrighty

"Okay! It's time to play the Which One is Hikaru game!"

One of their guests piped up, "I know! The twin with the pink hair is Hikaru!"

"We have a winner!"

"Nope." Ren shook her head, ignoring the not so subtle glare pointed her way. "Lying isn't very nice, you guys."

"Who says we're lying?"

"Me, I do." She waved her hand in the air, actions completely different from the unchanging tone of her voice.

"And how would you know that?" Their questions didn't manage to stop the grins from spreading across their faces.

"Well one, hairstyles. Two, I know your voices, you can't fool me." Ren counted on her fingers, smiling brightly at them when knowing she'd won.

"Darn, you caught us!" Kaoru took a bow, while Hikaru clapped. "I'm afraid it's true, ladies."

"You switched colors for the day, huh? The orange you had before all this wasn't bad, though now I guess I'll have to change Kaoru's name in my phone..." She started mumbling to herself towards the end.

Hikaru pulled on his now blue hair curiously to take a closer look. "Really? I suppose so. Maybe we should change it back, Kaoru."

"Maybe so, but I'm wondering more about what she has as my name right now. But, that'll have to wait!" Kaoru muttered to his twin, before smiling a bright fake smile to the guests.

They'd have to talk to Kyoya into getting the girls banned. They weren't interested in keeping around people who hated the one person who truly crossed into their world.

Please let me know what you think!

~ TheAngelicPyro