Naruto didn't waste time or care about the extra 24 hours he had already appearing at the location. He saw that Rip was already standing there as if waiting for him.

"I see you've accepted my proposal Dr Uzumaki." Naruto stood in front of him, his hands in his pockets. Rip looked confused at this, not expecting anyone to just stare at him, he felt like prey in the eyes of a predator.

"So how long before you tell the other superfriends the truth?" Rip's eyes widened as he heard this, not expecting anyone to figure it out that quickly.

Rip was about to lie and try to buy himself more time before he saw Naruto hadn't broken eye contact and he forgot that Naruto's amazon cells gave him more powers than he could understand.

Shaking his head he realised that Naruto already knew the truth. "Huh you got me, what are you going to do now tell the others?" Naruto shook his head at this,

"I don't care what they know. I need a lift back to my cabin to get my shit, and I need to grab some other crap." Naruto walked past Rip and smacked him on the back. Rip sighed and de-activated the Waveriders cloaking tech, Naruto was already walking in it's direction as if he could see where the ship was.

It didn't take long for the ship to reach the cabin so the ship landed in a clearing close to Naruto's cabin. "So I have to ask what's the real reason you're doing this?" Naruto broke the silence between the two with something that was bugging him.

Rip knew he couldn't lie to him so he just spoke. "Vandal, killed my wife and son. I have to stop him and kill him in order to save them." Naruto nodded understanding his need to save his wife having the same mission himself.

Naruto pulled a small polaroid out of his bag and showed it to Rip, It showed Naruto and a woman with black hair and ruby lips. They looked happy together, Rip looked up and saw Naruto nod. "I'm sorry for your loss. Now you know why I'm doing this, will you help?"

Naruto nodded again before opening a trunk showing a strange belt with two eyes. He hesitated for a moment before grabbing it and shoving it into his bag he began to walk back with Rip. Turning to the captain he spoke again. "When this is done and we kill this savage guy, I'm taking your ship and doing something and if you try to stop me. I'll kill you."

Rip knew he wasn't joking and nodded, it was a small price to pay to get someone with the Amazon cell's on his side. "Okay, I'll help you save your wife if you help me save mine." Reaching his hand Naruto grasped Rip's in his sealing the agreement.

They returned to the ship and for the next day Naruto stayed in the library and spoke mostly to Gideon, It didn't take long for the other's to agree to come except for the young man who was unconscious.

Naruto shook his head and took a seat. Pulling out a copy of The book of Fives rings he toned the others out and only picked up bits and pieces of what Rip was saying. "Indeed. Unfortunately, Savage has kept his movements hidden throughout history. Not even Gideon can determine where or when we can find him. But I have the next best thing: the man who can. Professor Aldus Boardman. Professor Boardman is the world's leading... well, only... expert on Vandal Savage. We're gonna pay him a little visit."

Gideon plotted a course without any prompting. Naruto's harness soon dropped down and held him in. He heard that Stein's partner had woken up and he had begun to panic, the ship soon entered a weird green wave thing, Naruto didn't really care.

He felt strange after a moment like his body was being squeezed through a vacuum. He dropped his book and grit his teeth till the feeling passed, When the ship stopped moving Naruto was only second behind Rip to open his harness and take a couple steps.

Like Bambi his first steps were poor and could barely hold his body up, he felt Rip pull his body up and set him straight. He also heard the sound of someone throwing up. "Oh, I should have mentioned it before. Nausea is one of the side effects of time travel, along with."

Ray stands up next only to immediately fall face first onto the metal floor. "Vertigo," Martin opened his eyes and realised he couldn't see anything. "I can't see." He was about to begin panicking again before Rip spoke up.

"And temporary blindness. Oh, it should only last a minute. After all, that was a mere jaunt. The further back in time you go, the worse the side effects." He begins to wave his hand in front of Stein's face. "Better?"

Stein looked out of it before he spoke again, "It's all relative." Rip nodded as he heard this.

"Good." Everyone was slowly getting back to normal before Steins partner slowly came back to his senses and began to look angrily towards his older partner.

"I can't believe you kidnapped me." He turned his attention from the old man to Rip. "Hey, I want to go home." Rip looked a little amused at this as he turned back to the angry young man.

"Good news, then. 2016 will be around in, uh, 41 years. Now, you four, feel free to make yourselves comfortable back here on the ship, while the rest of you are coming with me to find Professor Boardman." Naruto picked up his book and began to walk towards the library not caring for anyone's whining or bitching.

Sitting down he continued his book. He could hear three of his fellow shipmates leave and the young man stayed behind angered at his older partner. Naruto didn't care what happened to them, if they died they died no big loss.

He stayed this way for while not really caring that there was a young man trying to get home running around the ship or asking the AI stupid questions.

He continued reading and heard the multiple attempts the young man tried to get home eventually he made it to the library, "Hey man, I don't know what's happening but I need a way out. Can you help?" Johnson, or at least he thought his name was something beginning with a J asked.

Naruto looked up from his book and stared at the young man for a moment. "Sorry I don't know anything about this ship so I'm not a good guy to ask. Gideon!" The AI of the ship sprung to life her voice echoing throughout the ship.

"How can I help you Dr Uzumaki?" Naruto smiled as he heard dr in front of his name it had been a while since he had. Shaking himself from a trip down memory road and it's eventibale conclusion he spoke up again.

"Is there a way for uh…" Naruto clicked his fingers a few times as he looked at the young man.

"Jackson." Naruto nodded as he heard this before returning to the conversation with the on board AI and the only one he had patience for on the ship.

"Is there a way for Jackson to go home without annoying me?" Naruto finished his question and chose to ignore the annoyed look on Jackson's face as he heard the end of the question.

"I'm afraid I already told Mr Jackson that Captain Hunter already prepared for him asking this by saying not to listen." Naruto was about to make a joke but was interrupted by the ship rumbling as if it hit something.

Jackson was the first to ask in a panicked tone. "Whoa! what was that?" Gideon was silent for a moment before answering as if actually looking at what attacked them.

"A thermite grenade. It seems someone is trying to breach the hull. His name is Chronos. He's a temporal bounty hunter. The ship is taking heavy fire." Naruto was getting annoyed as he felt the Amazon cells trying to wiggle awake inside his body.

Shaking his head he made his way to the kitchen Jackson hot on his trail. "What are you doing man the ship is under attack and you're making a snack!" Naruto was getting annoyed by his whining as he made a single egg.

"Listen kid, trust me when I say that I need this egg like you need the old man to be of any use. Now I'm gonna go pick a fight with Chromosome and you can stay here." He also pulled his belt out of his rucksack laying near his chair.

"Gideon I need you to open the doors, and don't say you can't because you know what's about to happen to us if you don't." There was a minute of silence from the AI as the shockwaves to the ship began to increase.

The doors slowly opened as he saw the other members of the merry jackasses had arrived. Cracking the egg open he swallowed it's content's before placing the belt around his waist. He saw the old man and Palmer running towards the ship as he walked out.

Taking a deep breath a heavy tension was soon felt by the rest of the groups and the hunter. It felt like a huge weight was put on their shoulders as Naruto walked closer to the bounty hunter.

"Amazon." Naruto whispered, it was barely audible to the people around him before an explosion of heat and power soon ripped through him. Several of the team had to cover their eyes due to how bright it was.

Soon the air was filled with a sound that came from the belt Naruto was wearing. "Alpha! Roaming the wild! Wi-Wi-Wi-the wild!" It was an announcement that Naruto had left and all that was left was Alpha.

Standing where Naruto once stood was a humanoid figure wrapped in a red suit. It had several armour plating on it each one looked scratched and battle damaged already. His forearms had bladed gauntlets and clawed hands. His helmet looked like it had three points each pointing behind him. His eyes were huge and were an uneasy green to look into.

Lunging forward Cronos tried to fire at him only for it to be blocked by Naruto pushing the rifle closer to his chest causing the shot to go wide and hit a tree. Naruto didn't let up soon. Cronos felt his armor be sliced in nearly every direction.

Naruto met every attack he tried with a counter or a kick. It soon dawned on him that this human wasn't taking him seriously; he was toying with him. He felt two hands lock behind his head and knees begin to slam into his stomach. Each one was more brutal than the last.

Soon he was let go before Naruto's forearm slammed into the side of his head. He heard a crack as his helmet was damaged by Naruto's never ending assault. Soon he heard chuckling as Naruto was looking down at him.

"Your kind of pathetic aren't you. Don't worry I'll put you out of your misery now." Pulling one of the handles he was about to kill Cronos before he heard his new Captain scream at him to get back to the ship.

Naruto turned back to the downed hunter, "Looks like you're gonna see another day. Try not to get eaten before I kill you." He heard the footsteps of other bounty hunters approaching. Naruto shot back towards the ship with a speed normal humans couldn't have. Reaching the ship Naruto stayed in his armour form for a minute before his suit turned into a black tar/sludge and re-entered his body.

He began to breathe as he saw some of his new crew mates looking at him in shock and one or two in fear. "What, you didn't think I was just a pretty face did you?" Stein Looked like he was trying to place him. Naruto soon had enough of being gawked at and pushed past them all heading back to the kitchen.

As he walked he heard moaning in the med bay, sticking his head in he saw an older gentleman lying there he didn't look good deciding he felt like talking to someone he sat at the dying man's side. "You don't look so good chief, what one of your girlfriends finally wanted you all to herself."

Naruto was met by a weak chuckle as he heard that. "I wish it was that easy, I never saw you when I was speaking with the others." His voice was weak as he had trouble getting air to his lungs. Naruto knew he was already dying, his amazon hearing let him hear the old man's odd heartbeat.

"Nah I'm a librarian at heart so I stay here and flirt with the disembodied voice of the ship. Oh I think my captain just got slapped, that's gotta suck." The dying man laughed at each of his jokes. It was good to sit with patients again.

Naruto spoke up again, "So hunting an immortal dick that's not what most professors specialise in. None of mine anyway." The dying man nodded at this, his smile slowly disappearing as he thought of Savage.

"I had to, he took my parents from me once. I just needed answers." It didn't take Naruto long to put the pieces together. He snorted to himself realising that he was sitting next to the bird peoples kid.

Naruto heard someone outside the room, looking back at Boardman, "Well I'm gonna go eat a bunch of crap and feel good about it, want anything?" he was met by the man shaking his head no. "Suit yourself I hear this ship makes a mean milkshake."

Getting up he made his way back to the door as he left he saw Kendra standing there a sad look in her eye. "He doesn't have long even if you hadn't been there his lung cancer would have taken him before anything else." He walked away after that not wanting to stick around to interrupt the mother and son.

Naruto didn't care about the team's big heart to heart sessions or that they chose to stay. He only cared about his mission and if killing Savage in the most brutal way was the only path open right now then he would take it even at the cost of the others lives.

Taking out the old photo he looked at it for a minute before tears fell down his face and he put it away. Shaking his head he went back to the bridge to get the next mission over and done with.