Chapter Three

Weapons and drama

A/N; Thank you both, Erica L and Saki-hime.

Advance weaponry consisted of three teachers, Kakashi, Kurenai, and Asuma since there were more than a dozen students it required more teachers to oversee the class.

Konoha boarding school held a variety of classes that were oftentimes questioned. The class itself was one that no one could enter unless they had some sort of combat skills; martial arts, tai chi, karate ect..

Freshman year was the only chance to get in unless you could test in. But from the rumours it was hard to test in. The curriculum was spread into four parts. Sparring, weapon training, combat and then a tournament at the end. Each year they were to revise everything and they would handle different art styles of fighting and weapon skills. Why did they offer such a class? Most of the students attending the school were of rich families and were oftentimes targeted. It was a great way to defend themselves.

Senior year would show exactly what they had learned.

It was their combat phase.

Haru patiently waited to be instructed, they were required to dress for the class, black shorts and a green T-shirt with the Konoha insignia. Haru thanked the gods, he was able to change in one of the bathroom stalls the fitting room contained.

"So what do you think they're doing?" Haru furrowed his eyebrows, he looked to where the three figures huddled together holding clipboards and looking in their direction.

"You better believe I made it in!" a voice boomed out. A tall boy with blonde hair and tan skin sauntered into the classroom, a bright smile on his face.

"Is that Naruro?" Kiba scratched the back of his head, " I thought he didn't pass the test required for this class?"

"He didn't" Shino adjusted his glasses and went back to picking on the bug that found its way to his long sleeve beneath his gym shirt. Haru smiled at Shino, he brought his gaze back to the boisterous blonde.

Naruto Uzumaki, Haru could still remember him in freshman year , they have been partnered once or twice for activities and those were the most horrifying experiences ever. Just recalling about those days made the Hyuga uneasy.

"Who's the kid?" Haru was startled out of his thoughts, he jumped back clutching his chest. He could hear Kiba chuckling behind him. Haru glared up at his roommate.

"You're in this class?"

"I'm here talking to you aren't I?" Sasuke replied with a smirk, he crossed his arms and asked. " Going to introduce me?"

"Oh uhm, this is Kiba, and Shino. My two best friends since freshman year and this is Sasuke, my roommate."

Haru made the introduction all the while the blonde walked up to the small group and bumped into Sasuke. Haru stepped away with wide eyes, looking at the two. The face Sasuke made was enough to make anyone nervous.

"Child? Seriously-Sasuke! Is that you! I heard from Sakura that you were back! Why didn't you say anything.?" the blonde draped his arm around Sasuke's shoulders, beaming at him.

"I'm back."

"That doesn't count."

"You know him?" Kiba interjected.

"We go way back, we're practically brothers."

Naruto turned to look at the rest of the group, he gave everyone a slight nod before stopping at Haru, he leaned over dragging Sasuke with him. He carefully studied Haru. the hyuga could feel himself turn red, he backed away in nervousness. "I've seen you before."

"That's my roommate. Get away from him before you give him germs. " Sasuke took hold of Naruto's shirt and pulled him away. The relief Haru felt was gratifying, he gave Sasuke a soft smile.

"Come on, do you remember Gaara?"

The blonde dragged Sasuke away, he looked back at Haru but he could only chuckle at Sasuke's discomfort, that is what he got for scaring him in the first place. Not soon after the teachers called for everyone's attention. Haru fell in line beside his friends, the rest of the students doing the same. Now that they were in line, the trio stepped up.

"Listen up. We're doing things differently this year. We have agreed to pair all of you into teams of three but before we do that, you'll be paired individually with other students. There will be new partners each week. After the month is up and we have seen progress that is when you will be placed into teammates. I won't repeat myself so listen for your name." Asuma ordered. He flipped through his clipboard and began calling out names.

After Asuma was done, Kurenai stepped up. Soon Shino and Kiba were paired, leaving only a handful of students without partners, one of them being Haru. He nervously watched everyone pair up wondering who would be his partner for the week.

"Naruto Uzumaki and Gaara." Naruto beamed, there was a spring to his step as he walked over to a red headed boy with a tattoo on his face. Haru recognized the boy, but he never really paid him much attention.

"Haru Hyuga and Sasuke Uchiha." the hyuga eyes widen a fraction. He was sure he would have been paired with his cousin but that went out the window when he got paired with Lee.


"Uh...Sasuke." His roommate had not wasted time. He was beside him in an instant.

Haru took a step back away from Sasuke and faced him. For today's lesson they were to introduce each other for the rest of the class period, the next day they would get into training. Haru looked anywhere but him, he could still remember the slip up from earlier in class. He was sure he would not live it down. Gulping his fear he introduced himself, again.

"I'm Haru Hyuga. Pleasure to met you '' he brought his hand between them waiting for Sasuke to take it. Sasuke rolled his eyes but took the hand either way.

"Soft hands. Have you never done any hard labor in your life?"

"What?" Haru watched as Sasuke's larger hand turned his own so his palm was facing up.

"Have you ever held a weapon?"

"I made it into this class didn't I?" Haru challenged. Remembering similar words.

Sasuke smirked, he dropped his hand and just stood there watching Haru, more like criticizing him.

"So...uh we have thirty minutes left of class. Anything you would like to know?"


"Oh" Haru dropped his shoulders in defeat. He took that moment to look around the classroom. There were several people talking , others were silent like Kiba and Shino since they already knew each other. He waved at them both and brought his attention back to Sasuke at hearing his voice.

"Sorry? I wasn't paying attention."

"Favorite color?"

"'s a lot of colors actually. Pale; blue, purple, and black. Yours?"

"Blue, oftentimes red depending on my mood." That made the Hyuga smile. "Come on let's go sit somewhere." Sasuke led them both to the far side of the room where the chatter wasn't as loud, he let his body glide down the wall and cross his feet at the ankle. Haru did the same.

"How are you liking it here?" Haru side eyed him, the Uchiha opened his mouth but what came out was something he did not expect.

"Does that guy have a problem with you?"

Haru looked about the room wondering who he was referring to, he followed the Uchiha's intense stare. On the other side of the room was Lee and her cousin Neji. Lee did all the talking while Neji was silent, like a statue he didn't move expected his eyes were trained on Haru instead of his partner. All haru could see was loathing.

"Neji. my cousin."

"He's the famous Hyuga I hear about." The conversation about his transfer was soon forgotten.

"I guess so. He's a prodigy in our household."

"Hmm, have you seen him fight?

"Yes. I was once paired with him, it didn't go well."

"I bet it didn't for him." Haru tore his gaze away from Neji and incredulously looked over at Sasuke.

"Why would you think that?" His eyes held confusion and a hint of pride that was gone in an instant. Sasuke knitted his eyebrows.

"Why are you staring at me like that?"

"You, you think I beat him in training?"

"Yeah, what of it?"

A part of Haru was honored that Sasuke thought he beat his cousin. He was far from the truth, the last time they had been paired was a disaster. It was a simple sparring lesson in freshman year, Haru had experience, he had trained with his cousin at the Hyuga household at a young age.

They had kept everything civil between them, the day wore on when an instant Haru found himself blocking Neji's attacks. At first Haru kept up, then Neji switched his tactics and used Hyuga moves that were not allowed outside the household.

It took four teachers to stop Neji, Haru could still feel the pain in his chest, the blood oozing out his mouth each time he coughed.

"I didn't. He did. Barely made it out." Haru could feel Sasuke's eyes in him, he chanced a look. Sasuke's black orbs sucked him in, he felt the anger radiating off of him, there was no pity or compassion, just anger that was not directed at him.

The bell rang, their moment gone. Sasuke grunted, he stood up and Haru went to follow. He stopped mid movement, a hand was waiting for him. With a smile Haru took hold of it, Sasuke's fingers he'd his gently and pulled him up. "What class do you have next?"


"Let's go then." Haru didn't need to ask, he had a feeling they shared that class as well. They walked together to the dressing room, Haru left his side and changed in the bathroom stalls. Sasuke waited for him outside the gym. Kiba and Shino joined.

Haru once more wondered why he decided to take drama. Was it necessary, no. Did he need to keep his schedule full? Yes. The four students had to jog all the way to the other side of the building to make it on time to the class. They had barely made it in when the bell rang a second after. "Hello you four. Take a seat."

Most of the seats were filled with almost half the students from the previous class, Naruto sat beside the pink haired girl, who's attention was solely on the Uchiha. Naruto wasted no time in getting the Uchiha's attention.

"Over here!" He waved his hands.

Haru shook his head but moved away from the front of the class, Shino managed to snag three seats, by each other. The classroom was quite literally the theater room, with the stage in front of them. The teacher walked around introducing themselves, Orochimaru, he had one of the palest skin Haru had ever seen. It was to the point it looked sickly. Their eye make-up reminded him of a snake, the eyeliner ran longer than where the inner corner of the eyes ended. Somehow, it worked well for him.

" Since it is your last year, the theater department has decided on a play. You all have to audition and participate." Orochimaru emphasized the S's quite a lot.

"We will go over acting techniques, line delivery and auditions. By the end of the year you should all have grasped what acting is and your grade will be your overall performance of the play, which the school will see."

There were murmurs around the class, excitement was in the air. Sakura raised her hand in the air, not giving Orochimaeu time to call on her , " What play will it be?"

"Romeo and Juliet?"


There were plays being thrown out, Orochimaru clapped his hands, the sound echoed through the theater.

"Mulan." He finally said.

"Mulan? How is that a play, it's a movie."

" , anything can be turned into a play, you just have to know how. Now, you will receive the script. Each day you will read a different character, and when auditions come you will have a character you'd like to audition for."

Orochimaru handed the scripts, he then brought out a jar with several folded papers inside. After passing it out he asked everyone take a peek and read out who they were to play for today's class.

"Mother! What? Do I look like a female?" Naruto burst out.

"No, but did you know long ago men played both male and female parts. Next." Naruto slumped back to his seat, grumbling about teachers and stupid plays.

"Lucky cricket."



Haru opened his piece of paper and read it out loud.

"Li Shang."

"Where is mulan?" Orochimaru asked.

"Here." Sakura held her paper in the air.

The day wore on, they were only to read their characters, they were told they would keep it up for at least three weeks before they started acting it out.

Hinata was glad to be back inside the safety of the bathroom. She recalled the day's events. It went well, better than she had expected. She might have slipped a bit there but thankfully Sasuke has said nothing. In all honesty, Hinata had enjoyed the day's events. And for once drama seemed kind of fun except for the actual acting, she wasn't sure how she would pull it off. She had given a thought to what character she wanted to play, maybe one of the extra soldiers, that wouldn't put much attention to her.

A/N; alright. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I know I did. It was fun writing it. Let me know your thoughts. Until the next chapter.