Chapter one


Haru Hyuga the heir to the Hyuga Motorsport Empire, found himself staring up at the Konoha Academy now known as Konoha boarding school. It was situated on the outskirts of Konoha where only the elite; the rich, and gifted, attended. Haru being one of them.

It was another year and vacations were over, it was time to start his new school year as a senior and then he would be able to leave his life behind and begin anew. With that thought in mind, Haru stepped out of the unmarked black vehicle and bid goodbye to the driver. Taking out his messenger back he adjusted the strap before placing it over his chest. It was uncomfortable at first but Haru managed to position the strap where it was bearable.

As the door closed behind him and the vehicle drove away, Haru couldn't help but cringe at the loudness of it all. Students from all years animatedly spoke to each other about their vacations and their plans after graduation. Haru weaved his way around, occasionally bumping with other students. He picked up tidbits of a new student arriving, someone named Uchiha, whoever they were, Haru had no interest.

After making his way around the front of the school gates, he opened the main doors and stepped inside. It was only Friday, which meant no classes until Monday and gave the students enough time to get their class schedules and keys to their dorms. Haru stepped up to the nearest tables that were lined up on either side of the hall, behind them the teachers were handing out the paperwork. Haru walked by each until he spotted the H-L last names.

"Hello Haru, it's great to see you again." The head nurse of the school greeted him with a smile.

"Miss Shizune."

"Alright. Here you go. This is your class schedule and your keys. On the tag it should show your room number and roommate."

Haru held out his hand in shock, he looked at the tag where his name and another were written in perfect cursive. "I don't understand. I'm not supposed to have a roommate."

Miss Shizune caught the concerned look on Haru's face, she told him to hold one moment as she went through each paperwork until she found the one she was looking for.

"I'm sorry, Haru, there seems to be more students this year and the usual arrangement cannot be done. If you want I can ask the headmistress?"

"Uh, no, no. That's fine. I understand. Thank you."

Gulping down the terror he felt, Haru bid the nurse goodbye. He clutched the keys, pain flared but he didn't care. The Hyuga walked around the building in search of privacy. He found the restroom. He entered and checked every stall to make sure he was alone. Fishing for his phone, Haru clicked the speed dial.

"What do you want?"

"The room. I don't have a room to myself."

"Yes I know." The voice in the other end replied, "there's nothing to be done. Don't mess it up."

The line went silent. Haru didn't know how long he stayed in the bathroom clutching the phone to his ear, trying to keep his emotions at bay. A sob made its way out, he entered the nearest stall and slid down the door. His hands muffling his cries. He didn't think he could do it. He would have a roommate, there would be no way for him to conceal his identity

Haru contemplated what he would do next. His options were limited. He needed to get through the school year and after that he would be fine. He would be free. He wouldn't have to pretend anymore. His father was no help, he would not accept him if he went back. He would be seen as a coward. His other option would be dropping out, leaving home and moving somewhere else. But his whole fortune was in the Hyuga empire under safe lock. He wouldn't be able to apply to anything, his father would make sure of that.

Haru despised how his family had a tight hold on him, making every decision and action. No thoughts of asking him what he wanted or felt. Haru would have to go with the continued deceit. He wiped his eyes and stood up, pocketing the phone.

His reflection in the mirror made him cringe, cheeks were tear stained but aside from that he could still see his features the ones he loved about himself. The real person behind the facade.

Not wanting to contemplate much on his boyish appearance, Haru washed his face and left the bathroom. He walked around the academy, often going up and down stairs until he made it the designated wings for the male students. Room 309 was located beside a staircase and by a large window showing the courtyard.

The Hyuga took three steadying breaths before fishing out his keys and inserting it into the lock. Only he didn't turn it, his thoughts were hard to silence. He could hear his father screams, the shock if it ever was discovered.

"Are you just going to stand there?" Haru looked up not noticing that the door had swung open, his unusual white eyes met dark ones. A male stood in front of him, their shirt barely buttoned revealing pale skin beneath it and a tie around their neck. "Uhm.." a blush made its way across his face.

Assuming it was his roommate, Haru twitched at the spot not knowing what to do with himself. His roommate decided for him by moving away and leaving the door open. Haru looked down embarrassed, he shuffled inside noticing the sheer size of it.

The boarding school was notorious for its luxury rooms, by the looks of it Haru realized the school had its priorities together. Haru thought it was too much. The room opened to a living area filled with a coffee table and furniture, on the left was a restroom and opposite of it were the two beds each with its own individual desk and chair with a lamp atop. And to top it all off a kitchen right behind the living area. A wall was separating the kitchen and bedrooms.

Haru almost laughed, it was too much, honestly. Why? Shaking his head, he headed to his bedroom where he noticed all of his suitcases and other belongings sitting upon the bed. His roommate was nowhere to be seen. Letting a relieved sigh, the heir began unpacking. He placed the keys and his phone on the bedside table and rummaged through his suitcases.

By the foot of his bed was a small bookcase, he smiled at it and gathered his books for the year. Forgetting he wasn't alone he began to hum a random tune not noticing his roommate was watching him.

"You're a Hyuga." Haru let out a startled squeak, the book he had in his hand went flying in the direction of the voice. "Watch it!"

"I'm sorry. I forgot you were here." Haru was rooted to the spot. The book laid beside his roommate's feet.

"Uh, to answer your question, yes. My name is Haru Hyuga. Yours?"

"Sasuke Uchiha. I don't want any problems."

"You won't. I'm not one to cause problems." Sasuke nodded before moving away from the wall he was leaning on and moved to his desk. Haru turned back around, his hand coming up and resting on his chest trying to catch his breath.

"Uhm I'll be using the bathroom, do you need it ?"


Haru gathered his toiletries and headed across the living area and into the bathroom. He shut the door and locked it for good measure. Well, that went splendid. He somehow made a fool in front of Sasuke, and almost hit him with a book. Stupid. It's not like he wasn't used to it. No use in thinking about it, Haru turned the shower on. He began to undress, he removed his two layers of shirts before getting to the bandages around his chest keeping his breasts bound.

Haru Hyuga has a secret, he was Hinata Hyuga, the heiress of the Hyuga empire. And for seventeen years she's been hiding behind a person constructed by her family, mainly her father. It's all she's known. Hinata needed to pretend until she turned eighteen and was out of the school. For this moment inside the bathroom she was Hinata and no one else. Outside those four walls she needed to be Haru and no one else.

She wished for her own room, where she could be herself to a tad bit longer. Now with Sasuke, she needed to be extra careful. Who knew what was in store for her in the upcoming days. She idly wondered who I'd sasuke was the new transfer student? He seems awfully familiar but she couldn't quite place him. Whenever she got the courage she would ask him.

Authors note. I've had this idea for quite a while, and I've finally got around to writing it. Hope you guys enjoyed it. And let me know your thought, if you're interested in more of this! Thank you.