They were all there at Thomas's place celebrating Donna getting engaged. Both their families were there. Harvey could pin point the time when he was meeting Donna's family. How natural it felt. But this time there is something different. Donna's big sister is here- Sarah. She looks incredible, blond wavy hair and the confident look that just commended attention to her. She looked a lot like Donna, but a bit more aggressive in a way.

"Harvey Specter" he heard his name and turned around

"Sarah Paulsen" I assume, he extended his hand to meet her.

"Finally I get to meet this famous man Donna's been hiding from me all these years".

"Hiding?" Harvey was amused at her comment.

"how can you otherwise explain that you have met everyone in our family except from me?"

"well, I don't know, coincidence? Bad Timing?"

"oh no, that is not it, she was just always scared I'd steal you away from her".

"steal me? Now it is getting interesting."

"well she was not wrong" she said with a seductive smile. "how about you get me a drink and I tell you what I would do if I met you all those years ago"?

Harvey could see she was flirting and he was enjoying that. Sarah was very attractive woman. Talking to her was a good destruction from watching Donna and Thomas happily mingling with guests. God knows, Harvey needed destruction. He was hurting. Finally, he was able to admit to himself that Donna Paulsen was love of his life and he lost her.

Donna felt happy tonight, though she could not explain, there was an uneasiness to her state. Something was missing. Suddenly she started searching for Harvey scanning the room with her eyes. & then she saw him, standing with his sister.

That is when Harvey looked up as well & their eyes locked. He could sense there was this anxiety that settled on her face. She shook it in mere seconds, but Harvey had seen it. he did not know what exactly he saw, but the idea that Donna might be uncomfortable seeing him with her sister both gave him solace and angered him. She did not get to have any emotion about who he is flirting with. She chose Thomas.

Harvey was a perfect gentleman at the event. He flirted with Sarah and enjoyed the way she did not shy away from calling him sexy and handsome. If he was not careful he would end up with her In his bed & he was not sure if he wanted that or not. Don't get me wrong, he wanted to fuck her, she was attractive woman & could fill for one night his empty life… but the look on Donna's face … he could not place it but it was something that kept him rooted at his spot, not making a move.

& then he heard Donna approaching.

"there you are … I see you met my sister Harvey" she said without giving any emotion away.

"yes, we did, it's weird we had not met earlier. I thought I knew everyone in your family" he replied with a hint of teasing in his tone.

"today is your lucky day Specter" said Sarah, exactly the words Donna told him the night they met.

Donna was visibly flustered by the encounter, but she did not say a word.

Sarah decided it was time to take this to another level … way too early, but she was not a woman of patience.

"Hey Donna, I was thinking to call it a night and Harvey promised to show me the best view of the city. You mind if we leave already? I am sure Thomas will understand no?"

Harvey was extremely surprised with the Sarah's request, he had to give it to her, she was blunt and forward and knew exactly what she wanted.

He felt uneasy at Sarah's statement, as if he was doing something wrong.

Donna knew what view Sarah was referring to. She felt her heart bursting into million pieces.

She wanted to say she could not let them leave. She would do anything just keep Harvey away from her sister. She knew she did not have any right to stop them or feel this way… so instead she just looked defeated, angered and weak, not even bothering to master a smile and just excused herself and went to join Thomas.

Harvey could not stand the look on her face, he wanted to make it right. It felt like he was cheating on her.

Before he knew what he was doing he followed Donna and caught her by the arm.

"hey, hey… can you just wait for a second? He said trying to pull Donna into a corner where they could talk in private. What just happened here?"

"nothing Harvey, nothing happened." She was visibly pissed and confused. She was on the verge of tears, but managed to pull herself together.

"you are mad at me" Harvey said with conviction. "So why don't you tell me what is bothering you?"

"really Harvey? You really have to ask me that? you and my sister? You just had to pick her?

"why does it matter to you? She is a grown woman".

"that is not what I am mad about".

"so this is why I have not met her before. You knew she would come at me and you were worried I would let her".

"can you blame me? Its less than 30 minutes you two met and she is already going home with you."

He can't believe they are having this conversation. Donna admitting, she could not stand the thought of him and her sister together.

"well for the record, for once you are wrong. I am not going home with her and I would not have done it years ago either".

"Why the hell not" she asked barely above whisper.

"because that would mean an end of an idea of you and I ever being together if we wanted to … and that scares me. I know its stupid, but it does not make it any less true".

she just looked at him with tears in her eyes trying to process what he said.

"I know Harvey & god knows I get that, but now, "the idea" is gone and I just have to wrap my head around it and let this go."

He did not say a word. Just stood there watching the love of his life saying she was letting him go.

"You don't have to." he said with pleading eyes, as if asking her to hold on to him, to the idea of them. They just stared at each other until Thomas came … and just like that moment was gone. Donna went to mingle with the guests while Harvey hit the bar.

So shall we get out of here? Sarah approached Harvey who was on his 3rd glass of McAllen in this short period of time.

Harvey just looked at her & shook his head defeated.

"I am sorry Sarah, but I can't do this".

"why? did I completely misread this"

"no you didn't. I am sorry to have lead you on. But the truth is, I was just trying to destruct myself.

You are an attractive woman and I would love to take you home, but if I do this, it means I am shutting the door to something else, and I just can't."

"Harvey, I don't know if you've noticed but we are at Donna's engagement party. That door is shut whether you shut it or not". Don't you want to move on as well?

Sarah was so straightforward with her observation & he just did not have it in him to deny anything. What did he have to lose anyway?

"I can't move on Sarah & the truth is I don't want to either"

"I tried once he admitted with guilt when I was in a relationship. She asked me to choose between Donna and her and with my mind I knew I needed to put my girlfriend first & I did it. I chose to move on, but the moment it happened, I just could not live with it, my body literally could not take it.

If something happens between us, it means there will never be a possibility of me and Donna & I can't live with that. Even if she's getting married. I know it does not make any sense, but I'd rather hang on to the idea that she will come to back to me than…" he just shook his head and take a sip of his drink.

"well, well Donna Paulsen. Impressive. She has two man so in love with her … & I thought I was the popular one."

"don't tell Donna I said that" Harvey said with a sad smile.

"she does not know?"

Harvey just shakes his head.

"but why? you've known each other for so long. How can she not know?"

"because I am an idiot. I was scared of how I felt. I was scared of commitment, of being finally happy, of losing her, of not making it last"

"this is so messed up"

"I know…"

Sarah chuckled to herself glancing in the direction of Thomas & then Harvey.

"what's so funny?"

"& to think she was afraid I could steal you…"

Harvey does not say a thing. He just stands there, looks at Donna one last time and heads home.

It was getting late, guests were slowly saying their goodbyes and Donna was thankful that the night would soon be over. That is when she saw Sarah still standing by the bar.

"you're still here." Donna said while searching for Harvey with her eyes.

"I sure am."

"where is Harvey?"

"he went home."

Sarah could see relief spread on Donna's face and smiled at her reaction.

"what happened, I thought he was going to show you the best view of Manhattan" Donna said with bitterness.

"it did not work out, turns out there is some door he wants to keep open for as long as it takes".

Donnas eyes filled with tears in mere seconds. She could not contain it.

"The door is kept for you, you know that right?" Sarah teased

"I do."

"are you going to do something about it?"

"I am getting married Sarah.. to another man".

"but you are in love with Harvey."

"you don't know that."

"bullshit, it's just bad timing. Stop thinking about consequences and for once do what is right for you."

"Thomas is right for me".

"look I know we have never been close, but you and I are sisters, and nothing is going to change that. I know what I saw. If Thomas is the man you want to marry than go ahead, but don't downplay who you really love."


"I would never go after him if I had known what was going on, you know that right?".

"Nothing is going on between me and Harvey."

Sarah just looked at her with a knowing smile that ran in the family.

"I am happy for you and Thomas, I really am". I don't know the whole story so I just know whatever you chose is going to be a right decision. You are one hell of a women, having two extremely handsome men pine after you."

"so it took a rejection from Harvey to tell me I am one hell of a women." Donna smiled with tears running down her face

"I thought you knew that already, you're cocky and confident, never needing anyone's reassurance."

"I love you Sarah."

"I love you too little sis."

It was Saturday, but after the engagement party, she needed to get out of the house, be alone for a bit and what better place was there than office.

As fait would have it, Harvey was there too. The Moment he saw her he craved to be in the same room. he needed to talk to her. He knew he should have said he loved her yesterday instead of cryptic "you don't have to let this go".

"It's Saturday Donna, what the hell are you doing here?" he asked clearly happy about her presence.

"I have some things to do finish up Harvey. There is a lot I need to do before the wedding".

Harvey winced at the sound of a wedding. He felt like she deliberately chose to stress that word.

"Don't you think it's a bit to early to wrap up the tasks? Wedding is in 4 months you know." he pushed

"ok you caught me, I just wanted to get out of the house. Happy now?"

"do you want a drink?"

"yes, that would be nice Harvey."

Harvey fixed them a drink and they both sat there in silence.

"are you ok?" he asked with a concern in his voice.

"No" is all Donna offered. "I better go she said placing her glass on the table".


"you know why."

"just say it Donna, what is it that bothers you."

She was tired and exhausted from this whole decade long game. What bothered her was Harvey fucking Specter.

"are you in love with me Harvey?" she asked with finality in her tone.

Harvey was struck with the question, but he knew this was his chance for going after her one last time.

"yes" he did not even flinch. For Donna he would be "that guy" who is going after engaged woman.

"what do you want from me Harvey? I am so tired of this. I need closure" she said exasperated. She did not know what she wanted to hear, but she just needed to know anyway.

"I don't want closure he stated with confidence. I don't want to move on. I want you to love me. I want you to be with me. I want you to leave Thomas pack your things and move in with me right the hell now he said exasperated. I want you to marry me and build a family with me. In every sentence he focused on the word "me" as if trying to articulate in every possible way that she belonged with him. They were meant to be. Thomas as great guy as he was could never love her as much as he loved her. No one could because for Harvey Donna was his everything.

"I want everything but closure. He said with finality in his tone."

Donna was stunned at his confession. It was Harvey all vulnerable standing in front of her putting everything they have on the line.

"I have to go Harvey." She said with tears in her eyes.


"I just have to"

"ok he said with a lump in his voice while looking away into the skyline of New York.

It was evening. Harvey was sitting In his living room sipping scotch trying to drawn his grief into alcohol.

Yes he was grieving. He had so many regrets and it ate him alive. What was he thinking? He had his chances, not one & he blew it. now he would master up courage and try to be happy for Donna. this time for real.

He heard knocks on the door. For just one second, he thought it could be her, but he knew she would not come here after everything he said.

He was wrong.

He opened the door and there she was standing, in the same cloths she wore at the office with a suitcase by her side. She looked tired but she was still smiling.

Harvey could not contain his happiness. She did choose him.

"come here." He just took her in his arms. Holding her so close she was afraid he would suffocate her.

"I can't believe you're here. He whispered into her ear while kissing his way to her lips."

she did not get a chance to answer as his lips claimed her. The kiss was long and hungry. When they parted, he just beamed at her with happiness plastered on his face.

"welcome home Donna."

With those words he just closed the door bringing in her suitcase and guided her into their new reality.