It was the fifth time she had crossed his vision in as many minutes and Donna was distracting Harvey from his newspaper. It was a beautiful bright Sunday morning and their usual routine of waking up late, Harvey making them something delicious for breakfast and then lounging around for the morning had all gone ahead as normal. Relaxing until Donna had suddenly jumped up from her chair at the table and began pacing in and out of all the rooms of the condo.

She had started by doing the dishes left from breakfast and then going through all the cupboards and drawers in the kitchen, he had assumed she was looking for something and called out to ask if he could help, she had said it was fine she was just..

He had gone back to what he was engrossed in reading and forgot that she never actually finished her sentence until again she crossed his vision on her way to the bedroom, then the bathroom, then reappeared and paced the bedroom again and that was when he decided he had to ask.

"What are you doing?" He called out, folding his paper and letting it drop onto the table in front of him.

She pretended she couldn't hear him to buy herself some time and poked her head out of the bedroom doorway, trying to appear as casual as she could manage whilst internally panicking.

"Hmm?" she blinked.

"I said what are you doing? ..You're acting weird." He raised his eyebrows with an amused little shake of his head.

"I..I'm just tidying up a little. I don't want the housekeeper thinking I'm a completely inept wife you know."

Harvey cocked his head. He didn't buy it and stood up to follow her as she disappeared from his sight again, by the time he caught her up she was going through the drawers at her side of the bed slamming one shut as she felt his presence behind her and turning around to face him.

"Are you feeling okay? Because I thought you just said-" He was cut off and his smile fell when he saw her red face and the tears brimming in her eyes. She sat down heavily on the bed and covered her face with her hands, guilt coursed through her.

"Hey, whats going on?" His voice deep and he moved to stand infront of her, putting his hands on her shoulders. "You're starting to scare me, Donna." He swallowed when he got no reply.

"I can't find my ring." She moved her right hand over her left, covering the vacant finger where his Mother's ring usually sat. She avoided his gaze and hung her head before speaking again. "I'm so sorry, Harvey. I don't know how..I..I never take it off and I just-" Tears roll down her cheeks and she couldn't stop the sob from escaping her throat.

He pulled her up and into his arms and sighed as a mixture of relief and amusement washed over him. "Well you had it on yesterday morning when we.." He trailed off as he pictured exactly what she did with her hands yesterday before they went to work.

"I know, I don't remember taking it off.. but I've searched everywhere and it's not here. So the only other place it could be is the office-" She pushed off his chest looking up at him and wiping her tears away with her index fingers. "We have to go now."

He opened his mouth to protest, the office was safe and secure, this was their only day off and it was less than twenty four hours before they would be back there anyway, they could check then. The look on her face told him all he needed to know and none of that made it out of his mouth as she was suddenly stood before him in her heeled boots and jacket and tugging at his hand to hurry him out of the room.

The ring meant so much to Donna, it was Lily's blessing and the only connection she had to her, since they never got to meet in person. Harvey had given it to her as a symbol of his devotion to her and she hadn't even managed to look after it for twelve months. She felt terrible.

No. They needed to go now, she needed to know if it was there or else she wouldn't be able to rest. Plus she didn't like the feeling of her ring finger being bare. Guilt fluttered in her stomach at only just noticing its absence, but last night she had just been so bone tired after popping into the firm for the morning turned into a long day at the office on top of a hectic week. They had come home, had a quick dinner and crashed into bed within an hour, joking about their wild Saturday nights as a married couple before falling asleep.

Once security let them through they made their way to the bank of elevators. They held hands on the way up to the fiftieth floor, something they wouldn't usually do when the firm was full of their colleagues. Married or not, PDAs were not their thing. She was jigging about at his side, finding it hard to stand still and he looked down at her trying to offer her a reassuring smile. Even if the ring wasn't here, all was not lost. Surely it would show up eventually and if not he would buy her whatever ring she wanted. As long as everyone knew she was married and she was his.

It filled his chest with warmth that she cared about this so much and he did too, it was his Mother's ring and she had played a small part in them finally getting together but he knew it was just one of those things. She hadn't lost it on purpose and there was no point in him being upset about it when he knew she was already beating herself up over it enough.

When the doors opened Donna rushed ahead and ordered him to check her office whilst she checked the ladies room leaving him behind she almost ran around the corner to her destination. She searched around the sinks frantically and even checked the floor although she had no recollection of taking it off to wash her hands yesterday, her search was fruitless and after checking the partners kitchen, she walked back to her office with only a spark of hope remaining.

As she rounded the corner, Harvey was staring out of the window at the city beneath them. She held her breath, almost to scared to ask if he had found it but suddenly she just needed to know.

"Well?" She asked inpatiently.

He turned around at the sound of her voice and walked around the desk to meet her, his hands taking hers but not giving anything away.

"I love you and whether I knew it or not I wanted to marry you from the second I met you." He receited as he got down on one knee in front of her. She half sobbed half laughed in relief at what this meant. He produced the ring from his closed palm before continuing. "Donna Roberta Paulsen-Specter, will you marry me right here, right now?"

"Yes." She laughed and let him slip the ring back into its rightful place. She held her hand out and let the sunlight catch the stone as she admired the piece back where it belonged. He pulled her in close, pressing a kiss to her temple whilst she stared at her hand. Married. To Harvey. Married to Harvey Specter, who would have thought it.

She turned her gaze to meet his and his expression mirrored hers, his eyes brimming with emotion and lips curved up of their own accord. Donna, his wife. His best friend. His everything. He had known it from day one but just never dared to believe he would be able to show her, here they were still together after all these years but now in the way they were destined to be.

"It was in your desk drawer." He pulled her close again and she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him down towards her lips, pausing as she had a lightbulb moment.

"I remember now! Louis insisted I tried his new hand cream from the Mud Club, he wasn't taking no for an answer and as soon as he left I went to wash it off. I must have got distracted after that and forgot I'd put it in there..yesterday was a very long day."

Harvey just chuckled in agreement, relieved and happy that she was happy and hoping his Mom was looking down on them. He kissed her, sliding his bottom lip gently along hers and pecked her lips softly a couple of times before letting her go.

They linked hands and made their way back to the elevators to spend the rest of their day off together. And all the days after that.


Thanks for reading.