Lizzie was lounging on her bed, trying, once again, to forget everything that had happened four months ago. She knew her sister was most likely going through grimoire after grimoire trying to find something to fix this mess but she knew better.
Their mom and dad were dead. They weren't coming back, the same with MG, Caleb, Rafael, Landon and so many others. They may have won the war but The Necromancer won the battle.
Especially since Josie and her had also died. Thankfully they both had Hope's blood in their systems and came back as heretics.
When they woke back up, The Necromancer tried to kill them again but was stopped by...wait for it...Kai Parker.
Believe her, Lizzie did not expect their uncle to break through the hold the Necromancer had on him to save their lives but she was grateful for it. Although right after, he was killed.
The reason they were able to defeat The Necromancer was because Hope had also died. And when she came back a full Tribrid so they were able to kick his ass easily but so many casualties had already happened.
Lizzie sighed, the painful memories flashed through her brain.
Hope was gone now. She left, tired of losing people, and went back to New Orleans to stay with her aunt. The twins stayed in contact with her but they both knew it could be years before they saw her again.
Lizzie was so tired. All she did nowadays was drown herself in blood and sex. She couldn't even count the number of people she killed this week on both of her hands. Lizzie had given in to her dark side and it had changed her.
She no longer valued human life that much. She found pleasure in the kill and watching her victims suffer. A part of herself told her to stop before she went over an edge she couldn't come back from.
But the truth was Lizzie didn't care anymore…
She knew her parents would be disappointed in her but they weren't here anymore, so what did it matter.
She had chosen the monster inside and it thrived. Honestly, it was what she was always meant to be. She just no longer fought it.
If she wanted to be real, she could admit that she had completely lost it, and Josie wasn't doing much better. Josie kept diving into spellbook after spellbook, searching for a way to fix this. Lizzie constantly had to force her to sleep and eat, well drink, but Josie was determined to find a way to fix what couldn't be fixed.
Lizzie shook her head to clear her thoughts. It wouldn't do her well to dwell in her mind, as it was only a matter of time before they took a dark turn. She really didn't feel like having an episode right now.
Yes, an episode. She still got them, and they're far worse as now she couldn't run out of magic because of her Vampirism being magic.
And let's not forget the fact that her emotions were heightened from being a vampire, which unsurprisingly didn't mix well with her Bipolar Disorder.
Who could have seen that coming?
Note the sarcasm.
The door to her and her sister's room burst open and Josie rushed in.
"I found a way to fix everything," Josie exclaimed, rushing to Lizzie.
Lizzie sat up, startled. "What?!" She asked.
Josie nodded with an excited look on her face.
"Time Travel."
Lizzie's mouth dropped in shock.
"Time travel…" Lizzie repeated, not sure if she heard correctly.
Josie nodded. "There's a spell that can allow us to go back in time and fix everything. We could stop the necromancer from winning."
"Will it actually work?" Lizzie questioned, not wanting to get her hope's up.
Josie nodded, determined.
"It will, it has to."
Josie held out her pinky, "Lizzie, are you with me?" She asked.
Lizzie interlocked her pinky with Josie.
Later the girls, along with Alyssa Chang began to gather the necessary things to prepare for the spell. Josie and Alyssa believed they could send Josie and her back to the final battle.
God, that sounded very Harry Potter.
However, Lizzie was worried something would go wrong so she decided to pack a little extra. Actually, a hell of a lot extra.
She had no idea how time travel spells worked. What if they got sent to the wrong time?
Anything could happen.
Which was why Lizzie was planning on bringing a lot of cash, clothes, and weapons. She also grabbed a bunch of the school's grimoires that came from many different Covens (Thank you Kol Mikaelson for donating your collection) and history books, both supernatural and human. Better safe than sorry.
She cast a spell on some suitcases, backpacks, and duffle bags that would make them expand on the inside magically so that they wouldn't run out of room for things.
It was some Harry Potter magic shit.
She also grabbed photos, keepsakes, and blood bags. Lots and lots of blood bags. They're spelled so they wouldn't spoil. Who knows if they would get trapped in a situation with no humans around or something.
Lizzie wasn't taking the chance.
Then she put a shrinking spell on the bags and put them in the pockets of her Salvatore School black jacket.
Lizzie walked into the gym, where the spell was going to be performed. There were runes drawn on the polished floor and Lizzie looked over the salt circle and the candles that surround everything.
"Lizzie, you ready?" Josie asked, looking up from where she was in the middle of the circle.
"Mmm?" Lizzie focused on her twin. "Yeah, as ready as I'll ever be."
"Alright, come sit in the circle with me." Josie said.
Lizzie walked slowly over to where her sister was, an uneasy feeling settled in her stomach. She had a feeling this wasn't going to go the way they wanted.
Lizzie sat in front of her sister and Josie held out her hands. After their hands were linked, Alyssa began to enchant from outside the circle. Then both the twins started repeating the same chant and the wind picked up around them.
The candles flared and the runes started to glow an eerie red. Lizzie felt her power draining from the strength of the spell. And one look at Josie confirmed she was feeling the same.
A sharp pain flashed through her head and Lizzie felt a light-headed as a pounding headache grew incredibly painful. She gasped, as she saw black spots appear in her vision.
She felt Josie tightened her grip as she encouraged her to keep going.
The wind picked up even more and lights in the gym shattered, bathing the room in darkness except for the candles and glowing runes.
Lizzie felt some wet dribble from her nose.
A second later, she felt like she was lifted up into the air by some unknown force and a bright light flashed, causing her to slam her eyes closed. The wind seemed to slam into them as if they were riding a motorcycle without a helmet.
Then they hit solid ground. Both girls groaned and released each other's hands. When they opened their eyes, they realized they were in an alleyway. The twins pushed their ways to their feet and leaned heavily on each other.
Lizzie reached into her pocket and pulled out the tiny duffle bag that held the blood bags and said the spell that would enlarge it.
Once it was back to normal size, she pulled out a blood bag and gave it to her surprised looking sister and pulled another out for herself.
By the time they were no longer falling all over the place they had each drank 3 blood bags. They were both still exhausted. They looked at each other.
"We should find a hotel to stay the night. " Josie decided.
Lizzie nodded, "Definitely."
Lizzie took out her phone and connected it to the free wifi of the place next to them. Barely a second later, Lizzie froze as her phone updated itself with the information gained by connecting to the internet.
"Fuck" Was all she said and Josie looked over startled.
"What?" Josie asked. Lizzie just shook her head looking horrified and handed over her phone. Josie looked down and gasped.
The reason for their reactions was the date.
It said it was August 13, 2009.
The spell went wrong...very wrong.
"Oh, my god. What are we going to do?" Josie asked, frantically.
"I-I don't know." Lizzie replied, just as worried. She then looked around, realizing they needed to get out of the alleyway. "Come on, Let's find a hotel and figure it out there."
Josie agreed and they quickly found a run-down motel and compelled a room. When they entered the room, Josie immediately started pacing.
"We messed, we messed up big time. What do we do? How can we get back?" Josie asked, panicking. Lizzie was quiet as she got an idea.
"What if we don't go back?"
Josie's head snapped towards her. "What? No. That's insane, we have to go back. Besides, why would we stay?"
"Because we could fix everything before it begins. We're at the beginning. The beginning of when supernatural shit started happening in Mystic Falls." Lizzie pushed.
Josie stared at Lizzie hesitantly. "We don't know everything though. I didn't pay enough attention in History of Mystic Falls to know what's going to happen."
Lizzie smirked and pulled out one of the miniaturized suitcases and enlarged it on the bed. She unzipped it and opened it, motioning for Josie to look.
Josie's eyes widened as she took in the history books. Not just any though. They were ones that held the information about everything that happened. And there were also diaries from Stefan Salvatore, and Elena Gilbert that explained the events of this time period in great detail.
"We're gonna do this?" Josie questioned in disbelief.
Lizzie grinned. "Yep"
Over the next few weeks, the twins read through the diaries and the history books and compiled data. They also compelled themselves a large house that was a tannish white with dark brown accents near the Forbes Family House.
The house had 7 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, a large kitchen, a library, a cellar (never know when they'll need that), a laundry room, a living room, a training room, a dining room, a bonus room, and a pool.
The twins took the master bedroom and put two queens in it. The master had a stunning master bathroom and a walk-in closet.
The twins went shopping and filled the rooms based on what they wanted. They decided to wait on painting the other bedrooms so that if someone moved into them they could decide for themselves how they wanted it to look.
When you first walked in you were met with a homey front entry that had two grey chairs on either side of the door. Immediately, to the right, there was an archway that led to the living room.
The Living room walls were painted a creamy white with oak wood floors. On the side from the right of the archway, there was a tv attached to the wall. In front of it, was a coffee table and two dark grey loveseats that sat at angels, creating a point. Underneath was a large turquoise rug.
And on the wall straight across from the archway was a fireplace that had two plush sitting chairs in front of it.
Then there was another archway on the wall to the left of the original archway that led to the dining room. Which had a chandelier over a large dark oak table with a bar in the corner of the room. The walls were a greenish-gray color with the same flooring from the living room. And that led into the kitchen
The kitchen had a lot of counter space, a large stove, fridge, and dishwasher. It had an island in the middle of the room that had stools attached to it. The counters were granite and the walls were an orange mixed with white color. The floor was a smooth white tile that went at a diagonal.
The kitchen then led back into the hallway. And the room to the left of the front door was the library. The library had darker tones, with the walls being dark brown and had some picnic tables in the middle of the room and there were some sofas off to the side. The bookshelves lined the walls and the twins had ordered a large variety of books to fill up the shelves, making it look like an actual library.
Going back into the hallway there was one of the bathrooms to the right of the library that had a simple sink and toilet. The bathroom was done in a yellowish-white color with the same tile from the kitchen. There was another bathroom on the first floor that looked the exact same.
And last but not least there was the gym on the first floor. It was large with punching bags, fighting sticks, pull up bars, weights, and other machines for working out.
The cellar was in the basement, and the twins began growing their magic plants down there along with vervain.
Upstairs was the bonus room, 7 bedrooms, and 5 bathrooms. The bonus had another tv, with a ps3 and a bunch of games that went with it. They also had board games, cards, a karaoke stand, and a speaker for music.
Finally, the twin's room was done with greenish-blue walls and dark oak floors. Lizzie's bedspread was dark blue while Josie's was dark green. The pillows on Lizzie's bed were dark green and the pillows on Josie's bed were dark blue. They had some bookshelves in their rooms and two dressers. The twins decided that instead of putting their clothes in the walk-in closet they would put the stuff about the future in there instead, along with weapons, witches stuff, and Hope's blood.
Once their house was set up they stocked up on food and more clothes. Then the twins signed up for high school for this year, compelling them to believe they had transcripts.
They went under the alias 'Josie and Lizzie Parker'. They knew they couldn't use their real last name because it would be a matter of time before their dad arrived in town.
Then the twins started planning.
They made a starter list of some of the people they will run into or should intend to run into.
Enemies/Possible Allies
The Original Family:
Esther Mikaelson - Enemy (Danger to Hope's birth and Hope's family/Hypocritical Bitch)
Mikael Mikaelson- Emeny (Terrible Father/ Danger to Hope and her fam)
Niklaus Mikaelson - Ally (Have to be careful/ Volatile temper/ Hybrid like us)
Elijah Mikaelson - Ally (Noble Brother/ reveal truth about where his siblings are/Show him visions of future and Hope/ Maybe do the same with Klaus?)
Rebekah Mikaelson - Ally (Good person/Just wants to be happy/Get her out of the box)
Kol Mikaelson - Ally (Dangerous/ Get out of the coffin as well/Knows a lot of witchy stuff/ help get rid of Silas?)
Finn Mikaelson - Unknown/Possible Enemy (Try and help him/ Find woman named Sage)
Freya Mikaelson - Ally (Find her/ possibly have to rescue her/Reunite her with fam)
Dahlia (Sister to Esther) - Enemy (Kill/ or help Freya kill)
Salvatore Family:
Damon Salvatore - Preferred Ally (Protect Mikaelsons over him or Elena)
Stefan Salvatore - Preferred Ally (try and help with ripper problem)
Lillian Salvatore - Unknown (might have to kill)
Sarah Salvatore - Do nothing for now
Gemini Coven
Joshua Parker - Enemy (Can't kill; coven linked/ maybe kill after Kai becomes coven leader/Papa Parker is an Asshole)
Jo Laughlin - Ally (Prevent Kai from merging her; instead with Luke; double the magic/ eventually reveal being bio daughters)
Kai Parker - Ally (Owe future self one/ Maybe get him out of prison world/ if we do, maybe try and convince him to wait?; Help him merge with Luke; Have him take Jo's magic; After - Unknown)
Liv Parker - Unknown/Preferred Ally (We're gonna get her twin killed so who knows)
Luke Parker - Preferred Ally (Convince him to save his older sister and do merge instead/ reveal you don't have to be twins or 22 to merge)
Rest of Coven - Unknown
Mystic Falls
Caroline Forbes - Family (Protect)
Alaric Saltzman - Family (Protect)
Liz Forbes - Family (Protect)
Bill Forbes - Unknown (We'll see/ kind of a dick/ don't allow to torture mom)
Bonnie Bennett - Ally/ Future Aunt (Help her/ don't let die/ however will not let ourselves be used for Elena)
Sheila Bennett - Unknown (Maybe try and save)
Elena Gilbert - Unknown (Who gives a shit)
Jeremy Gilbert - Ally (Protect/He's adorable)
Jenna Summers - Unknown (Save? Dates dad...if she's alive dad might not get with mom)
John Gilbert - Enemy (Jerk/ don't care/ Let die)
Tyler Lockwood - Unknown/Preferred Ally (Jackass right now...mellows out later/ we'll see after he activates his curse)
Richard Lockwood - Enemy (Asshole/not saving)
Carol Lockwood - Unknown (maybe save?)
Mason Lockwood - Possible Enemy (Maybe kill?/ or save/ Depends if we can get him to see reason)
Matt Donovan - Preferred Ally (He's alive till the end so...whatever)
Vicki Donovan - Unknown (Save? Nah, let die)
Lexi Branson - Ally (Save no matter what)
Logan Fell - Enemy (leave him to die)
Anna Zhu - Unknown (Save or no?)
Pearl Zhu - Unknown (Don't care)
Tomb Vamps - Enemy (Kill)
Katherine Pierce - Unknown (Goes after mom or dad, she dies/ possible ally)
Isobel Flemming - Unknown (Let die)
Enzo St. John - Ally (Save/kill people from Augustine)
Silas- Enemy (Kill)
Hybrids - Unknown (Leave alone)
Heretics - Unknown/Possible Enemy (Maybe kill…)
Sirens - Enemy (Kill)
Cade - Enemy (Kill/destroy hell…)
Others -(Find out as we go)
New Orleans:
Marcel Gerald - Ally (Befriend him/ lead him to Davina)
Davina -Ally (Befriend)
Witches of New Orleans - Unknown
Vampires of New Orleans - Possible Ally
Werewolves of New Orleans - Ally (Find a way to turn back into humans/lead Hayley to them)
The first day of school on September 8th approached.
It was time for the twins to take Mystic Falls by storm.