Yo, sup.

First of all, not an update, apologies for the bait.

Yes, I know, I know, I'm an asshole and all that, this message is mostly for that one dude that keeps messaging me about updates.

My PC just spazzed out and shit got fucked, need to replace the Motherboard with a same 3rd gen model or I have to replace basically all my pc which would be around 800$ bucks.

So yeah that's basically the gist of it, pc is fucked and no more updates for a good while because writing on phone is as close as I'll ever get to go through the Seven Circles of Hell(Trademark), the phone app really needs a rework because it's awful.

Might try to work on something written on a phone from one of the five other accounts I have for this shit, if you can figure out the account you win nothing, pretty good prize if you ask me, some of you follow me in some of them as well.

Since I won't update for a bit I'll at least answer reviews.


As you can see in this post, the updates are not gonna be coming any time soon.


You said it yourself, he's not really a clueless anime protag but he isn't an animal either, he won't just lash out to people because they lightly hit him specially if they're family, you gotta think about it this way, if your mom tells you to go to the store you go with reluctant attitude if you're doing something else but in the end you go because, well, she's your mom and you care about her because you've been with her for years now, to suddenly get angry or mad because you're being bossed around wouldn't be realistic this late in the relationship, at this point León has been spending years both with his mother and sisters so while at the beginning he might have been angry or reluctant now all that he has to reply to them is a sigh because he's used to it.

The hitting across the head is a cliché for a good reason, I can count at least 20 times I've been hit across the head for daydreaming while talking to people lmao.


1.-Thank you very much, I accept the dopamine you've so gracefully given me.

2.-Yeah, it was half-way through writing the prologue that I realized I was writing Society Guts so it seemed only fair a big fucking weapon was gonna be used

3.- Sorry brah, shit happens.


I think you didn't get what I was trying to explain about the character in the prologue but it might have been my fault at not knowing how to properly express it, it isn't about being successful, it's about rejecting society and it's form of quantifying success, for example, boomers might think that having a house at 21 is being successful but a Gen X dude will think differently because of how society moves on from measures of success.

Society might be more developed technologically and stuff but at the end of the day the progress has to be negated by a counter-weight in the scale of balance, for example, you might develop a cure for cancer or such but now that you've done that treatments for cancer are no longer necessary and the hospitals would lose tons and tons of money which would end up in personnel reduction meaning people will end up without a job and if they can't reduce the cost of their living style probably on the streets, in the end progress will be beneficial to some while extremely damaging for others.

tl;dr: yes but not.

Also, I kinda agree with people being soft but you also gotta put yourself in the perspective of others so you don't come off as an ass while explaining yourself.

And that's it, again, apologies for the inconvenience but what can you do about it.

Hope you guys all have a good one, take care and have a good day/afternoon/night.