Survivor: Best Girl

Episode 1

Genuinely, Genuinely Scary

(A/N: Visit "crazypackersfan dot pbworks dot com slash survivor" to see all the characters, and to read all the information about this series as well as summaries of previous seasons. Also, vote in my profile poll for what you want to see next season!)

Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop appears on the top of a mountain on an island out near Torom Island from the Pokémon series.

"For the third time in Survivor history, we are going with an all-female cast!" Jet announces. "Except me, of course. But there's more to it. Not only will these 21 girls be fighting for the title of Sole Survivor, but they will also be vying for the title of Best Girl! There will be seven sets of three players from an anime, and those three will be competing to be the Best Girl of their own anime! Not only that, but they are broken up into three tribes based on what makes them tick: Smarts, Strength, and Seduction."

The camera cuts to seven girls in a yellow helicopter, carrying the Smarts tribe.

"I have the God Tongue," Erina Nakiri from Food Wars says. "But more importantly, I'm out here to prove to everyone that I'm untouchable, unbeatable, and unassailable. These girls aren't going to know what they're up against. I know my cousin is out here too, and I'm going to not only beat her, but embarrass her."

"When I start playing, it's going to be an EXPLOSION of skill," Megumin from Konosuba says. "I'm going to prove that I'm the best member of Kazuma's party. I will shock everyone because I may be young, but I'm really smart!"

"I'm a child prodigy!" Chiyo Mihama from Azumanga Daioh says. "I am the valedictorian of Miss Yukari's class, with A+s in every single class. But I'm out here to prove that even though I'm young, I can compete with the older, taller people!"

"Is there candy out here?" Chelsea from Akame ga Kill says. "If not, I'm going to be really hungry. I really like to suck on a lollipop to pass the time. Oh, and there's a game to play, and I know exactly what I'm going to do to win this thing. I'm going to figure out a similar strategy to Leone, my friend who won this game last season."

"Is it wrong to think I'm going to do better than Bell?" Liliruca Arde from Is it Wrong to Try to Pick up Girls in a Dungeon says. "Bell didn't do all that great out here, but I believe I can best him. I'm going to do better than him, then come back to him and brag about it."

"The band is back together!" Mio Akiyama from K-On says. "I fully plan on working with my fellow band members once we get to the merge. We just have to make it there! I've got this all planned out. I just hope there aren't any ghosts haunting this island!"

"Ohohohohoho!" Nanami Kiryuu from Revolutionary Girl Utena says. "I have a master plan to win this game. As long as these others are as smart as I am, that is. If they're a bunch of idiots, then I have no chance. But if my tribe is good, well, good luck Utena!"

The camera then pans to an orange helicopter, carrying the members of the Strength tribe.

"I really am the meat master," Ikumi Mito from Food Wars says. "But being out here isn't going to be all about cooking. I plan on making some deals and finding some idols. I'm going to surprise everyone with my gameplan, and the next time I see Soma, I'll be a million dollars richer."

"Oh, is this game difficult?" Darkness from Konosuba says. "I really hope it makes me work long and hard, unable to get sleep, with blisters all over my feet! I hope I cut myself open and bleed all over the place, and I hope I fall in the fire! But I don't want to be evacuated, nope, no way!"

"All aboard the Yukarimobile!" Tomo Takino from Azumanga Daioh says. "I'm going to use the exact same strategy that Miss Yukari used in Survivor: Greed Island. I'll find one person who I'm really close with, then I'll find a whole bunch of idols and advantages! And when I come back, I'm going to rub my million-dollar check right in Yomi's face!"

"I should be able to succeed at this game easily," Mine from Akame ga Kill says. "I'm very physically fit, and I'll be a beast at challenges. These players better get me out early, or I'm going to go a long way. I'm willing to backstab whoever I need to in order to win. It comes natural to me."

"I'm a little shy, and I hope that doesn't hurt me," Ais Wallenstein from Is it Wrong to Try to Pick up Girls in a Dungeon says. "I've got a lot of strength, though, and I'm sure that it'll be helpful in these very difficult physical challenges out here. I'm just nervous that I don't have the social game necessary to win."

"This is like joining a band," Azusa Nakano from K-On says. "I've got to find a way to fit in with the rest of my tribe. If my sound is out of tune, then I've got to either fix it, or go home. And I don't want to get voted out. I'm going to do my best to make myself a spot in this tribe!"

"I've been through many duels, but this is tougher than any of them," Utena Tenjou from Revolutionary Girl Utena says. "I've learned a lot about life through all of those duels. Now I hope Anthy can make it to the merge so that I can play with her. I feel bad for her, she may get eaten alive on that other tribe. I want to protect her, but I also want to win."

The camera then pans to a purple helicopter, carrying the members of the Seduction tribe.

"Oh, is it that time?" Alice Nakiri from Food Wars says. "The meal is ready, the turkey is on the table. And I'm going to feast. Meaning, I'm going to feast on all these other losers. They don't know who they're dealing with. Oh, and I think I'll cook up some crazy good stuff while I'm out here."

"Why do I have to play this game?" Aqua from Konosuba says. "That stupid Kazuma, he made me do this! I'm so nervous! These other girls are going to eat me alive! This isn't what I want to be doing! What an idiot that guy is!"

"Are there any animals out here?" Sakaki from Azumanga Daioh says. "I want to get along with all wildlife. I'd hate to have to kill anything to eat. At the same time, I won't be a Tai, even if it would get me $100,000 from Sia. I'm also a little anxious about the idea of being on the Seduction tribe, but I suppose I'll make the best of it."

"It is time for the Jaegers to conquer," Esdeath from Akame ga Kill says. "I shall defeat everyone here and bring back all the money to my beloved Tatsumi. He and I will then conquer everything and reign together. And if anyone crosses me… they will pay."

"Oh, that silly Bell!" Hestia from Is it Wrong to Try to Pick up Girls in a Dungeon says. "He's making me play this stupid game. Well, I'm not going to fail at it now that I have to play! I know there's a couple of lesbians out here… maybe I can hoodwink them with my giant breasts! I have to try!"

"I don't know why exactly I'm on the Seduction tribe," Tsumugi Kotobuki from K-On says. "I know I'm cute, but I don't think of myself as all that attractive. But I'm going to do my best no matter what tribe I'm on. I'll show everyone that I'm not just an invisible under the radar player."

"I am the Rose Bride," Anthy Himemiya from Revolutionary Girl Utena says. "I belong to whoever wins the duels. And that one is Utena Tenjou. I hope I can make it to the merge so that I can play with her. But it's going to be tough for me to get there with all these other strong people."

The camera then cuts back to Jet.

"These 21 players will be forced to work together, or they will be voted out. At the end, only one girl will be left to claim the million dollar prize and the title of Sole Survivor, and also the title of Best Girl. 39 days, 21 girls… one Survivor!"

Day 1

The three tribes walk on out to a beach, where Jet greets them.

"Welcome to Survivor: Best Girl," Jet announces to loud cheers.

"Can't wait to play!" Tomo shouts.

"Before you get to play, I've got to lay some ground rules," Jet states.

"Lay them on us!" Hestia exclaims.

"The theme of this season is in the title: Best Girl," Jet says. "You will all be competing to be the Best Girl out of your anime series. As you know, there are three players from each of seven anime series. Whoever lasts the longest out of the three of you wins a bonus $10,000 on top of the money you will already have won."

Everyone cheers upon hearing this.

"Now, this season we will be adding a new twist," Jet states. "You are forming your own society out here. Every society develops their own currency. In this game, that currency will be known as Fire Tokens. Each of you gets one Fire Token to begin with. With these Fire Tokens, you can buy advantages and rewards. You can also barter with each other using them. But there is a catch: once you are voted out, you must bequeath all of your tokens to another player."

Jet then hands each of the players a buff and a Fire Token.

"There will be a menu at your camps where you can see what you can buy. But we aren't quite finished here."

"Huh?" Aqua says.

"Right now, you are going to pick a leader from your tribe. This will be difficult, as you've not had a chance to get to know each other. You want to choose someone who can make a big decision."

The three tribes begin talking amongst themselves.

"Who do you want to lead us?" Chelsea asks.

"Not me!" Chiyo exclaims. "It might be a strength challenge. I wouldn't be good at it at all!"

"Same here," Liliruca says.

"Then who's it gonna be?" Mio asks.

Erina raises her hand.

"I'll do it," she says. "I'm used to a leadership role."

"Okay, good!" Megumin says. Nanami, though, crosses her arms with a pouty look on her face.

Jet interrupts the talk. "Everyone ready?"

"Not quite!" Alice replies.

She turns to Esdeath and Sakaki.

"Both of you are tall and look like leaders," she says. "Which one of you should lead?"

"I shall," Esdeath replies. "I'm the leader of the Jaegers."

"Go ahead, let her do it," Sakaki says.

"Okay," Tsumugi says.

Jet clears his throat. "Now is everybody ready?"

Everyone nods their heads.

"Strength tribe, who do you got?"

"We've picked Utena," Azusa says.

"Very well, Utena, come over here."


Utena walks over to a mat.

"Seduction tribe, who are you going with?"

"I'm doing it," Esdeath states.

"Okay, head over to the mat. And how about you, Smarts tribe?"

"We're going with Erina," Mio says, while Nanami rolls her eyes.

"All right," Jet says, as Erina walks over to the mat. "We have our three tribe leaders. Mio, why did you go with Erina?"

Mio looks nervous. "She seems to be the most assertive of the group."

"Assertive, interesting word," Jet says. "Erina, maybe not too much of a compliment."

Erina crosses her arms. "Yeah, well, we'll see what works better – being assertive or being quiet."

"Very well then," Jet says. "Hestia, why Esdeath?"

Hestia shrugs her shoulders. "She looks like a leader to me!"

"You feel you're in the right position, Esdeath?" Jet asks.

"Of course," Esdeath replies. "I'm the leader of the Jaegers, and it'll be easy to lead this tribe."

"Okay, finally, the Strength tribe. Mine, why Utena?"

"Hey, she was the only one to step up and choose to do it," Mine says. "So it had to be her."

"Are you nervous about this leadership position?" Jet asks Utena.

"No, I'm fine," Utena says. "I've dealt with a lot more difficult stuff than this."

"Very well then," Jet states. "Now, here's the next part of this. Each of you three leaders will pick who you feel is the weakest on your tribe."

Utena squirms a bit when hearing this.

"Not such a good position to be in now, is it?" Jet says.

"No, not at all," Utena replies.

"Well, who's it gonna be, Utena?"

Utena looks over at her tribe. "Everyone looks so strong," she says. "I don't know who to choose."

"You've got to pick one," Jet states.

Utena sighs. "I guess I'll go with Azusa."

A tear forms in Azusa's eye as she says this.

"Azusa? Why her?" Jet asks.

"I'm sorry," Utena says. "I just had to pick someone."

"Come over here to this mat, Azusa," Jet says.

Azusa goes over to the mat, wiping away tears.

"How does it feel to be considered the weakest in your tribe, Azusa?" Jet asks her.

Azusa sniffles. "I'm upset, but I'll prove to everyone that I'm worthwhile keeping around."

"Okay, next up, Erina," Jet says. "You've got to choose someone who you feel is the weakest."

Erina makes no hesitation. "I'm going with Chiyo," she says.

Chiyo looks surprised. "Me?" she says.

"Come over to this mat," Jet says.

Chiyo rushes over to the mat. "Why me?" she asks.

"That's the same question I was about to ask," Jet says. "Why her, Erina?"

Erina still looks stern. "She and Liliruca are the smallest here. I had to pick one of them."

"I'll prove you wrong!" Chiyo exclaims.

"How does it feel to be picked for this, Chiyo-chan?" Jet asks.

"It's all right," Chiyo says. "Everyone always looks down on me because of my small stature. I'll prove everyone wrong."

"Okay," Jet says. "Finally, we have Esdeath and the Seduction tribe. Who are you going with?"

Esdeath gives a look over to her tribe. "No question, it's got to be Anthy," she says.

Utena gasps, as Anthy walks over to the mat.

"So, why Anthy?" Jet says.

"Silly question," Esdeath replies. "Everyone else in this tribe looks strong. Anthy looks weak as heck."

Utena shakes her head. "She'll prove you wrong!" she says.

"How do you feel, being picked for this?" Jet questions Anthy.

"I'm going to prove to my tribe my worth," Anthy says. "They will find out that I'm not so weak after all."

"All right," Jet says. "Now, here's how this is going to work. The three weakest players are going to get to go to camp right now, where you will have a decision to make for your tribe. A helicopter is waiting for you. You can head on out."

Anthy, Chiyo, and Azusa head over to the helicopter.

"As for the rest of you, we are having a reward challenge right here, right now. For today's challenge, five of you will swim out to a giant cage. Once you've got all your members up and over the cage, you will dive down to release four fish baskets, full of heavy puzzle pieces. You'll then swim those baskets back to shore. Once you're back at shore, one member of your tribe will solve a gears puzzle. First two tribes to finish win reward. Wanna know what you're playing for?"

"Yeah!" Ikumi shouts.

Jet unveils a large fire-making kit, full of wood and matches.

"First tribe to finish, wins this giant fire-making kit. If you can't make fire with this, then it's on you. Second tribe to finish, not as impressive, but fire in the form of flint. Last place, nothing. Worth playing for?"

"Of course!" Megumin shouts.

"I'll give you a minute to strategize, and then we'll get started."

The camera pans to the tribes set up to start their challenge.

"Tsumugi for Seduction, Utena for Strength, and Nanami for Smarts staying back to work on the puzzle. The rest of the tribes are ready to swim out. For reward! Survivors ready? Go!"

The players splash into the water. Aqua falls behind early, with Sakaki having to pull her along because of her flailing in the water.

"Come on, your name's Aqua!" Alice yells. "You should be better at this!"

"I never said I was a good swimmer!" Aqua shouts back.

Darkness is the first swimmer from any tribe to reach the cage. She immediately climbs into the Strength cage and leaps over. Mine and Izumi are next to reach it for Strength. Alice and Esdeath are first to reach the cage for Seduction, while the Smarts tribe is taking its time.

"Smarts tribe, not looking very smart at swimming right now!" Jet shouts.

The Strength tribe is the first to get all of their members over the cage. The Seduction tribe would be next, but Aqua has to be dragged through the water by Sakaki due to her clumsiness.

"Aqua, simply pathetic out here!" Jet yells.

The Smarts tribe is able to catch up to the cage, while Sakaki finally drags Aqua to the cage.

"Seduction and Smarts neck-and-neck for second, but the Strength tribe has a big lead!"

Darkness goes underwater and opens the cage. She then releases one of the fish baskets for her tribe. Mine is right behind her, getting a second basket.

"Pour it on!" Jet shouts. "The Strength tribe is way out in front!"

Aqua begins climbing over the cage, following the lead of the rest of her tribe. Erina reaches over to Liliruca to help her get over the cage, as the rest of the Smarts tribe gets over. Meanwhile, Darkness and Mine get the final two cages out.

"This challenge is no contest! The Strength tribe is just killing it!"

As the Strength tribe heads on back to shore, the other two tribes starts to work on their baskets. Esdeath dives down to open the cage, and Alice pushes through the first basket. Nanami works on getting one out for the Smarts tribe.

"Smarts and Seduction trying to get those baskets out! Strength tribe back to shore! Start opening up those cages!

Darkness and Ikumi open up the cages, getting the puzzle pieces out. Utena starts grabbing them, ready to work on the puzzle.

"Strength tribe has all its puzzle pieces out! Utena, start working on that puzzle!"

As Utena starts working on the puzzle, the Seduction tribe gets its last cage out, and they begin swimming back to shore.

"Seduction with a bit of a lead over the Smarts right now!"

Erina gets the final basket for the Smarts out, who begin swimming back to camp behind the Seduction tribe.

"Utena gets her first piece of her puzzle in!"

Sakaki again has to drag Aqua back to shore, causing the Seduction tribe to lose ground on the Smarts.

"Utena with her second piece of her puzzle!"

The Smarts get on to the beach, with the Seduction tribe right behind them. Both tribes start opening the cages to get the puzzle pieces out.

"Tsumugi and Nanami getting ready to do their puzzles, but Utena is way ahead of them!"

Utena locks in her third piece, as her tribe cheers behind her.

"Tsumugi, get to work on that puzzle!" Jet says, as the Seduction tribe gets all its puzzle pieces out.

Utena goes to put her fourth piece of the puzzle in, while Nanami starts working on her puzzle.

"Strength is halfway finished! Can Utena keep the big lead!"

Tsumugi starts figuring out the puzzle quickly, and she puts in two pieces in rapid succession.

"Let's go, Mugi!" Hestia shouts.

Utena fits in her fifth piece, getting close to the finish.

"Nanami really struggling with this puzzle! This looks like J'Tia from Survivor: Cagayan!"

Nanami throws one of her pieces in frustration, causing Erina to get upset.

"Come on, don't give up!" Erina shouts, rushing over to pick up the piece and hand it to her. "Keep working or we'll lose!"

"Shut up and let me work!" Nanami replies.

But it is too late. Utena puts in her sixth piece, while Tsumugi locks in her third piece.

"Utena two pieces away from finishing!"

Nanami looks over at Utena's puzzle, looking to get a hint from her. Meanwhile, Tsumugi slaps in her fourth piece.

"Tsumugi making a comeback, but will it be enough?"

Utena slams in her seventh piece, and now victory is inevitable.

"Utena puts in her final piece, and that's it! Strength wins reward!"

The Strength tribe begins jumping up and down in celebration and cheering.

"You did it, Utena!" Tomo shouts. "We are the champions!"

"Looking for one more!" Jet shouts.

Tsumugi fits in her fifth piece, while Nanami continues to get frustrated.

"Get it going already!" Erina shouts.

"Would you shut up?" Nanami replies.

Tsumugi puts in her sixth piece, and it looks hopeless for Nanami.

"Nanami has J'Tia'd this challenge!" Jet shouts.

Tsumugi then slams in her final two pieces of her puzzle.

"And that's it! Seduction wins fire in the form of flint! Smarts getting absolutely nothing out of this!" Jet yells.

Tsumugi gives a high five to Alice, and the other tribe members pat her on the back. Nanami, meanwhile, throws another piece in frustration. Erina crosses her arms while looking furious.

"Congratulations, Strength," Jet says. "Come get your reward and a map to your camp."

Utena gladly grabs the map off Jet, while the rest of her tribe goes over to pick up the wood and matches. The Strength tribe then happily walks on out.

"Congratulations to you, Seduction," Jet says. "Here's your flint and a map to your camp."

He tosses the flint to Hestia and the map to Alice.

"Head on out," he says, and the tribe begins their trek to camp.

Erina wrinkles her nose as she sees Hestia skipping away.

"As for you, Smarts," Jet says. "I got nothing for you except a map to your camp."

He tosses the map to Liliruca, but Erina immediately snatches it out of her hands. Lili looks surprised, but she says nothing.

"You can head on out."

The Smarts tribe walks out, with Erina and Nanami still furious at each other.

Smarts Tribe


Chiyo arrives at her team's beach and finds a note.

"You have a decision to make," she reads. "You may choose an extra bag of rice for your tribe, or a clue to the hidden immunity idol. The choice is yours, but do so at your own risk."

She smiles.

"That's an easy one," she says. "I'm taking the extra bag of rice. I'm helping out my tribe. We're going to win as a team. The secret to success comes from good teamwork. Past tribes to have lots of success have produced winners. We need every bit of help we can get."

She grabs the bag of rice and brings it over to the rest of the supplies given for her tribe.

"Unfortunately, I'm too small to help my tribe by putting together the shelter," Chiyo says. "But I know they'll be happy with the decision I made."

Seduction Tribe


Anthy reads the same note that Chiyo received.

"I know what I have to do," Anthy says. "I'm taking that extra bag of rice for our tribe."

She gathers the bag, then starts working on the shelter.

"I will help this tribe in any way I can," she says. "I'm not the strongest, and I realize that. I am going to try to play a quiet game, and hopefully it will lead to success for myself and for Utena."

Strength Tribe


Azusa gets the same note as Chiyo and Anthy.

"This is a tough one," Azusa says. "I don't know what to do."

She thinks about it for a few minutes, then she reaches for the idol clue.

"Yeah, I can't resist it," she says. "I'm going to go idol-hunting."

She follows the clue into a crevice near the water. She wades across the water, then reaches out down into the water and unties something from a log. She opens the package, finding a small golden head of Haruhi Suzumiya. She then reads the note attached to it.

"Congratulations, you have found a hidden immunity idol," Azusa says. "This 'Best Girl' from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya will keep you safe if you play it right before the votes are read. You may use it, play it on someone else, give it to someone else, or sell it to someone for Fire Tokens. The choice is yours."

She grabs the idol and kisses it.

"I guess I just kissed Haruhi Suzumiya," Azusa says. "In any case, I'm holding on to this, and no one else needs to know about it."

Smarts Tribe

(Chelsea, Chiyo, Erina, Liliruca, Megumin, Mio, Nanami)

Chiyo watches as the rest of her tribe walks toward the camp. She sees Erina and Nanami arguing with each other.

"Oh dear," she says. "This could be a long day."

"You moron!" Erina shouts at Nanami. "You cost us the challenge with your horrible puzzle skills! If we had someone in there with any smarts, we would have won!"

"Excuse me?" Nanami replies. "If I had gotten any time advantage from you slowpokes in the water, I would have had the time necessary to solve it!"

The six then meet Chiyo.

"Hi, Chiyo-chan," Megumin says. "How are you?"

"I'm great!" Chiyo replies. "How about you guys?"

"Could be better," Erina says with her arms crossed.

"So, what was the decision you had to make, Chiyo-chan?" Mio asks Chiyo.

"I had a choice," Chiyo says. "Either get a clue to the idol or get a second bag of rice."

"I'm sure you chose the clue," Liliruca says.

"Nope!" Chiyo says. "Look, Lili!"

She shows Lili the two giant bags of rice.

"Awesome!" Lili replies. "You know what you're doing!"

Mio gives Chiyo a high five – high for Chiyo, low for Mio.

"Let's get to work on this shelter," Chelsea says.

"By the way, guys, don't worry about the fire," Megumin says. "I've got it all taken care of."

Everyone looks funny at Megumin before going over to work on the shelter.

"Chiyo-chan thought of others first," Mio says. "She handed over the original piece of paper to us, and it's just as she said. I get the feeling Chiyo-chan is going to be a team player. As for Nanami and Erina, I'm not sure."

Nanami and Erina argue with each other as they put together the shelter.

"Bamboo is really strong, so you should use it as your foundation," Nanami says.

"Oh, really?" Erina replies.

She sits down on the bamboo that Nanami has laid down, and it sinks into the sand.

"How about that?"

"That's just because you're fat," Nanami says. "You say you're a chef, but you must be eating too much of your own cooking."

"What the *$#% are you talking about?" Erina replies.

"Oh come on, you %#$&*! You say you have the God Tongue, but man, that tongue must be eating lots of McDonald's!"

"Shut up you piece of $#*%!"

"Make me!"

"Erina and Nanami have started a fight from Day 1," Lili says. "No, check that, Minute 1. From the word 'go' they've been at each other's throats. It's caused a divide in our tribe that may not be able to be mended."

Meanwhile, Megumin goes over to the beach, puts a bunch of wood together, then casts a spell on it.

"EXPLOSION!" she shouts.

Soon the wood is burning, and everyone rushes over with cheers. Megumin, however, is lying on the ground, completely out of power.

"I'm going to have to take the rest of the day off," she tells them. Chelsea picks her up and puts her on her back, carrying her back to the in-progress shelter.

"Hey, you made us a fire!" Mio says. "You've done more than enough work for us!"

"I needed to prove my worth to this tribe in some way," Megumin says. "Hopefully my EXPLOSION magic shows them that I can help, even though I'm young."

Seduction Tribe

(Alice, Anthy, Aqua, Esdeath, Hestia, Sakaki, Tsumugi)

The Seduction tribe splits into two parts. One begins working on the shelter, while the other starts working on the fire. Hestia, Aqua, Esdeath, and Sakaki work on putting together the shelter, while Tsumugi, Alice, and Anthy work on the fire.

"So, this is the note you received?" Alice says, reading the note from Anthy.

"That's right," Anthy says. "I chose the extra rice for the better good of the tribe."

"Good job, Anthy!" Tsumugi exclaims, hugging her. "You did great!"

Alice then takes the machete and starts slashing at the flint, trying to make fire.

"Blow on it, Mugi," she says, as Tsumugi does so.

"It's coming," Anthy says.

The fire starts to burn, and Anthy puts some wood on it to make it burn bigger.

"Good, we got it!" Tsumugi says.

The three continue putting together the fire, while the rest are working on the shelter. Aqua is particularly clumsy and not doing a good job.

"Come on, Aqua!" Hestia complains. "You've got to watch where you're walking! You're stepping on our bamboo!"

"Hey, I'm trying my best!" Aqua replies.

"You're really screwing up here," Esdeath says. "Why don't you go work on the fire?"

"Her name is 'Aqua'!" Hestia shouts. "If she goes to work on the fire, she'll put it out!"

"I will not!" Aqua yells.

"You will too!" Hestia replies.

"Shut up!" Aqua shouts. "I may be the goddess of water, but I can help with fire!"

"I'm a goddess too," Hestia says. "That's nothing special!"

Sakaki simply keeps working silently.

"The fact that Aqua is a goddess is genuinely, genuinely scary," Sakaki says. "I'm worried about my very soul right now. If she's in charge of where people go after they die, we're doomed."

Strength Tribe

(Ais, Azusa, Darkness, Ikumi, Mine, Tomo, Utena)

The Strength tribe walks into their camp, and they notice Azusa starting to put things together.

"We've got our fire supplies!" Utena calls to Azusa.

"Nice!" Azusa replies, rushing over to greet them.

"So, what was the decision you had to make?" Ais asks.

Azusa turns a bit blue. "Um, well, you see…"

"Yes?" Darkness says.

"Uh, well I had a choice," Azusa says.

"And what was that choice?" Mine asks.

"Well, um, it was between getting rice or beans," Azusa says. "I chose the rice."

"I would have preferred beans," Mine complains to a crestfallen Azusa.

"It's okay," Utena says, patting Azusa on the back. "Could I take you aside?"

Utena draws Azusa aside while the rest of the tribe works on the shelter and fire.

"Azusa," Utena says. "Do you have a nickname, or should I just call you Azusa?"

"My friends call me Azu-nyan," Azusa replies.

"Okay, Azu-nyan," Utena says. "It's a cute name. Anyway, I want to let you know – there was nothing personal about my picking of you. I had to pick someone on the spot, and it happened to be you."

"Okay…" Azusa says.

"Trust me, Azu-nyan, I'm willing to work with you," Utena continues. "In fact, I want to start an alliance with you. I'm so sorry that I had to choose you, I really am."

"It's all right," Azusa says. "You promise you'll start an alliance with me?"

"I promise," Utena replies.

"Okay," Azusa says. "If so… I have something to show you."

She quickly pulls out the immunity idol and shows it to Utena.

"I lied," Azusa says. "I had a choice between extra rice or an idol. I was selfish, I chose the idol."

Utena looks shocked, then she gathers herself.

"It's okay, Azu-nyan," she says. "This will be our little secret. You just know that I'm looking out for you, okay?"

"Sure," Azusa replies.

"Azusa and I now both have something that we've done to each other," Utena says. "I picked her as the weakest. She in turn lied to us about the idol. But it's all water under the bridge. In fact, it connects us more. I hope to work with her and see how we can make it farther in this game."

Meanwhile, Ais, Darkness, and Mine put together the shelter, while Tomo and Ikumi start on the fire.

"I'm going to cook some of this right away," Ikumi says.

"You say you're a cook, huh?" Tomo says. "Does that mean that you can create something super tasty out of just rice? I'd rather have had those beans!"

"I need some meat to work with first," Ikumi says.


"I'm the meat master!" Ikumi exclaims. "Soma calls me 'Meat Meat' because of my skills in cooking meat. If I don't have any, it's going to be tough, but I'll do whatever I can."

She flicks one of the matches, then she and Tomo quickly put the wood together to build up a fire.

"Meat Meat seems like a pretty cool girl!" Tomo says. "Sure, she may be fit for the Seduction tribe, but I'm accepting her as a fully equal member of the Strength tribe!"

Darkness cuts down some more bamboo and lifts a ton of poles back over to the shelter.

"You're amazing, Darkness," Ais says. "You've got some serious strength. Isn't that hurting you?"

Darkness's face suddenly turns red.

"Oh, yes, the pain!" she exclaims. "My body just aches with the amount of stress is under! I can't bear it any longer!"

Mine rolls her eyes as she helps Ais start to build.

"Darkness seems to be some sort of a masochist," she says. "Not that there's anything wrong with that, but I'm not sure it's going to help our tribe very much as this game gets underway. If she's crazy, and that Tomo certainly seems like she's crazy too, that means we're down two members every challenge the rest of the way."

Day 2

Smarts Tribe

(Chelsea, Chiyo, Erina, Lili, Megumin, Mio, Nanami)

Lili and Chiyo retrieve the treemail for the tribe. They each grab a piece of paper, then scurry on back to the rest of their tribe.

"What is it?" Chelsea asks.

"It's treemail!" Chiyo exclaims. "And it seems to be some sort of menu!"

"Menu?" Erina asks. "Don't tell me that stupid Soma has decided to cook for us as a reward!"

"No, no," Lili says. "Rather, it's a menu of what we can buy with our fire tokens."

"This sounds interesting," Megumin says. "Why don't you read it?"

"Okay," Lili says. "Here we go…"

Coffee and pastries: 3 tokens

Small bag of beans: 4 tokens

Regular bag of rice: 5 tokens

Two pillows, two blankets: 4 tokens

Three egg-laying chicken: 3 tokens

Tarp: 5 tokens

Advantage in next challenge: 4 tokens

Idol: 7 tokens

Extra vote: 3 tokens

Steal-a-vote: 6 tokens

Safety without power: 4 tokens

Idol Nullifier: 5 tokens

Superidol: 15 tokens

Pizza: 1 token

Jar of peanut butter: 1 token

Bottle of wine: 1 token

Six-pack of beer: 1 token

Hammock: 1 token

Hamburger: 1 token

French fries: 1 token

"Six-pack of beer?" Erina says. "Who could possibly want that?"

"I don't know, I'm thinking about that peanut butter," Chelsea says.

"So, what do we want to buy?" Chiyo asks the whole tribe.

Everyone stares at her like she has spoken another language.

"Well?" she says.

Nanami begins to laugh. "Ohohohohoho! You actually think we should buy something as a tribe? Not in this game! We're playing for ourselves! It's every girl for herself!"

"Nanami's right, for a change," Erina says. "We're not going to pool our fire tokens together for anything. Not in a game where there's only one winner."

"Oh, come on!" Chiyo says. "I'm willing to put my fire token out there. If three more of you join in, we can buy that advantage in the next challenge!"

Megumin looks around, then speaks up. "I'm in," she says. "I'll give my token to the cause."

"Me too," Lili says. "We need all the help we can get. We just need one more."

Chiyo's eyes plead with Chelsea.

"Hey, I want that peanut butter!" Chelsea replies.

"But we could have a big advantage in the first challenge!" Chiyo says. "Come on!"

Mio looks around, seeing Erina with her arms crossed and Nanami chuckling to herself.

"Okay, I'm in," she says. "Let's do it."

Erina gives a slight smile, while Nanami breaks out laughing.

"Ohohohoho!" Nanami says. "You are so stupid, throwing away your Fire Tokens like that! You're going to regret it!"

"These girls are so stupid!" Nanami says. "They want teamwork so badly that they're willing to risk their Fire Tokens! What good is it to win these challenges when they switch tribes up anyway? They don't know what they're doing!"

"I'm so happy!" Chiyo says. "We have come together as a tribe, with the majority of us throwing our Fire Tokens in so we can get an advantage in the next challenge! I love my tribemates, especially Megumin, Lili, and Mio! I think we'll start an alliance."

So, later in the afternoon, Chiyo watches as Erina, Nanami, and Chelsea all leave the shelter for different reasons.

"I've got to poop," Chelsea says.

"I'm going to go make some rice," Erina says.

"I'm going to go look for the hidden immunity idol," Nanami says.

Everyone gasps.

"You're… what?" Erina says.

"That's right, I'm gonna go find it before any of you can!" Nanami says. "It'll suck to be you!"

She jaunts on out into the jungle, but Erina decides to follow her.

"Get back here, you little…" Erina's voice trails off as she heads into the jungle after her.

Chiyo then looks around and sees just Mio, Lili, and Megumin sitting there.

"Okay, guys, us four in an alliance," Chiyo says. "We all pooled our Fire Tokens together to buy an advantage for our tribe, and I hope we don't need to vote, but if we do…"

"Great idea, Chiyo-chan!" Mio replies. "I'm totally in, making this a band of four."

"Me too," Lili says.

"Sure, why not?" Megumin says. "But who's going first out of those three?"

"Nanami irks me beyond belief," Lili says. "She's got to go."

"No, I think Erina's the problem with this tribe," Mio says. "She's always complaining and in a bad mood. We don't need her around here."

"Why not vote out Chelsea?" Megumin wonders. "She's kind of useless."

"Look, it's got to be Nanami," Lili says. "I'd almost rather lose the challenge if it means getting her out."

"Lose the challenge?" Mio says. "No way. But when we do lose one, we gotta get rid of Erina. She's bringing us down."

"You guys just don't get it!" Megumin complains. "Chelsea isn't helping us at all! She's got to go."

The three of them begin arguing amongst themselves over who should be voted out. Chiyo is crestfallen, so she walks out of the shelter down to the beach.

"I thought I had a good idea," she says. "I was going to make an alliance of four that would withstand any twists thrown our way. If we had four, not only would we have the numbers, but we'd also have at least one pair should there be a tribe swap. That pair would be in prime position to make it to the merge. And if all of us made it, we'd already be more than halfway there to having a majority in the merged tribe. I'm thinking ten steps ahead, but sadly no one wants to listen to me."

Frustrated, she sits down and looks out at the beach. She sees a small crevice with a conspicuous log sticking out.

"I wonder…" she says. "Is that a sign of an idol?"

She looks back at the shelter and sees the three getting more and more animated with each other. She then sneaks out and goes to the crevice, finding the log.

"I'm rather small so this isn't easy," she says. "Unfortunately I don't have a kickboard."

She then reaches down into the water as far as she possibly can, and she finds something. She pulls on it with all her might, and it comes loose. She then grabs it before heading off into the jungle by herself.

"Congratulations, you have found a hidden immunity idol," she reads.

She sees it to be a golden head of Sango.

"This 'Best Girl' from InuYasha will keep you safe if you play it right before the votes are read. You may use it, play it on someone else, give it to someone else, or sell it to someone for Fire Tokens. The choice is yours."

She then tucks it away.

"I'm going to use this properly," she says. "I might sell it, I might keep it, I might use it on someone else. But I promise… I won't screw it up."

Strength Tribe

(Ais, Azusa, Darkness, Meat Meat, Mine, Tomo, Utena)

The tribe has gotten the same treemail as the Smarts tribe. Each one of them is thinking about what to do with the tokens.

"Peanut butter!" Tomo shouts. "That's what I want! Ooh… or maybe that pizza! Yeah, definitely the pizza!"

"Shouldn't we look to use them together?" Utena asks. "Like, to get a tarp if it starts pouring down rain?"

"Oh, I look forward to the pouring rain!" Darkness says. "It will beat down upon my body, and I will have no choice but to succumb to its power! I will suffer and freeze and shiver! It will be a miserable time for me!"

Mine shakes her head. "Wasting tokens on a tarp is a surefire way to lose this game," she says. "I'm going to hold on to what I've got, and you should too."

Utena looks a bit taken aback, but Azusa silently nods to her.

"We've been given these Fire Tokens, and they essentially are a reward from a challenge," Utena says. "We can get a head start in this game by pooling them together to buy something. But already we're seeing selfishness from Mine. Pardon the pun, but she's saying that it's all 'mine.' That's not good team spirit, and it makes me wonder if we should vote her out first."

"Why would Utena be so stupid to want to give up her Fire Token, and everyone else's too, for a small sense of comfort?" Mine says. "She's not thinking about this game long-term. I know that what I've got to do is save up my Fire Tokens for that idol. If I can somehow get three together, I'll be able to buy that idol and give myself some security."

"I might buy that hamburger," Meat Meat says. "I'd love to show off my cooking."

"Just buy the pizza and make something with that!" Tomo replies.

"Would the pizza have mushrooms?" Meat Meat asks.

Mine rolls her eyes, then stomps away.

"It seems that Mine doesn't really like the rest of the tribe," Meat Meat says. "That makes her a perfect target to get out first. It could actually be beneficial losing the first challenge. That way, we can cut the fat and move on with a healthier tribe."

But Mine finds solace with Ais. The blonde sits down next to Mine in the shelter, trying to calm her down.

"I understand, Tomo is a moron," Ais says. "As is Darkness. Even Meat Meat is a little weird. But I'm here for you."

"Thanks," Mine replies. "I'm a straight shooter, and I'll tell it like it is. With these losers, I don't even feel much like playing this game anymore."

"It's okay," Ais says. "Let's get through our first challenge, and see where it goes from there. If we are able to win that first challenge, you never know what we can win."

"Yeah, maybe something comfortable," Mine says. "Unfortunately this shelter doesn't feel very good."

"Ais really made me feel better after I was stuck being around these morons," Mine says. "And while they haven't gone away, I feel like I do have someone to count on. You never know when that help could come in handy."

Later in the day, Utena and Azusa draw Tomo and Meat Meat aside down at the beach.

"We're together," Utena says. "And we-"

"Congratulations!" Tomo cuts her off. "I'm so glad to hear of your engagement! When is the wedding? Am I invited?"

Utena facepalms. "No, no, what I mean is that we have an alliance together. And we'd like you to join it."

"I'm in for that," Meat Meat says. "We can work together well."

"We are also wondering something," Azusa says.

"Yes?" Tomo says.

"We want to pool our Fire Tokens together," Utena says. "We're looking to get a tarp."

"Sounds great!" Tomo exclaims. "Here you go!"

Tomo pulls out her Fire Token from her bag and hands it to Utena.

"Just like that?" Meat Meat says.

"I thank you, Tomo, but I wasn't finished yet," Utena says. "Even if we put our four tokens together, that won't be enough for a tarp."

"What, we need ten of 'em?" Tomo says.

Meat Meat sighs. "No, I believe the number was five."

"That's right, we need five," Azusa says. "And even our four is not enough."

"Well, that's easy!" Tomo says. "Let me go steal one off Mine right now!"

Tomo immediately scurries off. Utena sighs, while Azusa facepalms.

"You can't steal Fire Tokens off other players," Meat Meat says.

"I know," Azusa says. "I couldn't stop her in time."

Tomo comes over to Mine's bag and starts digging through it. As she does, Mine comes back from getting water, and she sees Tomo reaching into it.

"What the *#$& are you doing?" Mine asks.

"Oh, I was just stealing your Fire Token," Tomo says.

"Stealing it?" Mine says.

"Yeah, that's right!" Tomo says. "My alliance needs it!"

"Your alliance?" Mine asks. "And who exactly is in your alliance?"

"Oh, it's me, Meat Meat, Utena, and Azusa!" Tomo exclaims.

"You, Meat Meat…" Mine's voice trails off. "Okay, nice to know."

"Sure! But where's your Fire Token?"

Mine pulls it out of her pocket. Tomo reaches out to snatch it, but Mine pulls it back.

"You aren't allowed to steal these," she says.

"But our alliance made the decision that we're going to buy a tarp!" Tomo shouts.

"Oh, they did?" Mine says. "Well, it's about time to blow that up!"

Mine marches down to the beach, seeing Darkness and Ais getting water as she goes.

"What's the matter, Mine?" Ais asks gently.

Mine simply stomps by, not even looking at Ais.

"Ooh, she completely stoned you!" Darkness says, with her face turning red. "Oh, how I'd love that! To be embarrassed in such a way, oh, it just makes me feel so hot!"

Utena, Azusa, and Meat Meat are in the middle of a discussion when they see Mine coming their way.

"Crap," Utena says.

"$*%#," Meat Meat says.

Mine begins pointing at Utena and Meat Meat. "So, you want to steal my Fire Token?" Mine shouts as she comes closer. "And you are all in an alliance? These are nice things to know. What other secrets do you have?"

Azusa looks a bit blue, and she defers to Utena.

"There's no alliance," Utena replies. "I was just talking to these two about possibly pooling our Fire Tokens together to buy a tarp. The skies are threatening, after all."

She points up, and everyone notes the dark clouds forming overhead.

"That may be true, but stealing my token?" Mine asks. "Who said that was a good idea?"

"None of us did," Utena replies. "That's just crazy Tomo for you."

"Well, I'm not giving it up!" Mine says. "I'm keeping it for myself."

"That's fine," Meat Meat says.

Mine catches her breath. "Okay," she says. "You know, if you guys aren't an alliance, well, I'd join you if necessary."

"Us four," Meat Meat says. "That's all we need."

"As long as we vote out Tomo first," Mine says, looking back at the camp and seeing Tomo snooping around everywhere.

"Sure!" Azusa exclaims, and the four put their hands together in a circle.

"I'm willing to form a voting bloc with Utena, Azu-nyan, and Meat Meat if it means getting rid of that awful Tomo," Mine says. "I'm not tied down to them, and that's the key. If they want to part ways after getting rid of Tomo, well, that's their prerogative, but I'm dead set on getting Tomo out right now."

"I'm not sure if Mine believes me that we aren't an alliance, or that she really wants to work with us," Utena says. "What I am sure about is that she hates Tomo with a passion. That could be a problem with us, since we were planning to work with Tomo. Now I've got to reassess things and figure out what I'm going to do next."

Seduction Tribe

(Alice, Anthy, Aqua, Esdeath, Hestia, Sakaki, Tsumugi)

The tribe takes stock of the menu for the Fire Tokens, but only Aqua is willing to spend.

"Gimme that peanut butter!" she says, as she rushes to pay her token.

Aqua sits down with the jar of peanut butter and starts licking it like a dog. The remaining six players gather together in two groups of three. There's the shy ones: Tsumugi, Sakaki, and Anthy. And there's the loud ones: Alice, Esdeath, and Hestia.

"I think we three make a good group," Alice says. "You've got the strength, Esdeath. I've got the smarts. And Hestia's got the boobs."

"That's righ- hey!" Hestia exclaims. "What do you mean, I've got the boobs? Excuse me, but yours are almost as big!"

"Hey, just telling it how it is," Alice says.

"We need to talk about what we're going to do first," Esdeath states sternly. "Personally, I want that Anthy out."

"Anthy?" Hestia asks. "Why her?"

"Just look at her over there," Esdeath says.

Anthy sits over at the fire in her red dress with Tsumugi and Sakaki, smiling as she drinks some water and eats rice.

"She looks so sweet and innocent," Esdeath says. "I'm telling you, if she were to make it to the end, she's gonna win. You just know it."

"Hey, I'm not gonna argue," Alice says. "But I'm not sure that's the best move right off the bat."

"Why not?" Esdeath says.

"Cause why would we start taking out threats right off the bat?" Alice says. "We need those shields at the moment."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Esdeath says, raising her voice as she gets angrier. "Are you telling me Anthy is someone who's going to help us win at challenges? Just take a look at her. She's wearing a giant dress, for crying out loud! She's not gonna helps us one bit!"

"Hey, I'm on board!" Hestia breaks in. "As long as it isn't me, I don't care who we're voting for. I'll vote for Anthy!"

"I'm not saying I won't vote for Anthy," Alice says. "But I believe we've got to think about winning challenges for the time being. And that means ousting Aqua."

Hestia looks thoughtful. "Come to think of it, she was pretty pathetic in the first challenge."

"Of course she was!" Alice says. "Now Esdeath, you tell me how a frail and weak Anthy is so hopeless, but she wasn't the one bringing down our tribe in the challenge, was she? No, it was Aqua. You take a look at her eating that peanut butter, and tell me if she's worthwhile keeping around."

Esdeath looks over at Aqua, seeing her licking the bottom of the jar.

"I suppose you're right," she says. "But this is an evolving situation. If Aqua stinks it up at another challenge, fine, we go after her. However, if she's okay, then we go after Anthy."

"Sounds good to me!" Hestia exclaims.

"Yeah, okay," Alice says.

"I don't really like Esdeath that much," Alice says. "Yet I think having her around is essential not only to our tribe but to my game. If she gets voted out, then our tribe completely goes to heck. So we've got to keep her here. Plus, she provides a shield for me with her abrasive personality. What we do if we lose a challenge is get rid of Aqua, then move on from there. I'm sure I can get one of the other girls on our side."

Meanwhile, Tsumugi, Anthy, and Sakaki talk quietly around the fire.

"I'm a bit cold," Anthy says.

"Sit a little closer to the fire," Sakaki suggests.

Anthy moves in closer, shivering as she does.

"So, how are we going to vote?" Sakaki asks.

Tsumugi looks thoughtful. "I say we vote for Aqua," she says.

"Aqua? Why her?" Anthy asks.

"She looks like an animal," Tsumugi says.

Sakaki points over to Aqua, who has her nose and mouth stuck in the peanut butter jar.

"I suppose you're right," Anthy says.

"I can't argue much," Sakaki says. "Although I like animals."

"It's a shame someone has to be voted out first from this tribe," Tsumugi says. "I wouldn't wish that on anyone. At the same time, we have to do it should we lose a challenge. I'm preparing for that by taking out the one person everyone can agree on – Aqua. She's just insane."

As the three are talking, Aqua walks over to them, with her hand now stuck in the peanut butter jar.

"I can't get it off!" she cries. "This is horrible, oh, this is the worst!"

She begins crying. Tsumugi tries to comfort her, while Sakaki grabs the jar. She holds it (and Aqua's arm) out over the fire.

"You're going to burn me to death!" Aqua cries. "Oh, this is awful!"

But the glass begins to melt, and it loosens the grip on Aqua's hand. The jar ends up breaking and shattering into the fire.

"You just destroyed the rest of my peanut butter!" Aqua shouts. "You didn't have to do that!"

She stomps away in anger, while Sakaki gives no expression.

"I was just trying to help," Sakaki says. "I don't understand why she got so upset."

"Now my precious peanut butter is all gone!" Aqua says. "That Fire Token, wasted for just about half a jar's worth. Could I at least have half a token back? Please? Pretty please? Pretty please with a cherry on top?"

Day 3

Strength Tribe

(Ais, Azusa, Darkness, Meat Meat, Mine, Tomo, Utena)

Storms begin to rain down on the Strength tribe, getting all the players completely wet.

"We could really use a tarp right now," Meat Meat says.

"We're just one Fire Token short, though," Azusa says.

"Not anymore," Ais speaks up.

She hands over her token to Utena. "Use this on a tarp. We've got to have one."

Utena looks stunned. "Thanks," she says.

Meat Meat and Azusa hand over their tokens, and Utena now has five – one from Ais, one from Tomo given to her yesterday, one from herself, and one each by Meat Meat and Azusa.

"Okay, I'll go buy the tarp," she says.

Utena returns back to camp with a tarp, and the players start putting it on the shelter. Darkness, meanwhile, stands out in the pouring rain, soaking it in.

"Oh, the pain of the poison rain beating down upon my body!" she shouts. "It is so much, I can barely take it. My toes wrinkle and my skin shrivels. I am in utter agony!"

The other tribe member who did not spend a Fire Token – Mine – likes what she is seeing.

"This is perfect," Mine says. "These girls were stupid enough to waste their Fire Tokens on a tarp, for some temporary comfort. Good for them. It even helps me out. But while they're getting dry, I'm getting rich. I'll hang on to the one I have and save up for that idol."

Smarts Tribe

(Chelsea, Chiyo, Erina, Lili, Megumin, Mio, Nanami)

The squabbling between Erina and Nanami has reached a breaking point, as the

"I told you when we were building this shelter, that this wouldn't keep us dry from the rain!" Erina shouts, as the rain pours down.

"Oh, excuse me?" Nanami replies. "You were the one doing the most building! The blame should be on you!"

"What is the matter with you?" Erina shouts. "You're insane!"

"I think you're the insane one, you #$*&%!"

"Nanami is pretty much just a #$*&%," Erina says. "It was her poor planning in building this shelter that caused us to get this wet. Now we're soaking, and there's no end to our suffering."

"I can't believe that Erina wants to blame it all on me!" Nanami says. "She's so arrogant and full of herself. She's got to go first. She's just the worst!"

Seduction Tribe

(Alice, Anthy, Aqua, Esdeath, Hestia, Sakaki, Tsumugi)

The Seduction tribe also feels the brutality of the rain, but Esdeath did such a good job building the shelter that they do not feel it as much as the Strength tribe.

"So, Esdeath built our shelter really well, and as a result we aren't struggling with the rain," Sakaki says. "But something about her seems off. I'm a little concerned about her. It seems like she has some sort of master plan, and the way she's ignored me, she's probably left me out."

"I know exactly what I'm doing," Esdeath says. "I've won over my tribe with my strong shelter-building skills. But it's all a ruse. I fully plan on using every single one of them for my own uses. It's like Russell Hantz once said. I'm turning them all into puppets, and then throwing them in the trash."

The rain lets up around noon, and during that time, the tribe breaks up into two parts again. It's Anthy, Sakaki, and Tsumugi sitting together quietly and making light conversation. Then it's Hestia, Alice, and Esdeath talking strategy. Finally, there's Aqua, running up and down the beach, getting pinched by the Pokémon Krabby.

"Ow! Ow! Ouch!" she shouts. "Get these things away from me! Where's Kazuma when you need him?"

Tsumugi gives a chuckle as she sees Aqua. "She's certainly a character, isn't she?" she says.

"Yeah, she's definitely different," Sakaki says.

"I think that we need to think about eliminating her," Anthy says.

"You mean, voting her out?" Tsumugi asks.

"That's right. We know that we are going to have to vote someone out at some point. She doesn't seem to get along with anyone. Let's vote for her."

"That's definitely a possibility," Sakaki says. "But look over there at Esdeath. She seems to be scheming with the other two girls. Maybe they're going after one of us."

"Then we just convince them to vote Aqua," Tsumugi says.

"No, because if those two vote with Esdeath, that makes them a three-person alliance, and so are we. We don't want a tie," Sakaki says.

"That is an interesting point you make," Anthy says. "But who of those three would you vote out?"

Sakaki looks stern. "I say Esdeath."

Tsumugi looks shocked. "Esdeath? Why her?"

"Why not take out the biggest threat first?" Sakaki says. "She's going to be tough to beat."

"I'm not sure," Anthy says. "She's our best person for physical portions of challenges, and we need to win them. The more we win, the better position we are at the merge."

"Right, but we're going to swap tribes at some point along the way, I just know it."

"Anthy doesn't understand what a great opportunity we have at this point," Sakaki says. "Team up with Aqua, and get the biggest threat out of the game right away. That would be Esdeath. If we can vote her out right here, right now, we wouldn't have to worry about her winning a ton of immunities after the merge."

"We need to win challenges, not get super-strategic," Anthy says. "I know where Sakaki is coming from, but if we vote out Esdeath now, we are going to get wiped out in the challenges, and that will put us at a huge disadvantage."

Esdeath, Hestia, and Alice are also talking strategy, but they take a different tack.

"Anthy has got to be the vote," Esdeath says. "She's got a strong ally in Utena on the Strength tribe. You saw how Utena stood up for her. We've got to get her out now."

"But why not get out Aqua?" Hestia asks. "She's absolutely useless. If I were to put her on trial, she'd be proven guilty of uselessness."

"Right," Alice says. "We've got to win challenges. If we go into the merge down big time in numbers, we're screwed."

Esdeath shakes her head. "You just don't get it, do you?"

"The trial never ends," Hestia says. "Look at Aqua over there, she's getting pinched by those Krabby at the beach. She's so useless!"

"I'm telling you guys, you don't vote out Anthy now, you'll regret it later," Esdeath says.

"It's a shame that Hestia and Alice can't think long-term," Esdeath says. "They're thinking short-term, win challenges, stay strong, be a team, keep an alliance, that kind of crap. It's all a bunch of #$*&. What we need to do is eliminate the big threats right now. Anthy is the type of character who will win if she reaches the end. That's why she's got to go right now."

Sakaki sees Aqua struggling with the Krabby, so she goes over to her to help her out.

"These things are so mean!" Aqua yells. "They've been pinching me all day!"

"Why don't you just-" Sakaki says, before she gets pinched by one too. In her usual way, she just stares at the Krabby, not even flinching.

"See! I told you!" Aqua shouts.

"Hey, what's going on down here?" Alice says, as she walks toward the water.

"I can't get away from these stupid Krabby! Oh, it's so awful," Aqua says, as she begins to cry.

"You can't possibly be that useless," Alice says. "Aren't you the goddess of water?"

"Yes, but…" Aqua begins. A light bulb then goes on in her head. "Wait a minute, you're right!"

Aqua starts using her water powers, and she pushes all the Krabby off the beach and into the water. Then she starts sucking Magikarp out of the water and up on to the beach. The other girls come running to grab them.

"You've just gotten us a ton of food!" Alice exclaims. "Let me have it, I'm gonna cook us something good!"

"Awesome, Aqua!" Tsumugi says.

"You have proven your worth," Anthy says.

Esdeath looks on while the rest of the girls celebrate with Aqua.

"This is bad news for me," Esdeath says. "If Aqua proves herself to be a breadwinner, then no one's going to want to get rid of her either. She may have just made herself to be a bigger threat than even Anthy. I'm going to have to rethink my whole strategy."

Smarts Tribe

(Chelsea, Chiyo, Erina, Lili, Megumin, Mio, Nanami)

With the rain died down, Erina and Nanami are still bickering, and the rest of the tribe feels the need to do something about it.

"You #$%*&!" Erina yells.

"No, you're the #$%*&!" Nanami yells back.

The other five girls gather by the beach to talk things over.

"I can't take any more of this," Megumin says. "One of them has got to go."

"Yes, but which one?" Chelsea asks.

"I say it should be Nanami," Chiyo says. "I think Erina is a good leader, and she ought to stick around."

"I disagree," Mio says. "If Erina's our leader, then doesn't that reflect bad on her that our tribe is in such disarray? Vote out Erina instead."

"Just hurry up and do it already, because I'm so sick of this," Lili says.

"Nanami and Erina are driving everyone insane," Lili says. "We've got to make a decision as to which one of these we need to get rid of. I wouldn't go as far as throwing a challenge, but we're feeling that desperate."

"I think that if we use our Fire Tokens to get an advantage in the challenge, everything will pay off for us," Chiyo says. "If we win, then everyone will be happy, and there'll be no need for any more fighting. It's a form of trickle-down economics. When the tribe wins, then the good vibes go all the way down to the players on the bottom. And those are Erina and Nanami."

Immunity Challenge

"Come on in, girls!" Jet shouts.

The three tribes march into the immunity challenge area.

"You girls ready to get to your first immunity challenge?" Jet asks, and the players cheer. "This is what you seek."

Jet unveils golden statues of Asuka and Rei from Neon Genesis Evangelion.

"When you have this, you are safe," Jet says. "You cannot be voted out while in the possession of the immunity idol. When you don't have it, you must go to Tribal Council and face the possibility of being voted out. In today's case…"

Jet separates the Asuka and Rei statues.

"Two tribes will win immunity, and one will go to Tribal Council."

The players clap upon hearing this.

"Let's get to today's challenge. You will move a cart through an obstacle course, then use a stick to knock down a key. You'll pick up three heavy chests full of puzzle pieces along the way, put them in the cart, and wheel that cart to the finish. Once there, two players will solve a large circular puzzle. First two tribes to finish, win immunity, safe from the vote. Losers, Tribal Council, where someone will be the first person voted out of Survivor: Best Girl. In addition, you are playing for reward. Wanna know what you're playing for?"

"Of course!" Aqua shouts.

Jet unveils a different kind of reward than usual. It isn't comfort, it isn't fishing gear, it isn't food.

"Fire Tokens," Jet says. "To the first tribe to finish, two Fire Tokens per player. Second tribe to finish, not as impressive, but one Fire Token per player. Last tribe to finish, nothing. As you know by now, these Fire Tokens can be used to buy the rewards you usually get in challenges. They can also be used to buy advantages in this game. But beware: if you get voted out, you must bequeath all of your Fire Tokens to another player. Worth playing for?"

"Absolutely!" Chelsea yells.

"We'll draw for spots-"

"Excuse me, Jet?" Chiyo breaks in.

"What is it, Chiyo-chan?" Jet asks.

"My tribe has pooled together some Fire Tokens, and we'd like to use them to get an advantage in this challenge."

Chiyo hands over the Fire Tokens belonging to Mio, Megumin, Lili, and herself. The other two tribes look on in shock.

"Very well then, these four Fire Tokens entitle the Smarts Tribe to an advantage in this challenge. I will take one of your chests of puzzle pieces and leave it unlocked at the puzzle area. You will only have to gather two of these very heavy chests. Your puzzle maker may also start on the puzzle with the pieces from that unlocked chest."

Some players on the other tribes gasp.

"Wow, is that an advantage!" Utena exclaims.

"Man, that's really not all that fair," Alice complains.

Jet smirks. "Hey, every tribe was given enough Fire Tokens to do this. If you chose not to save them or use them for this, that's on you."

Erina simply shakes her head.

"I'll give you a minute to strategize, then we'll get it on!" Jet says, clapping his hands once.

Each team has a pair of players waiting at the puzzle area. Chiyo and Mio are there for the Smarts, while Meat Meat and Azusa are there for the Strength. The Seduction tribe has Hestia and Anthy working the puzzle.

"On my go, Chiyo and Mio are allowed to start working on their puzzle with the one chest they have! The rest of you will have to wait. Survivors ready? Go!"

Chiyo and Mio immediately start pulling out puzzle pieces, as the three tribes begin the challenge. Darkness skillfully maneuvers the cart through the obstacle course, getting a lot of help from Mine and Utena. Erina and Nanami are both trying to pull the cart, but in different directions. Each time Nanami pulls, she ends up messing things up for the Smarts.

"You got to get it together, Smarts!" Jet yells.

Alice and Esdeath get the Seduction cart through the obstacle course, in a close second behind Darkness and Mine. Utena climbs up to get the key for the Strength, while Seduction sends Sakaki to go up and get it.

"Sakaki's height is a big advantage in this challenge!" Jet shouts.

Meanwhile, the Smarts continue struggling through the obstacle course. At one point, Chelsea goes flying right into one of the obstacles. She picks herself up, but now her right hand is bleeding.

"Chelsea literally bleeding all over her team's cart!"

The Strength and Seduction tribes get their first chests onto their carts. As they do, Chiyo begins solving the puzzle back at the finish line, with Mio stepping back and letting her do the work.

"Chiyo's given her tribe a lead for the puzzle, but right now the Smarts are falling apart!"

Chelsea trips and falls in the mud, then picks herself up.

"Come on, let's go!" Erina yells at Chelsea.

"Shut up!" Nanami says. "I'm going as fast as I can!"

"I wasn't talking to you, gunkyhead!" Erina yells.

"Oh yeah!" Nanami screams, dropping the handle of the cart, which causes the other side to drop right on Chelsea's right hand. "You call yourself a chef, yet all you do is sit around in a beanbag chair in your mom's basement, eating Cheetos! Ohohohohohohoho!"

"Shut the &$#% up and let's get moving!" Erina shouts.

Nanami picks the cart back up, with Chelsea in quite a bit of pain. She struggles pushing the cart in the back, while Megumin and Lili try to pick up the slack for her. They finally get out of the obstacle course, and Erina climbs up to get the key. Megumin looks over at the other tribes, which already have their first chest on their cart and are about to get their second.

"Come on, you guys, we gotta hurry up!" Megumin yells.

"Shut up, little kid!" Erina shouts back, as she knocks the key down for the Smarts.

"Smarts, having a hard time working together!" Jet shouts. "They're way behind!"

The Strength tribe is the first one to gather their second chest, and they keep on pushing toward the third one. The Seduction tribe is right behind them.

"Come on, guys, a little faster," Utena says. "We could really use those Fire Tokens."

Utena and Mine pick up the third chest, and they drop it on their cart. A few seconds later, Esdeath and Sakaki pick up the third cart for Seduction, and they put it on their cart.

"Neck-and-neck for first place right now!"

Chiyo finishes one-third of the puzzle with all the pieces she has been given, but now she's waiting for the rest of her tribe to bring their other two carts over.

"Give me a hand with this!" Erina yells at Nanami, as she tries to lift one of the heavy chests.

"Which one?" Nanami mockingly replies.

The two try putting the chest up on the cart, but Nanami slips and drops it – right on Chelsea's hand, which she was using to balance the cart.

"Ow!" Chelsea screams, going down to the ground in pain.

"Come on!" Erina yells. Megumin goes over to help Chelsea, while Erina and Lili pick up the chest and get it on their cart.

"Smarts losing a ton of time right now!" Jet yells. "That advantage they bought for this challenge is going to waste!"

"Come on, guys!" Mio calls.

Darkness and Mine pull the cart to the mat, where they start unloading the chests.

"You can start unlocking those chests!" Jet shouts.

Esdeath and Alice are right behind. With the rest of their tribe pushing behind them, they get their cart to the mat, and immediately Tsumugi goes to work on unlocking the chests.

"It's Ais unlocking for Strength, and Tsumugi unlocking for Seduction!"

Tsumugi manages to guess the correct keys faster than Ais, and she gets all three Seduction chests open before Ais is finished.

"Get to work on that puzzle!"

Meanwhile, the Smarts tribe is trying to get its second and final chest onto the cart. But as Nanami and Erina lift it up, Nanami drops it, and she tilts the whole cart over. The first chest rolls onto the ground.

"This is a total disaster for the Smarts tribe!" Jet shouts. "Whatever Smarts they had have clearly evaporated 72 hours into this game! It's unbelievable how far behind they are!"

As Ais unlocks her last chest, Chelsea picks up one of the chests with her blood-stained hand, while Erina and Megumin manage to get the other one up. They start dragging the cart toward the mat.

"Smarts on their way to the mat, but they're way behind!"

Meat Meat and Azusa quickly copy off the already-completed third of the puzzle that Chiyo has finished. As they do, Anthy and Hestia have the same strategy.

"You guys, Chiyo's got that piece over here!" Aqua calls to Anthy and Hestia, as she stands back from a distance to see all three puzzle circles.

"Hey, that's not fair!" Chiyo complains to Jet.

"Sorry, it's allowed," Jet replies. "Blame it on your tribe for sucking so bad."

Meat Meat and Azusa get close to finishing, and Anthy and Hestia are just a bit behind. Finally, the Smarts reach the mat, and Lili goes to work on unlocking the chests.

"You can't ever give up in Survivor!" Jet shouts. "Start unlocking those chests!"

Lili quickly unlocks the two chests, and Mio starts grabbing pieces to give to the genius Chiyo.

"Chiyo is making hay in this challenge! She might be able to make up the difference in time!"

Chiyo starts slamming pieces in, using a similar strategy to the other tribes, as she copies off their puzzles, which have surpassed hers. However, as she reaches the end, she realizes that she is too small to reach the top of the puzzle.

"Help me up, Mio!" Chiyo cries.

Chiyo grabs a puzzle piece, then Mio lifts her up. But as she puts in her piece, the other tribes are getting close to finishing.

"Jet, we think we have it!" Hestia shouts.

"Seduction thinks they have it!" Jet exclaims.

He runs over to check their puzzle.

"They… do… NOT! Everybody keep working!"

Meat Meat then slaps in the final piece for the Strength tribe.

"We got it, Jet!" Meat Meat exclaims.

"Strength thinks THEY have it!" Jet shouts.

He checks over their puzzle.

"They… DO! Strength wins immunity and reward! Looking for one more!"

"Quick, guys, flip those two pieces!" Aqua calls from a distance, looking at the Strength puzzle.

Hestia and Anthy flip the two pieces Aqua is pointing to, while Chiyo puts in the next-to-last piece while standing on Mio's shoulders.

"We have it this time!" Hestia yells.

"Seduction thinks they have it AGAIN!" Jet shouts.

He looks over their puzzle.

"And they DO! Seduction… wins immunity and reward! Smarts headed to Tribal Council!"

Both the Strength and Seduction tribes begin jumping up and down in celebration. As for the Smarts, Erina looks furious over at Nanami, while Chiyo sadly drops the final piece of the puzzle that she was about to put in.

"Congratulations, Strength, you guys are not going to Tribal."

Jet hands over the Asuka immunity idol to Ais.

"Also, congratulations to you, Seduction, you guys are not headed to Tribal either."

He hands over the Rei immunity idol to Anthy.

"Now, for the reward," Jet says. "I'm going to pass out two Fire Tokens each for the Strength tribe, and one Fire Token each for the Seduction tribe."

He hands out the Fire Tokens to the fourteen victorious players.

"You guys have a nice night, grab your stuff and head on out. No one going home from either of your tribes."

The Seduction and Strength tribes happily leave the immunity challenge area.

"As for you, Smarts, I got nothing for you except a date with me tonight at Tribal Council," Jet says. "But before you go, I need medical to check on Chelsea's injury. Bring in Captain Unohana."

Retsu Unohana, captain of Squad 4 from the Soul Society in Bleach, comes over and checks on Chelsea's wounds.

"These are pretty serious," Unohana states. "She's bleeding from her right hand, and it looks like she may have gotten an infection."

Jet looks stern. "Does this mean she must leave the game?"

Unohana gives a sad look. "If you don't leave the game now, you could lose your finger, or your hand, or even your arm. It's not worth it."

"Man, I can't believe it," she says. "This sucks!"

"I'm sorry, Chelsea," Unohana states. "I will heal you back at Ponderosa. But you've just got too much going against you that it's not worth risking it. Your hand is cut up really bad, and that's going to take some serious bandaging and would require you to sit still for a long time. Your best bet is to leave the game here and accept your loss."

Chelsea sighs. "Man, this sucks so bad!"

As she begins to cry, Chiyo, Mio, Lili, and Megumin all go over to hug and comfort her. Erina stands by with her arms crossed and a stern look on her face, while Nanami laughs.

"Chelsea, it was nice to have you in this game," Jet says. "You go get healed up, and hopefully we'll have you back for a Second Chance season. But there is one thing you must do before you leave. Please bequeath your Fire Token to someone else in the game."

Chelsea thinks about it for a minute. "Yeah, I've got to give to Mine. Sorry everybody. She's my friend outside the game, I just can't deny her."

"Very well then," Jet says, as Chelsea hands over her Fire Token with her left hand to Jet. "This will go to Mine tomorrow morning. It's sad to say, but I must say it: Chelsea, you are NOT Best Girl. Captain Unohana, please take Chelsea to Ponderosa and heal her well."

"I will heal her completely," Unohana says, as her lieutenant Isane Kotetsu brings in a stretcher with which to carry Chelsea away. The two of them head on out, carrying Chelsea on the stretcher.

"Ohohohohoho!" Nanami laughs. "That was perfect timing! Now we don't have to go to Tribal Council!"

Jet gives a derisive chuckle. "What are you talking about, of course you're still going to Tribal Council!"

Nanami looks shocked, while Chiyo looks crestfallen. Mio wipes away a tear. Erina just crosses her arms.

"You guys will still see me for Tribal Council tonight, where one of you will become the first person voted out of this game. The one voted out will finish in a tie for 20th with Chelsea. Grab your stuff, head on out."

The surprised and saddened Smarts tribe heads on back to camp.

"Nanami owes me big-time for her clumsiness during that challenge," Chelsea says. "She injured me with her poor handling of the cart and the chests. As a result, I have to go home early and never get a chance to go to Tribal Council. Man, this sucks!"

Smarts Tribe

(Chiyo, Erina, Lili, Megumin, Mio, Nanami)

As soon as the players arrive back from the challenge, Erina and Nanami start scrambling like crazy.

"Mio and Chiyo – the puzzle masters," Erina says. "How would you like to join my alliance?"

"Your alliance?" Chiyo replies. "I didn't know you even had one."

"I do now, with the three of us," Erina says. "We've got to get out Nanami."

"Cool," Mio says. "I'll vote Nanami. But what about Megumin and Lili?"

Erina points over to the other side of the beach, where Megumin and Lili are talking to Nanami.

"We've got to get Erina out now," Nanami says. "She could end up being the Queen Cynthia or Lady Satsuki of our season."

"We're on board with you, Nanami," Lili says. "We can vote out Erina for you."

"Yeah, we can make a strong alliance!" Megumin replies. "We'll force a tie, but we won't go to rocks. We'll get Chiyo and Mio to flip and join us!"

"There is going to be an EXPLOSION at Tribal Council when we do this!" Megumin says. "This is going to mix up the game big-time. I can't wait to see what happens!"

Chiyo, Mio, Megumin, and Lili all come together later in the day.

"Are you really on board with Nanami?" Mio asks Lili and Megumin.

Megumin laughs. "We are on our own side, not anybody else's."

"Yeah, the only two people who aren't with us are Erina and Nanami," Lili says.

"Okay," Chiyo says. "Then we've got to figure out which one we're gonna vote for. At the same time, we have to keep on lying to them, because if they figure out that we've teamed up, they could throw a bomb into the whole thing."

"With an EXPLOSION!" Megumin shouts.

In the corner of her eye, Mio catches Erina walking toward the four.

"Quick, everybody break up!" Mio says.

The players all scatter, but along the way, Megumin bumps into Erina.

"Are you voting for Nanami?" she asks.

"Yes, of course!" Megumin replies. "No doubt about it."

"You better not be lying," Erina says. "Remember, whoever gets voted out must bequeath her Fire Token to someone else in the game. That means that if you screw over the wrong person, she can give her tokens to your enemy."

"Trust me!" Megumin responds, as she walks away.

"I have no faith in Megumin," Erina says. "If I get voted out tonight, which would be a complete disaster, I would not dare give her my Fire Token. It'll have to be someone else."

Before Tribal Council, Chiyo is sitting next to Mio in the shelter.

"I can't believe we lost even though we bought that advantage, Chiyo-chan," Mio says. "Now we have no Fire Tokens, no reward, no advantage."

Chiyo looks thoughtful. "I've got a secret," she whispers to Mio. "I have the idol."

Mio gives Chiyo a stunned look. "Wow, you do?" she whispers back.

"Yes. Please don't tell anyone. As long as you don't, I'll play it on you should you need it."

"So, Chiyo-chan reveals to me that she found the idol," Mio says. "I love playing with Chiyo-chan and would not want to betray her. At the same time, that certainly is interesting information with which I can do a lot. If worse comes to worse, I can barter with someone to buy that idol off Chiyo-chan for Fire Tokens. The possibilities are endless!"

In the final moments before Tribal Council, things get heated between Erina and Nanami as they stand alone by the fire with everyone else out at the beach.

"You're a chef, aren't you?" Nanami says. "Well, guess what, you can't even cook rice correctly! You're like Keith from The Australian Outback!"

"Why don't you just stuff that rice in your mouth and choke on it?" Erina replies.

Nanami gets angrier. "Why don't I just make it more difficult on you to make such poor rice?"

She grabs one of the tribe's bags of rice and tosses it in the fire.

"Really?" Erina says. "Sabotaging the tribe now?"

"Get me even madder, and I'll toss the other one in too!" Nanami shouts back.

Erina walks away in a huff.

"Nanami is probably the worst player to ever play Survivor," Erina says. "She's like J'Tia from Cagayan. She literally just dumped one of our bags of rice right in the fire. Now luckily, Chiyo-chan got us a second one, but we are now in a very bad situation as a tribe."

The other tribe members come up from the beach and walk past the fire as they try to grab their stuff for Tribal Council. They see the rice scattered all around the fire.

"Who did this?" Megumin demands.

"It was her!" Nanami shouts, pointing at Erina.

"Moron!" Erina calls back. "Stop your lying!"

"You stop lying!" Nanami yells.

Megumin shakes her head, while Mio and Lili painstakingly try saving some of the spilled rice.

"Ohohohohoho!" Nanami says. "These girls don't know who spilled the rice on the fire, so they may think it was Miss Nakiri. And if that's the case, Erina's sorry $#% will be sent home tonight."

Tribal Council


The six Smarts tribe members walk into the Tribal Council area.

"Behind each of you is a torch," Jet says. "Reach it into the flames and get fire. This is part of the ritual of Tribal Council. In this game, fire represents life. Once it is gone, so are you."

All six girls get fire, then place their torches in their spots.

"Let's get to the obvious," Jet says. "You aren't a very good tribe. You used an advantage to get a leg up on everybody else, yet you still ended up losing."

"It really hurts," Chiyo says. "We pooled together our Fire Tokens in the hope that we'd win more by doing so. Instead, not only did we not finish first, we couldn't even finish second."

"But it wasn't Chiyo-chan's fault," Lili says. "She solved the puzzle as fast as she could. The problem was that the other two tribes cheated off her."

"Yeah, how is that fair?" Megumin asks.

"It's been going on in Survivor for years!" Jet exclaims. "Tough beans. Now I want to know a little bit about our exercise to begin the game. Erina, you were picked as the leader of this tribe. How has that affected your standing in this game?"

"I feel I am a great leader," Erina says, and immediately Nanami starts laughing.

"Nanami, you find that funny," Jet says. "Why?"

"Ohohohohohoho!" Nanami says. "She's a failure as a leader! All we've done is lose since she took over! Talk about the opposite of a great leader!"

"Excuse me," Erina says. "But you're a gunkyhead and your mom dresses you funny."

"Oh yeah?" Nanami replies. "You just sit wearing only underwear in your mother's basement eating Cheetos!"

"I don't even like Cheetos!" Erina exclaims.

"I bet if I asked your cousin, she'd say so!"

"I don't even like my cousin! Alice is a $#*%&!"

Jet shakes his head as the two have it out with each other.

"You know, there is a game to be played here," he says. "If you two want to have a one-on-one fight like Loly and Haruhi did in Xing, then go right ahead. But I'm warning you, neither of you will win the game."

"Hey, I'm trying to play," Erina says. "This $#%&* won't let me."

"Just shut up!" Nanami yells at Erina.

"Make me!"

Nanami then gets up, threatening to grab Erina by the throat. Megumin holds her back and gets her to sit back down.

"Wow, there's this much animosity in this tribe already?" Jet says.

"It's awful," Megumin says. "These two have had it in for each other since Day 1. Tonight, we have no choice but to vote one of them out."

"Indeed," Lili says. "We have to stop the bickering one way or the other, and that means voting for one of them."

"But don't you think that's causing you to abandon your game?" Jet wonders. "Instead of playing to win the million dollars, you're playing short-term to get rid of a malcontent and have better camp morale. It may win you some challenges, but will it win you the final prize?"

"Winning challenges is what I am all about," Chiyo says. "Statistics show that more winners come from tribes that win a lot. Look at Sayaka from Rivals. Her tribe won the first six immunity challenges she participated in. Or look at Ash Ketchum from Crazy Second Chance. His tribe won its first five immunity challenges. That's why I spent our Fire Tokens on the advantage. We need to win."

"So, what you're saying is, the best way to start winning is to get rid of one of these malcontents?"

"Exactly," Chiyo replies. "The analytics back it up."

"Plus," Mio breaks in, "a malcontent may become content once her rival is gone. She may turn from being a poor challenge player to a good one. She may stay loyal and help our tribe once we reach a merge. All in all, only good can come out of tonight's vote."

"Nanami, Mio says only good can come out of tonight's vote. But if you're the one going home, that's not good for you."

"Who says it's me?" Nanami replies. "This tribe will be so much better tomorrow morning once Miss Nakiri is gone. Remember that when you go to vote."

Erina shakes her head. "Don't listen to her," she says. "Instead, remember who screwed us out of this immunity challenge, who wasted all your Fire Tokens, who injured Chelsea and made her leave the game, and who dumped the rice in the fire. It's obvious who should go home."

Jet grins. "As everyone knows, the obvious vote rarely happens. Unless, of course, it's One World and everyone else is playing for Kim to win. When you dump your rice in the fire… wait a minute, Nanami dumped your tribe's rice in the fire?!"

"That's right," Erina says. "I watched her do it."

"Excuse me, but you did it!" Nanami shouts.

"You're lying and everyone knows it," Erina says.

"Maybe you're lying and everyone knows it too!" Nanami shouts back.

"Well, you're not getting a rice bailout," Jet says. "If you want more rice, you'll have to purchase it with Fire Tokens. As for now, it is time to vote. Chiyo-chan, you're up first."

The "Tally the Vote" theme from Survivor: Cagayan plays as the players walk to the voting booth and cast their votes.

Chiyo goes to vote.

Erina goes to vote.

"You are the absolute worst," Erina says, showing her vote for Nanami. "If you were a chef, people would be vomiting your food all over the place. Please get out of my sight."

Lili goes to vote.

Mio goes to vote.

Megumin goes to vote.

Nanami goes to vote.

"Ohohohohohoho!" Nanami says, writing her vote for Erina. "It's just about time for a -hashtag- blindside. And you're going to be on the receiving end of it! Good luck, loser!"

After all the players are finished voting, Jet addresses the players. "I'll go tally the votes," he says.

He walks over to the voting booth, looks into the voting urn, mixes up the votes, then brings it back over to his table. His podium contains a golden head of Rukia Kuchiki from Bleach near the bottom. He is about to open the voting urn, before he makes his usual statement.

"If anyone has a hidden immunity idol, and you would like to play it, now would be the time to do so."

No one moves a muscle.

"Okay. Once the votes are read, the decision is final, and the person voted out will be asked to leave the Tribal Council area immediately. I'll read the votes."

"First vote… Nanami."

"Erina. We're tied, one vote Nanami, one vote Erina."


"Nanami. That's three votes Nanami, one vote Erina, one vote left."

"First person voted out of Survivor: Best Girl, Nanami Kiryuu. That's four, and it is enough. No need to reveal the final vote; it will remain a mystery. Nanami, you need to bring me your torch."

Nanami is furious as she gets up to grab her torch. She looks at Erina with disgust, then shakes her head at the other players. She then brings her torch in front of Jet and refuses to look him in the eyes.

"Nanami, you are NOT Best Girl," Jet says, snuffing out her torch. "The tribe has spoken. It's time for you to go."

"*$#% you all!" Nanami yells, as she walks on out, giving both middle fingers.

She walks down a path until she comes to a table with a bunch of treasure chests.

"Since you are now out of the game, you must bequeath all of your Fire Tokens to another player still in the game," she reads.

She looks around, hoping for some sort of Edge of Extinction twist, but she sees that there is none.

"I'd rather swallow it," she says.

She then takes the Fire Token and places it in Alice Nakiri's box.

"Just to screw with Erina a little bit," Nanami says.

She then walks to a boat, which is ready to take her away to Ponderosa. The camera cuts back to the Tribal Council area.

"Tonight, you made the obvious vote," Jet says. "But next challenge, we will obviously see if that vote helped you out. Here's fire in the form of flint."

He tosses the flint to Megumin, who laughs since her tribe already has fire because of her explosion magic.

"Grab your torches, head back to camp, good night."

Erina smirks as she grabs her torch along with the rest of the tribe.

"Ohohohohohoho!" Nanami says. "Erina may have beaten me in this game, but she can't beat the food I'm about to eat! She's going to be starving in the rain, while I'm living it up here. But I do hope I see her soon, walking into Ponderosa with her tail between her legs."

Who voted for whom:

Chiyo – Nanami

Erina – Nanami

Lili – Nanami

Megumin – Nanami

Mio – Nanami

Nanami – Erina

Fire Token Count: (*asterisk denotes player with idol)

4 – Mine

3 – Alice, Darkness

2 – Ais, Anthy, Azusa*, Esdeath, Hestia, Meat Meat, Sakaki, Tomo, Tsumugi, Utena

1 – Aqua, Erina

0 – Chiyo*, Lili, Megumin, Mio

Scenes from our next episode:

Chiyo lets Erina in on some secret information:

"Shut up, you really have it?" Erina says.

"That's right!" Chiyo says. "So let's make this be our little secret. And you can count on me. The same way I gave our tribe the extra rice, I'll also give you this idol if you need it."

She also notices something that the others missed:

"Did you notice Jet Black's podium?" Chiyo asks her.

"You mean the one where he sets the votes to read?" Erina asks.

"Yeah!" Chiyo replies. "Well, there's a little golden statue of Rukia at the bottom of the podium. I'm wondering if that's actually an immunity idol."

And someone gets too close for comfort:

"Come on, guys!" Jet exclaims.