For Honor: Wyverndale

Rising from War

The shadowy night sky hung above Wyverndale as the stars twinkled slowly, images of beasts and heroes danced to the rhythm of the cosmos. Small critters scurried about underneath the snow as an owl perched on a lanky branch. It swiveled its head looking for prey, flying away once it spotted the glint of shining metal approaching it. Rolan waded through the snow as he tried to find the clearing, breathing heavily as he picked up his feet. He looked around, trying to find any familiar landmarks to orient himself. He suddenly laid eyes on Takeko, who was surveying the area until she laid eyes on him. He saw her furrow her brow and walk over to him, sheathing her weapon as he did the same.

"It seems we both came back to take the offer." Rolan stated as he looked around. "What made you come back?

"We all have our reasons to see this war end." Takeko said as she stared at him cautiously. "I prefer to keep mine to myself."

"Fair enough," Rolan said as he watched Magnus and Lian appear in front of them. "You two came as well?"

"Aye," Magnus responded glumly. "I'd be seen as a coward in my father's eyes since I ran from battle."

"That's unfortunate." Lian said as she awkwardly patted Magnus on the shoulder. "Have any of you seen Hope around here?"

"No, I've been looking around for a while and have found the clearing." Takeko responded, gesturing to the forest.

The sound of music began to fill the air, alerting the four of them. They turned their heads towards the west and saw a faint white light glowing between the trees. They walked over to it and found themselves in the clearing once more. As they walked towards the light source, they could see that the snow beneath their feet melt away. Instead, luscious green grass swayed with the breeze as little pockets of flowers bloomed all around. The trees around them were covered in twisting green vines that crawled up the bark-like snakes. The cold air that had surrounded them disappeared and was replaced with fresh warm air. They stopped by the stone altar they had seen before and admired the newly grown tree that burst out of the stone. Sitting on top of the lowest branch was Hope, their feet playfully moving back and forth in the air. Hope looked down and smiled, jumping down and making themselves ground level with the group.

"I'm very glad you all decided to take my offer." Hope beamed as they clasped their hands together.

"So tell me," Rolan began. "How are the four of us going to stop the war, do you have some kind of plan?"

"Yes, I've decided that it would be best to go speak with those who are in charge and see if they can stop the war."

"That's your plan?" Magnus worried as he palmed his head. "That'll never work! We can't just 'ask' to stop a war, they'll have us killed."

"With that attitude we can't change anything." Hope exclaimed. "You just need to have a little-"

"Don't finish that sentence." Magnus groaned.

"So you want us to go speak with the leaders?" Rolan stated as he scratched his chin. "I'm sure the original founder of the Iron Legion would gladly hear us out but now it's become the Iron Council. It's just a bunch of nobles who run their respective territories. They're constantly squabbling and arguing, or so from what I've heard from my commander."

"My father is the head chief of the Warborn now after our people wanted him as the leader." Magnus added as he took a seat on a nearby rock. "He's very keen on fighting and if he is, the rest of them are sure to follow."

"Much like the Viking, my father is also the leader of the Dawn Empire." Takeko glumly included. "He doesn't know I fled the castle to fight in the war. He'll probably too cross with me to even think about peace."

"At least all of you know your leaders in some way, I haven't even seen the face of our emperor." Lian said as she walked towards the tree to admire it. "In fact, I don't think anyone I know has."

"This may prove harder than I expected." Hope pondered. "But I'm sure there is something that we can do."

The five of them stood around thinking intensely until Rolan took off his helmet to breathe better.

"If anything, reaching the Iron Council would be the easiest to speak to. Just ask and wait a few days for a response. I could speed the process up by getting my father to ask them since he was a prominent general in his time."

"That's a start," Takeko sighed as she removed her mask to wipe her face. "If we can at least get the council to consider peace we might have come up with a plan by that time."

"Then we're heading for The Shard." Rolan declared as he looked up at the stars. "Then it would be best to rest before heading to my home to get in contact with my father."

"That reminds me," Lian asked. "Magnus is assumed dead by his father, but the rest of us may have been in contact with other people in our troops."

"I've snuck into the army so no one really knows who I am. But my family might be worried about where I am." Takeko explained.

"It would be impossible to get all of out in my group without getting noticed." Rolan admitted. "We might have to go rouge to accomplish this."

"Just being together for this long makes us rouges." Magnus stated briefly as he leaned back on the rock.

"Then you should all rest and prepare yourself for tomorrow." Hope stated as they moved towards the altar. "I will rest myself and begin our journey once day breaks.

They watched as Hope faded away into another pile of petals, leaving the group all by themselves. They looked at each other, waiting for the other to go to sleep. Magnus let out a yawn, clutching his mouth quickly. Lian groaned and quickly slumped down to the floor.

"I'm sure we can trust each other to fall asleep for one night. If we can't, then how do we expect to work together to stop the war?" Lian pointed out as she began to sleep.

As Lian went to sleep, Magnus shrugged and followed suit. He propped his hands behind his head and began to snooze. Takeko and Rolan stared at each other, slowly putting their weapons beside them and doing the same.

The crack of dawn began to melt the night sky as the sun rose in to take its place. The sound of chirping birds woke up the group, groaning and whining after a night of uncomfortable rest. Magnus looked around and saw that Hope was looking up at the tree, quietly admiring it before turning their head towards Magnus.

"Are you worried about leaving?" Magnus asked as he walked over.

"Just a little bit. I haven't left this part of the forest ever since the Cataclysm that happened centuries ago."

"Do you remember what it was like before?"

"I remember that the world was beautiful." Hope reminisced. "The world was populated with people much like yourselves and the wars they had amongst themselves were few. That was until disaster after disasters almost drove the world to near extinction. Now with the unlivable circumstances, it only brings hatred and pain."

Magnus stared up to the sky, looking at the clouds forming up above. He scratched his chest and sighed before he took a knee up to Hope's face.

"My word may not be enough, but know that you can count on me to help end this war." Magnus promised as he put his hand on Hope's shoulder.

Hope smiled and gave Magnus a short hug before rushing to wake the others. As everyone else finished stretching, they gathered together and walked out of the forest. Before reaching the border, Lian stopped, causing everyone else to halt.

"What's the hold up?" Rolan questioned.

"The battlefield, it still littered with-"

"Don't finish that sentence." Takeko interrupted. She bent down and looked and Hope. "You're going to see some things you're not going to like."

Hope gulped and nodded slowly. The others looked at each other and began to walk again. As they left the border of the forest, they all looked around to see the aftermath of the attack once again, feeling less horrified and instead sad. Hope looked around wearily at the corpses and blood that stained the snow beneath them. They did their best to avert their eyes but everywhere Hope looked a corpse was there to greet them. They trudged through the melting snow until they finally found themselves on the outskirts of Wyverndale.

"Hope I want to know something." Lian asked as she looked back. "What's with the ribbon?"

"It's to keep anyone from seeing my eyes. Have you ever heard the phrase 'the eyes are the window to the soul?"

"I heard it in a street performance a few years ago." Rolan acknowledged.

"It is true in my case. Those who faze into my eyes will see what I have seen, every single moment at once. I've seen it break the will of the strongest individuals. So I wear this ribbon to make sure no one has to go through it."

"Well, it's nice of you to tell us this now." Lian thanked as she squinted through the snow wind. "Mind if I ask how are we going to leave this place?"

"If we can steal some horses from my camp, we can reach my father before the legion can." Rolan explained.

They all continued to walk through the snow, clutching their arms trying to keep themselves warm. As they climbed over a hill, they could all see the Knight camp down below. Various soldiers were already tearing down tents and packing up. Magnus pointed towards the left of the camp as he pointed towards the various horses tied to the posts. They watched as a couple of soldiers left the post, giving them an opening. The group rushed down the hill and ran up to the horses. They began to untie the ropes holding the horses and mounted on them. As Rolan finished untying his horse, he looked to his left and saw Judas watching him from the entrance to the camp. They stared at each other, their eyes locked in cold suspense.

"Judas. Trust me." Rolan pleaded.

Judas squinted suspiciously before he raised his hand to his chest, putting it over his heart with a reluctant nod. Rolan smiled and nodded in return before he ushered the horse to begin galloping. As Judas watched him ride away, Alden approached Judas and startled him.

"Have you seen Rolan, I haven't been able to find him anywhere?" Alden questioned.

"I… I haven't commander." Judas said as he shuffled forward.

The sound of iron smacking back and forth as soldiers exchanged sword swings permeated the air. The training grounds were filled to the brim with eager individuals hoping to get a taste of war. One individual was idling by the weapon stand, trying to find a good sword to use. A Warden approached him and stood in front of the individual.

"Judas, these swords are reserved for Wardens and pikemen." the Warden gruffly pointed out.

"Look, I know I'm put under as a reformed criminal I have to use the flail." Judas began as he pointed to the weapon stand. "But swords are a way more effective weapon in close combat."

"Orders are orders, Judas. You must use the flail and shield provided to you. Unless you want to return to prison to carry out the rest of your sentence."

Judas scowled and walked towards his weapons. He picked them up and moved them around a little, swinging the flail head around the shaft playfully.

"Judas! Come here!" Ordered the same Warden from before. "We are initiating the brawl training."

Judas walked over to the left side of the training pit, eyeing the Warden and the other Warden beside him.

"Rolan, this soldier here is Judas. You two will be going against Maximus and Turin." The Warden said as he pointed to the two Lawbringers.

"Alright Lieutenant," Rolan said as he put down his helmet.

As the Warden walked away, Rolan looked over to Judas and out his hand. Judas looked down at it and reluctantly shook it.

"Looks like we're going to be training partners. Hope you can keep up." Rolan pestered as he reached for his longsword.

"Don't get too chummy. You'll probably get assigned to some other Warden like all the other or maybe better a real Lawbringer. No one wants to be partnered with a criminal for long."

"That doesn't matter on a battlefield. Can I count on you to have my back?" Rolan asked.

Judas raised his eyebrow as he looked at Rolan, confused at his question.

"Come again?"

"I'm only a Warden because my dad was one. He had a friend who was also a Conqueror and they worked well all the way through."

"So you just want to fill in your father's shoes." Judas groaned as a bell began to ring, signaling that the training would begin.

"You could say that. But I've seen the other Wardens and they're just in it for the titles. You're the first soldier I've met who's been upfront about himself. So, to me, you're a trustworthy ally. I've read that if we win the war, past crimes for Conquerors are erased and forgiven. I'll promise you that we'll get whatever you did cleared up."

Judas furrowed his brow as he and Rolan approached the Lawbringers. He put up his shield and began to twirl the flail, a small smirk forming across his mouth as he went in to take the first swing.