"Only the dead have seen the end of war." - Plato

For Honor: Wyverndale

Rising from War

A heavy quilt of grey clouds covered the sky as heavy snow fell from above. The leaves of the oak trees shook as the cold wind danced through the forest. A bird landed on a branch and watched as a lone Warden staggered through the snow, breathing heavily and looking around nervously. The clinking of metal rang through the air with every rough stride the Warden took to wade through the snow. Suddenly, the clopping of horses alerted the Warden, their head jerking quickly behind them. The Warden's heart beat faster inside the Warden's chest as they tried to run to the nearest cover, tripping and falling over in the snow. The sound of horses grew louder as the Warden stood still in the snow, trying to feign death. The Warden could not see and could only hear the sound of horses stop as soon as they found the Warden. The gravely voices of a few vikings filled the Wardens' ears as they walked through the snow. Cold sweat began to form on the Warden's body as they tried to breathe quietly as to not alert the nearby vikings. After a few minutes, the Warden listened intently as the vikings got back on their horses and rode away. Lying in the snow, contemplating the situation, the Warden took a large gasp of air as they rose from the ground. The Warden took off their helmet, revealing a bruised and bleeding face of a slightly pale man. His dirty blonde hair contrasted with the grassy green eyes that stared despondently at the sky. Cold air entered his nose as hot air exited his mouth as the Warden got up from the snow and put the helmet back on. He continued to wade through the snow, trying to find a way out of the forest he wandered through. As the sun began to set, the Warden found herself in a clearing where the trees seemed to be more spread out. There were large rocks scattered across the white earth as the Warden walked up to them. He took his gloved hand and traced the rocks with his finger, feeling the even grooves that he noticed mark every nearby rock. In the middle of the clearing what seemed to be the remains of an altar jutting out of the ground. As the Warden approached the altar, he suddenly stopped as His eyes caught the sight of a Raider walking towards the altar. On the Raider's helmet were numerous, yellow-stained bone shards riding from the top to the bottom. His body was covered in numerous tattoos and scars as he walked towards the altar. In his hand was a dane axe, its sharp edge chipped in the middle with a long oak wood pole being gripped by the Raider. Suddenly, the Raider took an aggressive stance causing the Warden to reach for his longsword. However, he looked closer and saw that the Raider was looking at someone else. He turned his gaze and saw a red masked Kensei holding a nodachi, staring intensely at the Raider before accidentally looking at the Warden. The Raider turned his gaze and saw the Warden, scowling and shifting nervously. As they stared at each other, all three of them heard the shifting of snow in front of them. They saw a Tiandi walk up to them, her stoic eyes darting between the three of them periodically as she twirled her dao blade. As the Tiandi approached them, the Warden darted his eyes between his three opponents, his heart racing wildly as he gripped his longsword. The Raider roared and raised his axe as the Tiandi and Kensei yelled as they raised their weapons. The Warden weakly raised his sword and charged as the three did the same before a sudden flash of bright light burst before their eyes.

The loud banging of metal being struck accompanied the intense heat of a forge, its bright orange fire burning proudly as men carefully inserted metal rods into them. Sweat poured down them as they pulled out the rod and began to hammer away at their future creations. Watching them was a Lawbringer clad in heavy, black armor with a long cape billowing behind him. On that cape was a white, upright bull that danced as the cape moved. He let out a grunt of approval before leaving the forge to enter the crowded grounds of the large castle around him. The bleating of farm animals and chatter of people filled his ears. As he walked, carrying his polearm by his side, he looked up to see his destination. The epicenter of the large castle-like city, Calber Citadel. The Lawbringer entered through the archway to find soldiers sparing against each other. As the Lawbringer watched, a messenger approached him.

"Are you Commander Alden?" The messenger asked.

"Yes, who are you?" Alden asked, his voice reverberating inside his helmet.

"The messenger from the Wyverndale front, I have some important news for you." the messenger explained as he handed Alden a parchment. "There was a surprise attack led by the Dawn Empire and in the incursion and Sir Gregory was killed. Our army now has no leader and have requested your services on the front."

Alden looked at the parchment and stood there quietly as the messenger cocked his head in front of him.


"I'm sorry. I… I didn't expect to receive this type of news. I'll make my preparations as soon as possible."

"All right sir, I'll be on my way."

Alden watched as the messenger left and returned to reading the parchment. His hands tensed up as he threw it to the ground and made his way to the stables. As he tried to mount his horse, one of the caretakers approached him to help him get on his steed.

"Where are you going Commander Alden?"

"I need to go speak with an old friend." Alden responded as he grabbed the reins and ushered the horse out of the stable.

As the horse galloped out of the gate, Alden rode into the farming fields just outside the walled city. The sun shone brightly above Ashfeld as the wispy strings of white clouds floated in the air. Alden looked ahead of him as he saw a village surrounded by wheat fields. As Alden entered the village, he rode around until he stopped by a well-kept house. Its walls were painted white and separated by the wooden logs that supported the building. On top was a tightly woven straw roof and a single brick chimney tower with light grey smoke coming out from the top. The courtyard held a small stone well, a small building that housed the livestock and a stone shed far away from the house. Alden entered the courtyard and hopped off his horse, tying the reins to a nearby post. As he approached the wooden door, he took a deep breath and knocked. Some movements could be heard inside as a figure approached the door. As Alden watched the door open, he looked slightly down and saw a well-groomed man nearing his forties. There was more hair on his chin than on his head as the man patiently combed it while he inspected Alden with his dull, dirt brown eyes. The older gentleman wore regular peasant clothing riddled with patches and holes. Alden leaned his polearm against the door frame and began to remove his helmet. The old man raised a white, almost faded eyebrow as he looked up at him. He could see a large scar going across the bridge of his nose. His head, although it had more hair than the old man, was a crisp snow white along the sides. The old man's stoic scowl began to loosen as a chuckle escaped him. Alden smiled as the old man put his hand on his shoulder.

"It's good to see you again Alden."

"It's good to see you again as well Darwin. May I come in?"

Darwin nodded his head as Alden entered his home. Alden stood by the fireplace as he watched Darwin continue to salt some meat. Alden looked around, admiring the wooden furniture that occupied the house.

"How is retired life treating you Darwin?"

"I've been able to rest these old bones and learn to appreciate the simplicity of farming." Darwin joked as he grabbed a palm of salt and rubbed it on some meat. "I heard from some chatter at the markets that you got promoted to Commander? I'm impressed."

"It's quite a challenge now more than ever. Viking presence along the northern settlements has forced the higher command to direct more of our resources to them to make sure the possibility of invasion stays low. On top of that, I've been summoned to the North to help quell those hordes."

"It sounds like a journey." Darwin noted. "Who will be taking your place while you're gone?"

Alden shuffled uncomfortably as Darwin narrowed his eyes. He crossed his arms and walked towards Alden and looked up at him.

"I came here to ask if you would come out of retirement to manage the Calber Citadel? You know more about diplomacy and management than any of my subordinates and could help keep the area in one piece. I'd be glad to return the favor as soon as you want."

"You caught me at a good time then." Darwin chuckled.

"What do you mean by that?"

"I'd like to call in that favor now."

Darwin and Alden walked outside and towards the nearby field. Some of the farmers looked up and took off their hats. Alden raised his as appreciation and followed Darwin to the far center of the field. Darwin stopped in front of a much younger man tilling the earth. Alden observed the man, noticing his blonde hair and slightly, sun-kissed skin. He pulled back on the hoe slowly, making sure to loosen almost every granule of soil. Darwin coughed, the man lifting his head to look up at him.

"Alden, meet my son Rolan." Darwin said as he gestured to the man. "I'd like you to take him under your wing and take him to the Wyverndale front."

"Your son!" Alden barked. "When did you have a child?"

"You remember that battle at River Fort a few years ago? While the others took inventory of the spoils I decided to take my own 'spoils' so to speak." Darwin laughed as he patted Rolan's shoulder. "A few months later I found out I was a general and a father."

"Could we not talk about this father?" Rolan urged.

"Hush, I'm just pulling your chain." Darwin said before he turned to Alden. "But I would like you to take him with you. He should get an early start before entering the war effort, to get a taste of battle and glory."

"Does he have any experience with any weapons besides that hoe he carries?" Alden asked.

"I received some training with a long sword." Rolan responded. "I learned everything from my father.

"Then let's test your mettle. You and I will spar to see if you can survive long enough on a battlefield."

The three of them returned to Rolan and Darwin's home as Alden picked up his helmet and poleaxe. Darwin helped Rolan into some old armor as he handed him a rusted longsword.

"A little secret for you," Darwin whispered as he tightened the straps of the armor. "Alden likes to interrupt people's strikes and hit him quickly in the head, so you should mind yours."

Rolan nodded as he gripped the longsword and prepared himself. Alden raised his polearm above his head and the two of them began to circle one another. A few people passing by began to stop and watch the duel. Alden took a step, grabbing his polearm with both hands, and pushed Rolan back. He then raised his polearm and went in to hit Rolan across the head. Rolan put up his sword and blocked the strike staggering a little bit from the impact.

"The enemy will not be so kind, Rolan." Alden berated as he slowly circled Rolan.

He furrowed his brow and breathed in, the sound of his breathing echoing inside his helmet. Rolan dashed forward, catching Alden off guard as he failed to guard his top. As Rolan went to slash his sides, Alden put his polearm to the side and parried the strike. Rolan suddenly felt a quick strike to the helmet as a ringing pounded against his head. As the ringing began to subside, Rolan looked up to see another heavy strike heading towards him. Rolan instantly put up his sword and went in to strike first, phasing Alden as he received a blow to the head. Rolan took a step back as he looked at Rolan and resumed a relaxed position.

"You surely are your father's son." Alden said as he looked at Darwin. "Pack your belongings, you're coming with me to the Wyverndale front."

End of Knight Prologue