Meteor Shower

Vivienne smiled excitedly. "By my calculations, it's going to happen tonight!" she exclaimed.

"What will happen?" Quirin asked his wife.

"There's going to be a meteor shower tonight! Do you know what that is, Varian?" she cooed, holding her baby tight.

"Gah bu?" Varian said.

"A meteor comes from a comet, a body of ice and rock several miles in diameter that orbits the sun." she explained.

At the word comet, Quirin rubbed his hands together nervously.

"We're going to see the meteor shower tonight, as a family." she decided.

"When exactly are these meteors coming? I don't want Varian up all night." Quirin pointed out.

"Oh, it'll be fine. It's just around 9:15." Vivienne detailed.

"Varian should be asleep by then." Quirin reminded her.

"It's only for one night. He can have an extra nap in the afternoon." Vivienne brushed off his concern.

"It's hard enough getting him down for the first nap." Quirin grumbled.

"You just don't do it right. You have to sing to the baby." Vivienne explained.

"I'll let you handle the singing." Quirin deferred.

"Good. You'll see, Varian will be an absolute angel today." she promised.

Angel was stretching it, because Varian cried several times that day, and kept throwing his toy raccoon across the room, forcing Quirin to go collect it before the baby starting wailing again. But Quirin didn't mind, he was proud of his baby boy, who could now sit up by himself and roll over. He babbled a lot, still trying to get the hang of talking, which Quirin didn't think he'd master for another six months at least. Vivienne thought it would be sooner than that, and they had a friendly wager about it.

They got through dinner, and bath time, and two naps before it was time to see the promised meteors. Vivienne bundled Varian up because it was cooler at night, and she didn't want the baby to get chilled.

"This will be something special, Varian. A memory to have for the rest of your life." she assured him.

"Gee ba." Varian replied.

Quirin put a hand on Vivienne's shoulder as she held Varian up to get a better view. There was a flash of bluish light in the sky which formed a ball. The ball of light began to move, ascending above the horizon towards the east. Soon it was joined by other meteors traveling in the same direction. The meteor appearances were brief, each appearing for maybe a minute before splintering off into smaller pieces and then disappearing from view.

Varian was spellbound. He had never seen anything like that before! It was almost as if someone in the sky was rolling a giant ball over and over. He wished the balls of light would last forever, but after an hour they stopped appearing.

"That was your first meteor shower, sweetie! Wasn't it amazing? Maybe someday you'll study the stars in the sky and all the marvelous celestial events. Why, you might even see an eclipse when you're older, wouldn't that be amazing?!" she cooed.

"Eclipses are bad news." Quirin insisted.

"That's just a made up legend. An eclipse is nothing more than an object blocking the sun for a few moments. It can't hurt anyone." Vivienne scoffed. "You'll see an eclipse Varian and love it."

"Buh ga." Varian said, happily waving his hands up at the sky.

The End

My boyfriend and I watch meteor showers in August. It's pretty cool. We've seen solar eclipses too, and no demon has bothered us.. so far.