here it is everyone! The LincolnXMollie story you all(?) Voted for!
Welcome to the story! I hope you all enjoy the story so please enjoy it!
Love was a simple word that anyone could say, but nowadays few mean it. Teens think that they're in love when they are in a relationship. Teenage years are one of the harshest parts of your life, boys complete with others on whos dicks are bigger and who's cooler or who had sex first. Most teenage boys think themselves to be hot shit as soon as they have sex and leave a girl in just a one night stand. not all boys are like this, of course, but most women fall for the cool guys, the pot smokers, and end up being in the wrong crowd.
With girls, it's almost the same, but then a girl has sex she's considered a slut. Which is in poor taste, so a girl had sex with a lot of guys! big deal, we don't call a dude a Jigalo because he's had sex with a lot of girls. In the end, does it really matter who we do in our teens?
Mollie thought like this. She understands human nature, it's not hard. Of course, she knows that she and other humans can and will eventually fall to their need to get attention or feel better about themselves by doing whatever they must. Mollie would admit that she had fallen to the need to get attention or to be liked by others or to even put others down to feel better about herself.
However, she knew that love was indeed a real thing if it wasn't then why make so much fuss over it. She understood that and knew she wouldn't find the right guy in these teenage years, most relationships during high school didn't last. However she has slept with two or three guys but nothing beyond that, a few flings, and that's it.
Sure she was called a slut by some of the other girls but she knew she wasn't a slut. sure she slept with them once and talked to them a few times but just because you have sex doesn't mean it means you have to be in a relationship. She liked having flings, it was something that most men would be happy about. Trust her, she knew that women wanted sex as bad as guys did, well she and a couple of other girls she knew did, but just because few girls wanted to bang some dudes or a special someone didn't mean all girls wanted sex, no, it just meant that they were more knowledgeable of their urges.
Anyway, mollie was someone who didn't care what some people thought of her, only her friends knew the real her and that's all she needed, she didn't care that some girls she didn't know or speak to called her a slut. They didn't know her, only she knew who she was.
Mollie was currently in the lunchline waiting to eat. The line was slow but today was cheeseburgers and Mollie liked the school's cheeseburgers. She got her food and went to sit with her friends, well those who were still around. Girl Jordan had moved to Boston a year ago, they still kept in touch, Mollie now hung around with Lincoln, Stella, Zach, Tabby, and Haiku. Clyde had moved away due to one of his dad's getting a promotion and moving to Washington. Rusty had also moved but he moved to Detroit. Liam was the only one they didn't know what happened to, all they know is that he left the school and he wasn't in town anymore.
Mollie sat down at the little booth that she and her friends had and looked to all of them. Zach and Haiku were planning a date, yeah, they were dating, who would've guessed. Lincoln, Tabby, and Stella were talking about some songs. Mollie just smiled at seeing her friend's antics.
Everyone had changed over the years.
Lincoln wore an orange short-sleeve over a long-sleeved white shirt and his hair was now an undercut and he wore grey jeans with white and black sneakers.
Stella had let her hair grow out into a curly ponytail and she wore a white Nikes jacket and a red skirt with black boots.
Zach looked the same, except that he wore a camo jacket and grey shoes.
Tabby had her hair in a mohawk and she actually wore a purple jean vest with some pins of bands on it and she wore a striped shirt that showed her midriff and wore jean shorts with her classic white hightop boots.
Haiku's hair was cut short but it still covered one of her eyes. She wore a dark red skintight dress which showed off her curves perfectly. She even wore black lipstick.
"Hey guys, what's going on?" Mollie asked her friends
The first one to look at her was tabby. "Not much love, classes were ok today," Tabby told her
"Speak for yourself, I swear Mrs. Anderson has it out for our class," Zach said as both Lincoln and Stella nodded
"I think it's because you guys fool around," Mollie replied said with a smirk
"She has a point you know," Haiku told them
Lincoln then turned to Mollie and Haiku, "You try sitting through her fucking math lessons" Lincon told them with a smile
"I swear all she can do is tell us how to do the math, she can't even show us how it's done" Stella sighed
Mollie agreed with them but laughed at their dismay.
"Oh, Mollie are you still coming over?" Lincoln asked
Mollie looked at him, Lincoln was referring to him asking her for helo with their history class. They had the same one, but there was a test by the end of the week and they were going to study together tonight. Mollie nodded and Lincoln nodded back.
They continued to eat in peace and talk about how their classes were going, eventually, the bell rang and they threw their trash away before and headed to their next class. Lincoln and Mollie also had English together. They walked the class together and sat their desks, which was right next to each other. each desk was in a pair and luckily they were in the back. Both actually were doing good in the class, even though Lincoln drew his little comics, and Mollie was reading her books. The class went by fast and eventually so did the rest of their school day.
Mollie and Lincoln drove back to his house in her car and on the way they also picked up Lincolns two younger sisters Lisa and Lily. Mollie had met the Loud sister before and she actually enjoyed both Lisa and Lily's company. Lisa, because she was very technical and quick-witted like her and Lily because she was just so cute. They listened to songs by Maroon five as Lily had requested and enjoyed the drive back to their house.
They arrived and the two girls left to do whatever as both Mollie and Lincoln headed up to his room. Lincoln no was in what used to be Lori and Leni's room while his old room was converted back into a closet. Mollie was happy about that as she had seen how small the closet was, she hated cramped places. Anyways they were in the room and Lincoln locked the door to make sure none of his sisters bothered them while they studied. When Mollie entered the room she noticed that there were some clothes covered in paint. Mollie and guessed it was from Lincoln's part-time job working with his handyman. Believe it or not, she found the thought of Lincoln carrying 2x4's very hot, and his job did indeed pay off as she had seen the muscles he had, his body was thin and muscular and his abs were slightly visible. The thought of Lincoln sweating while working made her feel very hot.
They studied but all Mollie could think about was the short little fantasy of Lincoln. She had found him cute at times and other times found him so hot.
Lincoln was currently at his desk while Mollie was on his bed. Lincoln was asking her some questions and she was answering them. However, Mollie wanted to ask him a question.
"Hey Linc?" Mollie called for him
"Yeah?" He replied not looking up
"How about we fool around?" She said a sultry tone
Lincoln smiled, "Come on Mollie, don't play with me I know better than tha-AH!" he cried
Lincoln looked down to see Mollie was rubbing her hand on the outside of his pants. Lincoln then looked to Mollie was biting her lip while staring at his eyes. Her own were half-lidded and lust had been spotted in her eyes. Lincoln, however, was very hesitant because mollie was his friend and his family was home. Lincoln had never denied that Mollie was hot but he didn't want something like this to complicate their friendship.
"M-Mollie! We can't do anything like this! My family's home!" He cried in a whisper
"Aw~ come on Linc, I know how you look at me sometimes~," Mollie told him
Lincoln didn't deny this either, he had seen Mollie swimming and couldn't deny how sexy she looked in her two-piece swimsuit. How water had made her skin shine in the light, he couldn't deny how hot she looked sometimes at school when she wore those sweaters that showed off her shoulders or when she wore that cherry red lipstick sometimes.
Mollie felt his little friend begin to get hard within his jeans, she smiled as she then unbuttoned his jeans then unzipped them
Lincoln decided that there was no stopping her as she now pulled out his semi-hard dick. Mollie smiled with her lust-filled eyes and she gently kissed the tip and then licked up the shaft. Lincoln dick now was fully erect, Mollie saw that it was now a full 8 inches hard and Mollie was kinda in awe at the sight, she knew some of the guys she did had 5 or 6 inches but she never knew someone in there school would be 8 inches but she knew now. Mollie decided to continue licking and kissing Lincolns dick and she began to hear Lincolns cute little moans, she now decided to suck his dick slowly, she tried to deep throat it at first and but find out that she could only take in half of it in her mouth, however, Lincoln flinched as he could feel her mouth wrapped around his dick. Mollie liked how he twitched and kept bobbing her head up and down his shaft. Lincoln began to moan louder but covered his mouth as not to alert his sisters or whoever was in the house.
"M-Mollie!" Lincoln cried between moans "I'm about to-"
Mollie looked up at the boy and smiled, "Go ahead Linc~" She said
Mollie began to suck faster and harder, Lincoln couldn't contain himself as he grabbed the sides of his chair and released his semen inside of Mollie's mouth. Mollie felt as the ropes of cum hit her tastebuds and swirled it around her mouth, She could taste his seed and it was indeed tastier than the last guy she blew. She removed her mouth from Lincolns shaft and
looked up at him before swallowing, her eyes, as well as Lincolns, were full of lust. They wanted to do more.
"Lincoln!" Came the loud voice of the youngest Loud
The two were immediately taken out of their lust filled dazed and Lincoln pulled up his underwear and pants and then zipped them up as Mollie quickly wiped her mouth and then fixed her clothes. Both then heard the knocking on Lincolns door
"Lincoln! Lincoln! let me in! I want to show you something!" Came Lilys voice
Lincoln quickly fixed his shirt and headed to the door to unlock it and opened to see Lily there with her sketchbook, she rushed in the room as Lincoln closed the door behind them
"w-what's up Lily?" Lincoln asked in a nervous tone
"I drew a picture of you! I also drew a picture of Mollie!" Lily said
Lincoln smiled and looked at Mollie who was smiling at Lily's cuteness
"AW! Can I see?" Mollie asked Lily
Lily giggled before running up to Mollie and showing off her drawing. Mollie saw the drawing and was surprised by the detail. It was almost as good as Lincolns own sketches, despite lily only being 6 she was very talented at drawing, in fact, Mollie was sure that Lily was gonna be like her only brother, she only hoped that she wouldn't be as dorky as him
"Do you like it?" Lily asked with a smile
Mollie nodded, "It's great Lily," Mollie said
Lincoln smiled at the scene but it turned into a small frown. Believe it or not, he wanted to be with Mollie for a while, he was just afraid that it would ruin their friendship, but after this, could they just be friends with benefits?
In this story, Lincoln and his friend are sophomores in highschool Lincoln is currently 15 and will be turning 16 later in the story.
Also, this story will contain a lot of smut but don't expect "I love you's" from Mollie... yet
For now Lincoln and Mollie will slowly become friends with benefits.