Disclaimer: This story includes many sexual interactions, encounters, and variations. Some of the content that is will be, or has been written is rated X. The content which some audiences will find disturbing or discomforting. Please read at your own desire...
It was hard to believe that Izuku was standing outside the gates of his dream school. Then upon his first step, the idiot had to trip on his own foot(great start right?). Fortunately for him, he was saved by a kind gesture.
"Here let me help you!" A kind voice was accompanied by a pair of hands helped him from his floating state. Soon gravity fell upon him, Izuku was balanced.
"Thanks, nice quirk."
"Hey it's no biggie, you are probably just as stressful as everyone here."
"At least I am not the only one."
"Well, I better get going, good luck on the exams!" The girl waved off with Izuku returning the nice gesture. With a deep breath in, he made his way into the gates of purgatory-he meant Yuuei.
Izuku braced himself, the practical was upon him and many other examinees. Some stretching. Some prep talking. But it was obvious that most were anxious to get this practice started.
"Alright, Everyone! Starting the test in...Now!"
Izuku didn't think twice as the announcer, Present Mic, gave the "okay" to charge in a begin the exam.
Flash forward some minutes...
'70' Izuku thought to himself as he tore through one of the robots like nothing. Almost a year ago, he couldn't even perform this feat alone. With the training in the beach park and discovering something new with his quirk. This was a cakewalk.
Absorbing the heat generated by the Robots and boosting his physical capabilities was easy enough. Although he had only a few second window before the boosted heat would evaporate from him. It was more than enough to beat down the robots.
Some times when he was cornered he would focus on attracting a single robot towards him before ducking down and deactivating the quirk. As a result, the still-flying robot would crash into its mechanical brethren.
Then came the two-minute warning. It was nearing the end. But that was when it came out. A titan of wires and steel, towering over the cities itself. While Izuku didn't fear it, he was smart not to get enough with it unnecessarily.
Making a dash towards the entrance, Izuku was only a couple of steps before he sensed a sharp increase in heat temp. It wasn't his, as his heart rate was fine and mildly stress. Coming from behind him, he looked towards the rubbled caused by the destruction of buildings.
Beneath the rubble was the collapsed girl, the same girl that caught him earlier. Desperately trying to free herself.
Izuku knew it was a futile effort, the leg was stuck. Acting on instinct, his legs driving him towards the girl and the behemoth. Taking off his track jacket and undoing his shirt as well. He did his best to absorb as much as he possibly can from surrounding robots and the behemoth itself.
Now in the girl's perspective, she was about to call desperately as the massive foot was coming down upon her. Her voice stopped at the shirtless teen but something seemed out. Smoke...no steam was being absorbed into his being. Her body too felt her own heat getting pulled away, so much so it was like she dropped 30 degrees in a sec.
At the same time, the teens figure become clearer, his body was changing with the amount of heat or steam he absorbed, she assumed. His eyes glowed green for a bit before turning a dark yellow. The surprisingly fit teen turned into a buffed up guy. But before she could exactly see what was different he leaped above her. Her eyes following his move as his fist collides with the bottom of the robot's foot.
*Screech!* *Crash!* *Bang!*
She could see with the adrenaline of how his fist corkscrewed and tearing the metal with it before breaking everything instantly as the massive amount of heat was released into that punch. Then suddenly, the behemoth was nothing more than bits and pieces of metal before it exploded, thankfully the mysterious savior's quirk blew away the blast, reducing the initial impacted.
Powerful was an understatement. Immense was an understatement.
The only feeling he felt was... bottomless. Like this massive wave of heat felt endless. No matter how much he took it was stuck inside of him. Even when he reverted back to his base form, the heat was stored.
This form, Izuku would call it Muscular Heat Mode. As its job was to expanded and thicken his body. Even bones and organs were buffed. Izuku stares at awe of the damage he did, the rest of the city he punched in was decimated by his heat punch.
"Times Up!"
Izuku snapped out of his trance. Looking down at the girl, who was now apparently knocked out. While Izuku managed to protect himself and her from most of the impact in his Muscular form. The girl didn't have a chance to brace herself.
Climbing down from the rubble then freeing the girl away from it. Izuku carries her slowly, he wasn't sure if she had a head injury but she wasn't waking up. The heat from her body told him she was still breathing. Walking away from the wreckage, Izuku picked up his clothes and made his way to find a group of people, fucking anyone. Luckily he found someone.
"Hey! Are you two alright?!" She was taller than him in his regular state. Having her blue hair tied into a pig-tail. She wore glasses with status. Sporting a track outfit, were her toned abdominals were showing.
"Yea...but she is still unconscious and has a leg injury."
Izuku handed the girl to the taller girl so he could put on his shirt and tie the top tracksuit around his waist.
"That dangerous but heroic of you to help her."
"I was gonna run away like the others but I didn't realize she was trapped."
"Still, you saved her."
"I wouldn't say "saved", I helped her sure. But enough of that, can you take her to a professional or the infirmary?" Izuku asks with urgency, he didn't want this girl to get a head injury because of him. Still though if that robot continued and he wasn't there, a head injury is a better injury than being crushed completely from head-to-toe.
An affirmative nod was given to him as the taller girl carried the unconscious one to safety and security. Izuku sighed in relief as the speed-quirk user dashed away instantly from him. Turning his attention back to the result of his attack...it left him confused and a bit scared of his capabilities.
For a long time, he thought his quirk was just to receive or repel heated objects. He was proven wrong during his training on the beach, he could also have the ability to only receive and repel heat itself. That's where he got his Muscular Form from(for those who want an accurate picture of this transformation, it's the cover for the story).
The damage was damn-near catastrophic. Plus, he still had tons of heat stored in him, to give a comparison, it was like only a fraction was used to make that blast of steam.
Shaking his head, Izuku ignored the looks of awe and made his way towards the entrance of testing grounds.
Later on...
Izuku sighed as he made his way home. Tired from mentally thinking about his quirks new capabilities. It confused him, he had this power for over a decade and he didn't figure out about these qualities and traits to it sooner?
That was the question as he put in the key and unlocked the door and headed inside.
"I'm home!" Izuku announces.
No answer.
Quirking an eyebrow, Izuku took off his shoes and left them by the front as it was coming house rules. Closing the front door behind him and locking it. Izuku took off his backpack and left it in the study, his old bedroom before looking into the kitchen. Nope, she wasn't here. But there was a jacket hanging on the counter, picking it up, Izuku saw that it was a size too big, it was winter nowadays. Maybe it was just him, but it wasn't Inko's style. Especially since it's leather with a fur coat inside. She wouldn't wear this, he knew his girl more than anybody. Inko was a casual, simple woman and he loves her for it. Putting down the jacket on the counter with the intention of putting it in her closet later, Izuku continued to call around the house for his lady.
"Inko?" Izuku called out.
Nothing. "Maybe she went out to get groceries, but she would've let me know before now," Izuku concluded before...
"She is out for business." A voice came from behind him. Izuku knew that voice but was still startled nonetheless. Turning around his eyes met a fiery red pair of eyes. Her explosive sandy blonde hair accompanied by a nice skin condition. She was wearing a light grey thin jacket with a white blouse beneath. Her denim skinny jeans hugging tightly to her waist. Dark thin socks covering her feet.
She approached him with a bit of sway that she always did so. An attention seeker just like her son, his ex-best friend.
"Auntie," Izuku said in shock, it clicked, that jacket was hers!
"Since when were such a disrespectful little shit huh? Calling your mother by her first name?! Your fucking worse than that son of a bitch that shouts at me all day long!" She pushed him, Izuku wasn't fazed. Unlike Inko, Mitsuki Bakugo was all bark and no bite. Inko could beat his ass if she wanted to but didn't need to in the first place.
Izuku was puzzled until it hit him. The tears, the messed up make-up. Pain in her eyes showed him something deeply cut into this woman. There was a pause as Mitsuki sobbed into her hands.
Izuku closes his eyes before walking to his Aunt, not by blood, but by a bond. He reaches out to grasp both of her wrists and moving them to see her face. Once he did so, Mitsuki still turned away from his intense gaze.
"Don't look at me." She lowly growled, almost as a defense mechanism to hide away her shame.
"Then take it back."
"What?!" She growled at him.
"About calling yourself a "bitch", because your not one Auntie, and I don't ever want to hear you talk about yourself like that."
"What the hell do you know?! Your just a kid!"
"Yes, a kid. A kid who cares deeply for the ones that mean so much to him. Your one of them Auntie."
For second, Izuku saw Mitsuki's facial expressions lighten before she growled and tried to free herself.
"Enough just let go!"
"Not now! Not after what you showed me!" Izuku was indeed the stronger one, especially after the heat he absorbed into his being today. Embracing his auntie, he emitted a warm sensation on this cold afternoon. As Mitsuki cried into his shoulder, Izuku couldn't help but feel sorry. She was outgoing, bold, and definitely fearless in the eyes of so many in her audience.
Yet, to see her crumbling in his arms. Izuku rocked her and let her wails continue until she was too tired to stand up. Resulting in him carrying her to the couch and settling her down. This time, Mitsuki explained her situation.
For the past five or so years, her husband Masura, Inko's boss. Was not as intimate with her, Mitsuki boiled it down to him being stressful from work, and it worked for her.
However, with the lack of an intimate and soon to be a distant husband. Came the troubles of handling a son so driven by ego. It was unbearable, almost so that her warning and lectures were becoming nagging to Katsuki. Her husband didn't really pay any attention to their son during those years, which drove Katsuki to be anti-social, towards his family. Eventually, it was catching up to Mitsuki, the amount of hostility from her son, the distances from her husband. It finally broke her, so when Masura mentioned going on a business trip, Mitsuki followed wondering if her husband was gonna be okay since he hadn't had any of these for several years. She regretted following him...
Her husband landed in a love hotel with some other woman, that Izuku didn't really catch. All he understood was that she was a "bimbo cat whore", in Mitsuki's words.
Izuku would hear how she too would be distant with him, but the hard part for her was that her husband was starting to feel happy. But not from her, but that other woman. Mitsuki pauses and says that was the summary of the entire story.
"Let me make dinner." Izuku offered which Mitsuki accepted silently. As Mitsuki leaned on the counter as Izuku cooked dinner, they had small talk.
"I wish I had a son like you."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, it just...Katsuki cooks sure, but only for himself. Frankly, I don't remember the last time he ate with us, as a family in our own home. Restaurants sure, he kinda has too otherwise he just makes things more bothersome for everyone."
"Ah, so that's what you meant. You sure you only want Udon noodles? I mean I can make a western dish if you want?"
"No, it's fine. It sorta reminds me of you and Inko, a plain family, something nice to have in the long run but never appreciated at first glance."
"Understandable. I wish I made you this dish under better...circumstances."
"Heh...your the best Izuku. Inko is lucky to have a son like you."
"...I wouldn't think so."
"How come?"
"Granted everything would be fine if I had chosen another career to pursue. She worries that I will end up the like the heroes in the old days; dead, unappreciated, and forgotten."
"Well, that's one way to think about it...She is your mother after all."
"And lover too..." Izuku mumbles.
"What was that?"
"Nothing, please continue."
"Yea, it's in a mothers nature to worry about their children, especially their sons."
"Why sons?"
"Well, from what I have seen in other and my family, unfortunately, is that sons are more likely to be rebellious towards their mothers than if they were daughters. Not all family's go by that route, but most families do."
Izuku nodded as Mitsuki chuckles to herself. "Look me being all analytical. You sure know how to distract me."
"I hope so, wouldn't want to drop the mood again because of me."
"Ya...I been meaning to say. Sorry for going off on you like that."
"It's no trouble, granted I was surprised at first but I don't hold it against you." Izuku pour the noodles and soup into two bowls and set it on the dining table. Izuku sat next to Mitsuki. The two ate in silence. Occasionally, Izuku would sneak a glance at her every now and then between bites to see how she was feeling. Every time he would, she would turn her head away slightly.
Finally giving it a rest and finishing dinner. The two got up and put on some Television.
"I have a question, how did you get in here?"
"Your mother let me in...I have been talking to her about it for the past couple of weeks." Izuku listened as he watched some western music videos.
"I was in a few hours before you got home." She continued.
"Mitsuki what happened?" Inko looked concerned at the distraught woman as she shivered in the cold. With no immediate answer, Inko ushered her inside and made some warm coffee even if it was an hour before noon.
The two mothers sat down as Mitsuki broke down again, Inko wrapped her arms around her friend. Things were tough for the blonde woman that much she knew already but why today?
"Inko...can I stay here today?"
"Sure Mitsuki. Sure..."
"What happened today?" Izuku asks, he knew the build-up to the situation but what was the climax?
What broke everything?
Where was the final piece?
Who tipped the scales?
When did it happen?
How would she move on?
These questions repeated in his mind as Mitsuki gave him an empty expression as she walks over to her purse and pulled out something.
A yellow package. Pulling out the documents, Izuku already knew what it was...
"This." She said bluntly. Izuku grasp the papers and looked with narrowed eyes. It was expected to given the circumstances in their relationship but still hard to believe it came through.
"He left those on the table this morning before leaving." Mitsuki sniffed before wiping her tears, Izuku handed her a nearby tissue box that she accepts.
Izuku was at a loss for words. He didn't know what to say or even should say anything. The resting head on his shoulder made him all the more puzzled. This wasn't a typical situation for most teenagers and saying anything would maybe just make things worse.
For a while they stayed like that, Izuku had set down the papers for divorcement. He listens as Mitsuki silently cries on his shoulder; her tears staining his T-Shirt.
"Hey...Izuku? Do you have a speaker?"
"I got a Bluetooth connection one in my room. Would that work?"
Izuku got up and went to retrieve his wireless speaker, it wasn't big but definitely loud enough to fill the room if he maxed out the volume. Turning it on with its usual beeping. Mitsuki got her phone and turned on its Bluetooth function. They connected and Izuku set down the speakers on a nearby stand were some of his pictures with his mother and him during summer break were at.
"What year do you like your music Izuku?"
"I am more of 70s-to early 2000s kind of guy if your asking."
"Be more specific."
"Let us go with the eighties."
A nod from the woman as she plays a song that Izuku seemed to understand it was rock, but couldn't figure out the band.
The electric guitar played first, Izuku leaned against the wall to figure out the song.
"This is called Separate Ways-by Journey."
Here we stand
Worlds apart
Hearts broken in two, two, two
Sleepless nights
Losing ground
I'm reaching for you, you, you
Izuku sighed, it was in English, not his best subject but at least he understood the lyrics. Mitsuki saw his sigh before giggling at his childish behavior. She got to the middle of the living space between the couch and the kitchen, it was enough for two, but she wanted to accommodate it first. She then started singing along.
Feelin' that it's gone
Can't change your mind
If we can't go on
To survive the tide
Love divides
Eyes widened at her voice, she was good. It was no surprise, Inko talked about back in the day she and Mitsuki would karaoke practically every day. Still, to hear her voice, Izuku was left astonishing and beginning to fall into a trance. Her movements picking up with the pacing of the song.
Someday love will find you
Break those chains that bind you
One night will remind you
How we touched
And went our separate ways
His gaze softens at the woman dancing and singing her heart out to him but for herself.
If he ever hurts you
True love won't desert you
You know I still love you
Though we touched
And went our separate ways
Mitsuki motioned for Izuku to join her, the lyrics fueling their desire to dance together in passion, but the teen didn't know it yet.
Troubled times
Caught between confusion and pain, pain, pain
Distant eyes
Promises we made were in vain, in vain, in vain
Mitsuki singed with as she bounced her hip, enjoying the tragedy of the song that closely relates to her love life. Izuku did all he could, he wasn't a dancer, but he followed Mitsuki's lead. Yet he could not take his gaze off her face, her eyes, her lips. It all showed longing.
If you must go
I wish you love
You'll never walk alone
Take care, my love
Miss you, love
The distance and dismay were no longer stretched, the two were inching closer and closer, the woman leading the teen on.
Someday love will find you
Break those chains that bind you
One night will remind you
How we touched
And went our separate ways
The heat grew with each passing step, sway, and second.
If he ever hurts you
True love won't desert you
You know I still love you
Though we touched
And went our separate ways
Mitsuki grasp Izuku's hand urges him to take the lead. As if on instinct, the teen made his move, the dance was heated with the combined passion of their movements, and her voice serenading him.
Someday love will find you
Break those chains that bind you
One night will remind you
The aura last time was faint, their sweat appearing, starting to wet their clothes. Izuku's eyes glowed a dark green while Mitsuki felt herself being drawn towards him further.
If he ever hurts you
True love won't desert you
You know I still love you
The two were so close, they couldn't resist anymore. All logic and reason are thrown out. Both shared a kiss as the song was nearing the final moments.
I still love you, girl
I really love you, girl
Mitsuki released their hands and wrapped hers around Izuku's neck. Izuku cupped the woman's mouth as they lipped the tongue inside each other's mouths.
And if he ever hurts you
True love won't desert you
No, no
Mitsuki broke the kiss, stopping the music from continuing. She still held onto Izuku and once she finished disconnecting her device, she turned her phone off.
The aunt didn't have to say anything as she once again resumed her session with Izuku. Easily begging for Izuku to take the lead. Before the teen could react, he pulled her along with him to his old bedroom. Leaving the lights off only to have the kitchen light illuminating the entrance.
Mitsuki pulled on Izuku's shirt and he raised his arms letting the top fly off. Now topless, Mitsuki places a hand on his chest feeling the warm, toned, and soft pectoral. Mitsuki started slipping off her thin jacket and then her blouse leaving a black bra underneath. Izuku held her bra and before reaching around to unclip it.
"Someone's eager..." Mitsuki huskily says as Izuku started to squeeze her melons. The woman reached down to plant her hand on the teen's crotch feeling the bulge threatening to break through the zipper.
"I'm not the only one..." Izuku replies before taking one breast in his mouth causing Mitsuki to throw her head back in the pleasure of his intimate suction. Still, she had the intention of continuing this session to the fullest.
While Izuku kiss and bit her nipple, Mitsuki used her magic hands to unbuckle the belt on the teen's jeans with smooth motion. Years of pent up sexual frustration and longing ain't gonna let a lousy belt ain't gonna stop her. The pants fell, Izuku's boxers remained but she could feel the bulge in her hands now. Taking the waist of the boxers, Izuku let go of his kisses to pull the trousers down himself.
Mitsuki didn't hesitate to kneel down in front of the teen. Her nose filled with the musky smell of his cock slowly becoming erect right before her eyes. Grasping his dick with no hesitation, Izuku flinches before gasping as his member is getting pumped with ferocity.
"Ah...auntie...that feels good..." Izuku's breaths were labored from the stresses of the day, all of which slowly evading his mind as the woman before him gave eyes of determination. Once his cock was fully erect, Mitsuki didn't waste any more time as she opened her mouth to take him in full.
"Gah! Oh shit!" Izuku's mind was being blown away from the sensations, how Mitsuki's tongue lapped around the tip especially underneath, giving Izuku some buckling in his strong legs. Soon the bobbing following and Izuku wasn't prepared for it.
His entire member going down her throat, her soft and wet throat. Hitting the back hard. Izuku helped her go faster by placing his hands behind her head.
Izuku was at the mercy of this woman, he could feel her teeth slightly scraping against his dick, adding the slight pain into the blowjob.
With every suck, his climax was coming closer. Mitsuki could sense it and as a result, kept the pressure on. Eventually, it happened...
"I'm coming!" Izuku shouts before releasing his load down in the woman's mouth. Mitsuki gave one the last suck, making sure to take up all the cum, then looking in Izuku's eyes and swallowing it slowly.
Izuku felt himself get excited and without thinking, he dropped to his knees and leaned forward. He saw Mitsuki retreat down on the carpet floor, laying her back and showing her soaking womanhood for only Izuku to see. She had already removed her skinny jeans and black panties to be left on the side. Now both of them were fully exposed.
No words needed to be said.
Soon his hands were there spreading the legs apart and using his thumbs to open her folds. Izuku dug into his desert, a bittersweet desert. Using his tongue, he stuck it in and started licking it slowly, unlike how Mitsuki blew him so fast and ferociously. He was always the more slow-paced and intimate kind of guy. Which was more than enough to complete Mitsuki.
"Ah...keep going! Please..."
Mitsuki grabbed her breasts with both hands as she moaned and hum in bliss. Her worries washing away with the tide of Izuku's tongue. Nothing was stopping them, Izuku continued to partake in his meal, his blonde hairy meal. Since Mitsuki never had a reason to shave, there was a messy bunch of pubic hair. Izuku tasted it, it felt raw, unhinged, not clean. Somehow, it made him all the willing to give this woman the hour of her life.
Pinching her nipples, Mitsuki forgot about the relationship between her and the teen eating her at the moment. She had watched this boy since the time he came out of the hospital in Inko's arms. How he took his first few steps. It was amazing and she was thankful for being there seeing the boy he was slowly becoming in the man he will eventually be.
"Close! So close!" Her back arched allowing to shove more of her pussy into Izuku's mouth which he gladly accepted. The teen felt his mouth getting jet streamed by that same bittersweet taste.
Mitsuki looked at Izuku rising away from her womanhood and to her mouth. The two shared that same bittersweet moment.
"Was...it too hairy?" Mitsuki looks away with a massive blush on her face. Izuku shook his head, much to the relief of the woman, and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Not at all, it was beautiful, and a bit sexy."
"Stop, you gonna make this old woman blush." Truth be told, Mitsuki did have major insecurity with her looks that was luckily covered by her quirk. She often wondered or feared the day when wrinkles would start showing up but so far none.
Mitsuki smiled beautifully at Izuku as his body landed on hers before wrapping his arms around her waist. She held onto his shoulders as his strength helped them change positions. Now laying down with her on his crotch. Mitsuki exhaled nicely as her folds were rubbing against his junk.
"Ready?" Mitsuki asks, thinking Izuku was experiencing his first.
"Yea..."Izuku says more than willing to have her ride him. With the cold breeze entering from the cracked open window, Mitsuki shivered once going up and aligning his dick, then twice once she dropped down slowly.
"Mmm..." Mitsuki closes her eyes not aware of Izuku's next surprise actions. He was moaning softly but he couldn't take it anymore. Grabbing her thighs, he pushed her down faster!
"Ah! Izuku!" Mitsuki couldn't say anymore as her hips and his were in sync. Colliding in rhythm making the smack sound as their genitalia became more and more connected. With each thrust Izuku felt his heat picked up, the green hue radiating around him. He saw Mitsuki's eyes glowed red but her hue wasn't there.
As their moans became louder and their paced quickened. Izuku felt all the more frustrated at the fact that he couldn't see Mitsuki's heat. Something was stopping her from reaching that point with him.
Until Izuku saw it in his lust full eyes. Something sliver around her finger. Only the evening sun managed to get him to see it reflecting off the light. Mitsuki held her hands on her chest as she kept bouncing on him. The ring on her finger was the source of it all.
With nothing but frustration, not his own but the woman's frustration, Izuku reached up and took her hand. Mitsuki was surprised but couldn't say anything in between the moans. Izuku took his fingers and slip off the ring and threw it on his bed. Mitsuki felt immensely free, nothing was holding her back anymore. She was free to indulge in a teenager who was more than willing to sexually heal her than her own husband.
Seeing in this new change, Izuku saw the red hue that started to surround Mitsuki, their warmth's meshed with each other. Like a jolt, Izuku felt everything slowly coming into his being.
Neglect, confusion, pain.
Izuku felt his eyes start to water again, this wasn't his emotions but the woman who was blissfully riding him. Taking in her very being, he gave her a lovingly smile of acceptance.
Mitsuki's world started to shift before her very delightful eyes. The darkroom that illuminated by the afternoon sun was replaced by a field of sunflowers surrounding them for miles. Mitsuki felt the cold breeze do the wind as she still was on top of Izuku's body hopping on his dick every second. When looking down at him, she saw that their hands had stayed clasped together after removing the bind of the past. Instead, she found an emerald ring on her finger as Izuku wore a ruby ring on his. The jewels shine brightly underneath the high-noon above.
Izuku felt the shadows that chained the woman down begun to evaporate in this vision. Soon she was free, ready to start anew with her life once again. Izuku accepted her pain, and in turn gave her hope, happiness, and acceptance.
As they neared their climax, Mitsuki looks at Izuku one last time in the field of which was their own Eden. She became his Eve.
The woman fell down on Izuku's chest, both breathless and in sweat. Izuku wrapped his arms around the woman. Mitsuki snuggled into his chest, crying of how much she appreciated him. "Thank you...thank you!"
Izuku stroked her body with one hand and petted her spiky hair in another. The deed was done, there was no going back.
Sometime later...
"You have all you need?" Izuku asks as Mitsuki puts on her oversized coat.
"Yea I do thanks." Mitsuki said in a low voice before approaching the door.
"Take care okay, you have my number if you need someone to talk to Auntie."
Before reaching the door nob, she dropped her arms before turning over to look at Izuku. Her eyes lost that pain but still held that uncertainty. She walked forward to giving her nephew a hug, one he returned easily.
"Everything will be okay. Just take it a day at a time." Izuku reassures. Mitsuki nodded before leaning her head back and giving Izuku a kiss goodbye.
"Thank you for everything." Mitsuki parted as she went out the door and locked it, leaving the teen alone with his thoughts.
Izuku made sure to clean up his room and any other remaining after-sex results. The teen made his way towards the couch, he set aside his phone. Putting his hands in his showered hair.
These past couples of hours had made him question whether or not he did the right thing. He could still feel the emotions that Mitsuki held for so long. It was becoming his to own now, not only that but his mother's emotional scars from that fateful night they climaxed together. Izuku sighed, his heart felt heavy. Usually, he was a logical person but this event made him question whether or not he really cheated on his mother, his Inko!
With her best friend...
Was cheating? Was it betraying? Izuku indeed told himself emotionally it was, but logically he would beg to differ himself. Thinking that this was the most logical route to take...
With another sigh, Izuku looked up to the grey ceiling hopefully an answer would come into his mind...
But nothing came through...
Somewhere else...
Mitsuki arrived home very late, her husband was out on the business trip and her son was busy being in his room. The mother entered the house without any trouble or bothering to announce her presence...
She heard the thud and thumping upstairs. Thankfully it came from Katsuki's room.
She made her way past her son's room and entered her own. Changing into her causal home clothes and dawning the events and actions of earlier today...
Of course, she was worried that she might have done something to alter Izuku's mind but she had to make sure nothing happens that could jeopardize his future.
"It's our little secret, kay?" A tired Mitsuki whispered as the shower of warm water rain upon the both of them.
Izuku nodded obediently as she washed his body, cleaning off the sweat and shame.
"Good boy..."
Mitsuki shook her head as she got up and went downstairs to watch television. On the way, she was about to pass her son's door when a person she didn't recognize coming out.
A girl.
Covered in sweat top to bottom and naked. Her red hair and sharp teeth being her defining features.
"Ah!" She screams running back into Katsuki's room.
"Damn it shitty hair, what's the matter now?!"
"Your mother..."
"Eh?!" Katsuki pushed the girl aside to meet the eyes of his mother.
Mitsuki held a stoic look towards her son.
"What do you want old hag?!"
"Keep it down, if she is planning on staying the night that is." Mitsuki solemnly says before retreating downstairs to get her mind off of her family and more so on another teenager.
"Whatever old hag...now then. Shitty-Hair, it's time for round 3!"
"What?! I am tired Katsuki!"
"The hell you ain't, now bring that ass up in a circle!"
Mitsuki could only shake her head as she turned on the remote and go through the channels, surfing her distraction away...