DISCLAIMER: Fullmetal Alchemist does not belong to me.



―Central sure has become much noisier and bigger since the last time I came. Is it fun living here?

―There is much to do, indeed. I don't know much about many leisure places, but there are museums, libraries and bookstores everywhere. I love that. My brother is always asking me to send him some by mail.

―How is he, by the way? How's Winry and Ms. Pinako?

―Winry and granny are pretty well known in East Area and they handle many special orders from different cities. My brother has published some volumes and right now he's working with me on creating a journal. They've been very busy, specially with the children.

―I remember that lovely picture you sent me a while ago: it was you holding their baby, bottle-feeding him. How old is he now?

Alphonse chuckled quickly and took a spoonful of his dessert.

―He's two. He's got now a baby sister. I'm a double uncle!

―I bet their household is lively these days.

―Markus won't stop stomping around the house, smashing his toys wherever he can. Winry had to put all of her tools and material on locked drawers because he plays with them. He struggles to say his sister's name correctly.

―What is it?


Mei showed a warm smile, moved. She took a sip of her tea and put the cup on the table.

―I haven't heard of Zampano and Jerso for a while now. Have you talked to them?

―Jerso has his own business now in South Area, he's living there with his wife and daughter. Zampano had a difficult time trying to get along with his son, but they finally managed to fix things between them.

―Oh, that's lovely! They deserved that, after all they went through. Next time you talk to them, send my best greetings.

Alphonse nodded and cleaned his mouth with a handkerchief.

―And what about you, Mr. Elric?―The princess asked after being served more tea―Are you at ease? I mean, living in Central, your job. May I add, you did an excellent job at the Command! Anybody would lose track of what all those people were saying.

Alphonse thanked in a humble tone.

―I'm doing fine, I do what I like and that gives me joy. I get to see my friends every day and keep on learning. Sometimes I do miss my hometown, though. Life here is very busy and one can never see a single star at night.

The young man sighed quietly and looked at his unfinished tart.

―All this time I've been able to save some money and had a house built in Resembool. It may sound foolish, I could have bought an apartment here in Central, but I don't think I want this fast-paced lifestyle forever. Besides, this pollution is affecting my breathing. I'd like to go back home someday soon, work from there on my own.

―Oh, that's perfectly reasonable. You need a calm place to read and write, and clean air for your health, Mr. Elric. Also, there's nothing like being near your family.

Alphonse took a bite of his dessert and, after cleaning his fingers, continued the conversation.

―Enough talking about me. What about you? It's a relief finally seeing you in person instead of reading a letter or talking by phone.

―Well, I spent last summer in the lands of the Chang clan. I wanted to help some families and check on the local production figures.

―And the employment and education index for them is much higher. The rate of maternal mortality dropped, too. I know that. But I was asking about Mei Chang.

―Oh… well, you remember I told you once that I wanted to travel, too. I visited every country in the East, I'm afraid I haven't shown you the photos. Also, I went to the West: I got to see the Aerugonian opera and the Drachman ballet. They're absolutely beautiful! I have gifts for you and your family, remind me to give them to you later.

―I remember seeing a picture of you at the theatre in Drachma!

―Princess Olesya invited me, such a kind person. Her brother, the Tsarevich, has a crush on my elder sister, but his family already chose a wife for him.

Alphonse waited for the attendant to pick up the empty dishes and leave the room. He then waited for a couple of minutes, expecting Mei to continue telling him of her adventures, but she stayed lost in thought. He smiled and, with a kind tone in his voice, he asked:

―I heard you are engaged now.

Mei startled and her eyes remained wide open for a while, staring off into space. Alphonse's expression changed to concerned and, with hesitant and nervous voice asked:

―Are you… not happy?

He blamed himself for being so intrusive and having put her in distress.

―Sorry, I am so sorry I asked that, that was…

While he stammered incomplete and nonsensical apologies, Mei remained silent staring at the afternoon sunlight reflected through the window of the lounge of her hotel suite.

―The court matchmakers insist that our father would be sad to see me and my siblings being so lonely. They undertook the task of picking spouses for each of us; of course, all with noble titles and fitting upbringing. They have been hassling Ling to choose already his concubines from the clans and take them to palace. They talk to him about it every day, even when he is busy with other matters, it's disgusting.

Alphonse was grieved and bit his tongue. Mei continued:

―They picked for me a 35-year-old Lord from the Zhou clan, an owner of vineyards; his grandmother was a princess.

Both Mei and Alphonse's countenances expressed utter disgust.

―They told Ling we are wasting our best years. That I, at 20, am old and should have a husband and children by now.

―That is just…

Mei put both palms on her hairline and closed her eyes, trying to pull herself together. She took a deep breath.

―Mei, that is not the kind of life for you. You are a human being, not a product. You can't marry that man.

She scoffed.

―They want me to bear children to be used as chess pieces, just like me and my siblings have been. I…―She put her hand on her head―I had imagined marrying a person I loved. Having free children. I don't want to bring children into existence if they are going to be treated like puppets. I don't want them to be told every minute of their lives what to do, where to go, how to act, what not to think, how to bow and to who.

He stood up to sit next to her in the couch.

―Mr. Elric… Alphonse, I won't do this. I'd rather run away or throw myself into the ocean.

―Heavens! Don't say that.

Alphonse took a deep breath, put his elbows on his thighs and, after minutes of pondering, spoke with determined yet somehow audacious tone:

―Stay with me in Amestris, then.

She was baffled.

―Do you know what you are saying?

―I know this is daring. You can kick me out of your life if you want to, but listen. I know you are an exceptional princess, brave and hardworking. You live for your people and you do everything to give them a decent life. I am no prince. I have no fortune, no title, no lands, no subjects. I was not raised in a palace.

―I'm not interested in any of that. Do you think I'm interested in Zhou's manor? His vineyards, his horses, his cars?

―All I have is what you already know. I only have my life, my soul, and a living, breathing body. That I can give you, and I would do it gladly.

―You don't know how long I have wanted to hear you say this.―her voice was starting to tremble.

Alphonse smiled nervous. His left hand was on the seat of the couch and she put her right hand over it.

―For so long I tried to convince myself that my feelings were only a childish illusion. That they would be in vain, and I that had to get over it.

He took her hand and held it. Then, he took both her hands and put them over his chest.

―This is real. For years I longed to have my human body again and have a beating heart, feel somebody's warmth. Now, I'm here, this is what I'm feeling: I'm happy every time I see you and every time I'm by your side. For the first time in my life I'm reciprocated.

She then put her arms around his back and hid her face on his chest. He wrapped her shoulders with one arm and put his other hand on her hair.

―I do have a house, you know? I plan to have a kitchen garden and at least fifteen cats. Does that work for you?

Moved by his statement, she chuckled quietly.


They traveled east on the same train, the newly inaugurated line crossing Ishval and the desert. However, they were in separate spots since her team and the rest of the delegation's seats had already been reserved. They knew they still had to keep all discretion and be as distant as they had to be years ago, at least until talking to the Emperor. It seemed hard to bring up the subject with Ling, since he was used to having her by his side as a trusted adviser. However, it was the best for her life, and Ling, as a brother and human being, would understand.

Alphonse was coldly welcomed in palace, only admitted beyond the Western Hall due to Mei's company and intervention. She left him waiting in a private garden and, after requesting the Emperor's presence, the three entered an antechamber. There, the alchemist and the princess talked to her brother about the development of their relationship becoming more than a close friendship. She revealed her wish to give up her imperial title to marry Alphonse.

Ling smirked.

―I'm glad I sent you to Amestris.


While the court, the former Emperor's concubines and the media gossiped about the princess becoming a commoner, the young couple headed to Aerugo to see the opera and the sea together, away from all protocol and whispers. Once they enjoyed the southern country, they decided to go to Resembool, where the family received them happily. Winry and Edward introduced their children to Mei, and Pinako seemed relieved and content about the young woman being with Alphonse, claiming that they would be good company to each other.

They fitted the new house with a kitchen garden, a small private library, a working studio for Alphonse and a consulting room for Mei to treat her patients. Then, six months after giving up her title, the couple announced their wedding. They wanted a simple event and thus arranged a small party not at their new home in Resembool, but in Central City to properly accommodate the invitees. Despite embracing her new stage outside of the imperial sphere, Mei still wanted to look elegant, so she bought a pink tulle dress with subtle sparkling details and loose sleeves. When she showed it in secret to her future in-law, Winry cried out of joy and hugged her.

―I'm going to love you like a sister, because that's what you'll become to me.

Besides most of the guests that attended Edward and Winry's wedding, Mei and Alphonse happily received Riza Hawkeye, and had an important group from the east. Ling traveled in a western outfit to avoid being hassled, with Lan Fan and other three bodyguards. Mei's mother, Yi, Wangli, Shanshan, Sage Liu and his son Wei Liu went with the Emperor. The newlyweds were more than shocked when the bride's brother gave them a much bigger check than the one they received from Armstrong.


One morning after their wedding, when the guests had all left, Mei stood in front of the bedroom's mirror, still wearing her long sleeping gown. She then undid her braids and brushed her hair. Alphonse woke up to that intimate image of his wife and, seeing her for the first time ever without braids or buns, confirmed what he had suspected for years: her hair had never been cut.

Mei and Alphonse had their first child two years later, in the middle of spring. Since she was such a slim woman and that was her first pregnancy, she needed special assistance from the local doctor and Winry herself. Alphonse never left his wife's side, trying his best to keep calm and reassuring.

They had compiled the male and female Xingese names they liked the best in anticipation, but when they saw their blonde baby girl, with gold-colored eyes and great resemblance to her father, they decided to name her Clara. Three years later, they had a girl with the same golden eyes of his father, but the shiny black hair and ivory-like skin of her mother; they named her Kay.

The last addition to the Elric family came when Clara was 5 and Kay 2, a boy resembling his mother, a true noble Chang. He was named Dawei.