Arc Summary: "Insanity is best described as a refusal to conform to society's expectations."

Kei Weilan is merely one of many labelled different by the people of Clover Kingdom. An odd, unsettling child, with odd, unsettling magic, he is abandoned at the Hage village orphanage. But what some may dismiss as insanity... others recognise as potential.


The story of how Asta makes a friend and Kei Weilan learns to love.


the mysteries of fate part two


*Kei POV*

It's surprising isn't it, just how much of our life is out of our control. Take me for example. Had I been born into a different, less toxic, household, with loving parents, I never would have become what I am today. My childhood and later life would be unrecognisable. It all depends on luck, when it comes down to it. I drew the sort end of the stick and let my sperm-donor and womb-lender, my comrade in misery (aka my sister) and also complete strangers ruin my life.

Even now, I still think back on those days with a sort of nostalgic horror. My early childhood haunts me, as I suspect it will for the rest of my life. That... that kind of pain... it isn't something that ever really goes away. Still, things were much simpler back then. All I had to do was interpret my visions as accurately as possible and make as many predictions as I possibly could. Of course, I had no idea what my "father" was using my magic for. I was just a child.

It pains me to even think this but... there was nothing I could have done to stop it. Nothing I would have done, anyway. Children are selfish that way. I was never like those two. I was never that good. Even when there was still any innocence left in me. Still. I like to think that I would have tried to do something, had I known. Too late now though. Much too late.

Just another regret to add to the pile, I suppose. (not like i don't have enough of those already...)


Kei's muscles relaxed slightly as the silvery blue glow faded from his body.

Wide doe eyes stared hopefully at Yun Weilan.

'Was that good, daddy? Did I do good?'

Yun waved a dismissive hand at his son, not looking away from the papers in his hands.

'Go bother someone else, you useless little brat.'

Kei flinched, eyes filling with tears.

'O-okay daddy...'

He nodded and turned away, hurrying from his father's line of sight. It would be best not to show himself too much. Yun couldn't stand his son on the best of days.


The memories were particularly bad on nights like these. They forced themselves to the forefront of his mind and refused to let go. Kept him up till dawn light. The boy's heart throbbed with anger at the unfairness of it all. He just wanted to get a good nights sleep. Was that really too much to ask for?

Kei sighed deeply, head turning on its other side. His tiny fists crumpled the sheets further as they clenched. He closed his eyes, scowl contorting his face.

'Stupid... so stupid...' he hissed quietly into the night.

"The situation, or you?" a dry, cynical voice whispered into his ear.

Kei did not know the answer.