Arc Summary: "Insanity is best described as a refusal to conform to society's expectations."

Kei Weilan is merely one of many labelled different by the people of Clover Kingdom. An odd, unsettling child, with odd, unsettling magic, he is abandoned at the Hage village orphanage. But what some may dismiss as insanity... others recognise as potential.


The story of how Asta makes a friend and Kei Weilan learns to love.


Kei Weilan was an unsettling child.

Everyone who met him could agree with that. There was just something creepy about him. Maybe it was the light, almost white, hair tinted with lavender. Maybe it was the eclectic mix of fragile beauty and cruel sharpness. Maybe it was the utter lack of emotional expression. Or maybe it was the way his eyes seemed to pierce beyond the world around them, the way his soft, gentle tone contrasted with the words he spoke. His words proved to be prophetic. Once, when he was only three years old, Kei had looked up at his mother and said, completely calmly:

"A storm's coming, mama. A big one. Lot's a people will die."

His mother, Akine, had laughed it off as something silly a child would pick up every and then. But there was something about the way he seemed to glow as he said it...

That very night, nature raged. The storm was unlike any seen in centuries. Many lives were lost.

It only got worse from there.

Kei would say the strangest things, at the strangest times, seeming to glow briefly as he did. And each and every time, he would be be proven right.

One fateful night, Kei had woken up to the moon's light shining into his eyes. Minutes later, he ran crying into his father's room.

"Daddy, daddy, I'm scared! Mama's hurting, they're hurting mama! I'm shaking and shaking her, but she won't wake up! Why won't she wake up, daddy?"

Just half an hour later, the Weilan's received the terrible news of Akine Weilan's gruesome murder.

Yun Weilan began to despise his son.

And Kei? Kei was never the same since.

An odd, unsettling child with hair tinted lavender washed up ashore one day. This child walked miles and miles, surviving off the land. He lasted quite a while, before collapsing at the steps of an orphanage at a backwater village of Clover Kingdom, called Hage. When he woke up, he refused to talk about were he had come from, or how he had gotten there. He only shared with them one piece of information.

"My name is Kei Weilan."