If you are new here, welcome. If you have read my story before then please be patient with me. The story hasn't changed much, but I am restarting to refresh my memory and to fix some mistakes that I have been beating myself up over. Hopefully I got them all. If you were reading the previous uploads and I deleted it before you finished I apologize. Give it a few months and you'll be back to where you were. I'm going to attempt updating weekly again. In the mean time I'm going to stop talking. I hope you enjoy the story.

Chapter 1

It isn't a party until Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez walks in. The house can be jammed with sweaty high schoolers grinding up against each other, blasting music that made the house shake and ears pop, and enough alcohol to kill two elephants, but once Grimmjow makes his presence known that is when things get really crazy. Any crazy party story that has been born from Karakura High in the past three years has originated from the crazy shit that has come from Grimmjow's presence at a party.

The crazy story about the skinny dipping in the neighbor's pool? Grimmjow's. That time where the school hottie, Rangiku Matsumoto got so drunk that she took her top off and had people do jello shots off of her stomach? Grimmjow's. That time an innocent movie night turned into everyone watching porn that eventually led to an orgy? Mother fuckin' Grimmjow's.

Grimmjow was the most attractive and popular kid in school, a living legend and it wasn't subtle. He used to be the star of the football team, but left it because it became too boring and going to practice became such a bother. Walking down the hall made people's heads turn. Despite the school having plenty of people with weirdly colored hair like his school was from an anime, natural blue hair stood out. It wasn't the thing that grabbed people's attention though, but it did help. His very demeanor was enough to leave people in awe. It left an impression.

He never had to bully anyone to give them their homework, like Nnoitra or Kenpachi. Girls would just throw their answers at him without asking for anything in return. Life was easy. He never had to put an ounce of effort into anything.

The party of the week was going to celebrate Tier Harribel's birthday which already passed, but this time her parents weren't home. She was his ex after only a week or two of dating and the breakup was still pretty fresh. Grimmjow was never thought of as a nice guy, but every now and then he was willing to do a little bit of charity, especially if it was to someone he has wronged in the past. It wasn't a good idea to be on bad terms with Tier Harribel. She was dangerous and fought dirty and breaking up with her the day before her birthday was probably not the best thing he ever did, but if Grimmjow didn't show up to her party then it was really going to suck. She'll thank him later, not literally, but she will.

Grimmjow being himself wanted to avoid her at all costs. Later she will learn that the reason why her party was so badass was because he has graced it with his presence. But also Grimmjow being himself, he wanted to get laid at all costs and he couldn't exactly do that when all the girls who were potential enough for him to bang were at her house. It wasn't going to be the first time he would be naked at this house, but he doesn't think Harribel would be appreciative this time.

The pros and cons of showing up aside there were plenty of people so the chances of their paths crossing was small even if he does create a large commotion.

Well, that was his hopes at least, but the moment he stepped through the doors of Harribel's luxurious home and taken in the already electrifying party he came face to face with a tan beauty with blond hair the color of corn and impossibly green eyes which were framed by long eyelashes the same color of her hair. Despite her lack of emotions her exotic look allowed her to climb the ranks of popularity. As usual her face was void of any emotions. Despite the common sense of turning around and leaving before spiking major drama Grimmjow let himself in with a big toothy smile and his trademark blue, evil eyes.

"Hey, Hal." Grimmjow said as confident as ever as if it wasn't a crime to walk into his ex's party that he recently broke up with without even bringing a present or a bottle of alcohol of his choice to supply even more life into the chaos.

Harribel's nose scrunched up at the nickname that Grimmjow used while dating her, but her expression quickly reverted back to the expressionless one that she produced before. "Grimmjow," She responded in a monotone voice. No nickname, no tears, no viewable resentment, just the way Grimmjow liked it.

"What exactly do you think you are doing here?" She asked the blue haired former jock, squinting her eyes and crossing her arms over her oversized chest, a chest that Grimmjow has become well acquainted with. Yeah, that chest is the only thing he misses.

"Breathing life into your stupid party, no need to thank me," Grimmjow said in his usual cocky voice that has become a trademark for him, confident, attractive, powerful.

Harribel bit down on her lips, restraining herself from screaming at him. If she went ballistic it would be clear that he had the upper hand. "It would have been better if you weren't here." She scowled, gripping her arms tightly. Her talon-like nails were probably going to leave bruises as they buried into her skin just like how they left bruises on Grimmjow's back.

"I'm not asking for your permission." Grimmjow retorted pushing his way past her and entering a swarm of people, continuing to advance through the swaying crowd of sweaty bodies. She couldn't even call after him. No one dared to fight Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez in his element. It would make more sense for her to leave her own party then to try and kick him out. The best she could do is try to enjoy the rest of her night and cry about it while she cleaned up the huge mess the party will make before her parents come home.

He made his way to the table of drinks which has included a bowl of mystery punch that he knew better than partaking in. He may have always been the life of the party, but he never knew what kind of reaction he would get from playing with that wild card. He downed two cups of bitter alcohol without taking note of what exactly he was drinking. With a slight burn in the back of the throat he deemed himself smashed enough to pick up the pace of the party.

He was cheered on as he sank his last ping pong ball in the red solo cup of beer. He destroyed Sexy Mila without having to take a sip. The game was completely fair this time too. He was already feeling it plenty, more than he should actually so it was a good thing he was good at beer pong.

Girls are always excited to take up a challenge with Grimmjow since they think that if they get him anymore drunk they could have him on his back with them on top, but she was clearly new to parties if she thought she could take him down even if he was already past his limit when it came to drinks.

She would have been easy to take into another room so he could have his way with her. In fact, that's probably what she wanted. Instead he decided to sacrifice his win and leave her to the thirsty wolves surrounding the table. There were plenty of guys there who came with the soul intent of losing their virginity that night and with Sexy Mila drunk enough to not even stand up straight much less judge who was hot or not he can make some dreams come true that night. They'll probably have her on her knees with one guy occupying her front while the other occupies her back. It wouldn't be the first time it happened at one of these parties and it definitely won't be the last. This is Karakura High after all.

It wasn't a major story to create, but it was enough to be viewed as a hero in the eyes of those losers who still relied on their right hand as their primary method of getting off. Those poor souls.

That seemed to be the least Grimmjow could do for the night, and probably all he could do. He may have reached his limit. He was usually a good drinker, but he didn't know why he was pushing himself past his limit. He made his rounds and once he made a rotation he scooped up two more drinks which he downed faster than what was probably wise earning him a pounding headache.

The loud music that was blaring through the overhead speakers causing the house to vibrate and hum along to the song that can only be heard at clubs wasn't helping to remedy his head either. Grimmjow's head pounded faster to the beat of the music and made it impossible to hear his own thoughts.

Things turned worse when he turned a corner to try and find a more silent location of Harribel's house. His already pounding head came in contact with what felt like stone. "Hey," came a loud obnoxious voice in response that only made his headache throb more as an added punishment. Grimmjow rubbed his head and opened one eye that he didn't realize was closed. He looked up at the girl who seems unphased by the fact that their foreheads collided. "Are you doing alright, Grimm? Did you run into Harribel yet?"

Grimmjow groaned at his supposed best friend's questions that put strain on him. Why must she ask him to use brain activity even if they were relatively easy questions to answer?

"Yeah, I did." Grimmjow groaned. "But don't worry; she's got nothing on me."

Nelliel pouted, pursing her lips out and crossing her arms over her oversized chest just like how Harribel did. Grimmjow half expected her to start tapping her foot as well. "That's not the thing I was worried about." He was reminded how motherly Nel could be sometimes and how she has warned him that it may be dangerous to get on Harribel's bad side so he should avoid dating her.

He has heard horror stories of the people who have wronged her that make him shudder, ruined reputation, destroyed belongings, and one of the boys she has dated even ended up in jail. He has never been one to deny beauty though and neither was his buddy in his pants. They have had a lot of fun together until Grimmjow couldn't deal with commitment anymore and broke up with her before he could end up cheating with her. The problem was that his timing was terrible, right before her birthday. How was he supposed to know it was her birthday? It was a careless mistake too. Never date a girl too close to her birthday, Valentine's Day, or Christmas. That's the rule.

Grimmjow groaned in response to the lecture that he knew he was about to get. He absentmindedly twirled the remainder of the drink in his cup around. "She's smart. She knows that if she does anything bad to me I can hit her ten times worse. She knows who I am and she knows better than to cross me."

Nel's rosy lips curled into a disgusted snarl at the sound of Grimmjow's drunken cockiness. If observed closely you can see that pity was hidden in her big brown eyes. "It is undeniable that you are a powerful force at school, but I worry about you sometimes. It isn't impossible to gain a bad reputation and I'm afraid that if something happens you'll end up getting hurt." She started to lecture, resting her hands on her hips as she started to monologue about how she loves him and didn't want any harm to come of him and how he needs to learn how to actually use his brain instead of thinking with his dick.

Grimmjow has heard this a million times and his head was not ready to have this conversation again. His head wasn't ready for anything. He was too drunk and bothered to have to deal with this kind of shit. He needed to stop her before he was stranded there for the rest of the night with her going off on him.

"Shit, it's your ex." Grimmjow said, pointing at the huge crowd of people that seemed to be more focused on the pounding beat of the music then anything they had to say. "You've got to hide." He said faking urgency, pushing her lightly on her back to lead her into the more unoccupied parts of the house. It wasn't a complete lie. He may have not seen her ex, but her ex was Sexy Mila's best friend so if Mila Rose was there that means that he was there too. After Nel was properly alone Grimmjow peaked around the corner to look at the crowd, searching for a person who wasn't there from the start.

"Shit, I can't see him. I'll try to get closer." Grimmjow nodded, putting on his best helpful friend act. "Stay here."

Grimmjow headed back towards the crowd of people, but before he could rejoin the party he made a quick turn and exited down a different hallway. Nel wouldn't see him if he headed down that way instead. She would figure out that he has lied to her eventually after he doesn't come back. He has done something like this before since he learned that it's better than dumping a drink on her shirt to get her to go away. It wasn't the best experience, his body suffered for it and so did his wallet when he had to replace her skirt...and three more as interest.

It wasn't long until all of the alcohol he had allowed into his system traveled down to his junk. He needed to take a leak and though he has been to Harribel's house multiple times his intoxicated mind made it hard for him to tell where he was or where to find the closest restroom. Once he was drunk his sense of direction was just as bad as Zoro's from One Piece. Heck he could probably compete with him.

He headed down an unlit hallway. Going through a checklist of things to do at the party, get smashed, check, act of kindness, check, lectured by Nel, (yes, he knew that was coming,) check, get laid...once he relieves himself he'll look for that way of relieving himself.

He opened a random door hoping that it was the bathroom or at least hope the room gave him some indication where he was. The lights were off when he entered the room. Grimmjow squinted his eyes to try to make out the shapes of the room before his intoxicated brain caught up to him as he realized that he could just turn on the lights. He reached his hand out to the side and groped around to find the switch. Light illuminated the room, bathing it in a bright white light that irritated Grimmjow's eyes and causing his headache to groan in response.

That was when his head jerked as a loud banging sound erupted next to him. Grimmjow jolted at the sound and his head whipped around causing his vision to swim. Blinking a few times was able to clear the stars dancing in his eyes, but it didn't stop his stomach from turning. He observed the abnormality that he has not noticed before. He wasn't on the ground floor like he thought he was at one point he must have walked upstairs without realizing it during his quest to find a bathroom and found his way to Harribel's bedroom.

How long was this quest to find a bathroom exactly? The fact that he wasn't where he thought he was may have been strange, he couldn't underestimate his drunk self's terrible sense of direction or perception of time apparently, but the even stranger sight was the chair that was leaned up against Harribel's closet door. Coming from that said closet door was the sound of banging. The light was turned off in there, but there was clearly someone that was trapped inside and the fact that the lights in Harribel's room were turned off gave the perception of being alone.

Grimmjow pondered the idea of leaving and allowing whatever prank was made to carry out. It may have been funny if whoever it was in there was forgotten and everyone left while the poor kid was still in there and while Harribel is cleaning up she is left with one last surprise. As funny as that would be Grimmjow's curiosity was getting the better of him as he pondered who was unlucky enough to be on the receiving end of such a cruel, uncreative prank.

Grimmjow responded to the banging on the door and pulled the chair that was holding the doorknob in place away from the door. As soon as the sound of the chair sliding across the hardwood floor became audible the closet door swung open and a sigh escaped the victim's mouth and his eyes scanned upwards to meet Grimmjow's.

It took Grimmjow a moment to recognize who was standing in front of him and he immediately wanted to beat himself up for not recognizing him right away. On the other hand the victim looked half tempted to close the door again and wait for him to leave, but Grimmjow was having none of it.

"Ichigo?" He asked curiously, the name sounding odd as it slipped from his mouth. He hasn't heard that name in a long time, much less spoke it.

The boy scrunched his eyebrows closer together as irritation became visible on his face. Grimmjow was debating whether the irritation came from him being locked in a closet or having to deal with the fact that Grimmjow was the one to rescue him. He sincerely hoped it was the closet; he was too drunk to deal with Ichigo's lack of respect.

Opposite from Ichigo, Grimmjow was just straight up confused. He couldn't tell how they ended up in this position. He hasn't seen him in a long time, he assumed that he transferred or something and he didn't hear a word since it just seemed like he dropped off the face of the Earth. Not only that, the Ichigo he knew was feisty and would never end up in a position where he was on the receiving end of a prank. He didn't know who did that to him, but the guy that picked a fight with him must have been huge or Ichigo must have let himself go.

Ichigo hasn't said a word. His face was downcast, staring at Grimmjow's shoes deeming them more worthy to look at than his face. His fists were clenched tightly and he waited for Grimmjow to move out of the way so that he could step out of his prison without having to get any closer to him.

Ichigo hasn't said a word to him during this entire exchange almost as if he has forgotten how to speak, the possibility of that being unlikely as he remembered the many verbal arguments he has gotten into with him. Ichigo used to be his best friend throughout their childhood and through middle school. Their powerful friendship didn't exactly carry through high school though. Grimmjow joined the popular crowd when he was recognized as worthy and then eventually took over. Ichigo on the other hand focused more on his studies and joined more difficult classes. Despite being relatively attractive he gave off an air that he looked down on those around him that approached him with less than pure intentions.

The differences in interest slowly broke them apart until their friendship was left as just a memory. It's been a long time since Grimmjow has even seen his striking orange hair in the hallway much less talked to him. They barely even made eye contact, crossing paths without meeting. Despite them not talking to each other anymore Grimmjow wasn't purposely trying to separate himself from Ichigo nor was he willing to give him up as a friend so seeing him on the receiving end of a prank made him genuinely uncomfortable, scratch that he was furious.

"Who did that to you?" Grimmjow growled. Any sign of him being under the influence was gone. His determination to beat the shit out of the person who shoved Ichigo in there was more powerful than the alcohol he consumed. Okay, he was clearly still under the influence and the alcohol that traveled to his junk miraculously traveled upwards to his head and fists. His face was red in fury that made complete sense to his drunken mind.

Ichigo cocked his head to the side as he studied the man standing in front of him and then shrugged as if he wasn't entirely surprised by his angry response. "Some assholes, just forget about it." Ichigo responded, speaking for the first time and noticeably getting impatient with Grimmjow who still hasn't moved out of the way to allow him to step out of the closet, having to resort to shoving Grimmjow aside so that he could just get the hell out of that room.

Grimmjow caught him by the shoulder while Ichigo attempted to shove past him. He eyed his former best friend skeptically as if the answer would appear on his face if he held him there long enough, but since that wasn't working he resorted to words. "Which assholes?" Grimmjow asked insistently with a slight slur in his words. "Why the fuck would they do that to you?"

Ichigo ignored him; his eyes downcast, not meeting Grimmjow's unclear blue eyes that were obvious evidence of how intoxicated he was. Grimmjow shook him to try and get an answer, but all it did was make Ichigo sway back and forth and return his eyes back to Grimmjow with his eyebrows a bit more scrunched up.

Grimmjow growled in response, clenching his jaw tight as he took a large purposeful step towards Ichigo causing him to have to back up until his back hit the wall. He grabbed a fist full of his shirt around the collar causing part of his smooth toned stomach to become bare. Most of the kids in Ichigo's nerdy classes would have been hyperventilating by now. A big buff former football star pinning him against the wall, the king of the school, The Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez locked him in place, but this wasn't some loser kid in some AP advanced biology class or whatever. This was Ichigo and Ichigo doesn't step down from a challenge especially if the challenger was him.

Ichigo glared into Grimmjow's eyes, attempting to convey a message to Grimmjow's mind directly which clearly wasn't in the right frame of mind. The message was probably something along the lines of 'if you want your friends below your waist to stay intact then you better let me go.' He gripped onto the wrist that was holding him in place ready to pry him off of him if things got dicey or he needed to take more assertive actions that were more related to his telepathic threat that didn't get through to his drunk ex-friend.

Despite Ichigo clearly being unamused by Grimmjow's forward actions that can be seen as threatening Grimmjow continued to interrogate Ichigo, "If you don't tell me who did that to you then you can bet your ass that I'm throwing you back in the closet." He threatened not really sure if continuing the bullying on this now stranger was the best course of action when he was in fact trying to learn who did this to him so that he could teach them a lesson. He kind of contradicted himself and it seemed that Ichigo picked up on that because his immediate response was to roll his eyes. "You're drunk." Ichigo said flatly with no amusement in his voice.

"No shit." Grimmjow slurred, eyes still piercing into his as he waited for a response. After a few more seconds of holding him Ichigo started attempting to pry his hands off.

Grimmjow only tightened his grip on him, but Ichigo shut his eyes and bit his lips. "Grimm," Ichigo pleaded using his old nickname. Hearing that one syllable was enough to pull at Grimmjow's heart strings causing him to loosen up his grip. "It would be better for the both of us if you just forgot that you saw me here." Ichigo insisted. Ichigo allowed his hand to fall from Grimmjow's wrist, letting it fall to his side. His face was unscrunched, not holding any signs of hostility that was there before. He gave Grimmjow an almost pleading look and without realizing it Grimmjow's own hand dropped and he took a step back so that Ichigo could let himself off of the wall.

Ichigo let himself off of the wall and made a beeline past Grimmjow out of the room without so much as saying a goodbye or a thank you. Even though Grimmjow was furious at whoever did that to him he couldn't help stare at the door frame that his former best friend walked through.

He couldn't recall a time that Ichigo has ever looked at him like that. Ichigo without having his eyebrows knit together and having a somewhat gentle expression like he cared for Grimmjow's wellbeing. Then there were the words that Ichigo said to him. What did he mean that it would have been better for him to forget that he was there? Like hell he was able to let that go. He was the king of Karakura High and if someone was going to mess with his former best friend then they were going to pay. He didn't want to let people see Ichigo as weak. They didn't know shit about him and what he was capable of not that he had much to say either.

If Ichigo didn't want to tell him anything then so be it. Heck even if he wanted to keep away from Grimmjow and never allow him the opportunity of being friends again then that was his decision too. That doesn't mean that Grimmjow was going to sit back and allow people to mess with him. Messing with him was his responsibility and that was only because that was his way of showing his best friend any form of affection. If he couldn't do it then nobody can.

He may have not seen Ichigo in years. He was surprised to see him at a party of all places since it didn't really seem like his kind of scene. It was a bummer too. He was attractive if he wasn't such a nerd, been a bit more outgoing and went to more parties he would have definitely been popular. His bright orange hair was more vibrant than Grimmjow's. His face was a lot softer than his and if he could get rid of his habit of frowning that he seemed to have kept over the past three years then he could probably even convince people he was a nice guy.

He grew taller obviously, not quite as tall as Grimmjow who shot up like a weed, but comparing the two of them would be unfair. His legs traveled for miles and it made him look graceful despite probably being about three inches shorter than him. Then there was his body. It is magnificent. It's toned, and muscular even if he was a bit skinny. Grimmjow was amazed that someone was able to get the upper hand on him since he was always able to put up a fight when Grimmjow roughhoused with him in middle school. He would hate to see what the other looked like if Ichigo actually did put up a fight. Women would be throwing themselves at him and maybe, just maybe Grimmjow would be willing to share.

Seeing him again may have been a sign to get his best friend back. Drag him away from his beloved books and get his mind off studying for a while. It seemed that some good had come from coming to this party even if he didn't get laid. It may have not been too late to check that off of his checklist, but honestly he lost interest. If he did manage to find a hot girl and get her on her back or knees he wouldn't really be into it. There was no way he could get his mind off of what just happened.

A/N: I know I said I'm going to update weekly, but reviews really motivate me. Take the time during this pandemic to leave me a review so I can hear your thoughts.