*Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters represented in this story, unless otherwise noted. I am not affiliated with anybody that has anything to do with the original BMW TV series.

Boy Meets Parenthood: Part one


"Hey guys!" Shawn greeted Cory and Topanga, who had arrived at the airport shortly before he did. Shawn was exited but a bit apprehensive to see Angela again. His heart had ached for her this past year. "Shawnzie! Glad you made it..." Cory replied. "Her plane just landed." Topanga moved to Shawn, and put her arm around him. "You okay?" She asked. Shawn nodded. He hoped that his feelings were not written all over his face, but Topanga knew him well, he reasoned, she could read him like a book.

After they came to New York, Eric and Shawn became room-mates in the same apartment building where Cory and Topanga lived, and the four spent a lot of time together. Shawn had not really gotten to know anyone else, as he was always busy traveling for work. Not that he had the desire to go out much. he had been slightly melancholy since Angela left.

Minutes later, they saw Angela approaching. Topanga screamed in delight and ran to hug her friend. Angela was beaming. She was so happy to be back.

God, she looks great, thought Shawn. He couldn't help but smile when she looked at him.

Cory took his turn hug Angela, "I see Europe was good to you."

"I had a wonderful time! I can't wait to show you the pictures." Angela replied.

"I know I would love to see them," Shawn said as he moved in for his hug. She smelled so good, even after a long flight. He kissed her on the cheek, and took her carry- on bag, "Here let me help you."

"Why, thank you," Angela smiled. Shawn was a beautiful sight to her tired eyes. She wondered if he had moved on while she was away.

After they picked up Angela's luggage, Cory hailed a cab for them. Shawn climbed in the front seat to allow the others time to talk. He listened to their conversation silently as they rode to the apartment house. He wanted to hear some clue that would tell him where he stood with Angela.