Just as the final season of The Clone Wars is almost done, I've finally decided to write my final book of The Descendant of Revan, hopefully I'll finish it before May 4th.
Outer Rim under siege!
Separatist forces have launched a major offensive.
Led by the evil droid General Grievous, Republic forces are pushed to the brink.
In response to this overwhelming attack, the Jedi Council has dispatched its Generals, sending them far from the Core Worlds to bolster the beleaguered clones.
On the distant planet of Yerbana, we find Commander Cody of the 212th in desperate need of reinforcements...
Above Yerbana, Yularen's Star Destroyer:
Revan absentmindedly rubbed his chest. His heart ached at the thought of his wife and child that was probably born already as he Skywalker and Kenobi walked onto bridge after having just returned from Yerbana's surface. 'Ahsoka... Force I miss you so much...'
"Alright Admiral, what's so important you brought us back here..." Anakin trailed off slightly as the three gazed upon the hologram of a familiar Togruta. Even though she was wearing a different outfit and her lekku had clearly grown, Revan would recognize the woman he loved anywhere.
The younger Knight's heart did backflips in his chest as he laid his eyes upon his wife for the first time in months before said woman along with a Mandalorian turned to face them.
"Hello Master, it's been awhile." the Togruta woman greeted as she folded her arms before turning her attention to Revan for a moment then back at Anakin. "A-Ahsoka...? Wh- I don't believe it, how are you? Where are you, are you okay?" he asked in concern after getting over his initial surprise at seeing her.
"I'm alright, thank you. I wish we had more time to talk, but I have urgent information for all three of you." she explained. "What is it, Ahsoka?" Obi-Wan asked her. "Lady Bo-Katan and I have located the renegade Sith Lord Maul. And if we move swiftly, we believe we can capture him." she explained while briefly gesturing to the Mandalorian beside her.
"It all makes sense now." Anakin said suddenly as he, Obi-Wan, Revan and Artoo made their way through the main hanger. "What?" Obi-Wan asked. "If Ahsoka hadn't left the Order, then she wouldn't have been where she needed to be." the older Knight replied.
"That's one way to look at it." the Master replied with a small frown before he and Revan stopped as Anakin stopped in front of them. "It's the only way to look at it. We're gonna capture Maul, finally. I thought you'd be more excited about this." the older Knight said.
"I am cautiously optimistic." Obi-Wan replied as he moved passed the younger man and stopped a few feet from him just as a Mandalorian ship descended into the docking bay.
The two Knights walked up to opposite sides of their former master just as the shuttle landed. Reaching out with the Force, Revan could sense his wife but not their child. 'Hmm... She must have found a way to mask their Force signature when they were born, it would explain why I couldn't sense them when she gave birth.'
The Knight was suddenly struck by a wave of guilt and sadness as he realized he'd missed his own child's birth. 'I should've been there...'
Revan snapped out of his depressing thoughts as the ship's ramp lowered. The group watched as Ahsoka was the first to walk down it. Beeping happily, Artoo rolled up to her before she placed a hand on his dome for a moment then continued towards the three Jedi, Bo-Katan and two other Mandos following behind.
Realizing he still had his mask on, the young Jedi quickly removed it before pressing a button on the inside and watching as it compacted into a small rectangle. Revan clipped it onto his belt just as his wife and the Mandos stopped in front of them.
"Ahsoka, I am so glad-" Anakin started before she held her hand up, cutting him off. "We'll have to catch up another time. Things are moving quickly." she said as Bo-Katan walked up to her left.
"Every minute we waste here, gives Maul an oppurtunity to slip away." the Mandalorian woman said. Anakin and Obi-Wan shared a brief look. "We understand. Please, follow me." he said before turning around and walking while Bo-Katan, the other two Mandos and Anakin followed.
"You five go on ahead, we have some important things to talk about." Revan said while glancing briefly at his wife. "Don't take too long." the Mandalorian woman said as she continued walking behind Kenobi.
Gently taking her husband's hand, Ahsoka led him back to the Mando ship before making their way into the cockpit.
The second she let go of his hand, Revan wrapped both arms around her lower back and pulled her into a deep kiss. Moaning softly, Ahsoka eagerly returned the kiss as she wrapped her arms around his neck before reluctantly pulling away a moment later.
The silence that followed after was awkward to say the least. 'Fuck... What the hell do you say to your own wife after having not seen her for months?' "You, uh... grew." he blurted after another second of awkward silence.
The Knight was both surprised and relieved when the reaction he was expecting wasn't what he got as she broke out in a brief fit of giggles. "Almost as shy as when we first met." she said with a small smile after calming down.
Revan returned the smile as relief flooded through him. Even after months of not seeing each other, Ahsoka still loved him with all her heart. The young man's smile fell as his gaze dropped to her flat stomach. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there..." he said softly with a hint of sadness while slowly trailing the fingers of his mechanical arm down her stomach.
"It's okay... What matters is that you're here now." she reassured gently before giving him another kiss. "Would you like to meet him?" she asked softly, still smiling as a surprised look crossed his face. "Him...? I... I have a son...?" he asked softly in surprise. Instead of answering she gently grabbed his mechanical hand and led him out of the cockpit.
The Knight's heart rate sped up as his gaze landed on the crib bolted to the floor in the back of the barracks before he and his wife made their way towards the crib.
Revan felt tears build in his eyes as he looked upon his son for the first time. Ahsoka's gentle smile never left as she squeezed his hand comfortingly while the two gazed upon their sleeping son. "What- What's his name?" her husband asked softly.
"I didn't name him." she replied as a look of sadness replaced her smile. "I couldn't name him without you." she admitted before looking at the floor. Revan could understand why, this was their child made from the love they felt towards each other, she must have felt that naming their son without him would feel like a betrayal.
With a gentle smile, Revan cupped her chin and lifted her head so that they could look at each other. "In that case, what do you say we name now?" he asked as the smile returned on her face.
"Did you have any in mind?" she asked. The Knight bit his lip. He had one in mind, but wasn't sure if it was a good idea or not. "How about... Anakin?" he asked. Ahsoka gave him a small surprised look before gazing down at their son in deep thought.
"I think that's an excellent name." she said after a moment of silence. Revan sighed quietly in relief right as their son's blue eyes slowly opened and the little guy let out a yawn. Blue met purple a second later and Revan smiled softly at his son as the baby started to coo softly.
"Hey there, little guy... I'm... I'm your dad." the Knight said with a soft smile before reaching down to gently touch his son's head. Ahsoka smiled at her husband interacting with their son and watched as the baby grabbed the index finger of Revan's mechanical arm as he started pulling his hand away.
Anakin seemed to like the material of the arm's cover as he started giggling happily. Even though he loved his new son, the Knight had to admit was a bit disappointed his son had no Togruta features. However he was glad their son had his mother's eyes.
After a few more minutes of playing with his dad, the baby's eyes started drooping and he soon fell back asleep while letting go of his dad's finger. Ahsoka leaned down to kiss her son's head before turning her attention to her husband. "Now that he's asleep, we should catch up with the others." she said quietly before getting a nod in return.
After one last look at their son the couple made their way to door.
The couple walked up to the holoprojector Ahsoka and Bo-Katan had been on earlier before the Togruta spoke to everyone.
"Bo-Katan had been tracking Maul's movements for several months. I was able to attain some transmission codes from the Pykes on Oba Diah, which helped her pinpoint some of his previous locations." she explained while folding her arms and trying not to look at her husband's horrified look.
"What were you doing on Oba Diah?" Skywalker asked, sounding surprised. "That's a long story. And not really relevant right now." she replied. "What is relevant, is that we know Maul is on Mandalore in the city of Sundari." Bo-Katan explained before pressing a button on the holoprojector and bring up a hologram of said planet.
"You're certain of this?" Obi-Wan asked her. "He arrived two days ago." she replied. "So why not take him yourself? Or to be more specific, what do you want from the Republic?" the Master asked.
Ahsoka and Bo-Katan shared a look before former nodded. "I don't have the numbers needed for a siege. Without a complete lockdown of the city, Maul will escape again. That's why I'm proposing a joint operation. If we're successful, you'll have Maul and I'll have Mandalore." she explained while switching the hologram to one of the city.
Anakin and Obi-Wan shared a brief look before the older man spoke. "If Republic forces aid you in your assault, it will break treaties that are a hundred years old. We will effectively be drawn into yet another war." he said.
"What's one more?" she asked rhetorically. "Well, we're not finished with our first one yet." Skywalker added. "I will advise the Jedi Council of this development." Obi-Wan said before turning around.
"There's no time! Maul's influence on Mandalore is destroying my people, he murdered their ruler, my sister. I thought she meant something to you." Bo-Katan said coldly as Revan shot her a glare. 'That was low.'
A look of sadness crossed Obi-Wan's face as Skywalker gave him with concerned look. "She did, and still does, but I cannot allow my feelings to cloud my judgement. The Council will decide what our course of action will be." the older man said before he turned a exited the room towards the bridge.
"I told you this was a waste of time." Bo-Katan said to Ahsoka before she and the other two Mandos exited the room through the opposite door.
"So, that went well, all things considered." Skywalker said with a small smile while folding his arms. "You two certainly haven't changed." Ahsoka replied as she leaned against the projector.
"Is that a bad thing?" he asked with a smirk. Ahsoka simply returned it instead of answering. "Come on, me and Revan have a surprise for you." he said before making his way towards the door Bo-Katan had exited through.
"Commander." one clone greeted Ahsoka with a salute. "Sir." another greeted, saluting too as the three Force-wielders walked down one of the many corridors. "They shouldn't salute me anymore. Not since I left the Order." she said quietly after two more clones saluted her.
"It doesn't matter to them. It's a sign of respect, they know what you went through for them, day after day. Battle after battle. Loyalty means everything to the clones." Revan said before stopped in front of a door leading into one of the hangers.
Ahsoka looked at for a second before turning to Anakin who smiled and nodded in agreement while folding his arms. The three turned their attention to the door just as it opened to reveal Rex and a battalion of clones whose helmets were styled after her face.
"Company! Attention!" Rex ordered before he and the other clones turned and stood to attention. "Go ahead. They've been waiting to see you." Anakin said to her, smile still present as she walked towards the clones.
The Togruta woman looked at a few of the helmets while the two Knights walked up to Rex. "As soon as Rex and the guys knew you were back, they got to work." her husband said before she walked towards Rex who was currently holding one of the helmets.
"The paint job's a little crude but we think it gets the idea across." the captain said with a smile. A soft smile made its way onto her face as she placed a hand on the helmet. "Glad to have you back, commander." he said as she removed her hand.
"Rex, thank you, but you don't have to call me commander anymore." she replied. "Sure thing... commander." he replied, smile still on his face.
"I've got one more surprise for you." the older Knight said as Rex handed him a small wooden box. Ahsoka gave him a curious look as he held it out to her before placing her left hand on the top.
Unfortunately she didn't have a chance to open it as the ship's alarm suddenly went off. Revan nearly groaned. 'Oh no, now what?' Clones who were working on the three gunships in the hanger quickly made their way to the exit just as Kenobi came running in.
"Anakin, Revan, Rex prepare all forces, we're jumping to hyperspace immediately." the older man informed them before Rex turned his attention to his battalion. "Men, with me!" he ordered before he and half the battalion ran to the three gunships while the other half exited the hanger to go board other gunships.
"So the attack on Mandalore was approved?" Skywalker asked as he folded his arms... again. "No it's Coruscant, Grievous has attacked the capital." Obi-Wan replied as he too folded him arms... again. Revan managed to keep a look of worry off his face. 'Shit... We're in the endgame now...'
"What about the chancellor?" the older Knight asked. "Shaak Ti has been sent to protect him, but Master Windu has lost contact with her." he replied, unfolding his arms as a worried look crossed Skywalker's face. "Not to worry, our fleet can be there within the hour." the older man assured.
"So that's it? You're going to abandon Bo-Katan and her people?" Ahsoka accused with a frown as she folding her arms. "Ahsoka, surely you understand this is a pivotal moment in the clone wars, the heart of the Republic is under attack." he replied. 'You have no idea how big of a pivotal movement this is.'
"I understand, that as usual you're playing politics, this is why the people have lost faith in the Jedi. I had too, until I was reminded of what the Order means to people who truly need us." Ahsoka replied still frowning at Kenobi.
"Right now people on Coruscant need us." he said. "No. The chancellor needs you." she shot back. "That's not fair." he replied mirroring her frown. "I'm not trying to be." she replied coldly.
Skywalker quickly spoke up before either could say anything again. "I'll divide the 501st, make a new division under Ahsoka's command." the older Knight suggested. "Unfortunately, Ahsoka is no longer a part of the Grand Army of the Republic." the older man pointed out as he and his first former Padawan folded her arms.
"Well... promote Rex to commander and have him lead the division. Ahsoka could go with him as an advisor." he suggested before smiling at her. "What do you say?" he asked. "I accept." she replied before turning her attention to Kenobi. "That is... if Obi-Wan agrees." she added as said man was currently holding his chin.
"Very well. May the Force be with you." he said, getting a nod in return then turning to make his way to the door before suddenly stopping and turning halfway to face her. "One other thing. I killed Maul once, best to capture him. He doesn't seem to stay dead." the older man said before exiting the hanger.
"Thanks for the support, as always." she said to Skywalker with a small smile. "That's what friends are for." he replied before holding the box up again. "If you're going to face Maul, you'll need these." he said, mirroring her smile as she opened the lid to reveal her old sabers.
"I took care of them. They're good as new." he said as she took both sabers and looked at them before turning them on and seeing two blue blades come out. Ahsoka smiled wryly at him as he smirked and folded his arms. "Maybe a little better." he added.
"Don't worry, I've still got your old green crystals here." her husband said as he reached into his robes for a second then pulled his hand back out to show her one green crystal and one yellow-green crystal.
"I've been using them as good luck charms, they seem to be working so far." he teased with a smile as she returned it before trying out the blades for a moment. "You take care of Maul, we'll handle Grievous. With any luck, this'll all be over soon." he said as she extinguished the blades and clipped the hilts onto her belt.
"Master Kenobi always said there's no such thing as luck." she replied with a small smile. "Good thing I taught you otherwise." he said with a small smirk before adressing his fellow Knight. "Come on, Rev." he said before turning and walking towards the door.
The older Knight only took a few steps before noticing his friend wasn't following. Skywalker turned to see his friend looking at the ground and Ahsoka looking at her husband in concern. "Rev?" he asked, wondering why the younger man wasn't following.
Swallowing thickly the younger Knight lifted his head to look at Anakin. "Actually... I'm not going with you..." he said quietly, earning surprised looks from the first two people he had ever met.
"I wasn't given much of a choice last time, not without arousing suspicion, however this time I'm staying with Ahsoka." he said before walking up to Anakin who nodded slowly in understanding. "One more thing. I want you to tell Obi-Wan and the Council that I'm formally resigning from the Jedi Order." he said after a few second of silence and earned shocked looks from both of them. "Are you sure?" Skywalker asked, looking and sounding a bit sad. "I'm sure." the now ex-Jedi replied softly.
"I'll let them know." the older man replied before Revan suddenly hugged him. "I'm not sure if we'll ever see each other ever again. So if we don't, I want you to know you're bestest friend a guy could ever ask for." he said quietly as Anakin returned the hug. "Likewise." the Knight replied as they broke the hug.
After one last smile between friends, Anakin turned and made his way towards the door before he stopped as Ahsoka called out to him. "Anakin." she said as he turned to face her. "Good luck." she said with a smile. The Knight returned it before making his way out the door.
"I'm surprised you did that." she admitted after turning to to face her husband. "Well there are two people who need me more than the Jedi does." he replied with a smile. Ahsoka returned it before the two walked over to the gunship that landed near Rex and a few other clones.
Above Mandalore:
"Commander, I have Prime Minister Almec of Mandalore on the comm." the gunship pilot said over Rex's wrist comm. "Put him through." the commander replied before a hologram of Almec appeared in the gunship.
"What is the meaning of this invasion!? The Republic presence here is a direct violation of our treaty!" the Prime Minister said, sounding outraged. "Your time has come Almec, we know you're Maul's puppet. And we are coming for him." she stated ominously. A smug smirk made its way onto his face as he folded his arms.
"Aha, Mistress Bo-Katan the traitor. I should have known you were behind this incursion. Siding with the Republic will make you an enemy in the eyes of the people." he warned. "I'm fine with that." she shot back before the transmission ended. "You're nothing like your sister." Ahsoka said with an impressed smirk.
A few minutes passed by before Bo-Katan contacted one of her allies on her wrist comm. "Ursa, can you confirm the target's location?" she asked the small hologram. "I can only confirm that Maul has not left the city. All other attempts to locate him have been blocked. Saxon is already scrambling his defenses." the woman explained. 'So that's her name.' Revan thought as he smiled.
A few seconds later the gunship suddenly lurched and anyone not holding onto one of the handles attached to the ceiling nearly fell over. "We've got incoming!" the pilot warned over Rex's comm.
After the ship lurched again a minute later, one of the clones opened the starboard blast shield before Rex and the two ex-Jedi moved to the edge in time to see a rocket hit the gunship beside them.
A few more minutes passed as more rockets exploded around them. "What are you waiting for? Get out there!" Bo-Katan said, putting her helmet on before she and the other two Mandos with them jumped out of the gunship after one of them lowered the back ramp.
"Sorry. I didn't think to bring both of you jetpacks." Rex apologized to his friends. "Don't need one. Race you to the surface!" she said with a smirk and two finger salute before jumping out of the gunship.
Rex and Revan chuckled at her antics before the younger man put his mask on. "See you down there, bud." he said before backflipping out of the gunship. "Cowabunga!" he exclaimed while falling through the air.
Revan soon landed on a gunship before igniting his ice blade and slashing the jetpack of one of Maul's Mandos. The ex-Jedi watched her malfunctioning jetpack shoot her into the sky for a few second before seeing the jetpack explode.
The young man turned his attention to the sound of another explosion to see his wife with her sabers out and realized she'd just done the same as him. 'Great minds think alike.' Revan smiled as he and Ahsoka quickly jumped off the side of the ship and landed on top of a hijacked one.
Once they landed on the roof, Ahsoka slashed the jetpack of the lone enemy Mando before Revan kicked him over the side. With that one taken care of, the two dropped down into gunship from opposite sides.
Revan wasn't ashamed to admit he got distracted by a sudden glimpse of his wife's covered crotch as she kicked two Mandos away after dropping down after him. Snapping out of it he quickly reactivated his ice blade before slashing the jetpacks of the two she kicked before grabbing onto one at the same time Ahsoka grabbed onto the other.
The couple used the two Mandos to fly over to an allied Mando ship before using them to cushion the fall as they landed on top of it. The two quickly made their way to the nose of the ship just as a gunship was falling out of the air near them.
The ex-Jedi quickly jumped off the end and fell through the air for a moment before landing on top of the gunship. "I'll save the co-pilot!" Revan yelled over the wind, earning a nod before he and his wife slashed the tops off the cockpits.
After the clones thanked them and ejected out of the falling gunship, the two Force-wielders turned their attention to the small platform outside the dome. Right where a group of Maul's Mandos were waiting for them.
As soon as they got a bit closer, the couple jumped off the gunship and after a few seconds of falling through the air, they finally landed. Both rolled once and while Ahsoka stopped herself by stabbing her sabers into the ground, Revan used the Force to stop before they both stood and started deflecting blaster fire.
Revan and Ahsoka managed to kill a few with deflected bolts but unfortunately they soon started to get overwhelmed. Luckily they were provided backup by Bo-Katan and her Night Owls who had suddenly flown up to the platform before opening fire on Maul's Mandos and forcing them to retreat.
The couple turned their attention to Rex as soon as he landed in between them. "Beat you." Ahsoka said with a smirk. "Some things never change." he joked before they took off towards the entrance to the city.
Sundari, Mandalore:
Revan, Ahsoka, Bo-Katan and three other Night Owls stood on a balcony and watched as Maul's forces retreated. "No sign of Maul yet." Rex informed them after he and two other clones landed by them.
"We can't sustain a long siege. I'll head for the throne room and deal with Almec, you must find Maul." Bo-Katan said to the two Force-wielders before she and the three other Mandos took flight.
Ahsoka leaned against the railing before addressing Rex. "I want you to support Ursa at the docks, we must ensure Maul doesn't escape." she said. "If he's here. If he's not, then all of this plays right into his hands." the clone replied before his wrist comm went off.
"Commander Rex, this is CT-0292. I think we have something." Clone Captain Vaughn informed them. "We'll be right there, captain." Ahsoka replied before she, Rex and her husband made for the exit.
Revan, Ahsoka and three other clones stepped onto the elevator that went down into an access point leading into the Undercity. Once the elevator stopped at the bottom, the group got off and made their way over to the captain.
"Vaughn, what have you got?" Revan asked. "We were cutting off this access point to the Undercity, when we engaged one of the leadership; Gar Saxon. He disappeared through there, seemed in a hurry." the clone replied while gesturing to the tunnel.
"What's down there?" Ahsoka asked as her voice echoed in the tunnel. "System of tunnels. Sewage ports, mainly. Some conduit access pipes." the captain replied. "Lovely." Revan said sarcastically as the clone mentioned sewage.
"Do they lead outside the city?" the Togruta asked. "Unknown, sir." Vaughn replied. The group looked down the tunnel for a moment before she broke the silence. "Let's move in." she said before entering the tunnel with her husband and the clones following behind.
Thanks to the flashlights on the clones' visors, moving through the tunnels was a bit easier. After a few minutes of slowly making their way through the tunnels the group eventually stopped at a four way junction.
Turning towards the left tunnel Revan suddenly saw one of Maul's Mandos shoot a rocket at them. "Get down!" Ahsoka warned upon noticing it too. Instead of pushing it back towards their attacker, she only managed to direct it into the ceiling above them.
Luckily all the explosion managed to do was knock Ahsoka to ground before her husband helped her up and the clones quickly chased after their attacker. "Vaughn, wait!" she said, activating her sabers before she and Revan quickly chased after the clones.
The two passed by two clone corpses before seeing another killed by a bolt coming from the tunnel on their left. They quickly made their way down the tunnel while hearing the troops crying out in pain.
The couple eventually made it to a room where a few dead clones and mortally wounded Vaughn laid. Sheathing her sabers, Ahsoka and Revan quickly made her way over to him before dropping to one knee.
The captain weakly held his hand up and Ahsoka took it before giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm sorry... commander..." he apologized weakly before his hand went limp and she gently laid his hand on his chest.
Revan gently wrapped one arm around his wife's shoulders and gave her one shoulder a comforting squeeze. "Rest in peace, Vaughn. You've earned it..." the young man said softly.
The couple's mourning was cut off as six of Maul's Mandos surrounded them, two in three different tunnels. Both activated their saber and took defensive stances. After a few tense seconds passed they suddenly heard loud footsteps from the tunnel behind them, the very same that had no Mandos blocking the way.
Revan and Ahsoka turned towards the tunnel as the footsteps got closer.
"I was hoping for Kenobi." a voice spoke from the dark tunnel and after another second passed the figure finally walked into the low light to reveal Maul himself. "Why are you here?" he asked as his yellow eyes glared at them.
Chapter 1 is done. 5000 words is pretty good for the first chapter of the final book.