So so so sorry for the delay. I was literally not home this weekend and did not have the time to update.

Many thanks to PabloAustin Luke Kate ; Eve ; DCLOVER; Sarah; Macarena for their reviews !



"He's asleep," Diana announced as she stepped down the stairs leading to the bedrooms. At nine o'clock, far past Hip's bedtime, the little boy still stubbornly refused to leave them. After the day he had, Bruce was not surprised. In fact, he would have almost expected the child to stay awake all night if Diana hadn't used every single trick to get him to his bed.

"Good," he said simply. "I was beginning to think we were up for an all-nighter."

"I hope his dreams will be peaceful tonight," she replied, the line of worry evident between her eyebrows.

In spite of the nightmare during naptime, the rest of the day occurred without incident. Hip had led Bruce outside for a walk around the block, stopped to a children's park. The boy had spent his energy on the monkey bars, until Bruce had felt the danger of the intrigued mothers and decided it was time to go home. Hippolyte had been disappointed at first until he had offered to buy him an ice cream for a treat. When they returned home, Diana had already returned. Hip had greeted her as he hadn't seen her in months. They had talked of her day at the Louvre, Hippolyte faithfully recapitulated everything that had occurred –leaving out the second part of his nap, and then it was time for diner. Diana had called for take-out, they ate decent Mexican food. They had indulged Hippolyte with a cartoon and a long argument had followed about the necessity of going to sleep.

Now that the deed was done, the tension that had lingered between the two adults returned as Diana sat on the couch. They would not talk of important things while Hip was there, but now, they had all the time necessary.

"Did you get to call your friends?" Bruce asked immediately.

Diana smiled tightly.

"Yes, he expects a full explanation tomorrow. Mo is the father of Hippolyte's best friend, Samira. I've known their family ever since I arrived in Man's World. His great grandfather was a good friend."

It took Bruce a few minutes to remember the next day was Hip's birthday party.

"How many people will be there already?"

"Four kids –Samira, Theo, Julie and Ludovic. Theo and Ludovic are classmates; I don't know their parents very well but Hippolyte likes them. Julie has recently moved in Paris from a small town and is, according to Hippolyte, in dire need of friends. "

Given what his son had said about liking people, Bruce could say this was a good point in their honor. Which was a perfect transition.

"Did you know Hip was a sort of empath?"

Diana frowned slightly.

"I suspected it," she admitted, much to his annoyance. Hadn't they agreed to speak about these things? "There were…signs, but I wanted to be certain before bringing it up. Did he tell you himself?"

Bruce leaned back against the couch

"Somewhat. He felt that the guy who attempted to kidnap him was happy, and it unsettled him."

"Happy?" Diana echoed, showing as much puzzlement as he did. "Was he mad or something?"

"I am not certain it was happiness. From what he described, I'd think Leblanc's feeling was more of triumph or success," Bruce muttered reluctantly. "Hip is still a kid, he merely associated the feeling to what he already knew, and was unsettled by his response. To be honest, I am not surprised. I know Luthor can work with the worse kind of criminals." He paused. "I have told Alfred to start to study how to hack into LexCorp. I want to see how much he has on you, and if I can throw him off your distant past."

"If we can throw him," she corrected. "I may not ask my friends to act right away, but my contacts spread across the world, Mister, and for most I even knew their parents."

Bruce winced slightly. Sometimes, he failed to remember that she was far older than she looked and must have a network spreading far longer than his. Was it arrogant of him to want to handle Luthor on his own after all?

"We should retire too," she said eventually. "Today was a long day, tomorrow will be longer."

He groaned.

"I hardly believe it."

"I don't believe you ever had to deal with kids on sugar high," she replied drolly. "Trust me, Hip is picky with his friends for a reason; they have the same..." she paused, apparently looking for an adequate wording: "Energy."

"And there will be five of them?" Bruce inquired blankly.

"Just a couple hours, they are still young. Most parents will bring the children after naptime, around three. They will have a snack around four-four thirty and everyone leaves between five or six. Mo might stay to discuss the situation. He works for Interpol," she added somewhat proudly. "I trained him in hand-to-hand. He is one of the best active agents."

Bruce couldn't help but smile. He wondered if she would carry that expression when Hip would start his own achievements. Then, his thoughts shifted to a less cheerful path.

"Will my presence be an issue? I mean, when Hip and I stand side by side, it's pretty obvious that we are related. I don't know if you care about what others might say."

Diana seemed to ponder over the question a few moments before shaking her head.

"People will assume things, but I don't think they will really care. I doubt anyone will recognize Bruce Wayne if you dress with casual jeans and a sweater. Women might ogle a little though."

The thought seemed to amuse her. Bruce smirked.

"Are you hinting that you find me handsome?"

Diana rolled her eyes.

"You are handsome, and you know it." Even though she spoke the words carelessly, he could see the tiniest pink on her cheeks. She ended the conversation by standing up. "Hip showed you the shower and everything?" He nodded. "Good. Good night Bruce."

He watched as she walked away slightly unnerved. He grinned; he still hadn't lost the Wayne charm. And then, he sobered. He had grown very fond of Diana over the phone, but seeing her in person stirred something he hadn't felt in years. His growing attraction to a beautiful woman was not surprising. His desire to keep her good opinion of him, if only for Hip, did not startle him either. What did worry him was the complete ease he felt around her. Their current relationship was satisfying, but he suspected one of them would soon want to push the boundaries into something more. And to be honest, he thought he might cave and make the first move. Bruce just hoped she would welcome his advances when –not if, the tension w the time came.


The next day, even though the party was not due until mid-afternoon, Diana put good use of Bruce's extra hands to hang the decorations for a simple, but festive birthday for Hip. While this was not the first time her son had actually invited friends for a play date, they had never been this many. Diana was not nervous about hosting children; she trusted Hip not to lead them into a mess, and Ethan had agreed to show up in reinforcement while the other adults spoke serious matters.

Mo and his daughter Samira were the first to arrive at three sharp. Hip excitedly welcomed his best friend and dragged her to his bedroom with barely a hello to his 'uncle'. Mo was a man in his mid-thirties, unassuming and well-built for his job. Diana had been there when Nadia had given birth, and had been privileged to hold him first. While she had always remained close to Charlie, Etta and Samir's descendants, he was the first she had been made godmother to. Nadia's husband had left her and Diana had been there when she needed it most. While she had always been reluctant to be given such a title, Diana had felt natural to agree.

"Di, you haven't changed an inch," he said as a matter of greeting. She rolled her eyes and drew him into a hug.

"And you haven't lost your sense of humor," she replied. "Last I've seen you were last week." Mo shrugged with a grin. "Come in, there is someone I'd like you to meet."

The smile was lost and he nodded soberly. Even though she had no need of protection, Mo had always been a little odd where Hip's father was mentioned. She had divulged his identity to her closest friends, especially those by whom Hip bragged about his 'Mister Bruce'. Needless to say, after investigating on his reputation, Mo had been less than pleased.

"Play nice," she chided him as they entered the living room. Bruce had locked himself in the kitchen to finish the candy bowls for later. When they entered, he lifted his head and immediately zoomed on her companion.

"So, Bruce Wayne," Mo said not quite friendly.

Diana rolled her eyes.

"So, Mohamed Taghmaoui," Bruce replied on the same tune. Mo was of average height. Bruce had a good foot over him. They stared at each other in silence for thirty seconds. Eventually, Bruce offered his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

The peace offering was reluctantly taken. Diana wanted to bang the two men's head together and be over with it. The doorbell rang again, so she left them still shaking hands to welcome the new guest. A few words were exchanged with the mother, Hip came tumbling down the stairs to lead Ludovic to his bedroom and she returned to the kitchen. To her surprise, the two men were sipping a glass of what she suspected to be lemonade and talking about Mo's job. She decided she would never understand male dynamic.

Once all children plus Ethan had arrived, they locked themselves into her home office. The events of the previous morning were more explicitly debated. Bruce exposed his research on Luthor's man, shared his deductions. Mo listened carefully, asked his own questions and thankfully, did not push to question how a billionaire could come across such information.

"I have news of my own," he eventually said. "It turns out, that guy, James Leblanc, is part of a network we have been investigating for a while now. Agents of our own were watching a gang moving around the airport. My boss thinks Hip is just a red herring. The guys were closing in when he was taken. Leblanc might have recognized you, then made a move on Hippolyte to cause a distraction." He leaned back in the chair he occupied. "At this point, Luthor's involvement is a strong theory, but not an absolute certitude."

"So yesterday morning was an unhappy coincidence?" Bruce inquired, not looking very happy. Mo shrugged.

"My guts say Leblanc would have made a move on Diana if Hip hadn't been there. Which brings me to my next question." He pulled out his cell phone. "Di, would you recognize any of these people?"

Diana frowned, took the device and scrolled through the pictures. Most seemed to be random, until she stopped on one particular man. Tanned skin, dark hair, cold hard eyes, and if her memory didn't fail her, a distinct Russian accent.

"This one," she said without hesitation. "Do you remember when I left for Africa as part of a humanitarian group, you asked me to look into a local weapon traffic, perhaps seven years ago? He was part of the group. I don't remember his name, but when they started taking hostages, it turned out he was part of the network. He just needed transport to Africa and killed a student to take over his identity."

Bruce glanced at the man in turn –his face didn't ring a bell, so he most likely hadn't set foot in Gotham. Then again, he didn't remember the faces of every underling, just the important ones.

"His name is Anatoli Knyazev, he's a mercenary-for-hire," Mo informed her. "He has been on our watchlist for years, and you met him once face-to-face."

Diana bit her lower lip worriedly. Two men related to Luthor, one she knew, the other who knew her. She didn't like the odd feeling in her guts.

"You think he recognized me?" she asked. "The incident happened some years back, and I was just one amongst a group of twenty."

"Diana, you were the hottest humanitarian out there and you spoke to him; of course he would remember your face," Mo said with a hint of a smile. He turned serious. "Most importantly, he would fear you recognize him and alert the authorities. Of course, he didn't know we were already onto him. It fits with what we know of the situation. Can you see if there are any others that ring a bell?"

She found no-one. She saw wheels turn in Bruce's eyes and wondered what was going on in his mind. She wondered if he was tying up the events to what he knew of Luthor.

"You should be safe for now but keep an eye open. Twice you come across a man who has a loose connection to Lionel Luthor –before and after breaking said man's bones. If Luthor is indeed behind this and he knows of your involvement, he might want to come after you for real." He turned towards Bruce. "You keep an eye on yourself too, Mr. Rich Boy."

Bruce narrowed his eyes.

"I'm used to dealing with sharks," he replied slowly. "Luthor is easily handled once you know what he's about."

"You are taking this far too lightly," Mo shot back, his tone hinting irritation.

"Suits are nothing but predictable when compared to madmen. We have plenty enough freaks in Gotham," he replied, and suddenly looked sad. Diana remembered he had lost his second son to the Joker. Mo narrowed his eyes even more.

"Some articles hint you've been kidnapped yourself. Are you speaking of experience?"

Bruce said nothing and smirked instead. His eyes had turned hard and cold. Before Diana could intervene, Mo backed off and stood up.

"We've been stuck in there a while. We should see what the kids are about."

"Agreed," Bruce said and stood in turn.

Diana did not.

"Gentlemen," she snapped. Both men stood stiffly and stared at her. Before she could speak though, Mo's phone rang. He reflexively glanced at the caller and picked up. Diana immediately assumed it was work related. He didn't speak at first, listened to the caller. And then, his eyes widened drastically.

"What?" he spat angrily. "How did that happen?" Pause. "Of course, I'll be there. I'm leaving right now."

He hung up, shoved the phone in his pocket.

"Leblanc was found dead in his cell," he announced grimly. Diana tensed, glanced at Bruce. He grimaced, but did not seem surprised. "Can you explain the situation to Samira? I'll call mom to pick her up."

"You go," Diana assured him. "Samira is safe with us."

Mo shook Bruce's hand in farewell, gave her a last hug and was out.

"I am hacking Luthor's personal files when I return to Gotham," Bruce declared quietly. "After this, there's no way he is not taking an interest in you."

Diana grimaced but nodded her assent.


How did I get into this? Bruce wondered as he watched Diana prepare for bed. She stood in an elegant golden-colored nightdress, the skirt falling short under her knees and the sleeveless top showing off the smooth skin of her slender shoulders. The male part of him was far too appreciative of the picture before him. He had a hard time to focus to keep himself in check –no pun intended.

"Are you alright with the arrangement?" she asked, and damn, her voice sounded far more suave and husky than he remembered. She looked at him, curious.

"I'm good," he grumbled, and privately cursed her protective streak.

The rest of the afternoon flew relatively fast. Hippolyte and his friends came down for the long awaited-snack and cake. The loudness and innocence turned out to be a relief for Bruce. Mindless chatter distracted him from the serious discussion they had barely an hour earlier. Unfortunately, the weather outside had turned for the worse. Three of the parents came earlier to pick up their children before the strong wings turned into a tempest. Nadia, Samira's grandmother, had arrived last and late. The weather was to blame again, as she lived on the outskirts of Paris, and quite away.

The woman was approaching seventy, and neither Diana nor Bruce felt keen on having her drive when the wind blew so hard and the storm raged outside.

"I will not let you back out in this weather, Nadia," Diana chided firmly. "You will stay the night, and that is not negotiable. I have enough spares for you and the girl and you know it."

The old woman nodded graciously. Samira grinned widely. Bruce doubted the little girl understood much of the situation, aside that she would sleepover at her best friend's house. There wouldn't be enough room though, unless Samira and Hip shared a bed. He would, of course, leave his spot to the older lady. The couch was too short for his long legs.

"I'll go check at some hotel," Bruce concluded. Nadia cackled with a wicked glint in her eye.

"Dear, don't be silly. If Diana won't have us leave, what makes you think she will let you leave?"

He wished he could point out that he had wandered outside in a much worse weather, especially in Gotham's heights, when Diana intervened:

"I would rather you not go outside either," she confirmed, albeit uncomfortably. "If the couch is not up to your taste, we can share a bed."

Bruce stared at her in shock. Diana calmly ignored his gaze, but the top of her cheeks turned a light pink, much to the interest of the older woman. The children were too busy chatting excitingly to register anything else. Nadia clapped her hands.

"It's settled then. Now, Diana, tell me what you have left in your fridge. The least I can do is to cook you a nice diner."

What Bruce suspected she wouldn't admit that Diana's cooking skills were less than average. He also suspected that Diana would be relieved of the duty of cooking.

"You have yourself a deal," she replied and stood from the couch. "I'll go prepare the guest room."

"You could have refused you know," he went on as he took the left side. The mattress was large enough to have them both comfortable with a little space between.

"Mrs. Gisbon is not the only one who believes I need a little romance in my life," she grumbled. "Shoving Hippolyte's father back in my bed sounds like a good start."

Bruce grunted, his eyes firmly set on the wall. If his former conquests could see him, lying in bed with a beautiful woman, and firmly decided not to do anything...they'd have a field day. He did not budge when she settled on the right side. He did not tense when she brushed his leg and apologized, nor did he say a word when she stilled and stared at the ceiling in turn.

The silence was crushing, his guts tightening. Habit would have him reach out for his bedmate -if it hadn't already beforehand -and initiate most pleasurable time. Instinct warned him he might lose a finger -or much worse -should he attempt anything right now.

"Are you so against a little romance?" he asked eventually, because he couldn't help it anyway.

Diana did not reply for a while.

"Perhaps..." her voice trailed off quietly, as if she was still pondering over her words as she spoke. "Perhaps when we are more comfortable around each other. If you are agreeable to this..."

Bruce inhaled sharply. He was hardly the poster child for lasting relationships. His past dalliances had ended in various degrees of disasters. The few women he might have sealed the deal with had lost their patience with him. Unlike them, Diana had a tangible tie with him that he could not break. She was above him in every sense of the word, much more dangerous and lethal, much more experienced and far kinder and patient that he ever will be. He sure as hell did not deserve her, he had every chance to screw it and if he did, he could not break things up so easily. Still, he was flattered that she considered him at all.

"I'd like that" he said just as quietly, and was surprised when he realized he meant it.

He felt Diana relax -hadn't realized how tensed she had been too. And the sentiment, that she seemed just as nervous as him, made him feel better.


Diana woke up feeling a weight on her waist and a solid form in her back. A warm breath caressed her neck, tickling her skin. Diana shifted slightly and craned her neck to glance over her shoulder. She was met with Bruce's sleeping face, half buried in her hair. She cracked an amused smile. As if sensing her stare, he slowly stirred in turn, blinking slowly. The confusion in his sleepy eyes made her grin further.

"Good morning," she said quietly.

She half expected him to release her and pull away. Instead, he remained firmly in place, his eyes on her. Though her neck was starting to strain, Diana was not quite willing to break their connection yet.

"Morning," he replied eventually, and yes, she admitted the morning breath stalled her enthusiasm. She smiled instead and settled back on the pillow. He made no attempt to remove his arm so she left it there.

The lying in was comfy and warm. Though she had little serious relationships in the past century, Diana found out she liked being held this way. She thought back to their conversation the previous night, about the potential of a future relationship. Perhaps that would happen sooner than she expected. She drifted off again, but still felt him move and inhale her hair.

When she woke up the second time, she was alone. The sheets were fully covering her, she felt relaxed and at peace. Bruce's smell lingered behind her, even though he must have deserted his spot some time ago. She took her time to leave her cocoon and put on a robe. Bruce's expression had proven to be amusing the previous night, but she didn't want to tease him too far.

After all, he was a handsome man, and she had been celibate ever since Hip was born.

Pushing those thoughts aside, she made her way to the kitchen. Bruce was there, nibbling on a pancake. Made by Nadia, most likely. Her friend was an early riser and was desperate of her cooking. The faint sound of a shower informed her of where her friend might be.

"We are the only ones up," Bruce said after the customary greetings. "Hip and Samira are still asleep."

"Or pretending to be asleep," she nuances with a smile. She imagined the two children had babbled most of the night, giggling and sharing secrets of their age. They wouldn't be up until a solid hour.

"I had an interesting conversation with Nadia," he went on.

"What about?" She hoped the old woman hadn't mentioned her matchmaking plans.

"Some guy name Steve Trevor."

Diana tensed immediately. When they spoke of her past, she would go on with her actions, her friends, her beliefs, the events she witnessed around her. She had mentioned him briefly at the very beginning without expending on his influence on her life. To be honest, she hadn't thought of mentioning him before a long time.

"It was not her place to speak of him," she said sternly.

"I told her so," he went on calmly. "I told her you would tell me in your own time." He paused. "There are things you don't know about me either. I think we both need more time, before feeling at ease with each other." The corner of his lips twisted into a half-smile. "I want to see where this," he waved between them, "could lead. Do you?"

She met his eye, held the contact for the longest time. He did not flinch away.

"I do too," she admitted quietly. Then she added, because it was true: "I trust you, you know."

He appeared a little surprised but not unpleased. She liked the softness in his gaze, the way he looked at her. He handed her a glass of orange juice, which she took, and raised his own in a silent salute.

"To whatever is to come," he cheered and tinkled their glasses together. Diana grinned.

"I'll drink to that," she replied, and just did.