HHiccccccccuppppppppp " joint shouted from his hut at the top of the edge "incoming shipssss "

Joint was right . Hiccup ran out of the forge to meet the boys at the dock . Very one was panicking. No one had plans to visit this island . Barely anyone knew this island was even here .yet the ships where getting closer .

Get the dragons in the stables NOW hiccup yelled as he ran to grab toothless from his favourite napping spot . Joint az and olive jumped into action all the dragon that they could find where places in the stables . To the untrained eye the stables looked like an old broken store house so no one would be going to look in there .

One the boys where ready they went to there own huts to get changed . Probably not the best to meet new people in nothing but boxers .

Hiccup where are you man they are going to be docking soon " joint called . The others just laughed how this clumsy boy ran falling over trying to get dressed as quickly as possible. Hiccup had the most armer where the others had simple black outfits (defender of the wind armer ) hiccups was more designed. Had more straps leather more everything really .

Even though the runty boy the assassins met was no more hiccup still got into scraps that you could only tag as clumsy . He was more lean now more defined . The boy could squat with a full side yak for Thor's sake . Yet that's not the only thing that changed . Hiccup got brave one afternoon after slaying the chief of the bangtan Tribe so decided to get a nightfury tattooed from his neck to the mid section of his back . It was a beautiful sight to behold . After all he did design it him self

Any time today would be good Cheif " az cried trying not to laugh. Haha very funny . Come on let's just go hiccup answered . The wondered down to the docks leaving hiccup to collect the last of the terrible terrors from the roof to the stable .

Once they arrived they helped the unknown sailers with tying up the boat .

Hello ummm I'm sorry I didn't catch your name ? Joint asked politely. Stoick I'm cheif of berk and I'm in need of protection for my people " stoick turned round to show his people battered bruised and bleeding

We know this man this man is hiccups farther . No wonder hiccup ran away this man could snap anyone of us in two . Yes of course sir . Let me men grab your stuff while I show you to the visitor huts joint quickly hustled everyone off the ship helping a couple to the healing huts for olive to have a look at .

Once everyone was by the fireplace joint hastily went and looked for hiccup . He's in for a shook because he didn't need to look for long hiccup was walking to the hut . Hiccup haha funny story you won't believe who has turned up hiccup didn't look amused he looked drand . I don't care joint I need a drink those dragons are mad . Terrible terrors was the perfect name for them . Hiccup stated as he carryed on walk to the hut . Once he got to the door his eyes widened.

There stood his father who he hadn't seen in 6 years looking horrified as if he had seen a ghost .

Hiccup ...son is that you . This of course got the whole village looking on and gossiping I heard a couple people go that's not hiccup this lads a fighter Or you must be joking hiccups dead we all know this

But nothing was as shookning as seeing a blond beauty run though the crowd and pounce on hiccup knocking him to the ground . Hiccup where have you been you said you would come back but you never did " so hiccup knew this girl by her statement.

Hiccup was to in much shook to think . He slowly pushed the girl off himself and stood up walking away from the hut . The cheif of berk soon followed after him shouting his name .