~~Foreword: Hello! It has been such a long time since I have posted an update on the Weasley story! I do apologize. 2020 has been a rough year so far, I think we all need a little imagination and reading to take our minds off of what's going on. I actually wrote this a while ago but for some reason never uploaded it. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy this second part, and if you like it comment and I'll start working on a part three! ~~

Fred and George looked at each other in disbelief, then staring down at Hermione wondered how this could have happened after having so much trouble with her previously. They knew they couldn't keep her in the Gryffindor common room, so George scooped her up and Fred led the way peering into the halls before they walked into them, making sure they weren't spotted, although right now the polyjuice potion was still in effect and they were still Ron and Harry physically. Seeing Ron and Harry carrying an unconscious Hermione would be way less strange than seeing Fred and George doing it, any normal person would think they were up to tricks. They were still not wanting to take any chances. When they finally got to their room George laid Hermione down onto his bed and asked Fred, "What now?"

"Now" Fred answered with a wide grin on his face, "the fun begins." George liked that oh-so-Weasley mischievous grin and stared down at Hermione. "So, who's going first?" Fred asked, but before anyone could properly answer Hermione gave out a soft moan, and tossed slightly, stretching.

"Now what are we to do?" George questioned, staring at Hermione as she was slightly turning. "Is she waking up?" He looked over to Fred backing away from Hermione. "We can either have fun with her while she's slightly unconscious, just maybe a touch or we can wait until she's fully awake. Just some fun"

"You know, George, I was thinking at first that we could have some fun with her while she slept… but just like.." then Fred stopped talking and instead led by example and reached out his hand, placing it on Hermione's round rump. Hermione was wearing her usual Gryffindor attire minus the robe. She had on her white-collar shirt, Gryffindor tie, black button-up cardigan along with her gray knife pleated skirt and dark stockings. Fred was feeling very ambitious tonight and decided to take it a step further and sat down on the bed next to Hermione and slowly and lightly moved his hand underneath her skirt. Fred had a giant grin on his face as he felt the soft warm flesh of her bum.

George, noticing where his brother's hand was, was determined to have some fun as well. So, he also took his hand and placed it under her skirt and lightly groped her left cheek. "Such a nice soft bum, eh Fred?"

Fred just nodded and then decided to peek under to see what color panties she was wearing, so he gently lifted the skirt up just to peek. Underneath was a pair of very soft pink panties. "Nice" they smiled, saying in unison.

Now that the brothers have had a touch and peeked at Hermione's panties they wanted more. But both had no intention of doing anything while she was still asleep; that would be wrong. So, they decided to wait out for a bit and decide on who was going to get to be with Hermione first. Fred really really wanted to be with Hermione first. They played a simple muggle game of rock-paper-scissors. Fred pulled rock first and George paper. George 1 Fred 0. It went on like this for about 10 rounds because they kept pulling the same thing, paper paper, rock rock, scissors scissors, paper paper. After finally getting to the second round with Fred pulling scissors and George pulling paper, they were tired. Before they could begin their third round, Hermione tossed once more but this time they believed she had awoken.

Hermione's eyes flashed open, and at first, she just laid there almost in a daze. Her eyes were heavy, and she felt like she had been sleeping for years. She was groggy and her mind was very foggy. Almost immediately a dark seductive voice rang in her head saying, "whoever drinks this potion will be visited by who they are believed to be enamored with" and an image flashed of a blurry hand holding a small potion bottle. She remembered Harry telling her this but didn't remember how she got to a bedroom or a bed. Her head hurt trying to remember what else had happened. She propped herself up on her arms and sat on the bed on her knees staring at the wall. Probably just a strange dream she thought. There can't be a potion that can do that, right? And in that moment she heard two very familiar voices. Hermione looked around the room, then came face to face with one of the Weasley twins. They were the very last people she had thought to see, given the circumstances and voice she had just heard. The polyjuice potion had worn out and they were back to their original handsome selves.

Hermione rubbed her eyes making sure she had seen who she thought she had. I really hope that WAS just a dream... she thought, still unsure. Then the other Weasley twin came around the other side and sat down on the side of the bed. "Hey Granger" they chimed in unison, smirking.

Hermione quickly spun around on the bed and sat straight up whipping her head from left to right looking at both of them in confusion. Then the other twin sat down on the other side of her. "Have a nice sleep, Granger?" Fred asked, looking at her winking.

Hermione narrowed her eyes and glared at Fred, "What do you mean?"

"You really can't remember?" George asked, standing up and walking around to Fred's side.

"Remember what?" And at that moment, Hermione gasped, blushing, and remembering that pesky voice, exclaimed, "No! Not YOU! Or even both of you!"

"What's she talking about Fred?"

"Dunno George. She must've hit her head harder than we thought."

Hermione gripped her head, feeling for any bump or bruises. "I did not!"

"Then tell us Granger do you remember anything about earlier this day?"

"Well...no... just one thing...but I'm not telling you! It was probably just a dream..." and she blushed again lightly, hiding her face.

"Look at that Fred, she's blushing. Her little face is turning pink! What is it, Granger? You have a good dream about us?"

Then both Fred and George were sitting on the bed with her scooting closer. "So, tell us, Granger." They echoed.

Hermione shook her head and crossed her arms. "I'm not sure what you're talking about, but it sounds like you're the ones who have some explaining to do."

"Well you were so excited about meeting with Ron and Harry after they got back from their weekend with Dumbledore that on the way to meet them you tripped down the stairs leading to the Gryffindor common room. Thankfully me and George were coming down a couple minutes later and saw you just lying there on the stairs and were able to take you back here."

"Why didn't you just take me to Madam Pomfrey? What if I have some kind of concussion?" Hermione questioned, feeling her head everywhere, but the truth was she just felt tired and groggy. She couldn't remember anything about Harry or Ron. Except for some blurry vision of a bottle of potion again and a voice ringing in her ears.

"You're fine, Granger. We happen to know just a little bit about checking for vitals and you are just fine. And with that, sorry brother." and at that moment Fred took his wand out and waved it saying a simple relocation spell and pointed it towards George and immediately he disappeared with a poof of smoke. Fred then went to lock the door. "He'll forgive me, hopefully."

With everything happening so quickly, Hermione was left more confused than ever. Now she was alone with Fred Weasley. Fred. Weasley. Fred turned around and his gaze fell upon her and she stared right back up at him. His gaze was so intense and real. His mesmerizing green eyes were lit up and he had a sexy smoldering smile spreading on his lips. As he was approaching nearer and nearer, Hermione couldn't help but just stare at him. Her brown eyes were quivering, and her heart was pounding against her chest like drums.

She had always looked at Fred and George and spoken to them, but she had never encountered them like this. Hermione had a dark side to her that no one knew about and the things she thought about were hardly PG. The fantasies she had were just that. Just fantasies. One in particular she had about a month ago was ironically about Fred Weasley, his green eyes were electric in the darkness of her room. He had approached her swiftly and took her and kissed her deeply and she felt it all throughout her body. When she woke, she had no idea what came over her.

After that dream she would see George in the hallways and when Fred came along beside him, her heart skipped a beat and she hid or ducked wherever she was and then peered at him as he walked away. It's strange how a dream or fantasy about a certain someone can make you feel a whole new way about them. He was like this new sexy guy she had never met. She wondered what he thought of her. But she was beginning to realize how he thought of her.

After sending his brother away Fred had a new wave of confidence. He knew his brother would probably be trying to make his way back eventually but at the time he was gone. As Fred turned around, he met eyes instantly with Hermione on the bed. Her eyes were big and glowing a light amber. She looked scared but invigorated. As he walked over to her he couldn't help but smile as she blushed a light pink. The light was fading from the room and it was slightly dark.

As he approached the bed posts, he walked past and sat himself down on the left side of the bed his body straight and forward, but he moved his head right and stared directly at her. Hermione tensed up a little as he was so close. She had only dreamed of this moment, of being so close to the brother of her best friend whom she recently gained interest in. Her heart beat faster every second, his eyes were a cool neon green just fixed directly on her. His ginger hair burned in the fading evening glow, slightly long and covering some of his face.

"I know you dream about me Granger" he seductively whispered into her ear, "I saw it. You want me to kiss you I know" He took his hand and slowly raised it, caressing her face and pulling it closely to hers. Hermione's heart was going crazy at this point, and her eyes were wide.

He took his fingers and put them on her lips, moving downward pulling her lower lip down and pressing his thumb against it dragging it down again. "You have such nice lips Granger. Very soft. Very kissable." he winked and brought her face towards him again. "I know you think about me."

Hermione now a deep red color, nodded just staring at him. She had never been approached by a guy like this before. "I think about you too" he said, meeting her eyes. "But you can be such an uptight girl. You think you know everything. Well that's going to change tonight. You've been very naughty. I think there's something you don't know about, Granger. Let me teach you something tonight." He pulled her face closer to his again and kissed her full on. It was as intense a kiss as Hermione had felt in her dream. Her body was suddenly warm, and a fire broke out inside her as if the sun itself ignited her.

She moaned slightly as he held her face close to his and kissed her passionately, only stopping for shallow breaths, then he turned on her and got on his hands and knees while she was still sitting crisscross facing towards him. He moved forward, with lips still locked, and pushed her back gently as her head softly touched the pillow. He pulled her closer to him still kissing feverishly. Hermione had never felt like this before, it was a whole new feeling and it was amazing. She felt as if she had been charmed to fly, as if she was soaring. He was now on top of her, arms stretched out over her head, still kissing her, their lips moving all over each other's.

He was getting more and more excited each minute, enjoying her soft lips, that tasted like strawberries. He could feel himself getting hard through his pants, which didn't help because they were very tight. Every so often he pressed down against Hermione, his bulge rubbing against her thighs. He unlocked his lips from her and pushed her hair aside and started to kiss her neck. Hermione started moaning softly, gripping the bed sheets and opened her eyes and looked straight up at the canopy bed. She pulled Fred up and looked up at him. "What are you doing?"

"You don't like it?" He asked, smiling down at her.

"I'm not the kind of girl that just allows this to happen... and it's never happened... I'm not experienced and.." and before she could finish, he pressed his finger to her lips and shushed her.

"I know you like me Granger, and I know we're both curious. You need to learn how to loosen up a bit and who better to show you than me?" He started kissing her again, moving down to her neck.

She gasped as his warm lips touched her neck, then he got up supporting himself by leaning backwards on his legs and took his shirt off. Underneath, no one would have guessed but he had a slight six-pack and had beginner's biceps. He motioned to Hermione and bent back down and whispered in her ear again, "Your turn, Granger" he smiled as he started unbuttoning her cardigan.

After he was finished with the cardigan, he threw it across the room and then took her white polo off until all that was left was her Gryffindor tie and her skirt and stockings. Underneath the tie was a sexy black lace bra.

** Find out what happens in the next installment of the chapter… Mua-ha-ha. Will George come back before anything can happen between Fred and Hermione? What will Hermione do or not do? Better yet what is George going to do when he realizes he was relocated, and his sneaky brother played him. **