I own nothing but my OFC!

Also 'Se' - pronounced see - is a nickname my dragonborn has given to Serana. Please R&R!

Chapter 1

"You're sure you don't want some of this deer?" Eirlys tauntingly waved her meal-on-a-stick in front of her friend once again. Mostly just to watch her face scrunch up in disgust.

"You do remember I'm a vampire right?" Serana laughed.

"You only remind me every single time we're out in the sun. The sun, the sun, it's not great for my skin." Eirlys grabbed her chest and fell to the ground from the rock she had been sitting on, teasing her companion. Serana threw a stick at her, but laughed along. "I am glad we can at least travel in daylight, though I'm sorry it discomforts you."

"It's not as discomforting as watching you eat, you slob."

The women giggled softly as Eirlys stood, brushing the dirt from her armor. Now that Eirlys had finally filled her belly she took a good look around. "I'm just glad we were able to find this cave for the night. I love sleeping under the stars but sometimes it's nice to have walls at your back." It was a pretty cave with a high ceiling, a stream, and there was even some foliage growing in the dirt covered ground.

"It is gorgeous in here. I'm glad you're here with me." Serana smiled softly, looking around and leaning against the rock behind her.

"When am I ever not with you Se?" Eirlys smiled at her friend softly. It was true though. Just over a year ago they had defeated Serana's father, Lord Harkon, and they had been inseparable ever since.

"You know you love me. Now would you just sit and get some rest? And take your damn armor off!" Serana chuckled. "When was the last time you slept without your armor on?"

"Yea yea." Eirlys waved her hands at her. Serana thought she was just hypervigilant, but there was a reason she didn't like to be without her armor. I'll tell her soon enough. "I might take if off after I get some firewood. I'll be right back."

Walking out into the dark night Eirlys breathed deep, almost savoring this moment. It was damp from fresh rain, and the scent of a decomposing tree by the cave's entrance hung in the air. She was grateful for the chance to just explore Skyrim. No vampire lord to defeat, no errands for a Jarl, no dragons to kill. Simply the enjoyment of leisurely travel. Before she could get to her earlier wood store, Serana's scream pierced the silence of the sleeping forest.

Racing back to the cave Eirlys stopped short, almost falling over, coming face to face with a creature she had hoped to never see again. The mass of tentacles protruding from the black void sent chills up her spine. "What are you doing here you wretch?" she spat.

"This won't end well for you!" Serana had her chain lightning ready, hands glowing.

As Eirlys traced the cool steel of her axe at her hip, ready to grab it if necessary, a bodiless voice rang out in the cave. "Ah if it isn't my champion. I'm simply here to retrieve something, nothing that concerns you."

Before Eirlys could say anything else, she watched in horror as several of the tentacles shot out and surrounded Serana. Time seemed to slow down as she watched the daedra drag Serana into the darkness. The shout left her mouth before she had even thought about it, "WULD NAH KEST!" Her whirlwind sprint allowed her to leap into the void before it completely closed.

Eirlys felt like she was flying. Or falling. Her stomach was in her throat causing her to grit her teeth. She couldn't see anything, everything was black. Desperate, Eirlys reached out blindly, looking for anything she could grab onto. Finally she found purchase on a large, slimy tentacle. Hoping to get the prince to release Serana, she dug her axe into it.

The wretched abyss shrieked. "How dare you lay a hand on a daedric prince? You were my champion and now you betray me this way? Be gone! You shall never see Apocrypha again!"

The blackness suddenly became bright. Too bright. A white flash and then Eirlys landed on her back. Hard. She choked for the air that had been knocked out of her as her vision came back into focus. Another reason to always have my armor on, she thought as she stood up. What did I even land on? Stone? Eirlys's thoughts came to an abrupt halt, her eyes bulging as she realized what she had done. She attacked the daedric prince of knowledge. The only being that knew where Serana had been taken to, or even what plane she was on.

"HERMAEUS! HERMAEUS!" Eirlys shouted into the quiet night, willing the tentacles to come back. "HERMAEUS MORA!" But the prince didn't show. Nothing did. Eirlys was alone. Tears sprang to her eyes. What have I done? Her chest felt too tight. Serana had been her companion for so long now. She was her only friend. Her family. And now she had been taken. Where? Why? Eirlys had so many questions. A sob escaped her mouth before she could stop it. She allowed herself a moment of grief before straightening up. Crying won't save Serana.

Getting her bearings she looked down. It did appear that she landed on some large stone. But it was very flat, and very large. It stretched out everywhere except for the occasional spot of grass. Strange. To her left she saw a large dark building. She could make out the word 'Fangtasia' on the front thanks to some very tall lanterns. How they got the flame so high up and that bright she wasn't sure. Hoping this place was a tavern of some sort, she decided to see if anyone was in that could give her information on where she was.