When All Was Lost...

Chapter Forty-Two


Mark Of The Dragon

I could hear muffled voices as I felt my body being lifted and carried away in a struggle.

"Just hang on Akarii! I got you!"


"I'm here! I'm right here! Just hang on!" he said,"You're gonna be okay!"

"Is she okay!?"

"Does she look okay, Leo!?"

"I was just asking!" a young boy huffed,"She looks like she's in pretty bad shape...!"

"That's my point!"

"That's enough you two...she's gonna be fine!"


Says I'm gonna be okay...



When I was finally able to open my eyes I found myself in a place that was unfamiliar to me. It was very nice. Luxerious even...

"W-where am I..."I muttered as I tried to sit up and winced at the pain that had taken over my body.

"You shouldn't move right now." said a young girl who sat next to me with concern in her eyes. She had pig tails pf greenish blue hair. She was quite cute.

"Who are you?" I asked her curiously.

"My name is Luna..." she said softly.

"And I'M Leo!" said a boy next to her. They looked very much alike. They were clearly twins.

"Not so loud, Leo." Luna said softly,"She needs lots of rest..."

"Well she might be scared being in a place she doesn't know, Luna!" he scoffed,"You're in our apartment. We live in the Tops." he beamed," Luna said she had some freaky vision of someone being hurt in the underground." he stated," So we hurried over and found you!"

"You didn't look too good..." said Luna,"You've been hurt pretty bad...so we brought you here." she said softly.

"Yeah and our friend said he knew you!" said Leo,"He's a super hero by the way."

"I keep telling you, Leo, he's a Knight." sighed Luna.

" Anyway!" said Leo," So there you have it...and now...you're at our house."

Super Hero?


I blinked in utter confusion.

"Don't worry..." said Luna,"Yusei will be back soon and he can take care of the rest."

"Did you say, Yusei?" I asked.

Now that name I knew.

Not far off a door sounded along with the familiar sound of heavy soled boots.

"Hey, Yusei' back!" Leo beamed,"Guess what, Yusei! Your friend is awake!"

"What!?" he gasped and stepped over a little quicker,"Akarii!" he sighed in relief as he kneeled down next to me,"Thank god you're all right." he said softly,"You looked to be in pretty bad shape when we found you, I was worried sick!"

"Yusei..." I said his name softly, relieved to have finally found him once again.

"Hey, Yusei." Luna blinked,"How do you know Akarii anyway?" she asked.

"Akarii and I go way back." he said softly,"We've been friends since we were kids...in a way you could say she's kind of like my little sister." he smiled warmly.

"Aww...that's so sweet!" she smiled back.

"Akarii." Yusei said firmly,"Can you remember anything?" he asked,"How did you end up like that? What happened!?"

"Yusei..." I said softly..." I remember everything."

He gasped.

"You mean...everything everything!?"

I nodded.

"And there are some things we need to talk about-" I said softly.

"We can get to that later." he said back,"Tell me what happened to you!?"

I sighed.

"I got these injuries...from a duel."

Everyone gasped.

"You mean to say you got hurt that badly from a Duel!?" Luna asked.

"It wasn't against the witch, was it!?" asked Leo.

"That's enough, Leo." Yusei said,"She isn't a witch."

"A witch!?" I gasped,"No! She's not a witch-she's my friend-AHH!" I let out a pained cry as I tried to sit up too quickly which brough panic to Yusei's face.

"Akarii you shouldn't move-" he said,"Wait...did you say friend?" he blinked,"Akarii...do you know Akiza?"

"I Do-" I winced as he tried to lay me back down carefully,"...I did..." I sighed,"I met Akiza here...in the city..." I blinked,"When I lived with The Movement."

"The Movement?" he blinked.

"The Arcadia Movement." I sighed.

"...To think that's where you have been for the past three years..." he sighed as he narrowed his blue eyes sadly,"You were so close, all this time and we back home were none the wiser..."

"It's okay, Yusei..." I said softly,"I'll gladly share my story at another time...right now...there's something more important that we need to discuss-"

"It's about the Mark of the Dragon, Right?" Yusei blinked.

I gasped.

"How did you know about it?"

"Because..." he said softly,"I have one too."

"Me too." said Luna,"That's how we were able to find you...it was glowing really intensely on your arm when we finally found your body." she said softly.

I blinked as I looked down on the mark on my arm.

A Mark of a Dragon's Eye...

"It's not just us either." said Yusei,"Jack has one too, and so does Akiza." he blinked,"Akarii, I think you might be a signer just like us."

"A signer?" I blinked,"But...what exactly is a Signer."

"Sorry Akarii..." he said softly,"But I'm afraid even I don;t know the answer to that one yet." he sighed,"What I do know about it...is that those of us with a mark, are all connected."

"I see..." I sighed,"So Jack is a signer..." I said softly"That must be why Director Goodwin is so interested in him." I blinked,"And in you too."

"What do you mean?"

"Yusei...Do you know anything about the Fortune Cup?"

"Yeah..." he nodded,"I was actually given an invitation."

"You shouldn't participate in that tournament." I stated,"My last mission with the Arcadia Movement involved infiltrating and gathering information on Jack Atlas and the Fortune Cup." I blinked,"I'm mot certain you and Jack will be walking into a trap if you two participate in this tournament."

Yusei blinked and hung in his silence for a while before releasing a heavy sigh.

"...I know." he said softly"But even if I wanted to back out...I'm afraid I don't have that choice now."

"What do you mean!?"

"It's Rally and the guys." he said softly"They took them, and they said if I don't participate then they might get hurt."

"What!?" I gasped.

Rally and the rest of the guys have all been kidnapped!?

"I'm sorry Akarii." he stated softly,"But I'm afraid this is something I have to do."

"...I understand." I stated softly,"I still need to try." I said,"Maybe I can reason with jack...he's so close to Goodwin."

"I can't say that will be an easy task." Yusei sighed,"Jack isn't the same as he once was..." he sighed and draped me over with a blanket,"For now, Akarii, we need to work on getting you fixed up." he said,"We'll worry about the rest as it comes...for now...you should get some sleep."

With a heavy heart I knew he was right. No matter how much I was against it, my body was banged up and damaged. If I was going to go anywhere...I'm going to need to take care of that first. I was exhausted as I was anyway... My eyes grew heavy, and I rested them, finding discomfort in the heat of the pain that warmed my body.

To be Continued