HAPPY BELTANE! i.e. First of May!
While trying to get past a (hopefully small) writers block on my other stories decided to push through one of my many other HP fic/HP crossover fic ideas.
Disclaimer: The World of Harry Potter does not belong to me. Nor does the Word of the MCU. While my story is fanfiction, and my creation, the Canon characters, locations, ideas... belong to JK Rowling and Stan Lee/Marvel Studios. This is a work of fiction produced for the single purpose of entertaining fans of Harry Potter and the MCU, and no Copyright infringement is intended.
Some parts of the text in this first chapter is taken from HP&tCoC and 'The Avengers' (2012) film
Words of encouragement and comments are welcome but please no silly bashing-troll comments just for the sake of it. - Thank you
'Dizzy and bruised, covered in soot, he got gingerly to his feet, holding his broken glasses up to his eyes. He was quite alone, but where he was, he had no idea. All he could tell was that he was standing in the stone fireplace of what looked like a large, dimly lit wizard's shop — but nothing in here was ever likely to be on a Hogwarts school list.'- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
May 01, 2012 - Evening
Joint Dark Energy Mission Facility, Western Division
Project Pegasus
NASA Space Radiation
S.H.I.E.L.D. Accelerator Test Facility
Mojave Desert, Nevada
"Talk to me, Doctor."
Doctor Selvig looked up from behind the Tesseract at Fury's call - "Director" - to step off the platform and move towards him.
"Is there anything we know for certain?" Fury asked, eye going between Selvig reaching him and the Cube definitely glowing brighter than the last time he had visited.
"The Tesseract is misbehaving."
Fury eyed Selvig as he finally met him halfway. - "Is that supposed to be funny?"
"No, it's not funny at all. The Tesseract is not only active, she's..." the doctor clearly searched for a better word, only to come up with - "behaving."
Fury felt his jaw tighten. "How soon can you pull the plug?"
"She's an energy source. We turn off the power, she turns it back on. If she reaches peak level..."
"We prepared for this, Doctor. Harnessing energy from space."
"We don't have the harness. My calculations are far from complete...-"
Fury looked back to the Tesseract as Selvig continued his report, only for -" -Nothing harmful, low levels of Gamma radiation."
His head snapped back to eye the doctor, his gut only tensing at the words, "That can be harmful."
Jaw tight, Fury gave a quick sweep of the rest of the compound-"Where's agen-"
Before he could finish though, the Tesseract suddenly hummed, glowing even brighter, followed by "Doctor! It's spiking again."
Both Selvig and Fury moved to the call, eyes quickly going to the screen. Not only was there an increased frequency of spikes, but also an increase in energy with each spike.
To which, the Cube sparked one more -a much larger spike to the previous.
"What's that?"
Before Fury could so much as tense, eye on the Cube, it sparked again -for the ground and walls to visibly shake.
It continued to spark some more, bigger each time - to which a beam of energy was suddenly brought forth and -an explosion. A cloud from the beam flew to the top of the chamber...
Most dissipated, though a small residue continued to linger.
Yet, once visual on the platform returned, it was only for Fury to tense further.
Confusion and concern ran through him as he took in the several unknowns now of the platform, each more confusing than the last. In the centre was a dark haired kid - ten or eleven if Fury had to guess - complete with a bloodied sword in his hand. Yet, they were not the oddest thing. That was reserved to the brightest tropical bird he had ever seen, complete with a wide colourful wing span and a long back tail rivalling that of a peacock's, which flew in suspension above the boy.
Harry bit back a groan, his whole body aching.
One moment he was in Slytherin's Secret Chamber, trying making sense of having met and defeated Voldemort for the third time, having somehow survived a basilisk's bite, thanks to Fawkes - the tears even doing more than saving Harry from the deadly venom but remove the bite mark from his ankle and somehow heal his eyesight (which was rather a good thing given that one of the lenses was completely broken, nor was the frame doing much better) - all while reassuring Ginny that Riddle was gone, passing her the diary complete with the large hole in its centre, the next moment, a great big ball of light and power started to form in front of their very eyes. —Harry had pushed Ginny out of the way, not wanting her to get injured, for him to suddenly be jerked irresistibly forward. If felt like he was speeding forward in a howl of wind and swirling colour and then —
His feet slammed into the ground; Only the sword still in hand had kept him steady, stopping him from falling over...
Shaking all over, Harry pulled himself up. His head was spinning as though he'd just travelled miles by Floo powder. Slowly, he looked around him - to stop dead in his tracks—
While most likely still underground, he wasn't in the Chamber anymore —or anywhere in Hogwarts. Not only that, but while Fawkes was still with him, flying overhead, neither Ginny or the diary —or even the bloody basilisk, were anywhere in sight.
Wide eyed, he took in the space, filled with various muggle machines and people facing him. Not to mention the muggle clothes — and the guns they were holding...
How had he gone from Hogwarts to —to here?
Wherever here was...-
— "Sir, please put down the sword."
He blinked wide-eyed to the voice, a tone similar to the no-nonsense voice of Professor McGonagall, though male.
The source couldn't have been more different from his Head of House: A tall bald man wearing nothing but black, complete with a black eye-patch. - That and his accent was American, just like in the action films where everything blew up that Dudley liked to watch, confusing Harry all the more.
Still, very much not wanting to get shot by a bunch of muggles, Harry quickly but carefully placed the sword on the ground, all while eyeing the men with guns slowly moving towards him. As soon as his hand let go of the sword, they moved a lot quicker, closing in on the platform he was on.
One hesitated, before he lowered his weapon, and offered Harry a hand, "If you would please come down from the platform, sir."
Feeling like he had little choice on the matter, Harry let himself be helped off.
Before the man could guide him further away though, there was a yelp behind them. Both turned to watch as the bloodied sword disappeared in front of their very eyes, leaving the man currently bent down clearly ready to pick it up grabbing air instead.
Somewhere above their heads, Harry heard Fawkes give a soft trill. - Harry was certain he was laughing.
At least neither men made a comment to the Sorting Hat tucked in his belt; Just as Harry was definitely not going to make any mention of his wand in his pocket or his invisibility cloak he had tucked in his robes when Ron and him had gone to Lockhart.
The muggle men once more collected, Harry was urged forward, towards the man in the long black coat.
Not too different to when everyone was convinced he was the Heir, Harry felt everyone in the room silently staring at him. The only difference: they were muggles... and he was covered in muck and slime and blood...
...Which probably made them stare at him all the more, all things considered.
—Or really, Fawkes and him. The long coat man didn't seem to be able to decide if he should focus his one eye on Harry or the phoenix flying overhead, ending up perching on one of the banners high up, at the other end of the room.
As for Harry himself, his gaze took in as much of the room as possible during the walk... To continually find his eyes going to the bright electric-blue box. Harry was near certain that if Fawkes and he hadn't just — appeared here, the attention would be fully focused on the machine. Especially considering how violently it seemed to be... -flickering?
As they drew closer to the muggles and the glowing box, Harry swore he could feel something powerful and magical coming from it... Even Fawkes seemed to be eyeing it with clear interest, little trills only just loud enough to be heard above the various machinery throughout the room.
All this only made Harry more confused. —Do muggles know about magic? Are they developing their own 'magic'?
The bald man's one eye finally focused on Harry when he stopped a couple feet from him. While most of the occupants had returned to their work (though several kept shooting glances to both Fawkes and him), another man, also all in black, joined silently behind, eyes also on Harry - "sir, I would ask you to identify yourself... —you and the bird- along with how and why you infiltrated a highly restricted government facility."
Harry blinked, mouth opening, as he stared wide-eyed at the man. - What? Infiltrate in a what?
The man's deepening frown into an un-amused scowl made Harry realise he might have said most of his thoughts out loud.
"Young man - I am Director Fury of SHIELD - Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division" —not that that helped Harry much, given as he'd never heard of them, though was certain Dudley's films had mentioned an... S.I.A.? ... S.I.E.?... — something like that — "Mind telling us who you are? And how you were able to activate the Tesseract and use it to enter this facility."
But before Harry could think of an appropriate answer, the large blue box suddenly shook all the more violently. Harry took an unconscious step back, eyes only widening further, as growing sparks, each bigger than the last, started to pulse from it. — To which a beam of energy was suddenly brought forth and-
—An explosion. A cloud of the bright blue light-energy flew from the platform Harry had been standing not moments before.
He blinked as he took in the figure now on the platform; it was a man half-kneeling, holding a staff with a glowing blue stone at its head - one not too different to that of the glowing blue box.
Even as residual light blue flames from the explosion continued to dance on and around him, the man righted himself, appearing completely unbothered. If anything he looked... pleased?
Was this how he had appeared in this room? A great big beam of powerful blue energy - a sphere exploding - blue flames and Harry had appeared on the platform?
He hadn't even seen the like in the wizarding world. The closest comparison he could come up with was the floo system, and look how well his first experience of that had turned out...
His mind gave a jolt; was this what had happened here? He had accidentally been picked up, and brought to a destination not intended for him?
The man didn't appear the least bit surprised for finding himself on the platform...
Though... the man also looked... well, ill. - Then again, the 'ride' hadn't really been pleasant for Harry either. Still, as 'Director Fury' called out to him, Harry continued to note how pale and flush he looked, the deep dark circles under his eyes... It took Harry a moment to realise who the man made Harry think of: Ginny, throughout the year, looking ill and-
As if to prove Harry's observations wrong, the man chose that moment to not 'put down his 'spear'', and instead pointed it towards the director... who was standing right next to Harry-
—Reacting on pure instinct more than anything else, Harry pushed the director out of the way as a great big blue beam of energy streamed towards them, all while he heard gunshots and fighting starting in front of them.
Catching his breath, he looked up to see the director also righting himself.
His eyes drew to the fight; the ...wizard(?) jumped around the muggle agents, fighting and firing more of the blue beams any who dared be in his way, whether those in armoured black uniforms, business suits or those in white muggle lab coats... At one point he even started throwing knives at them, moving too fast for any to stop him, as he seemed to weave between them with ease, confirming all the more than the man was definitely not a muggle. He was even wearing some sorts of robes; - none like Harry had ever seen, but definitely not muggle.
The agent who had been the closest to the director and himself moved forwards, putting himself between Director Fury and the man, ready to fight the wizard, only for the wizard to grab him and twist his arm, stopping him mid-action.
"You have heart."
Harry felt his whole body tense as the wizard aimed his staff's point right at the muggle's heart —but instead of killing him, as the tip touched his chest, the man's eyes filled completely black to turn an ice blue. The man seemed to hesitate for the barest of moments, to become compliant, storing his gun back in its holster.
Movement next to Harry made him turn his head to watch the director pull the glowing blue box from the machine holding it, to place it in a briefcase.-
-"Please don't. I still need that."
Harry's head snapped back to the wizard, his own attention fixed on the director -or really, on the case.
Harry felt the director tense next to him, "This doesn't have to get any messier."
"Of course it does. I've come too far for anything else. —I am Loki... of Asgard. And I am burdened with glorious purpose."
Loki? Asgard? - Harry couldn't help but frown, recognising both names from his Magical Theory's class.
"Loki, brother of Thor?" - Another voice called from behind them. A somewhat portly man righted himself next to one of the people who had been hit by the wizard.
Yet his question only confused Harry more - Thor's brother?
He couldn't help but wonder if these wizards were muggle-baiting, pretending themselves Norse Gods... Perhaps in the United States (if this was where they currently were?), wizards weren't as strictly supervised, and laws weren't as strict as in Wizarding Britain?... Though Hermione had made the Statute of Secrecy sound like pretty key law that all wizards had to abide by...
...Which was probably why they were pretending to be gods from folklore rather than humans with magical abilities? This could possibly also explain quite a lot of the 'conspiracy theories' Hermione had mentioned that tended to come from the US; maybe all those stories of aliens and other mysteries were just wizards tricking unsuspecting muggles? Similar to those Mr Weasley had to deal with in his department in the Ministry.
"We have no quarrel with your people."
"An ant has no quarrel with a boot."
If at all possible, Harry tensed further at the statement.
"Are you planning to step on us?" Clearly the muggle director hadn't liked it either.
Not that the man seemed bothered. He smiled at the scowling director, "I come with glad tidings -" Harry became all the more wary, wondering if he should reach for his own wand (though how much chance did he have against a grown wizard), as 'Loki' started slowly sauntering forward, looking to the other man who had referred to him 'Thor's brother', to snap back and stare at Director Fury, "- of a world made free."
"Free from what?"
"Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that, in your heart.-"Before any of them could so much as blink, 'Loki' swiftly turned, to poke the portly man with his staff's tip —his eyes went black then ice blue, just like the others. "-you will know peace."
But before the Director Fury could reply, the first muggle-agent to have been put under the blue-eye-spell called out to 'Loki', "Sir, Director Fury is stalling. This place is about to blow and drop a hundred feet of rock on us... He means to bury us."
Looking to whatever the computer was showing, the blue-eyed-portly muggle confirmed the statement, "He's right. The portal is collapsing in on itself. We've got maybe two minutes before this goes critical."
"Well then."
For the second time, Harry reacted without thinking; just as the blue-eyed agent pulled his gun out, Harry pushed the director out of the way —to feel the bullet miss just him.
He looked up, to give a small sigh; it hadn't hit the director either.
Yet with his quick action, the muggle-director was now on his back, twisted, and wasn't able to react in time as the blue-eyed agent gave a swift quick to arm the hand holding the case, for him to just as quickly grab it.
As for the wizard - 'Loki' - for the first time since his arrival, his attention focused on Harry, as if he had only just noticed him. Harry skirted back as the man's head tilted ever so slightly; piercing blue eyes looked straight at him. Heart beating he wondered if now would be a very good time to draw out his wand... for all the good it could give him against an adult wizard passing himself off as a Norse god.
The situation reminded him of his encounter last year when Voldemort had been possessing Professor Quirell...
...Though this time there was no protection from his mother's love to save him...-
-Only pushing the feeling more, his gaze just as quickly moved to Harry's scar. But there was none of the typical recognition that Harry usually got from meeting new witches or wizards. The man only frowned to look back at the whole of Harry, as if not understanding Harry or the scar.
And yet, the wizard dismissed him just as quickly, instead swiftly following behind the others out of the room, while Harry was unable to do anything but just watch.
Behind him, Director Fury started speaking. Harry turned to find him with a muggle radio, calling into it- "Hill! - Do you copy? - Barton... has turned."
Whatever reply Fury got, Harry didn't hear, as loud groaning from several places made themselves heard, all while reminding Harry that the big blue energy cloud was about to destroy the room. Harry quickly followed behind the director as they moved out of the room, all while Director Fury continued to call out onto his the radio - "Get the Tesseract. Shut them down."
Trying to escape all while keeping an eye on the structure that had started to fall around them, Harry was caught off guard when Fawkes suddenly appeared, swooping down in front of him. Embarrassingly, with everything that had just happened in the matter of minutes, he had completely forgotten about the phoenix bird.-
—The phoenix, who was now fluttering in front of him, his beady eyes bright in the dark, waving his long golden tail feathers at Harry. Harry blinked uncertainly at him—
For Harry to realise - he called out to the director - "sir - sir - Director Fury, sir!"
Finally the director looked at him - Harry offered him his hand
"We've got to hold on to each other—"
"What do you mean? —We need to get out of here!"
"Yes! - That's why you need to grab my hand! Fawkes isn't an ordinary bird—"
Harry held back a groan; it was clear that the man wasn't going to listen - probably wasn't used to getting orders from others - especially not from children... They were losing time and Harry wasn't sure if he should mention to the muggle that Fawkes happened to be a mythical magical phoenix. Instead he just reached out and took hold of Fawkes's tail feathers - strangely hot - to grab the director.
An extraordinary lightness spread through his whole body and the next second, in a rush of wings, he heard a short yelp behind him - and they were flying... upward as debris continued to fall around them... to be flying over the building. The chill air whipped through his hair as Harry and the director watched in horror as the roof dissolved all that much faster - a muggle helicopter rising from it just in time, as the cracks where it had once been deepened into full on crevices...
The entire huge complex of buildings exploded to crumble in on itself — sinking into the underground.
It was as the destruction directly below started spreading out that Harry heard a call, to realise the director was calling out to him - pointing to something below - "get him to fly to that jeep!"
Harry looked to where he was pointing; there was indeed a jeep, with a bright blue light coming from the back — and the man, 'Loki'.
Fawkes must have heard him as well, as they started flying in the direction.
— Bang, bang; impatient, the director had pulled out his gun, to aim it at the jeep. Harry had nearly let go of Fawkes tail as he had actually taken a shot - for 'Loki' to send a blast at them —
Fawkes was thankfully able to swerve out of the way — for Harry to find himself hitting the ground as Fawkes landed nearby, all while sending a cacophony of angry trills and squawks to the director.
Harry himself was tempted to yell at the man.
Instead, he turned to look at the jeep. Not that they could see much of it anymore, it was now but the size of a snitch, the faint blue light glowing from its back, driving off into the distance.
Turning back to the director, Harry watched warily as he put his gun back in his holster, to take out his radio once more. - "The Tesseract is with a hostile force. I have men down. Hill?"
"A lot of men still under. Don't know how many survivors."
"Sound a general call. I want every living soul not working rescue looking for that briefcase."
"Roger that."
"Coulson, get back to base. - This is a level seven. As of right now we are at war."
"What do we do?"
Small Note:
Given that Beltane is associated with fire, life and even sometimes re-birth (not to mention mirror opposite to Samhain, i.e. - Halloween), don't think it's a stretch to think Riddle might have decided to (pull Ginny into the Chamber and) try and come back to life on the first of May.