Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from Harry Potter or Supergirl. They belong to J. K. Rowling and DC Comics/CW respectively. This fanfiction is for entertainment purposes only.

Author's Note: Okay, I've just pulled up my profile this morning, and there was over 2000 views on this fic. How!? How did this little pet project attract so many of you!? Also, I'm not just gonna gloss over the fact that we've hit 100 followers. That, in and of itself, is amazing. You guys have absolutely astounded me yet again, and I'm so, so thankful for all the constructive reviews and great support that you guys have been sending, so thank you so much! And as always, enjoy!

manroyal277: Yeah, thanks for the advice, I'll keep that in mind

TheUnHolySmirk: Thanks, I thought about designing my own but then I saw it, and it was just perfect

Chapter 3:

DEO Headquarters, National City

Two Days Ago

Harry's POV

The first thing Harry felt was pain. Excruciating pain coursing through his body. He couldn't see anything, but he could hear someone talking next to him. A woman, by the sound of it.

"Hey, J'onn. Look, I understand that you left to find a new path for yourself, honor your father's wishes, and you don't want to be involved in the DEO again, but…I've got kind of a weird situation here and I could use your help. Call me when you get this, ok?"

Harry's head was still groggy, but he was starting to recover. Fragments of memories started coming back, first the Speed Force, then his abilities, training himself, and finally falling through the portal. That means he was probably on Earth-38 right now. Then that woman's words hit him. The DEO. Department of Extranormal Operations. He had read about them during his research on Earth-38. If he remembered correctly, they were a covert agency that assisted Supergirl in her battles. This means he was on Earth-38, and not some random alternate Earth.

With that out of the way, Harry started assessing the situation he was in. First off was his injuries, which, from what he could feel, were extensive to say the least, due to the crash he took. Harry cringed internally at the memory, and he could already feel a concussion threatening to creep into his brain.

"Don't do it. Don't you dare have fucking head trauma now, Potter!"

Scrunching up his face, Harry felt long beads of sweat down his face and sweat soaking his torso as he struggled to win the mental battle against himself, and push the concussion to the back of his mind, to be dealt with later. It was a technique he learned during his training and was proving to be crucial so far. He then noticed that the suit, if the feeling on his skin was to be believed, was still on his body. The DEO haven't managed to take it off of him. To Harry's eternal relief, it was still functional when he turned it on. Harry took a precious moment to appreciate the sheer durability of his suit, then shifted his attention to the heads-up display. His face turned from a relieved smile to a frown, then a scowl, then quickly returned to a controlled expression, suppressing the panic he was feeling.

According to the emergency scan, Harry's right wrist was fractured, he had a few broken ribs on his left side and apparently almost broke his T12 vertebrae. The thing that caused Harry to panic slightly though was the fact that his left leg was broken. Even with his quick healing, it was gonna take a few hours before it's usable.

"Damn it, guess running's not an option.", Harry thought. "Alright suit, give me visuals, assuming they're even still working"

The holographic display came to life, momentarily blinding Harry with fluorescent white light from the ceiling, and showing, to his horror, that he was cuffed at the ankles and wrists to a metal table, inside of what seems to be a small laboratory. His suit was connected to various cables and wires, which in turn was connected to different displays and monitors, scanning him, studying him.

His display started to flicker and glitched. It was damaged, Harry realized with dread. It was only a matter of time before the display crashed completely, and then he'll have to look directly through the lenses. He wanted to get out of here before that happen, because as clear as the lenses were, they restricted his peripheral vision, and frankly quite tiny, so he really didn't fancy having to use them. Harry tilted his head, looking around as fast as possible without giving away the fact that he was awake. There was a door about five feet away from him, and nothing standing between them. Harry was immediately suspicious of this, as the place sounded like it was full of people, but "well, beggars can't be choosers", he thought.

Harry tried phasing his wrists through the cuffs but quickly found that he couldn't use his powers at all. The reason for this, he discovered, was the power-dampeners built into each corner on the roof, glowing a bright blue as Harry glared at them hatefully. He was sure that whoever was supposed to guard him will be back soon, and then his best chance of escape will slip through his fingers. Harry was fully panicking now, on the edge of hyperventilation, as he desperately looked around for a way out, a weak link, a key, lock pick, anything at all. Then he realized just how stupid he had been, and mentally smacked himself on the head for it.

"Merlin's beard! You're a wizard, Harry. You have literal magic at your disposal, so why not use it, yeah?"

Harry took a moment to compose himself. He more than anyone knew how dangerous magical spells can be if not done correctly, even a simple Unlocking spell. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then looked at the cuffs on his wrists and whispered the spell he wanted.


For a split second, which felt like an eternity to Harry, nothing happened, and he was terrified that it didn't work, or he'd lost his magic when he gained his speed. Then the cuffs snapped open, and Harry felt a wave of relief washed through his body as he tugged his arms free, then did the same for the cuffs on his legs. He had to hoist his left leg down, then started moving it and applying pressure to test its functionality. He was already sure that running wasn't an option, the test only confirming it, but he might be able to walk. It was painful as hell, but fortunately for Harry, he had a high pain tolerance, due to all the Cruciatus Curses and physical torture he endured.

After he managed to sit himself upright, Harry went to work applying a Bone Mending spell on his broken leg. It'll help speed up the leg's healing process, and he idly thought about how it was the only useful thing he learned from Lockhart all year. It only took a minute before it healed sufficiently, and Harry snuck his way to the door.

He had barely made it five feet away from the lab before he ran into the first agent. She looked only a few years older than him, and from the frightened look in her eyes, Harry can tell that she was new, probably an intern, if they even have interns here. Within that split-second, his eyes glanced down, seeing her hand going for the gun holstered on her hip. His instinct kicked in, and the spell formed on his lips before he could even think about it.


The agent's gun flew from the holster into his outstretched hand, surprising them both. Before Harry could recover from the shock of having used his magic so openly, the alarms sounded. Agents flooded both ends of the corridor, guns armed and trained on him, ready to fire. Unlike the first agent he had faced, these looked like veterans, top-tier agents who won't hesitate. Won't miss.

An agent at the front of the group, one with reddish brown hair, shouted at him:

"We have you surrounded!", she said with authority. "Surrender now, or we'll shoot"

Yeah, like that's gonna happen.

Harry considered using his speed, but still couldn't feel his powers returning yet, which left him only one option.

"Combat magic it is", Harry thought.

Harry had hoped to keep magic as an ace up his sleeve, a surprise factor to catch his enemies off-guard. But if he doesn't get out of this stand-off, and fast, he might not get the chance.

Harry despised Unforgivable Curses, everyone who knew him knew that much, but even he, who's life had been directly affected by those curses since he was one years old, knew that one day the Unforgivable Curses may be required. Accepting this, Harry reached out with his mind, only managing to connect with one side of the corridor, and whispered:


One word. Just a simple Latin word. Yet a word that contained so much power behind it. Right after the spell was formed, all hell broke loose.

Author's Note: Hey everyone, I know I haven't updated in nearly two weeks, but I was finishing my exams, and I couldn't find the time to work on this. Also, I was having writer's block, and was putting off this fic for a while.

I'm not really satisfied with this chapter, both with the content and the length. This chapter was supposed to be twice as long, but I decided to split it so that I can give you guys an update. My schedule might have to change to an update every two weeks, maybe three, so I'll really appreciate it if you guys can be patient with me.

As always, press Favorite if you like this fic, follow if you want to see more, also feel free to leave a review down below, they really mean a lot to me, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter.