Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from Harry Potter or Supergirl. They belong to J. K. Rowling and DC Comics/CW respectively. This fanfiction is for entertainment purposes only.

Author's Note: The timeline for this story is after Mon-El left in the finale of Supergirl S3 and just before Voldemort kills Harry and destroys the Horcrux in his head in Deathly Hallows. Will be completely AU from there.

Chapter 1:

Forbidden Forest, Hogwarts

Harry walked into the Forbidden Forest, towards Voldemort, alone. It was almost an hour since the ultimatum was given, Voldemort's deadline was only a few minutes away, and every second Harry hesitated was another second his friends, his family was in danger of getting slaughtered by the Death Eaters and their army.

As Harry walked towards his death, he looked back at his life. All the friends he had made over the course of the last seven years, all the adventures he went through, the troubles he had caused. He had told Neville about Nagini being a Horcrux and told him what he needed to do. He had already broken up with Ginny before 7th year, and, eventually, she would move on from him.

He didn't say goodbye to Ron and Hermione, and Harry felt his heart ached at the thought of his two best friends, who had both been there for him ever since the first time he got on the Hogwarts Express 7 years ago and saw him through all the shit that had happened in his life. He would miss Ron's bantering, his big, warm heart, and Hermione's determination and intellect. He can only hope that they figure out their feelings for each other soon. They were made for each other, and Harry teared up a bit at the thought.

He was mentally crushing himself for leaving them without saying goodbye, but he couldn't bear to have an argument as the last memory of his friends, but he knew that they would try to convince him to stay, delay him, insisting that they will find another way.

"But there is no other way", Harry thought, "we're outmatched, outnumbered, and overwhelmed. This way, at least they have a chance to survive".

With that thought, he walked into the clearing where Voldemort stood, surrounded by Death Eaters. The sheer amount of dark magic electrified the air, making Harry's hair stood on end.

"Harry? Wha' are yeh doin'!?"

Whipping his head around, he saw Hagrid tied to a nearby tree, clearly heartbroken at Harry's arrival.

"Yeh gotta get outta here! Go! G-g-get outta here!" Hagrid shouted, voice breaking.

Harry turned away, unable to look Hagrid in the eyes. He instead looked directly at Voldemort.

"Let's just get this over with"

As Harry said this, one can hear the calm in his voice, without a hint of fear, and the toxic laced within the words, directing, not only to Voldemort, but to the entire Death Eater army. He was refusing to back down, showing defiance against them with his last moments.

In that split-second, as Voldemort's spell hit him, time seemed to slow down, and Harry can feel his pulse quickened, to the point where he thought it would actually burst right out of his chest.

"Wait, aren't I'm supposed to be dead right now?", Harry thought.

But that wasn't the weirdest thing. No, it was the feeling of lightning that coursed through his veins, across his body, dancing on his fingertips and leaking gold lights into his eyes. It seemed to have come from Voldemort's spell.

But before Harry could think too much about it, time caught up, and he was blasted through the air. He can just glimpse the world disappearing in a spiral of multi-colored lightning, before darkness consumed his vision.

He blacked out.

Speed Force

Harry woke up with a start and a case of cold sweats. He immediately went for his wand, only to find that it wasn't in his pocket where he left it. In fact, there weren't any pockets on him at all. Finding this strange, he looked down on himself.

"What the actual fuck?"

Instead of the brown jacket and jeans he wore before, Harry was wearing a black skin-tight unitard that covered every bit of skin on his body, all the way up to his chin.

There was also a layer of dark grey armor on top, made from some sort of lightweight metal. Harry can see a set of shoulder pads, a chest plate that covered his full torso, squeezing tight around his stomach with a breastplate layered on top, armor plates on his upper and lower thighs, and a pair of gauntlets that went up to his elbows.

There were also a pair of lightweight armored boots built into the suit, and every outline of his body was highlighted by lines of gold detailing.

Harry was no expert in armor, but he can still see that this specific suit was designed to provide complete, full-body protection, but not hindering any movement, as far as he can tell after he tried to move around a little bit.

The suit looked very high-tech and extremely durable, yet very light. So light, in fact, that he felt like it wasn't even there.

Except it was, and someone had put him into this thing.

Which led to the all-important questions:

"What the hell happened?", he thought. "Where am I?"

This was when he noticed his surroundings and realized that he seems to be in Gryffindor Tower, inside his dorm. Then everything came rushing back in his already confused brain. The battle, the ultimatum, Voldemort's spell.

"Oh Merlin, the battle!"

Harry rushed to a window, expecting to see a battlefield littered with corpses down below, and that's when he noticed the red sky.

And when he said red, he meant it. The sky was an unnatural reddish color, lightning scattering across the horizon. There was no one in his sight, which gave him a weird sense of loneliness, not in a sad, emotional way, more like accepting a fact, like cement finally setting in the pit of his stomach.

"This is definitely not Hogwarts" Harry muttered

After that, he started to survey his immediate surroundings. The dorm was as it always was, with four four-poster beds, a trunk at the foot of each one. Ron's spot still had the Chudley Cannons posters laying around, Dean's the West Ham poster hanging over his bed.

Harry made his way through to the other rooms and found them empty as well. Panicking, he started running down towards the common room, only to find himself in front of the fireplace before he could even blink.

Okay…so that's new.

By now, Harry was desperate for answers. And as if on cue, he noticed a silver platter with fruits arranged in fancy gold cups that looked like they belonged to some aristocratic billionaire. He could have sworn it wasn't there a moment ago. The thing that caught his attention, however, was the white envelope propped against a cup, addressed to "Harry Potter" in neat, cursive handwriting.

Harry couldn't explain it, but he just knew, in that moment, that his life was about to get a lot more interesting.

Author's Note: Hey everyone, if you're reading this, thank you so, so much for checking out this fic. This is actually the first fic I've done, so I hope it's not too bad. Next chapter will be coming in a week or two, so if you want to see more, please follow this fic, it really will mean a lot to me. And if you have any suggestions for future plot points then feel free to leave a review down below.

P/S: The suit design I used belongs to Eduard Pronin.