Hey, y'all! I'm back (With another story! Yay!). I have multiple stories I need to work on, but I wanted to get this up.
(Also, I know this is a little kids show, but who cares? I mostly just watch it to yell at the logic in it.
Still a good show though (:)
Peso poked his head out of the Sick Bay.
"What?" he called back.
"Cap'n needs us for something!" So the person had been identified. It was Kwazii.
"What is it?" Peso waddled quickly out of the room.
"Dunno. He didn't say." They quickly made their way to H.Q. The others were already there, minus the Vegimals, who came shortly after.
"Octonauts," Captain Barnacles said. "I have an important announcement." He paused for a moment. "Since we have all been working hard, I have thought it would be a good time to take a break." The others cheered. Peso took a moment to process his words.
Gosh, when was the last time he took a break? Before he became an Octonaut, he was the family's medic. And he had a lot of relatives. Sometimes, it was just a common cold. Others were more serious, like the time Pinto had broken his flipper.
Then, there was after he became an Octonaut. He had worked hard to care for various creatures, from a Great White shark, to a tiny sea cucumber. Then, there was the incident with the Cone Snail. It was when the entire crew (Besides Peso and the Vegimals, who were no help at all) was shot with one of its poisonous harpoons. Thankfully, Peso had managed.
But still, when was the last time he had ever taken a break?
Not for a long, long time. Maybe he hadn't even taken a break.
"Hey, Peso," someone said. He jolted out of his thoughts.
"Y-yes?" he asked, stuttering a little.
"We were going to go to an island," Shellington said. "Everyone will be there. Do you want to come?" Peso thought for a moment.
On one flipper (Or hand), he would love to be out in the open and having fun with the others.
On the other, he would like to sit in the Sick Bay and face the wall and contemplate.
"Sure," he decided.
"Great!" Shellington said happily. Peso simply nodded.
They gathered the necessary beach things (I.e, an umbrella, some towels, a volley ball, and some surf boards) and headed to the Gups. Peso hopped into the Gup E and closed the window shield. They started the Gups and drove through the octohatch.
Half of Peso's mind was on driving the Gup, the other lost in thought. Now that he thought about it, there was a time he had taken a break with the others. But that had quickly turned into a mission, so it didn't really count. Did it? He wasn't sure at this point. Soon, they made it to the island. They set up their equipment before rushing off to do whatever. Peso hesitated a bit.
Maybe he should've stayed back at the Octopod. He doesn't know what to do. Should he join Dashi and Kwazii in their volley ball game? Or collect seashells with Shellington(Mentally snorts at the wording)? Or just relax under an umbrella with Professor Inkling? He shook his head slightly. He was thinking too hard about this. He decided to walk along the shore. As he walked, he looked out at the ocean. Funny, once, he was scared of being out in the open, but now, he felt at ease.
"It's funny how things change so fast," Peso murmured to himself.
"Yes, it is," a voice said behind him. Peso whirled around, heart going 70-miles an hour. Who was it? He tried to calm himself once he realized it was only the captain.
"Captain Barnacles!" he exclaimed, taking a few, small, deep breaths. "You startled me."
"Sorry," the polar bear walked along side the penguin. "What's on your mind, Peso?"
"Hm?" Truth be told, he wasn't really paying attention. He was lost in thought, going over every memory in his head, trying to find at least one thing he had done on a break. But nothing came to mind.
"What's on your mind, Peso?" He felt a paw rest lightly on his shoulder.
"Just thinking."
"About what?"
"Just..." the penguin trailed off, unsure if he should tell. "It's been a while since I've taken a break. Even before I became an Octonaut, I had to take care of my family. And, as you have seen before, I have a lot of family. I don't really know what to do any more. Once, I might've, but now, I only remember how to be a medic. I don't remember the last time I had fun."
Barnacles thought for a moment. He wanted to help Peso, but how? Then, it came to him. He left Peso alone once more (Much to the penguin's disappointment; he had rather enjoyed the company, though the captain couldn't see it) and headed back to the others.
"Octonauts," he said, loud enough to get their attention, soft enough so Peso couldn't hear him. "We have an important mission."
"What is it, Captain?" Shellington asked.
"I talked to Peso, and he says he can't remember the last time he had fun." The others gasped in unison.
"What?" Kwazii exclaimed.
"And that," Barnacles grinned. "is why we're having this mission."
Let's stay kids forever!
Who's with me?!
Just me?
I'll just hide in the corner.
While dying internally.