Fruits Basket does not belong to me, it belongs to Natsuki Takaya.
Flames are welcome, as consequences of my countless mistakes. But please, attempt to make them constructive.
Where this all began I really wouldn't know. I just remember the simple infatuation I felt when I first met you and befriended you. Sohma Yuki, the absolute prince of the world, and the object of my admiration.
Conversations with you started off meaningful. We would talk, no useless gossip. Back then we cared.
"Call it tough love Yuki."
"You love me Tohru?"
"Yes, I do, very much."
"I love you too."
You would look at me with those eyes, a mix of wonderful colours. Mysterious and yet so trusting…a look of approval would mark your face every time you said those three words, to see if I loved you back.
"Everyone here loves Tohru-chan right?"
"Yea, of course we do!"
"Do you love her Yuki-kun?"
"Yes, I do love Tohru."
And the look would grace your face, so innocent, so sweet.
Then summer turned to autumn. The leaves fell, and were soon swept away to winter. Changes were inevitable.
"I hate you Sohma Yuki! I hate everything about you! How could you betray me? How??"
There was a time in limbo, a time of unsure feelings, and possible mendings. But those were cast away blindly. You wanted my trust. It was the one thing in the entire world that you requested. But…things changed.
"I came so close to trusting you Yuki…"
"I still love you Tohru."
"I can't Yuki, I just can't anymore…I hate…you."
And you turned your back and left. You walked away from whatever relationship we had. But I drifted away as well, I threw up a barrier and kept you on the other side.
Months passed, we changed…met new friends, salvaged a new personality. We kept away from one another, only exchanging bitter words.
Now I regret what I said, I regret all the harsh feelings that I've ever felt towards you.
I'm sorry for ever hating you.
I'm sorry if you really don't care about this.
I just wish, that maybe we could start again.
Maybe, we could be friends again?
Maybe, we could love one another again?
Wishing that memories would come flooding back…and the winds of change would blow the other way, back to when…when things weren't different.
When we could share…feelings.
When I could almost trust you.
And when you trusted me back.
When we comforted one another…
But I've learned that winter doesn't always change back to spring. And looking out my window, at the dismal drizzling spring night, I have one more silent prayer to send…one more chance to hopefully see that look on your face…to feel the same feelings that I had for you. A prayer to go back…
So I could tell you
I love you
Just one more time.
Gomen, I know that that wasn't a lot about Fruits Basket. I was just imagining what would happen if Yuki and Tohru got into a fight.