because i miss darvey and i wish we had more domestic scenes of them, this wrote itself :)

this is a canon divergence, idk which season it is in, just know Mike's still here, the rest doesn't matter.

author warning: this is M rated and so contains sexual explicit descriptions, i advise you not to read if it's not your thing.

Early morning light streams through open windows, the fair light of a spring morning warming Harvey's master bedroom. The windows are opened, letting a cool, pleasant breeze into the room. It is too early to be awake but the curtains hadn't been drawn the night before and soon the pale sunlight was filling up the room.

Harvey stirs first, brows creasing into a frown even as he sleeps. It seems a beam of sunlight shone directly across his eyes, causing him to groan and turn onto his side, back to the sunlight.

Slowly Harvey opens his eyes, stretching his back slightly and scrubbing a hand over his face tiredly. He feels as if he'd only fallen asleep mere hours ago, which he had, and his body craved to fall into another slumber. But he is awake now and the sun's rising higher in the sky. He knows sleep would be impossible at this point, no matter how he craved it.

As his gaze becomes more alert, his eyes settle on the figure beside him in bed. Donna Paulsen is stunning, even more so in the early morning light that bathes over her. Her hair is a mess of unruly red curls and her pale toned body is stretched deliciously out along his bed, angled unsurprisingly towards his own. Her chest rises and falls deeply, a sign she is still sleeping soundly and her lips are settled contentedly; for once not in a practiced or enchanting smile.

He realizes then, as he looks her over, that he could spend hours gazing at Donna. It feels like a ridiculous notion to Harvey, yet one he knows he'd participate in. He shakes his head, thinking to turn away and find his robe and the morning newspaper when his eyes find a light dusting of freckles along the bridge of her nose.

Harvey leans a little closer, bringing a finger up to run across the light freckles curiously. He doesn't know how he's never noticed them before. Surely because they're usually hidden by her foundation. But she is bare to him now, make up free and more natural than ever. This is the first time he sees her like this since they've become them, and he can't help but love and cherish the newness altogether, as he welcomes the pride of being the one and only to see her so vulnerable. He pulled his hand away as Donna stirs beneath him.

Donna stirs beside him, sighing softly, eyes still closed as she stretches her arms languidly above her head. The sheet slips lower around her body and Harvey watches her with fascination. The calm seems to possess her as she wakes up, the bucolic aura surrounding her never failing to take his breath away.

Donna's arms rest above her head and her eyes open finally. She's surprised to see Harvey practically hovering over her but grins nonetheless. Her body turns, almost without thought more towards Harvey, as her eyes find him and she leans up to give him a quick kiss.

Harvey deepens it slightly before pulling back and settling back on his side.

"Good morning," Donna speaks finally, though her voice is slightly scratchy with sleep and lower than normal. She shifts an arm to come up and run her hand through the back of his hair, nails scratching lightly. It's a soft gesture, coming to her naturally.

Harvey leans into it though his eyes stay focused on her face. "You have freckles on your nose," he states lightly, though there is amusement clear in his voice.

"I'm a redhead."

"I'd not noticed them before," he continues, finger lightly brushing her nose once again.

He watches with curiosity as Donna's face screws up and the color darkens her cheeks a little. Like she is embarrassed by the marks. She shakes her head.

"I usually cover them. My mother...she thought they made me look childish," Donna tells him after a moment, shifting uncomfortably under his gaze.

It is clear to him, though Donna doesn't say it outright, that what her mother had said wasn't nearly as simple or diplomatic. He didn't know much about Donna's mother, he's seen her just a handful of times, and she seemed like a nice person. Although, it was still very obvious, at least to him, that the relationship between the two women wasn't idyllic, something to do with her sister in the batch. If he was a different man, he'd push her to open up but he won't. If Donna wants to keep her secrets, he'll let her.

"You're beautiful, Donna," is what he tells her instead.

The words have the desired effect and Donna is smiling widely at them, both arms working their way around his shoulders. He shifts, so he's hovering above her now, hands pressing into the mattress either side of her head as he trains his eyes on her. He can sense Donna's body arch underneath him, despite the fact they are not touching.

Donna's tongue peeks out to wet her lips, her eyes meeting his, darkened with lust. Harvey waits, knees bracketing her hips, as her body twitches with excitement and anticipation. A pout forms slightly on her lips and it's then that Harvey swoops down to kiss it away.

A groan escapes them, though neither is sure who it belongs to. Her hands are tight against his neck and in his hair, keeping him pulled close. One of his hands is still pressed against the mattress, as the other moves over Donna's body, gripping and kneading against supple skin. He is just about to shift his leg and pull hers up against his hip when a low grumble sounds loudly in the room.

He pulls back curiously, sitting upon his knees, Donna sprawls naked out in front of him, a chuckle escaping her lips. The sound echoes through the room again.

"Maybe we should have breakfast first," Donna suggests, her laugh subsiding as she pushes herself up on her arms. They are almost face to face now and though Harvey knows she is right, can feel the hunger gnawing at his stomach, he kisses her roughly and passionately.

"I'd intended for you to be my breakfast," he whispers hotly against her lips, pressing kisses between words. Donna groans, hips shifting a little at his words, eyes darkening with lust once again. He cups her chin and kisses her heatedly once more, she nips at his bottom lip as he pulls away, pushing her back against the bed roughly.

Her breath hitches and he can see the excitement in her eyes. It's a thrill for her. Harvey chuckles as he pushes off the bed, eyes never leaving her as he stands and stretches more.

He pulls on loose, soft pajama pants and his robe as she watches him. Donna has not moved from her spot in his bed, laying languidly amongst the soft sheets, hair in disarray, and sunlight streaming over her body. Her eyes are alight and her lips are twisted into a wide smirk. She looks beautiful and dangerous. Sinful and tempting; like pure pleasure waiting to be touched.

She looks like the Renaissance art that had been locked away by the Louvre. She belongs to Paris.

Harvey is hungry and not just for breakfast. But if they don't want to be interrupted, food now will be better than food later. So he leaves his bedroom reluctantly and makes his way towards the kitchen, quickly grabbing enough food for their two empty stomachs.

He doesn't see it as a romantic gesture, just one of simple needs. Donna had not ventured out of the bedroom and so he takes their breakfast to her there.

Harvey strolls into his room and is not surprised to find that Donna has pulled on a light, cream-colored robe and is reading some papers. He assumes she's pulled them from her bags and it makes him smile. She brought an overnight bag, and he dares imagine she brought enough clothes to let some of it here, in his dressing. One week in, and he's already that screwed for her.

He places the tray down on the center of the bed and sits, taking up his cup of coffee eagerly. Donna simply raises an eyebrow at him, putting her papers away and immediately reaching for the bowl of fruit. Harvey isn't surprised, pastries and slices of bread are not something he's seen her eat unless there was no other option.

"You took your time," Donna drawled, taking a bite of an apple slice as she considered him. "Did you climb the tree yourself for these?" She questioned and the smirk on her lips lets him know she was trying to play some kind of game.

Harvey chuckled. "Don't be ridiculous. I got Mike to grab them for me," he replied gruffly, eyeing her as she laughed musically at his words. Her grin was wide and delighted and he marveled at how thrilled she seemed by the dark words.

"And shall he drop by? Come here to help you today?" She asks. The words are light but Harvey could see them for what they are. She wants to know if they'd be alone but would not outright ask, lest she seems too eager. They agreed to keep the recent development of their relationship under the radar for a while, a way to take the time to adjust to this massive change in their lives, as well as just enjoy their little secret and live in their bubble of pure happiness.

But Donna knows Mike is supposed to come here at some point, the case the duo is actively working on for a little over three weeks now needing both their minds and logics (even on a Saturday), and the last thing she needs is for Mike to fangirl over them all around the apartment.

He decides to make her wait. He takes a long slow sip of his coffee, picking up the newspaper and letting his eyes examine the articles closely. He ignores the little sigh she makes, off to the side.

Another moment more and then he is folding the paper and tossing it to his bedside table. His coffee finished he places it down too, picking up a piece of toast to replace it. He takes a bite, chews, and swallows then speak.

"I dismissed him for the day, Donna. He won't come," he tells her, a smirk settling on his features as he turns his head towards her. He's lounging back against the pillows and headboard, watching her curiously and eating his piece of toast without a rush.

Donna's answer is simply to smile at him; wide and predatory.

She finishes her vanilla coffee and the one strip of bacon on her plate, pressing her thumb into her mouth to suck off the excess grease, her bright hazel eyes meeting his as she does. The tray gets placed carefully down by her side of the bed, her eyes flicking up to glance at him.

She crawls her way back up the bed, eyes fixated on Harvey, and settles by his side on her knees. Harvey watches her bemused, taking note of her tousled hair losing its curl and the dark bruise blossoming on her collarbone that he'd left there the night before. The morning sun streams through the room and makes her look like an angel and the thought makes Harvey laugh as she presses kisses to his neck. Her teeth scrape at the column of his throat and he can't help but think that she is anything but angelic.

She pulls away then and he turns his face to meet hers. Her eyes are dark and Harvey's hand winds its way up into her hair, tugging her in for a hungry kiss. They groan in tandem and Harvey can feel her hands on his shoulders, pushing his robe off eagerly. He pulls one arm out of one sleeve as he continues to kiss her, his now free arm wrapping around her as he tugs the other out of the opposite sleeve, her hands rushing to help.

Once both arms are free, he settles his hands on her hips, gripping tightly at the silk under his palms and pulling her closer. Her hands steady themselves on his now bare shoulders, nails digging into his skin, as she rises to her knees and swings a leg over his thighs. And it is when she settles herself down over his lap and his hands smooth up her thighs, that he realizes she is still completely and utterly naked under her robe.

His grip tightens on her thighs as he glances up at her, an eyebrow raised as she simply grins at him. He's about to say something, to tease her but she bends her head down and captures his mouth in a rough kiss, all teeth and tongue as she grinds into his lap. He slithers a hand up her body and around her shoulder blade, grabbing at a fistful of her hair, yanking at it as he breaks away from the kiss. It may have hurt but he knows she likes it, that she's never been averse to a little bit of pain with her pleasure.

"Harvey," she moans breathily, head tilting to the side so she can meet his eyes. His hand still has a hold of her hair.

Harvey chuckles, his grin feral as he rakes his eyes over her still robe covered body. His free hand moves from her thigh, nails scratching along creamy skin deliberately light and teasing. He brings it up to trace a finger along her throat, grinning wider as he feels her swallow against the digit. He trails his finger down over her collarbone, pressing against the bruise lightly and tracing over the edge of the robe as he goes.

His hand smoothes over her chest, feels it rise and fall as she pants in his lap, loosening the knot at her waist. He pushes at her robe as she did with his, letting the silk fall off over her shoulders, though one of her arms stays draped over his shoulder. Harvey leans forward, his eyes on her face until his lips met the base of her neck. He kisses at the newly revealed skin of her shoulders and chest, teeth scraping slowly against the side of her neck, his free hand coming up to cup her breast.

She arches into the touch, eyes fluttering closed as she moans. He continues his assault on her upper body, eventually releasing her hair and wrapping his arm around her waist, pulling her flush against his body. "Glorious," he whispers against her heated skin. His hand stroked down her body until his fingers find her core, rubbing against her and pressing into her intentionally. He basks in the sighs and gasps and moans she lets out at his fingers ministrations.

He gazes up at her wild-eyed, watching as her eyes flutter half-lidded and her mouth drops open in pleasure. It is truly a sight to behold. Her back arches and her hips roll as he slips two fingers inside her, curling them just right to hit her most sensitive spot.

"Oh my God," Donna moans, rocking against him eagerly as she slips a hand up into his hair and grips tightly. She pulls him into a rough, sloppy kiss, hand raking across his shoulder blade leaving a score of red scratches on his skin.

His arm is tight around her waist, restricting her movement somewhat, as he presses his thumb against her sensitive bud, circling it lackadaisically. Donna presses herself closer, clinging to him as she pulls away from the kiss, forehead resting against his. She could feel the pleasure building inside of her and rocks her hips harder against him, hips circling, trying to get more friction.

Harvey grins, kissing her quickly as he slips a third finger into her, smile wide as she pulls away with a gasp. He speeds up his hand, thumb circling eagerly, eyes drinking her facial expressions in hungrily. He could feel her tighten around his fingers and knew that she was close, his movements strong and teasing.

"Please, please, please," she whispers breathlessly, her brows furrowed in concentration as her nails claw at his back and shoulders.

He thrust his fingers into her harder, thumb rubbing her clit faster, finally sending her over the edge. She gasps sharply, moaning his name as her body shuddered, pleasure shooting through her and her eyes fell closed as she grounds down against him. Harvey kisses at her cheek and jaw as she slowly comes down, sucking another mark on her skin as he slowly smoothes a hand over her body, stroking her gently.

Donna nuzzles into his neck, breathing heavily as her body sinks against his. Slipping his hand out of her causes a groan and he simply chuckles, a hand moving to sweep some hair from her shoulder, hand moving up to cup her cheek and pull her into a kiss. It's sweet and languid but as Donna shifts in his lap, she can feel his hardness beneath her and nips at his bottom lip.

Leaning back, she watches him for a moment and as he's about to wipe his hand against the mattress beneath them, she reaches out, hand catching his wrist. Her eyes find his, amused at the confusion that plays across his face and brings his hand up to her mouth. She flicks her tongue out and watches how he flinches as she tastes herself for the first time, opening her mouth wider to suck his fingers into her mouth slowly.

"Donna," he groans, voice deep and rough and filled with lust.

His eyes are trained on her movements and he lets her suck at his fingers for a moment before pulling them from her mouth and instead of pulling her into a rough, heated kiss.

"You're wicked, my dear," he growls against her lips, kissing her once more, his hands groping and grasping at her body. Donna simply lets out a laugh at his words, thoroughly amused.

As they're kissing, she slips a hand down his body, acutely aware of her nails marking his skin red. She wants him to know that he is hers. That he'd accept no other lovers but her. That they were each other.

"I don't know what you do to me," she breathes, her hand slipping beneath his pants, to grasp his hard length, squeezing deliberately. "You make me mad Harvey," she confesses, leaning back in his lap as she slowly but surely strokes him. Her face is full of wonder, her eyes wide as she looks at him, his hands settling on her hips and gripping her tightly, in a grip that was sure to bruise. She doesn't mind.

Harvey simply laughs, leaning forward to kiss her slowly and thoroughly, hips bucking up against her hand. His hands move from her hips to wrap around her small, delicate wrists, pulling her hand away from his body slowly. They part, both breathing heavily as he slowly guides her backward, moving up onto his knees, as he presses her onto the bed. Her robe flutters out underneath her and he took a moment to pull it from her body, her back arching so he could toss it to the side and onto the floor.

He settles on his knees between her spread thighs, eyes drinking her in as if he'd never seen her body before. The sun was high in the sky now and streaming through the room in full force, making her body glow. She looks ethereal and as he smooths a hand over her thighs, he wonders how he'd ever managed to get her into his bed.

He bends down to kiss just below her navel, teeth scraping over the sensitive skin, making the muscles in her stomach jump. Harvey chuckles, planting his hands either side of her body as he kisses his way up her torso, tongue circling each nipple, teeth biting playfully. Donna moans at the attention, arching her chest up into his mouth as her hands came down to tangle in his wild hair.

"Stop teasing," Donna growls, her hands tightening in his hair to the point of pain. She pulls his head up, to they are eye to eye. "I want to feel you Harvey. And I know you want to be inside me too," she whispers enticingly, wrapping her legs deliberately around his hips and arching up towards him.

Harvey lets out a groan, eyes falling closed for a moment before snapping open, dark lust-filled eyes meeting Donna's. He bites at her lip, tasting the faintest trace of blood as he pulls back. He's on his knees again, pulling down his sleep pants and kicking them off as quickly as he can as he shuffles back between her spread thighs.

A hand comes around his length, stroking a few times as he watches Donna's tongue flick out across her bottom lip, licking at the blood there, grinning at the metallic taste. He can't help but think how wondrous and devilish she looks as he guides himself into her, a hand pulling at her thigh, to wrap it up around his hip.

"Harvey…" Donna groans as he takes a moment to let her adjust. He pulls out of her, then sinks back into her, all the way, filling her completely.

He groans, his hands grabbing at her hips and thighs, rocking into her slowly. Her mouth falls open and her eyes fall closed, a hand coming down to clutch at his wrist. He speeds up with sharp, short thrusts that have her keening on the bed and her back arching as she meets his thrusts.

Eventually, he chuckles, leaning his whole body over her, nuzzling along her neck before capturing her lips in a searing kiss. It's all teeth and tongue and he knows it's enough to distract her as his hands find hers and push them up above her head. It's only once he's pulled away and thrusting into her in slow, languid strokes that she realizes he's pinned her hands to the bed.

She lets out a whimper as he rolls his hips and he smothers it with a messy kiss.

Donna is practically panting as she asks him to go harder, voice strained, and breathless. Harvey grins, his hands moving to interlock with hers, as he thrusts into her harder. Her legs are tight around his waist, her hips arching up and rocking against him, thrust for thrust. He moves into her, faster and harder, and before she knows it her whole body is bursting and pulsing with pleasure as she cries out his name.

Her body trembles from the intense orgasm but Harvey isn't done. His movements get sharper and faster, chasing his own orgasm and even in her daze Donna knows just how to get him there. She tightens her inner muscles around him, rhythmically and deliberately. His breath hitches and he stutters out her name, his forehead resting against her as he empties himself inside her.

Her lips find his in a soft, soothing kiss, his body resting atop of hers. Their breath mingles as he slowly releases her hands, smoothing his own down her arms, her legs slowly unwrapping from around his hips. He slips out of her with a sigh and moves off of her, rolling onto his back onto the bed beside her. His grin is wide and pleased as he looks over at her, watching as she rests the back of her hand on her forehead as she tried to catch her breath.

"It's certainly been a good morning," he murmurs and he chuckles at himself as he hears Donna let out a bark of laughter. She turns her head to look at him, still smiling, as she reaches a hand out for him lazily.

Harvey rolls to his side, his hand finding hers and interlocking their fingers as he presses a slow kiss to her lips. "It's always good with you," she whispers as she parts from the kiss, laying back down looking happy and satiated. Harvey takes the moment to gaze over her, his eyes locating the marks he'd left on her with pride, her messy hair haloed around her head, and the satisfied smile on her lips. He could really get used to this.

Donna looked utterly debauched and Harvey wouldn't have her any other way.

well i hope you enjoyed ! please let me know in a review if you did :)