A/N: Thank you for the favorites, follows, and reviews! They're greatly appreciated. I do have this story fully outlined, it's just a matter of having the time to write. Thank you in advance for your patience!


Chapter 2: Cruise

Looking for something to do on the Jericho cruise, Whitney walked through the halls of the boat. She'd just arrived and got settled in her room. She thought about going to the bar.

When Chris invited her on the cruise, there was no way she could decline. It was a chance for her to get away. This was also the first ever Jericho cruise, so of course, she wanted to see what it was all about.

It was her first day on the cruise and she was already impressed.

Kenny saw Whitney walking down the hallway. He had no idea that she was going to be on the cruise.

Whitney spotted him, waved at him with a smile on her face. He remembered what Cody told him at All In, but he also didn't want to feel like an ass and ignore her. He decided to be friendly with her.

"Hey," The IWGP Heavyweight champion greeted once he caught up to her. "I didn't know you were on this cruise too. It's good to see you again."

"It's good to see you again too." Whitney gave Kenny a once over, noticing that he was wearing a pair of swimming trunks. "You're going for a swim?"

"Yeah, I'm meeting up with Hangman and Marty."

"What a trio you three make," Whitney smiled. "I'm trying to find something to do. I think I'm going to see what the bar area is all about."

Kenny had Cody's voice in the back of his mind as a subconscious, but he felt like he should be a good samaritan and invite Whitney. It would be harmless fun. "If you want to, you can tag along. There's one condition though."

"Depends on what the condition is." Whitney's hazel eyes were twinkling with amusement.

"You have to be my partner when we go on water slides where you can have two people per float."

"That sounds like a fair deal."

"So, do you want to tag along? Or are you going to the bar area?"

"I'll come along. Thanks for the invite."

"You're welcome."

"I have to change into my bathing suit; obviously. Do you want me to meet up with you whenever I'm changed?"

"I can walk with you to your room. I can wait for you to change if that's okay?"

"That works for me." The two walked side by side to Whitney's room, making casual conversation along the way.

Whitney changed into a red bikini. She was walking on the far end beside Kenny. Kenny, Marty, and Adam were filming a scene for 'Being The Elite' using Adam's phone. She was going to be a special guest for this episode since she tagged along with the three.

"What's up?" Kenny greeted. "We just warmed up with our first slide of the day, just to make sure we still got it."

"We still got it," Adam decided.

"We still got it," Kenny repeated. He pointed to Whitney. "We brought a friend along for the adventure."

Marty was currently holding Adam's phone since he was in the middle and was able to capture everyone on film. He put the phone in Whitney's direction. "Hey everyone," Whitney smiled and waved. "It was nice of Kenny, Marty, and Adam to let me join them. I am trying to hang tough with them. I think I'm doing okay?"

Marty nodded. "I think you're doing good."

"I think you're holding your own," Adam responded.

"Considering you're hanging out with the Elite, you're not doing too terrible," Kenny teased. He looked over at Whitney and snickered.

"Good to know."

"We're going to the river rapids. That's going to be a group thing. We're going to show everyone how spooky and rabid these waters can get," Kenny informed.

"We're going to get footage of the rapids," Adam stated.

Kenny, Whitney, Adam, and Marty each grabbed a float and positioned themselves. One by one, they started floating along the rapids. Kenny and Whitney were ahead. Adam and Marty were slightly behind. Kenny had a hold of Whitney's float while Adam had a hold of Marty's float.

Marty was filming himself and Adam for 'Being The Elite' to show the viewers how rabid the rapids could be. Adam got his phone back from Marty since they were being divided up when they hit the more intense part of the rapids.

Adam did capture Kenny and Whitney as they were spun around on their floats and headed into the nothingness of the rapids.

Adam filmed himself. He ended up going underwater while filming due to the intensity of the rapids.

When the four finished on the rapids, they met up with each other. They were going on another water slide.

"That was intense," Whitney declared. She put her wet hair into a bun.

"My float flipped over," Adam replied.

"Mine almost did."

"Kenny, since it was your idea to film, we should have used your phone to film."

Kenny laughed. "You offered to use your phone, man. I wasn't going to decline the offer."

Whitney chuckled at the interaction. Marty startled her when he put his arm around her. He whispered to her, "You should be my riding partner. You're the only other mature one in this group."

"I appreciate the offer, but Kenny and I already made a deal that I would be his riding partner."

"Of course he did," Marty groaned. "Kenny always calls dibs on the coolest."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'll just have to deal with the fact that I can't ride with you for just one ride." Marty feigned a pout.

"Ugh," Whitney groaned, tilting her head back. "You're good at guilt tripping, Marty."

"C'mon, Marty," Adam interjected. "You're going to be my riding partner for this water slide."

"But, I want to ride with Whitney."

"Sorry, Marty, but Whitney already has a riding partner," Kenny stated matter-of-factly. He went over to stand beside Whitney.

Marty huffed. Nonetheless, he helped Adam grab a float and the two carried the float up the stairs together.

Kenny grabbed a float. Whitney held onto the end of it and followed Kenny up the stairs. "I know that I sort of made an agreement with you to be your riding partner when needed, but is there any way I can ride with Marty just once?"

"You can ride with whomever you want. I was just joking with you about you being my specific riding partner. Also, I like giving Marty a hard time whenever I can."

"I haven't noticed," Whitney giggled.

"It's fun."

"It is fun watching you, Marty, and Adam interact with each other."

"Imagine having Cody, Nick, and Matt with us."

"What a crowd."

It was Adam and Marty's turn to go down the slide. Adam and Marty spotted Kenny and Whitney not too far behind. Whitney gave them a quick wave before they went through the dark slide tunnel.

"It's almost our turn."

"I'm ready. It can't be any worse than the rapids."

"You're right about that. Even the smoothest part of the rapids were a little intense. I was holding onto your float for some support."

"I'm glad you were holding onto my float. Who knows where I would have ended up."

It was now Kenny and Whitney's turn to go down the slide. Whitney got in the front spot, Kenny got in the back spot. As soon as they were pushed down the dark slide tunnel, Whitney squealed. She could hear the echo of Kenny's laugh.

After an eventful afternoon, Whitney showered and changed into a white silky crop top, light blue ripped denim shorts, and silver sandals. Her long black hair was pulled back into a slick ponytail and her face was makeup free, all of her freckles showing off her natural beauty. She was invited by Kenny, Marty, and Adam to watch as they filmed a skit for an upcoming episode of 'Being The Elite.'

She made it to the lounge. That was where they told her to meet up with them at. Nick, Matt, Cody, Adam, Marty, and Kenny were already there. All of the significant others within the group were there too.

"Hey," Cody greeted when he saw Whitney appear. "What are you doing here?"

"I was invited by Kenny, Marty, and Adam. Is that okay?"

"Sure." Cody glared at Kenny, who was working on mixing up the fake blood they would be using throughout the skit.

"I can always find something else to do if I am intruding."

"You're more than welcome to stay here."

"Thank you," Whitney smiled.

"No problem. Make yourself comfortable."

"Hey, Whitney!" Nick and Matt greeted.

"Hey, guys!" She waved to them. She walked over to where Kenny was at. "Is there anything I can help with?"

"Oh, hey!" Kenny shifted his gaze over to Whitney. "I appreciate the offer, but you don't have to."

"Let me help," Whitney pleaded. "You're nice enough to let me hang out with you all today."

"If you're insisting...you can help me mix the fake blood together."

"Don't mind if I do." She grabbed a packet of the fake blood, opened it, and mixed it together. "Who's the fake blood for?"

"It's for Cody. Page is going to be shooting at Cody."

Whitney laughed. "That is going to be fun to watch."

"We also have fake scabs and wounds to put on everyone."


"You want to fuck up Nick and Matt's face?" The IWGP Heavyweight champion joked.

Whitney looked horrified. "What?"

"Do you want to put these fake wounds on their face?"

"Oh!" Whitney exclaimed. "I understand what you're saying now."

"I didn't mean it literally," Kenny chuckled.

"Sorry, sometimes it takes me a minute to catch on."

"No worries."

"But, yes, I would like to put wounds on their faces'."

"Cool deal."

"Can I help get you all dolled up for the skit when it's your time?" Whitney put a dab of fake blood on Kenny's cheek.

"If you want to." He wiped off the fake blood from his cheek. "I bet you'll make me look splendid."

"Whitney!" Marty called out to her. "I need your assistance please!"

"I'm being summoned." She wiped off her hands before joining Marty, assisting him with whatever he needed.

"So, you and Whitney?" Cody joined Kenny in his area. "You two look mighty cozy."

"We're just friends, Cody."

"The way you two interact says otherwise."

"So friends can't act friendly?"

"I thought you were going to dismiss all thoughts of Whitney?" Cody countered.

"I ran into her this afternoon. I wasn't going to be rude and ignore her."

"But, did you have to invite her here though?"

"Marty and Page invited her too."

"Just remember about the bro code. You don't want to be known for having my seconds do you?"

"What is your problem?" Kenny sneered.

Cody raised his hands defensively. "I'm just saying, man. It wouldn't be very loyal of you to pursue someone that I have a past with." He walked away.

Kenny was left with his own thoughts. He glanced over to where Whitney was interacting with Marty and Adam. She was helping Adam straighten out his clothes for the skit. He sighed; he had a huge dilemma on his hands.

A/N: Thank you for reading!