Author: Jess Lynn/ Slytherinjess ~DA~ / TheBlueMoonRose ~Fanfic~(All me)
Rating: NC-17 (Suitable for Mature Readers Only)
Pairings: HarrypotterxTomRiddle
Important Warnings: Bad Language, Violence, (scenes of a sexual nature) FemHarry
Disclaimer: We do not own ANY trademarks of 'Harry Potter'. They belong to J.K. Rowling and Warner Bros. We merely own this story which we make no money from.
Summary: During 6th year, during Harry and Draco's fight in the bathroom, before Harry could cast Sectumsempra curse at Draco, Draco hits Harry with powerful hex that knocked Harry through the stone wall, the hex would change Harry's life forever.
Chapter 2 'Slytherin's new addition'
What seem hours, Voldemort finally convinced Hera to head down to her new common room. Hera walking along side Voldemort with a the fluffy throw blanket around her.
Reaching a damp stone wall, "Serpent tongue" Voldemort hissed in Parseltongue. The wall opened, that showed stone door, it slide aside leaving a rectangular hole in the wall that lead to the Slytherin common room.
Voldemort put his arm over Hera's shoulder's making her blush as he guided her in. Walking in the common room, Hera couldn't help but to smile 'still looks the same' half of the slytherin house was already in the common room waiting, Severus was standing there. Hera frowned feeling eye's know on her. Voldemort guided her towards Severus, students where gasp softly from Voldemort's presence.
"Severus" Voldemort's voice made Severus turn to him "My Lord, I see you found her" Voldemort nodded "Yes, she will be staying in the guest room"
The students whispered softly, Hera sighs at the whispering. Severus nodded "Miss Potter, follow me again" Voldemort put his hand up making Severus stop talking "I will show her Severus" Severus gulped and nodded "Of course my lord.."
Voldemort looked around at the students and smirked "MY follow Slytherins" they blinked at him and bowed in respect "I must put a few rules down, since I'm the heir of Slytherin, you will follow them or suffer punishment" Hera looked down at the floor frowning 'he's gonna say it to everyone... tell them.. I'm his Consort'
"Harry Potter is no more as the rumors are true, Draco Malfoy hit Harry Potter with a powerful hex that changed Harry Potter's body. He is know a girl" Hera groaning mentally 'the stares... they burn slightly...' The slytherin student's gasped at this, they did know of the rumors but didn't know if it was really true.
"Her name is no longer Harry James Potter, her name know is Hera Lily Potter. You all will remember her new name, she was resorted into Slytherin" Eyes widen at what he said "A truce as been written, I'm no longer after Harry Potter anymore. My goal's have changed" he looked down at Hera was a smile who looked up at him and blushed with a smile.
Voldemort looked back at the Slytherin's "She is my Consort, you will show her respect, do I make myself clear?" his house bowed "Yes my Lord" they all said in unison.
Voldemort chuckled "it's getting late all of you head to bed" as Voldemort guided Hera the stairs that lead to the painting of Salazar "Hello Salazar" Salazar looked up at Voldemort and narrowed slightly "Tom Riddle, what happen to you? I heard you looked all hybrid? but you look normal know i see" Voldemort bites his lip "don't call me that name" Salazar laughed "still hate your name I see, so the rumors of Harry Potter are true" Salazar looked at Hera making her blink up at him.
"Mhmm beautiful, So Harry Potter turned into a girl. Oh funny, so you made her into a Consort then Tom?" Salazar chuckled looking back at Voldemort.
"Yes I have, she will be staying in the guest room, will you open up the room for us?" Voldemort asked with a narrow look, Salazar chuckled "But of course my Heir, the room's design changed, I have changed it fit the girls needs. Welcome to Slytherin Hera Lily Potter" Hera flushed "Thank you Salazar.." the portrait swing open to show a green door.
Voldemort opened the door and they both stepped in, Hera's eyes widen at the room. It was luxury room, that was Green and Gold bedroom. A fireplace, far off on the end wall with a couch in front of it. The Queen size bed was on the front wall facing the couch and fireplace. There were tables and chairs and a nice wardrobe. "wow... this room is amazing..." Voldemort chuckled "It seems the house elves brought you things in here too" Hera blinked and saw her trunk.
She smiled and walked over to it, opening it she went through it "What should I do with my old clothes?" Voldemort stepped over "Throw them away, I will by you new ones" Hera flushed but nodded taking them out she stopped to see her father's cloak.
Taking it out "it's still here thank god" Voldemort blinked at her as she stood "What's that?" he asked. Hera smirked and placed the cloak around her making her disappear. Voldemort gasped "an Invisibility cloak..." Hera removed the cloak from her "Yeah... it was dads, I got in my 1st year" she said putting her cloak back in her trunk.
Closing her trunk, she sit her old clothes down on the bed "Dobby!" Dobby appeared and looked up at Hera with widen eyes "So.. it is true! Harry Potter is no more.. know Harry Potter is a girl?... but girl Harry is still Dobby's friend!" Hera smiled "Thank you Dobby, my name is know Hera Lilly Potter" Dobby smiled brightly "What can Dobby do for Hera Potter?" Hera giggled making Voldemort flush at her giggled voice.
"I don't need these clothes anymore.. can you get ride of them?" Hera asked Dobby. Dobby blinked down at the clothes and nodded "OF course! Dobby can do that! Would Hera Potter want anything thing else?" Hera thought for moment "how about two cups of hot chocolate for me and Voldemort?" Dobby's eyes widen and turned to Voldemort.
He squeaked "O-Of course... Dobby shell get it done" Hera smiled "Thank you Dobby, it's alright... no need to feel afraid of him... I'm his Consort know" Dobby gasped "Hera Potter is know engaged to the dark lord?" Hera nodded.
Dobby looked shocked "Dobby see's then... well Dobby will take care of clothes and bring back hot chocolate for Hera Potter and Dark Lord" he snapped his fingers as him and the old clothes disappeared.
Hera sighed and stepped over to the couch and sat down. Voldemort chuckled sitting down next to her "You alright love?" Hera flushed and nodded leaning against him. Voldemort smiled putting an arm around her shoulder and leaned down kissing her forehead.
After Dobby returned with hot chocolate, Hera and Voldemort enjoyed their treat. Hera had feel sleep not long after. Voldemort smiled down at her, placing the cups on the coffee table he gentle picked her up bridal style and stepped over to the bed. With a flick of his wand, the blanket's moved back. Voldemort gentle placed Hera down. She right away cuddled up to the pillow. Voldemort chuckled down at her, he moved the blanket over her then kissed her cheek "sweet dreams my love" she hummed in her sleep "Goodnight Tom..."
Voldemort pulled back surprised of her calling his real given name. a flush on his cheeks appeared but he smirked "Only you can call me that... only you my love"
In the late of the night, Voldemort was sitting in his throne at the Malfoy Manor. His death eaters where knelling down in front of him. They where shocked to see his face, shocked to see he looked human know.
"Draco Malfoy come fourth" he demanded. Draco stepped over and knelled down "My Lord..." Voldemort looked down at him "Draco, do you have any idea what you have done?" Narcissa held her husband's hand, she afraid of what will happen to her son. Lucius held her hand trying to smooth her fears.
Draco gulped and nodded "Y-Yes my Lord..."
Voldemort grinned down at him "I must thank you Draco" everyone gasped at what he said, Draco looked up at him in shock "Thank you me... my Lord?"
Voldemort chuckled "The hex you hit Harry Potter with, changed him. Harry Potter is no more but changed into a girl. It fulled the Prophecy. Harry Potter's new name is, Hera Lily Potter"
Draco shook from this shock "But my.." Voldemort stood up "Draco be silent" Draco went quiet "really Draco, Thank you for what you have done. You ended the war, by destroying Harry Potter, turning him into a girl made it possible for a truce. Minster and me drawn a treaty, of course that old fool Dumbledore had to be present during it all"
"My Lord" he turned his head to Bellatrix "So will you go after the girl version of Potter?" she asked him. Voldemort chuckled "My dear Bella, I think you miss understood figures you would. I will no longer hunting her, she will be by my side as my new Consort"
Eyes and gasped filled the room, the look on Bellatrix's was priceless. "My lord, you are finally picking a consort? By why the Potter girl?" Lucius asked.
Voldemort chuckled and sat down "she's quiet powerful and very beautiful and she's know all mine. You will all show her the respect as you do with me, she is my Consort and soon will my wife"
Bellatrix gripped her fist 'how dare that girl still my lord away from me! I will kill her for this! I'm the only one that show give my lord heirs! Not her! I'm sure if we tired again... we will be able to make another heir...'
"Know then Draco" his voice made Draco shook slightly "you are only suspended for a five days, then you will be back at Hogwarts. She was resorted into Slytherin, so make sure you will show her with respect" Draco nodded "Of course my Lord" "Also, you will personally apologize to her in person, do I make myself clear?" Voldemort narrowed down at him. Draco can feel the glare, it was burning into him. Draco nodded "I will do as you ask my lord..."
Voldemort chuckled "good, you are all dismissed but Narcissa you shell stay" his death eaters left the room. Narcissa knelled down "My Lord?"
Voldemort smirked down at her "I need your help, she's a girl know and have no clothes for her new female body so I would need your help into getting her new clothes"
Narcissa looked up at him with a surprise look "Of course my lord, I would be happy to help"
Voldemort chuckled "good" he stood up "Madam Merkin's is open twenty for hours, come Narcissa we have a large wardrobe to order for my lovely Consort"
~8am in the morning~
Eye's fluttering open, Hera hummed softly. She turned to the nightstand, reaching forward and picking up her glasses. She put them on only to gasp at what she saw, there was clothes boxes covering the end of the bed.
She quickly got up and stepped over to the end of her bed. There were ay least 40 bags, there was a letter on one. She picked up the letter and read it.
'Morning my love, I hope you enjoy your gift. New clothes, shoes and of course new glasses please try them on. Meet me in the common room when ever your done getting ready, your new Slytherin uniform is hanging over the couch. But no classes today so dress casual, I will be taking you to Hogsmeade.
Love, Tom'
Hera blushed deeply, she held the letter to her chest and couldn't help but to blush. She smiled "Tom.. thank you.."
Looking for the bag with her new glasses, she found them. She gasped at them, rectangle eyeglasses have understated flair. The medium-sized frame were dark translucent green with black temple arms. They where beautiful glasses. Taking off her ugly round ones, she quickly put on her new ones. They fit her perfectly, she stepped over to the mirror and smiled at her reflection. Her new glasses look amazing on her.
Hera giggled softly "Alright, know for a shower" she looked around to see a door not far on the right side next to the large windows that made the room glow from the black lake. Hera walked over and opened the door turning the light on.
The room was Victorian style green theme. Hera smiled at the bathroom, then noticed on the chair near her what it looks like a gift basket with soaps.
Stepping to it, there was a note. She blinked and picked up the note 'other note?' she read it.
'Miss Potter,
I would like to apologize for my son's curse to did on you, being change into a girl must be very hard on you. I know being a girl will be different, please accept this soap basket. It's what girls, like you know love to get. The scent theme is Magnolia and Jasmine.
Also in the closet behind the chair is women items... don't mean to make you blush I think you know what kind of women items I'm talking about. Also there is make up, for you also. If you need any help learning on how to put on please ask Pansy or Astoria or even your friend, Hermione Granger.
Narcissa Malfoy'
Hera blinked and blushed, she smiled taking the shampoo bottle and opening it. She smiled it and the scent was amazing "Mhmmm, time for a shower" she giggled grabbing, the confident, body wash and the green flower sponge.
In a couple of hours, Tom was sitting in the common room waiting for Hera to come out. Salazar told him that Hera was up and getting ready. Tom sighs softly, himself was in simple clothes. Muggle style as they put it, but he rather likes this style. He looked like your typical teenager.
White shirt, men's skinny jeans and converse with a black faux leather hoodie layer jacket on.
Most of the Slytherin's where watching him and some where doing there own thing in the common room. When Salazar's portrait opened, eyes shifted to see Hera walk out wearing a black tank top that was tucked in a green plaid skirt with a small leather belt. Green wool cardigan and black flats on.
Eyes widen and small whispers filled the room. The Slytherin boys where gaping at her "dude I didn't know Potter could be such a cute girl..." "Yeah to bad our lord as already claimed her..."
Tom had looked up to see her, his eyes widen at her outfit and even at her very prefect applied light make up on. She had her new glasses on and her hair was perfectly combed out with a slight wave to it.
Hera flushed at his outfit 'wow... he looks good' "Hey Tom.. sorry it took me awhile... being a girl and all takes longer to get ready..." Tom chuckled standing up taking her hand kissing the back of it "It's alright my love. Shall we head out then?" Hera blush with a cute smile "Yeah sounds good" Lacing their finger's together, they both left the common room.
While walking through Hogwarts to the back entrance where it lead to Hogsmeade, Hera got stares, whispers and gasps thrown at her slightly. All the staring made her nervous and blushing.
"I love your outfit love" Tom sighs softly to her. Hera blushed "I love your outfit too, you look amazing in mens skinny jeans" Tom chuckled "I have admit, muggle clothes know adays have changed look nice. I remember seeing you wear a lot of muggle jeans in the papers when you were a boy" Hera smiled "Thank you for the clothes... I have to send Mrs. Malfoy a thank you letter for the soaps and personal items she got me..." a pink tint came on her cheeks.
Tom chuckled "I'm happy to spoil you love" he says as they walked out the back entrance to bump into Ron and Hermione. Hermione say her and she gasped out loudly "Harry!" she rushed over.
Hera blinked "Hermione!" she giggled out. she let go of Tom's hand making him frown. Hermione and Hera where hugged "Merlin! You look amazing!" Hera giggled "Thank you" Ron stepped over with a blush face "Hey Harry... you look pretty.."
Harry chuckled "Please, my name is Hera Lily Potter know" Hermione chuckled "It's a very cute name, Professor McGonngall told the whole house of what has happen so far" Ron nodded. The guys are nervous to see you after I told him on how pretty you are"
Tom shakes his head "Hera" They looked up at him, Hermione and Ron gasped at him "Hera what you doing with him?" Ron asked with a frown.
Hera sighs and took Tom's hand "Ron, Hermione.. I think you know who this is?" they nodded "Yeah, the dark lord... he must not be named... Hera... what you doing with him?" Ron asked again. Hermione's eyes widen at then because of them holding hands and he right away knew.
Hera smiles "Ron, Hermione please let me interduce you to, Tom Marvolo Riddle" Tom shivered form his birth name coming from her 'only her.. only can call me it' "Also known has Voldemort, my Fiancé"
Ron's eyes widen "F-FIANCE?!" Ron shouted, Hermione gasped "But how...?" Hera took a breath softly "Things changed... the Truce treaty.. I had the option in choosing into a marriage contract and I accepted... there's things you need to understand because of it... uhm right know.. me and Tom are heading down to Hogsmeade... we can talk later alright? Uhm meet me at the room of requirement around... uhm after dinner?"
Ron looked like he was gonna shout again but Hermione took his arm "Of course Hera! Enjoy your lovely date and we will see you after dinner" Hermione pulled Ron away.
Hera looked away frowning, Tom raised her hand kissing the back of it "You alright love?" Hera nodded "Thank you for not threatening them..." Tom kissed her cheek "They are your friends love, I don't wanna upset you. Come let's head to the town and I'll buy something from Honey dukes" Hera giggled "sounds good to me!"
Up in the headmaster's office, half of the order member's where there the same with some Death eaters. Lucius, Rodolphus and Severus.
The Minster was reading over terms that Voldemort 'Tom' had written over the night more terms for the truce.
'No more attack on Muggle's and Muggleborns'
'Stop Encouraging Pureblood Supremacy'
'Hogwarts will add more Muggle like classes to learn.
1. Muggle History around the world
2. Muggle Gym class
3. Muggle Cooking class
4. Muggle Math
5. Muggle Science
'For Death Eaters, remains the same. Some will turned over to the Ministry and place in Azkaban. Peter Pettigrew would be among them.'
The list goes on, Rufus sighs softly and smiled "Well everything looks agree able. Dumbledore I'm sure you will follow what Tom Riddle asks?" Dumbledore with the twinkle in his eyes "Why yes, we will follow it"
Remus frowned "So he wont be after Harry...? I mean Hera know?" Rufus nodded "Apparently he as come attached to her know.. he even asked for a marriage contract along with the treaty" Remus's eyes widen at this. Molly gasped "What?! No! I wont allow that! She's should choose for herself! Like Ron!"
Lucius was narrowing at her "Mrs. Weasley... The minster did give her option to choose and Miss Potter has agreed to our Lord's Consort proposal" Rufus clapped his hands chuckled "Well then I'm happy to hear she accepted it. After all the Potter and Slytherin blood line are powerful"
Molly was not liking this 'all be demand if I will let him take her! if Ginny can't have Harry Potter, then Ron will have Hera Lily Potter' "I would like to speak with her about this, I'm sure she is being forced!"
Remus bites his lip, he looked at the headmaster "Albus.. you alright with this? Letting my godson, well know my goddaughter be with the man that killed his parents..?"
Severus frowned "Lupin, you need to be careful... I'm sure he hasn't forced her to do anything.. they seem pretty cozy last night after all when he brought her to the Slytherin common room... and this morning... all those gifts, I say he enjoys spoiling his Consort more then anything" Lucius nodded "He had taken Narcissa with him late last night for shopping a new wardrobe for his Consort"
Molly growled and looked away 'lies!' Remus looked surprised "really?" they nodded to him. Rodolphus nodded "Even threaten to kill Bellatrix if she crossed the line... she after all... displeased him... that she lost his heir during child birth..."
Eyes widen at this, Dumbledore frowned "What do you?" Rodolphus sighs "I let her have a night with him.. which end up her pregnant... but she lost the baby during child birth" Molly frowned "Oh... I'm sorry to hear that..."
Severus looked away, Lucius sighs "Figures she would... I mean you two are magical marriage..." Rufus nodded "With magical marriage's comes to a price, with any infidelity will cause miscarriage's and still born's at birth... I think you should have her checked to see if she is able to convince again... with her infidelity it might have made her barren..."
Rodolphus blinked at him and thought for a moment "I see... if she is... I can have a cause to divorce her..." he smirked "I think I'll have her checked" Lucius chuckled "You've been waiting for an excuse to divorce her and know you have"
Rufus sighs with a chuckle "Well then I will take these documents to the Minstery, I will see you all tonight" he left.
Lucius looked at the headmaster "About my son...?" Dumbledore looked at him "Ah... yes... he can return with in the next week, I'm sure he will be apologizing to Miss Potter?" Lucius nodded "Our Lord made it perfectly clear that he must do so or suffer punishment but he did thank my son for what he did..."
They looked at him with a surprised look "What do you mean?" Remus asked. Lucius chuckled "Well thanks to my son, Harry Potter is now. Only female version of him, Hera Lily Potter. Ending the war, fulling the prophecy and know our lord as her a Consort" Lucius bowed and left the room. Severus sighed and followed him
Remus bites his lip glaring at the headmaster "you do realize that what happen? My Godson is gone and turned into a girl which know engaged to that monster!" Molly nodded "If she can't be with Ginny, then she will be with Ron! Make it happen Albus!"
Remus growled at her "Don't force that on her also! Then you will be no better then him! I will not have goddaughter be forced to something like a marriage contract! If you want it so made you talk to her again, let her make the chose!" Remus snapped and walked out of the room.
'Sirius... I wish you where here...' Remus sniffed rushing down the stairs and through the halls.
At a secret medical facility, in a white medical patient room. There on the bed lies a body hooked to machine's and tubes, the man was in a coma not moving but his hand switched and the monitor beeped slightly but still no not waking up.