February 12th 2019 8:00 AM:

(9 years after World Tour ended, Cody still looked the same, he became a popular rapper ever since he quit The Drama Brothers. Back in 2014, he used to date his Sierra, her number 1 fan. But they broke up in November 2018 when he had enough with her, & she passed away a month later. He's currently using Tinder to find a new girlfriend. Let's find out now.)

Cody's house:

(Cody is using Tinder on his iPhone to find a date.)

"Man.. I really wanted to be with Gwen, but of course she got back with Trent. But hey! At least I'm still friends with her. But I still need to find a new date.." Cody said

(He went to the first one, & it was Josee.)

"Uh.. No." Cody said

(Then he went to another one, & it was Amy.)

"The evil twin?! No thank you!"

(Then another one he went to was Tammy.)

"She'll probably annoy me with her fake spells.." He muttered

(Then the last one he went to was Dawn, & he gazed in surprise.)

"She's perfect!" Cody exclaimed

(Then he pressed the green heart & sent her a message for their date together.)

6:30 PM:

Dawn's Apartment:

(Cody was at a motel waiting for Dawn to show up, he was wearing a white tuxedo with a black bow-tie, he looked nervous at the moment, he knocked 3 times for her to show up. Then he took a few deep breaths.)

"Coming! I just have to get changed!" Dawn said

"Ok!" Cody replied

2 minutes later..

(Dawn opened the door, & Cody stared at her speechless, she was wearing a beautiful sparkly grey dress with a long ponytail on her.)

"You must be Cody." Dawn said

"Uh.. Yeah! You must be Dawn!" Cody said nervously

"It's so nice to finally meet you!" Dawn said as they both shook hands together "So, where do you want to take me?" She asked

"Come with me." Cody replied

"Ok!" Dawn replied as they both walked out of the motel together

At a car:

(Cody was driving the car while Dawn was looking at him.)

"Uh, what?" Cody asked

"Uh.. Nothing!" Dawn blushed

"Weren't you that aura reader from Revenge Of The Island?" Cody asked

"Yeah, I always read people's aura, & I think you look really handsome in that suit." Dawn giggled

"Uh.. Thanks! I must say that you look beautiful in that dress." Cody said

"Thanks!" Dawn giggled & blushed

(Long pause.)

"So.. Where do you want to take me?" Dawn asked

"How about a park?" Cody replied

"Sure!" Dawn replied

(Then he parked the car to a park.)

At the park:

(They were both sitting on the grass holding both of their hands together.)

"What happened after Revenge Of The Island ended?" Cody asked

"Well.. I became a dancer, & also a make-up artist." Dawn explained

"Wow! That's cool. Can you show me some of your beautiful dance moves?" Cody asked

"Sure!" Dawn replied

(Then Dawn let's go of Cody's hands, stands up, & began to dance romantically for him. She began to spin around & blow kisses at him multiple times at him, she stops spinning & continues dancing & blows some kisses for him.)

"Wow.. You dance..so beautiful Dawn." Cody said romantically

(Dawn giggled at this, then she continues dancing for him romantically.)

5 minutes later..

(Dawn was still dancing for Cody. Until he has an idea.)

"Hey Dawn, can we have a dance together?" Cody asked

"Sure! I'd love too." Dawn giggled

(Then Cody stands up, then Dawn looks at him while dancing, he then wraps her waist, while Dawn wraps around Cody's neck. Then they start to have their own romantic dance together.)

"This is so much better." Cody said

"You think so?" Dawn asked


"I agree with you on that one." Dawn said

(Then Cody spins her around & tilts her over as they both blushed, then he picks her up, spins her around again & went back to her dance.)

"Wow. I'd never thought you'd have those dance moves." Dawn said

"I know, because I'm good at them." Cody explained

"I see." Dawn giggled

(Then Cody tilts her over one more time as they finish their dance, then they both embrace each other.)

"Uh.. Cody?" Dawn said


"I think I.. I think I love you." Dawn said

"Uh.. Really?" Cody asked

(Dawn nodded her head silently.)

"I.. Uh.. I think I love you too!" Cody said

(Then Dawn giggles & kisses Cody on the cheek for 30 seconds, he was surprised about this, then she stopped kissing him as they continue to embrace.)

"Wow.. Thanks.." Cody said

"You're welcome. And can we start a relationship together? Because I've never had a boyfriend before.." Dawn said

"Really? Then yes, I love to be your boyfriend." Cody replied

"Aw! Thank you Cody! I love you!" Dawn said

"Love you too Dawn." Cody replied

(Then they hug comfortably for a minute, then they both pulled away & Dawn has one more thing.)

"Also, Would you mind if I move in to your house? Because I've had enough living in my old apartment." Dawn asked

"How come?" Cody asked

"Because I always have a bunch of lousy neighbors in my apartment for the past few years.." Dawn explained

(Cody was thinking about it, until..)

"Sure thing Dawn. I would love to stay with you." Cody replied

"Aw! Thanks Cody. You're like the coolest & handsome guy around." Dawn cooed

"And you're the most beautiful girl I've ever met." Cody chuckled

(Then Dawn giggles, then they started to have their first kiss on the lips together, the kiss lasted for 2 minutes.)

Cody's house:

(They were both in the bedroom together, Dawn loved the looks of his house. They are currently embracing each other in the bedroom, while Dawn got rid of her ponytail & went back to her normal hairstyle.)

"Cody, this house looks really cool." Dawn said

"I agree Dawn." Cody said

"Do you have any lousy neighbors in your neighborhood?" Dawn asked

"Nope. They are all quiet & normal." Cody replied

"Oh! I see. I always wanted to be with you, & I'm glad to be away from these lousy people in my motel." Dawn said

"I'm glad too Dawn. I love you." Cody said

"I love you too Cody." Dawn giggled & whispered

(Then they've kissed passionately on the lips for 3 minutes, then they've stopped kissing while Dawn tilted her head on Cody's chest, snuggles comfortably in it, while Cody wraps his arms around her waist & they both close their eyes. After Dawn moved in with Cody & started a brand new relationship together.)

The end! What do you think of this fanon shipping? Like & review!