Author's Note: I finished watching The Untamed a couple of days ago and after reading so many fanfictions and the English version of the Chinese novel, it's safe to say that I am still not satisfied. So I decided to let loose all of the pent up emotions I have towards this drama in my very own fanfiction. It will be a short fanfiction with maybe 3 to 5 chapters… I hope you guys like it and do leave both appreciative and critical reviews which will definitely help me improve my writing.
PS: I sincerely request everyone to not copy my work in any other site. This is my hard work and I am fiercely protective of it. And this fanfiction is posted only on two sites i.e., Archive of our Own and this site... Please let me know if you find it in any other sites!
The story picks up immediately after the end of episode 50.
Chapter 1: The Reunion
"Wei Ying."
Wei Wu Xian turned around with a smile to meet the eyes of the man that had been plaguing his mind for a very long time now. Lan Wang Ji looked just as calm and serene as the day he had first met him in the Cloud Recesses. But there was something different in his eyes today. Anxiety? Nervousness? Was the great HanguangJun nervous?
"Hey, Lan Zhan. Is everything okay? You look a little worried to me," asked Wu Xian with concern.
Wang Ji opened his mouth to say something but immediately shut it. It seemed like he was contemplating his next words. A minute later, he just closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. His eyes fluttered open and he took a good look at the man that was capable of rendering him speechless.
"Come back with me to the Cloud Recesses," he finally said as he held out his right hand hoping for his Soulmate to take it without any questions.
"Why?" Wu Xian asked with a small but confused smile on his face. He partly knew where this conversation was heading but he wanted to hear the exact words come out of Wang Ji's mouth. It was finally time for them to face the reality of their relationship but Wei Wu Xian would be damned if he gave in first.
"Why?! What do you mean by 'Why'?" asked Wang Ji with widened eyes. It was at that moment all serenity and decorum left the famous Hanguang Jun and he stumbled over his words. "I, uh, I"-
"Don't get me wrong, Lan Zhan. I would love to go with you to the Gusu Lan Sect. But for what? I don't have anything there waiting for me. Moreover, your uncle hates me with a passion and I know that I am not welcome there. So tell me, Hanguang Jun. What right do I have, to go back there? Why should I go back to a place where I know I won't be welcome?" he questioned with seriousness.
"What do you mean by you don't have anyone there?!" Wang Ji bellowed. Now his temper was getting the best of him. "You have A-Yuan and Lan Jing Yi who constantly keep asking me about you. And now that Jin Ling is also receiving his training in the Cloud Recesses, the trio has been getting on my nerves with their fighting and mutual affection for you. My uncle has retired and has gone into seclusion and heaven knows if and when he's going to make an appearance. So my uncle should be the least of your worries. My brother adores you and I know that he would love to have you back. And, "- as embarrassed as he was to say the next few words he knew that this would be his only chance- " you have me, Wei Ying. I can't go on with my life without you by my side. Back then, I was scared to pursue this relationship but now, I'm more scared to lose you. When you died 16 years ago, I promised myself that I would never put myself in a position where I would end up with regrets. I was a hollow man back then. When I saw you again, I knew that I couldn't ever let you go. Losing you once almost killed me, if I lose you again, I'd die. So please never say that you don't have anyone because Wei Ying, you will always have me. I want to spend the rest of my life loving you and protecting you."
Wei Wu Xian was shocked to hear so many words come out of his soulmate. 18 years of acquaintance and this was the first time he had heard Lan Zhan speak so many words. His heart warmed with love for the red faced man who was now squirming under his gaze. Wu Xian was so out of it that his brain refused to cooperate in giving an answer.
So he did the only thing he could do at that moment. He nodded.
Wang Ji sighed with relief and took hold of Little Donkey's reins with a smile. He had never felt such happiness before and he tried his best to mask his expression. The lack of response from Wei Ying did not bother him as he already knew that his feeling was mutual. He turned to Wu Xian and said, "If we leave now we'll reach the cloud recesses in two days. So let's go," and he turned to leave.
Wei Wu Xian was still reeling from shock as he walked next to the man who had just plucked out his heart for him. He realized that it must have taken extreme courage for a man like Wang Ji to confess to him in such a sweet way. And he knew that it was high time for him to gather his courage too.
"Lan Zhan. I still can't believe that this is happening right now. But I think you should know how I feel too," Wu Xian said as he stopped walking. Wang Ji smiled and turned to look at him.
"When I met you for the first time, I thought you were an ass." They both laughed as they reminisced about their immature young selves. "But you were an ass that I really liked. You have always been there for me and trusted and protected me from everyone. I love you so much and I hope to spend the rest of my life with you. I wish to become cultivation partners with you and always fight all my battles with you by my side. For as long as I have you by my side, I know I will win."
Both remained silent for a while as they looked into each other's eyes that reflected only love and respect. Wei Wu Xian teasingly smiled at Wang Ji and asked one doubt that had been running around in his mind.
"Hey. Lan Zhan. What would you have done if I hadn't reciprocated your feelings and refused to go with you to the cloud recesses?"
"I would throw you over my shoulders and drag you back with me," he replied with a confident grin. "Do you really think I would have embarrassed myself by confessing if I wasn't sure of your feelings for me? Wei Ying, I am not stupid. I am Hanguang Jun. I have a reputation to maintain," he said and continued walking.
'This man has been nothing but a box of surprises today', thought Wu Xian. 'But I will be the one having the last laugh.'
"Hey, Hanguang Jun. Isn't 'No Boasting' one of Gusu Lan sect's 3000 rules? Looks like somebody broke a rule today," said Wei Wu Xian as he let out a boisterous laugh.
Lan Wang Ji scoffed. He looked over his shoulder and said one sentence that immediately ceased Wei Wu Xian's laughter and left him baffled.
"Well, It's a good thing that we're not in Gusu Lan Sect then," he said with a smirk and threw a wink at Wei Wu Xian.
"Goodness Gracious! Who are you and what have you done with my Lan Wang JI?" asked a completely surprised Wu Xian.
Wang JI raised an eyebrow and asked, "My Wang JI?"
"Uh, I, Uh…. Hey! Did you decide a name for our song? I tried to think of a good name but can't seem to find one," he said, completely changing the topic.
Wei Wu Xian looked expectantly at Wang Ji and his reply made his heart skip a beat.
"Wang Xian. It's our song and I thought this name would be fitting. Do you like it, MY Wei Ying?" asked Wang Ji with a teasing smile to a now blushing Wu Xian.
"Its's perfect!"