Everyone comes into the room an hour later after lunch to notice a few changes to the room, first there are five new chairs in the room with a rather large dog bed next to one of them, and there appears to be a dog house in the room with a cat tree attached to the top of it. Next the snackbar seems to have expanded to include some rather odd options added.

"What's with the changes Luminous"? Alya inquiries to their host, as they enter the room.

"I needed to make some changes since we're getting new guests that's what the new chairs are for". Luminous explains putting everyone back into their normal clothes.

"Then what's with the dog bed, and that weird cat tree dudette"? Nino asks confused at those two items.

"You'll understand the dog bed when they arrive, but the cat tree is for the Kwami's to relax on, but the dog house is soundproof. I added it because some things will be mentioned this season that Kwami's aren't allowed to hear so they can hide in there when that time comes. `` Luminous explains adding the final touches.

"Well who's coming"? Kagami asks cerious

"It's best I just show you. Oh FYI I'm bringing them from the same point in time I brought all of you so they may be a bit confused". Luminous says with a clap of her hands as 5 people, and a crocodile come into the room in a bright light. Out of the light comes Master Fu, Mr. Damocles, Ms Bustier, Jagged Stone,Penny, and Fang.

"Oi where in the Bloody Hell are we"? Jagged asks confused before noticing who else is in the room. "Marinette how's my favorite designer"?

"I'm good it's nice to see you again". Marinette says happy to see the silly rock star again.

"Now that we have gotten pleasantries out of the way may I tell everyone why I've brought you here"? Luminous asks catching the new people's attention.

"Who are you and why have you abducted my class, and these other people"? Ms Bustier asks nervously at their host.

"My name is Kaitou Luminous, and I have brought you all here to watch Miraculous Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir, now we just have finished watching season 1 and I have brought you here to watch the remaining seasons, and yes their secret Identities will be revealed. And none of you no telling". Luminous says pointing to everyone who was here already.

"So we just watch a Tv show, then you will let us go? Won't people notice we're missing"? Mr Damocles asks nervous.

"No time is frozen while you're here, now before we start season 2, I'm going to show you the last episode 1 since it ends on a cliffhanger, that season 2 starts on. Any questions"? Luminous asks as Fu steps up.

"Yes I have concerns about everyone in this room able to keep their secret identities secret, especially if they get Akumatized". Fu says catching everyone's attention.

"Oh don't worry I've planned for that. I'm working on a potion that will prevent you from spilling the beans to hawkmoth, and forget everything that happens in this room while their an Akuma. It's almost done". Luminous explains satisfying the old master.

"Thank you".

"Now everyone sit down, and we'll start a reviewing of Volpina, please sit down". Luminous says as everyone gets in their seats, and fang in his crocodile bed.

∾∾∾∾∾∾∾ One viewing of Volpina Later ∾∾∾∾∾∾∾

"I can't believe two of my own Students are superheros". Ms Bustier says shell-shocked

"YEAH THAT'S My ROCKIN NIECE"! Jagged says pumped up

"Niece"? Asks Marinette, Tom, and Sabine asks confused.

"Yhea I consider Marinette, my honorary Niece. Do you have a problem with that"? Jagged asks confused while Penny shakes her head in frustration.

"None at all Mr. Stone we were just surprised". Sabine says surprised

"Jagged I think we have more important things to talk about than your honorary family". Penny says catching Jaggers attention.

"Like what"? He asks forgetting the obvious

"That Lila girl who says you wrote a song about her. If word gets out about this you could get in trouble for soliciting a Minor". Penny says as Jagged remembers her.

"We'll worry about it if word actually speeds, the fact I've never even had a kitten should be proof enough". Jagged says appeasing Penny for now.

"Marinette, Adrien we'll work something out so you two can go fight Akumas during school, but you better not let your grades suffer as a result of super heroine". Ms Bustier explains as they nod in agreement.

"Don't worry Ms Bustier we're planning on starting a study group when we get back, so grades don't suffer, everyone in the class is going to be apart of it right"? Adrien asks everyone as they nod in agreement.

"That's a relief but we'll talk later about the classes you've missed until now.'' She says as they agree readily.

"So what episode of my students greats adventures is next"? Mr Damocles asks existed.

"The first episode of season 2 and the last episode before we're watching the future. It's called the Collector". Luminous says getting the episode ready