AN: So, I'm not promising regular updates for this one. However, I wanted to start post this story that was inspired by the season 7 finale. This picks up right where the finale left off. Although it will be Nathan/Elizabeth, I hope to involve the rest of Hope Valley characters in the story as well, Bill especially seems like he'll get a bit of the spotlight. Hope you all enjoy!

Disclaimer: The characters of When Calls the Hear (and When Hope Calls) are not mine.

It was like the town was holding its collective breath, things were that quiet. After the high stress of the situation Bill had just gone through, he found the quiet almost deafening. He looked around the gathered crowd. Most people seemed to be trying to get a handle on what had just happened. The former sherif of Hope Valley didn't blame them. He was still processing the situation and he had been involved in it.

Beyond where Nathan and Elizabeth stood, Bill saw Constable Larson leading the O'Rourke siblings toward the Mountie Office. Bill was confident that Larson could handle getting their prisoners behind bars. Jenny's rifle was in the back of the wagon, and all of the fight had disappeared from her. As for Elias, the guy was all talk but didn't seem to be one for direct confrontation - at least not when he was at the disadvantage.

Bill looked back at the wagon where Constable Bryant's still form lied. He knew the kid had thought he was helping but going for the rifle at that point had been stupid. Nathan had the situation under control. He was talking Jenny out of her plan. She had been ready to give up the gun, allowing everyone to get out of the situation with no one getting hurt. Bryant's action had put them all in danger, and he had paid the ultimate price.

Bill had a feeling that those particular details would be kept between Nathan, Larson and himself. It served no purpose to tarnish the memory of the dead because of one stupid decision.

"Carson, can you-"

"I'll make sure the body is ready for transport," Carson said, before Bill could even finish the question. "Then I'll be coming around and making sure everyone involved in whatever happened is doing okay," he added.

Bill nodded, knowing Carson was including him in on that group. Right now though, Bill didn't have the time, or the luxury, of even thinking about how he was doing. There was still too many things to tie up.

Climbing into the wagon, Bill retrieved the rifle Jenny had been wielding. It was a piece of evidence that Bill intended to make sure didn't get misplaced. After getting two men to make sure the wagon and horses got to the livery when Carson was done, Bill headed toward Nathan and Elizabeth.

Nathan had just experienced a close call. For a moment after the gun shot had gone off, Bill himself had thought it had been Nathan who had taken the shot. However, Bryant's action had made Jenny move the barrel of the rifle just enough that the bullet had hit the driver of the wagon instead of Nathan.

Bill saw the storm of emotions on Nathan's face as he approached the Mountie and Elizabeth. It was a stark contrast to the normally clam expression their Mountie wore. Though his arm was around the woman clinging to him, Bill didn't think Nathan was aware of what was going on around him, as his gaze was focused on the form lying in the back of the wagon.

Behind Nathan and Elizabeth, Jesse held the reigns of Nathan's horse, having taken them when Nathan had let go. The young man stood as quiet as the other townsfolk, his eyes on Nathan and Elizabeth. Catching Jesse's gaze, Bill nodded in the direction of the livery. The young man nodded and then guided Newton in that direction.

"Are you okay?" Bill asked Nathan quietly, laying a hand on the younger man's shoulder.

"No," Nathan replied, his chin still resting on the top of Elizabeth's head.

The honest answer actually relieved Bill. Though Nathan was clearly in shock, at least he was pretending everything was fine. He could work with honest answers better than denial.

"How about the three of us go to my office," Bill suggested quietly, reaching out to guide both Nathan and Elizabeth in the direction he wanted them to go. Elizabeth still seemed as shocked as Nathan and Bill wasn't about to try separating the two of them yet. What it did tell him was that his speculation of to whom Elizabeth's heart had truly been leaning toward had been correct.

Nathan took a couple of steps and then stop. As Elizabeth was still clinging tightly to him, she stopped as well. Neither of them had yet to say anything to each other. Before Bill could ask any questions though, Nathan spoke.

"Ally," Nathan said, remembering his niece. "I don't want her hearing a rumor."

"I'll get her," Fiona said, taking a couple of steps toward the trio. "Where is she?"

"She should be with Opal's family," Nathan replied.

"Okay," Fiona said, before slipping away.

The trio, with Bill half guiding the other two, made their way to his office. Along the way, the townsfolk watched silently. It was clear they weren't sure what to say. Bill was sure a lot of them were thinking of the time Elizabeth had gotten word that Jack wasn't coming home. It might not be Elizabeth facing that news today, but soon a Mountie's family would be receiving that news. Bill found himself wondering if Constable Bryant was married or not. Bill couldn't say which way he preferred it.

Reaching his office, Bill opened the door and ushered Nathan and Elizabeth inside. As he closed the door behind them, Hope Valley's judge wondered if he was going to have to now figure out how to separate them. He wanted Nathan off of his feet as soon as possible.

It turned out to be a concern he didn't need to worry about it, as Nathan was already seating Elizabeth in the visitor's chair as Bill turned toward the pair. Walking over to the side of the room Bill placed the confiscated rifle against the wall and retrieved another chair. He walked over and placed the chair behind Nathan.

"Sit," Bill told the younger man.

Nathan looked over at Bill. He opened his mouth, apparently ready to protest, but Bill spoke first.

"You're looking out for the lady, I'm looking out for you," Bill insisted. "You've been through a lot this morning. Now sit."

"So have you," Nathan countered though he did sit down in the chair that Bill had provided.

"I'm not the one who had a rifle pointed at them while trying to talk down a shooter," Bill countered as he walked over to his desk.

Bill's words brought Elizabeth out of her state of shock and relief.

"You had a gun pointed at you?" Elizabeth asked, looking at Nathan as Bill perched on the edge of his desk where he could watch the two younger people.

"It's not the first time," Nathan replied, his tone matter of fact. He didn't have to add nor will it be the last. All three of them knew that was the reality of the job.

"I'm sure," Elizabeth said, starting to feel silly now that she was becoming aware of her surroundings again. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. What would the townsfolk think? What did Nathan think of her? "It's just when someone had said you were shot, it's like the dam broke inside and all these emotions came flooding in. All I could think was that you had finally found the courage to ask me out and I hadn't had the courage to give you an answer."

"I'm fine, Elizabeth," Nathan told her, reaching out for one of her shaking hands.

"At least physically," Bill supplied.

Nathan shot the older man a look, though Elizabeth hadn't seemed to hear Bill's comment.

"Okay," Bill said. "I'm going to give the two of you some time to talk," he said getting to his feet. "I have some things to take care of." Stopping in front of the chair Nathan occupied he looked down at the younger man. "Don't you leave this office before I get back."

"You're not my superior officer, Bill. You can't order me around."

The fact that Nathan was being defiant eased some of Bill's worry. It still didn't mean he was going to back down. "You're right. However, I am your friend," Bill told him, reaching out and placing his hand on Nathan's shoulder. " So stay put. Besides, I don't want to have to face your niece if something happens to you now."

"I'll stay put," Nathan conceded.

"Good," Bill said, giving Nathan's shoulder a squeeze before removing his hand.

Bill turned slightly so he was facing Elizabeth. "Do you want me to cancel classes for the day?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "No. The kids should have school. Though could you maybe ask Rosemary to get things started for me?"

"Consider it done. Take your time, Elizabeth, and if you want to talk, about anything at all, remember I'm always willing to listen."

Elizabeth nodded in reply.

Leaning down, Bill placed a fatherly kiss on the top of Elizabeth's head before heading for the door. Stepping onto the boardwalk Bill glanced around. People seemed to have started to go back to their day at least. A few groups of people could still be seen, talking quietly but for the most part the crowd had dispersed. The prisoner transport wagon had been moved the short distance so that it was now outside of the infirmary. The back door to the wagon was closed, and Bill assumed that Carson had moved the body into the infirmary to prepare it for transport.

Needing to locate Rosemary before taking care of police business, Bill headed for the office of Coulter Lumber. Lee's car was parked outside, telling Bill that at the very least Lee should be there. If Rosemary wasn't, Lee would probably know the best place for Bill to look for his wife.

Reaching the lumber office, Bill walked inside, finding both Lee and Rosemary.

"Bill, what's going on?" Rosemary asked before the door had even shut behind Bill. "Talk is a Mountie was killed? Was it Nathan?"

"It was one of the other Mounties that were with us who was killed," Bill told her. "Nathan's fine physically, though it was a close call for him. He and Elizabeth are in my office right now away from prying eyes."

"Oh, the poor dear. She must be an emotional wreck. First Jack and now this scare with Nathan."

"She's going to need our support in the coming days, for sure," Bill told her. "Both of them will. Right now though, Elizabeth wanted me to ask you to start the school day for her. She intends to teach but she needs some time to collect herself."

"Of course," Rosemary replied. "I'll head right to the schoolhouse," she continued. She placed a kiss on Lee's cheek. "I'll see you later."

"I'll be right here, Rosie. Only office work, I promise."

"Good man," Rosemary said before leaving the office.

"How are you holding up, Bill?" Lee asked looking over at the judge.

"I'm hanging in," Bill replied. "Thanks for asking. I've got some calls to place. It's good to see you back to work, Lee."

"It feels good to be back," Lee told him.

Turning, Bill headed for the door. He had to stop quickly to avoid running into Jesse as the young man entered the office.

"Oh, sorry," Jesse said stepping to the side as he held the door open for Bill. "I took care of both Nathan's horse as well as yours, Bill. The other Mountie said he wanted to take care of his own horse."

Bill nodded. "Thanks, Jesse, I appreciate it," Bill told him as he made his way past Jesse.

Bill's plan was to check in with Constable Larson. Chances were that Larson had already contacted Mountie Headquarters about the incident. Bryant had been his partner. Bill new the loss wouldn't be easy. Once they had touched based, Bill planned on getting Larson to at least take some time with his horse, even though he had a feeling the veteran Mountie would be insisting that he needed to keep working. Bill couldn't blame him. He was fairly sure that if he stopped focusing on what needed to be done at this point that he would break down himself.