Hey, Sapphire here! Thanks to all those who favorited, followed and reviewed. Special thanks to The Kid Forgotten By God, who has agreed to beta this story. Just to clear things up, this takes place after both Shinichi and Ran have confessed to each other but before they established their relationship. Thanks for reading!


Hana had no idea what to do. Pick up the phone, or don't pick up the phone? She wasn't Kazuha anymore. How would her father respond to a random 7-year-old claiming to be his teenage daughter? Would he think that it was some sort of joke? Or would he believe her?

Hana decided she could figure that mess out later. Preferably with Heiji, or Natsu as he was now.

"Hana-chan, come get your breakfast!" she heard Conan call.

"Coming, Conan-kun!" She pocketed her phone, got off her mattress, and left Ran's room. Hana went to the living room where the entryway was and saw Ran and Conan had rice waiting for her.

"Good morning, Hana-chan! Did you sleep well?" Ran asked.

Hana nodded absentmindedly, still thinking about the phone call.

"Tomorrow will be your first day of school. You and Natsu will be in the same class as Conan-kun, 1-B," Ran informed.

Hana jumped when she heard a particularly loud snort coming from the room where Kogoro was sleeping. "You'll get used to it," Conan muttered, noticing her start.

Hana nodded again, letting herself tune out the noise around her. She grabbed her cup of rice and started to play with it, not really wanting to eat as she thought about the problem at hand. Should she call him back or not?

"Kazuha!" Hana jumped at the exclamation. She realized that Conan had been asking her something and she had completely ignored him.

"I'm sorry. What did ya ask?" Hana asked apologetically.

Conan looked at Hana with a worried expression. "Is something wrong?"

"My oton called me today. What should I tell 'im?" Hana asked him.

"You can use my voice changer to sound like your older self. Tell him that Hattori roped you into a big case and you can't come home because it will put you and them in danger," Conan replied.

"I think that she should tell them the truth," Ran argued.

"Not over the phone she shouldn't. They could be listening. She could tell them to come to Tokyo," Conan suggested.

"'She' is right here, ya know," Hana complained.

Ran winced. "Sorry, Hana-chan," she apologized.

"It's fine, jus' don't leave me out o' the conversation nex' time," Hana told her.

"Alright then, would you like to go see a movie, then? Conan-kun is coming," Ran asked in a teasing voice.

"Yeah, that sounds nice," Hana replied.

"When you finish eating, help me clean up so we can go!" Ran exclaimed.

The trio spent the next few minutes finishing their food, then they began to clean up. Conan and Hana put their dishes in the sink as Ran washed them. Conan got out a couple towels so he and Hana could dry the dishes and Ran put them away after she had finished washing and dried her hands.

"Thank you for the help," Ran said greatfully.

"I don't mind," Conan shrugged.

"My pleasure," Hana added.

Ran grabbed the towels and hung them back up. She then left the kitchen and sat on the couch, pulling out her phone. Conan had already followed her, and Hana was about to as well when she felt her own phone buzz. She pulled it out to see her father was calling again. Hana declined the call and powered off her cell. She would deal with that mess later.

"Hana, come help us pick out a movie!" Ran invited.

And that's what Hana did.


As Conan, Hana and Ran were getting into their seats at the movie theater to watch the 12:00 show, Conan was thinking about one thing that didn't make sense to him.

Conan was still in shock that Kazuha had taken his side.

He'd had a day to process it and he still didn't understand why. After all, she was Ran's friend, not his. So, why had she been so understanding? He didn't deserve it that's for sure, but it had definitely made Ran happier, so maybe that's why.

Conan was pondering this as they waited for their movie to start. He had opted to sit next to his 'sister,' Ran on her other side. They had decided to see a new murder mystery. Ran was excited, and Conan was fully ready to put his deduction skills to use.

As the movie began to play, Conan noticed that Hana was looking at him. "What is it?" Conan asked.

"Yer not gonna yell out spoilers throughout this, are ya?" she asked.

Conan raised an eyebrow. "You mean like what Hattori does? No, I have a bit more social understanding than him."

"Oh, thank God," Hana muttered.

Conan snorted. He didn't blame her for being concerned, but the last thing he wanted to do was drawing attention to his detective abilities. He'd have fun seeing the clues, but he wasn't going to announce it to the world.

As the movie continued, Conan had fun putting the clues together seamlessly. He could tell that Hana was trying to piece them together as well, but he didn't think that she knew who the murderer was. Ran seemed to just enjoy the movie.

In the end, Conan was correct, Hana had managed to piece the clues together before the murderer was revealed and verified with Conan and Ran was shocked by who it was. It had been a long movie, and it had almost been 2:45 by the time they left the theater. They talked about the movie as they walked back to their home, a cool fall breeze blowing.

"But that 12-year-old girl seemed so innocent! I had no idea that Nezuko was the culprit!" Ran exclaimed. "Don't tell me you figured it out, Hana-chan."

"She did, actually. I was surprised when she whispered her deduction. I can make a detective out of you, Hana-chan!" Conan exclaimed excitedly.

"It was real hard, ya know, an' it was real annoyin' that Conan-kun put it together so easily," Hana complained.

Ran snorted. "That's why you leave it to the detective geeks and just enjoy yourself."

"It was fun, though," Hana protested.

"Conan, stop corrupting her!" Ran teased.

"I'm not bein' corrupted! It's fun ta figure out the made-up stuff, but I'll leave what's real ta the detectives," Hana reasoned.

"Oh, thank God," Conan muttered under his breath. He hadn't meant for Hana to hear him, but unfortunately, she did.

"Excuse me?!" Hana snapped with a terrifying look of fury on her face.

Conan blanched. "I mean, you're great, Hana-chan!" he exclaimed in a desperate voice, hoping to appease the terrifying girl.

Ran let out a snort of laughter. "Yeah, you're great, Hana-chan," she echoed.

The trio then walked into Café Poirot to get to the detective agency and their home.

"Ah, hello Ran-san, Conan-kun! Who is the girl with you?" Azusa, the waitress working asked from the table she was wiping down.

"I'm Edogawa Hana, Conan-kun's twin," Hana told her.

"I didn't know Conan-kun had a twin," Tooru Amuro chimed in from behind the counter with a calculating expression.

"Well, she's been living in Osaka for a year and I don't talk about her that much," Conan told him.

"Yeah, it's real annoyin' that he hasn't told anyone 'bout me. They're always like, 'Huh? I didn't know she existed!' So annoyin'," Hana faked a complaint.

"I guess it just slipped my mind," Conan replied.

"You've been living here for a year and no one knew she existed. I've known you for 2 months and you never mentioned a twin sister once. Why?" Amuro asked, looking suspicious.

"We don' like each other that much," Hana muttered.

"She's not worth mentioning," Conan said simultaneously, giving Hana a death glare.

"Conan! Enough!" Ran snapped at him. "Excuse us, we're going to our home now," she said, dragging the two children with her.

After they had made it into the detective agency, Ran shut the door and glared at Conan. "What was that about?" she asked heatedly.

"It's our cover," Conan explained, rubbing his wrist.

"We've gotta seem like we hate each other at first, then warm up ta each other," Hana added.

"It'll help with the question, 'why haven't we heard of her before?' If they think we hate each other, they'll think I didn't mention her out of spite, not out of her not existing beforehand," Conan explained, moving to sit at the couch. Hana and Ran followed suit.

"So, would you like to play a game?"


"That was strange," Azusa called over to Amuro conversationally.

"Yes, it was," he said, considering what the strange addition to the Mouri household meant.

Amuro, or rather Furuya Rei or Bourbon depending on who's asking, knew that Edogawa Conan was aware of what the Black Org was. He was a key player in preventing the success of several of their operations. And now this new child, Edogawa Hana, had never been mentioned once. Amuro had investigated Conan's past history- or rather, the lack there of. He claimed to be from America and yet lacked a passport. Edogawa Conan was a fake name, meaning Conan was most likely in some form of witness protection. And that meant that his 'twin' was as well.

"Very strange indeed."


Natsu was annoyed.

"Why is this so hard?!" he exclaimed.

"You know, I could just get it for you," Subaru told him.

"No! Stop crampin' my style!" Natsu complained.

"Your 'style', is already cramped by the crutches and bullet would in your leg. Why won't you just let me help you?" Subaru moaned.

"'Cause I've gotta do it myself!"

"But you might break something!"

Natsu at the moment was having no luck and he was growing closer to the end of his dwindling patience. He'd been trying to reach for a bowl for his early dinner on a shelf above his reach with his crutch, all while Subaru watched on in simultaneous amusement and irritation.

"Okay, that's enough." Subaru grabbed the bowl before it could topple over. "No need for a broken dish."

"Hey, I was gonna get that," Natsu complained.

"No, you were going to break it. As you are, you are in no condition to be independent. You would have been completely useless as there is no way to safely clean up the broken glass."

Natsu ducked his head. "'M sorry, Subaru-niisan," he muttered.

Subaru sighed. "I understand that you're used to doing things for yourself, but you are seven. You're allowed to let adults handle responsibility and do things for you."

Natsu suppressed an eye roll, he was seventeen thank you very much. Though it probably was a good thing that Subaru didn't know that.

However, Subaru saw the expression on Natsu's face before he could hide it.

"Wait, don't tell me you're another case of Conan."

Natsu jumped, surprised and annoyed with his secret being figured out so soon. "I won't tell ya, then."

Subaru raised an eyebrow. "You make a better child than him. Though it could be because Kudo-kun is one of the most mature teens I personally know."

"I'll have ta confirm Kudo's suspicions that ya know who he is. An' he's not that much more mature than I am," Natsu replied.

"Who's the girl, then?"

"My childhood friend. Both o' us were at the wrong place at the wrong time."

"What is your real name?" Subaru asked.

Natsu smirked. "Hattori Heiji."


Haibara Ai was trying to figure out why such a rare side effect happened twice in a row. The best theory she had in mind was age.

Theoretically speaking it could be a matter of hormonal balances compared to those of adults who have finished maturing. But then there was Sera Masumi's mother to consider. She had been reduced to one no older than a middle school student…" she trailed off in thought before following a different angle. Perhaps it's less of a chemical reaction and more in line with a genetic marker shared between all variables….

Ai didn't like not knowing the answer, but it wasn't like she had any way of knowing. It had been chance that Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha had both had such a rare side effect at the same time.

"Ai-kun, would you come up here, please?" she heard Dr. Agasa call.

"Coming, Professor!" She came up the stairs from her laboratory in the basement. When she came through the door, she saw Kudo-kun, Ran-san and Toyama-chan sitting on the couch with the professor. Ai sighed and moved to sit next to Dr. Agasa.

"I've got your gadgets ready, Hana-chan," the professor was saying.

"Why did you ask me to come up for this?" Ai asked, irritated. She had been interrupted working on APTX for something she wasn't needed for, and that irked her.

"Haibara-chan, I wanted to ask you a few questions if that's okay with you," Hana asked.

Ai blinked. "What?"

"It's about the antidote for this- well, condition. Kudo-kun mentioned that there's a temporary antidote for this, how does that work?" Hana continued.

"Oh. I've made a prototype antidote that works temporarily. You revert to your teen self for a several hours and then change back to the child one. The antidote is in the form of a pill similar to the original poison. If a normal person were to take it, it would probably kill them. It does have a slight chance of killing you anyways, but with the amount of times Kudo-kun has done it, I have my doubts. There is also a Chinese liquor that can change you, but it only works once before the body creates antibodies for it, and it only works for about 15 to 30 minutes. The intense pain and prolonged build up, coupled with lingering side effects after the fact, outweigh the limited effectiveness granted upon ingesting for both antidotes."

"And ya have the antidote ready?" Hana asked.

Ai narrowed her eyes. "Why?"

"'Cause I need ta tell my parents, an' I need ta be able ta prove that I am their child! An' don' tell me ta just ghost them, 'cause I've seen the pain that caused Ran-chan, an' I'm not inflictin' it on someone else! I understand the want ta keep them from knowin', but if the Black Organization finds us, won' they just kill them anyways?!" Hana snapped.

"Why you couldn't have told Shinichi that earlier is beyond me," Ran muttered.

"I still take 'is side, he was tryin' ta protect ya, but I'm bein' real here," Hana said looking each of them in the eye. "If They're as bad as ya make it seem, They wouldn't hesitate ta kill my parents as well as Heiji's simply because there's a chance that we told them," Hana reasoned.

"Wait, you're taking Kudo-kun's side over Ran's?" Ai asked, not quite believing it.

"Had a whole discussion really, in the middle of a store no less. I haven't quite gotten over her passionate speech yet if I'm being honest," Conan supplied.

"What kind o' sister would I be if I didn't take yer side every once in a while?"

"Valid point, other than the fact that it's all fake and you literally started this 2 days ago," Ai pointed out.

"Look, the reason that Shinichi-kun didn't tell you anything was because Ai-kun and I scared him out of it. I'm sorry it hurt you emotionally, but it really was to protect you, Ran-kun," Dr. Agasa told her.

"I understand that now, but please don't tell Shinichi to keep secrets from me," Ran muttered. "He keeps enough from me as is."

The professor winced. "I guess this will be a subject that comes up often."

"Of course it will. She's going to be mad about this for a while. I betrayed her trust, even if it was to protect her. I'm going to have to work to get it back, and so are you," Conan told him.

"I'm not mad you lied to me, I angry I won't be able to trust you anymore," Ran snapped.

"This is great, but can we move on?" Ai asked, irritation seeping into her voice.

"Could we get the antidote?" Hana requested.

"You can have one and Toyama-chan uses it," Ai permitted. She got a case out of her pocket and handed Hana a pill.

"Thank you, Ai-chan," Ran said.

"Is that all?" Ai asked.

"Maybe we should go and talk later," Conan suggested, giving a side-eyed glance at the face of Hana. He seemed to be nervous about something that Hana might have said earlier, and Ai was curious about what the nervousness was about.

"I've got one more question for Haibara-chan," Hana said.

Ai raised an eyebrow. "What is it, Toyama-chan?"

"Do ya still get yer period?" Hana asked, looking slightly embarrased.

Conan choked and flushed bright red and Dr. Agasa seemed embarrassed as well. Hana flashed the two an unimpressed look, and Ai just smirked at their discomfort. To stretch that out.…

"Yes. I do get my period. I suggest using pads or pantie liners, though. Tampons are such a hassle. They're big and uncomfortable and don't fit," Ai told her.

"Nice ta know. Thanks, Haibara-chan!"

"Of course, Toyama-chan. I love embarrassing the boys," Ai snickered.

"We're going now. Bye!" Conan announced, red faced, and grabbed his pseudo sister's and not-yet girlfriend's hands. He pulled the two out of the room, and Ai deduced that they left when she heard a door slamming.

"I'll be going back to work, Professor," Ai told him as she got up to go back to her lab.

"Ai-kun?" he called.

Ai stopped in the doorway to the basement. {here we are with conversations happening in door ways.}

"Yes, Dr, Agasa?"

"Please, never talk about periods in front of me again."

Ai snorted. "No promises," she called as she descended the stairs. She had a lot of work to do, but she was secretly glad for the distraction. Teasing Kudo-kun was a nice reprieve and a small mind break never hurt, now, did it.


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