A.N. So i am back at it with a new MHA story, this one is actually a spin of to another author's story, Castle Blade's Generation next. While Castle and Tobsie handle the hero's I'll deal with the underdogs. So without further ado let's begin.

This world abounds with tales of aspiring heroes face down all sorts of events, joining forces with allies to take on foes and save the world from danger. And yet there are those who play minor roles in these accounts or failed to appear altogether. Once one such individual reached a certain age he started to consider that he may not be this world's hero type, that maybe he was just a background character in this world, and would appear in none of its stories. He however still dreamt that he could be a hero. This is Haru Tobita and this is his story.

Haru looked at the U.A. entrance as he walked through. He had heard the stories from his parents about how it was notoriously difficult to get into the school when he was younger. His father had told him about how he attempted to get in early on his life to become a hero but the mock exams were too tough. His father tried again later with his mother to enter under less legal methods but they were caught early by the number 1 hero then student, Deku.

Safe to say he already felt that he was happy he was able to walk through the door. He remembered when he had gotten the acceptance letter. He was tempted to throw it away the moment he got it. He knew he didn't pass the physical exam. He hadn't been able to destroy a single robot but he had managed to help save a few civilians. Unfortunately he was careless and had almost gotten hit by falling debris had it not been for a girl with dark purple hair pushing him out of the way.

"Haru Tobita. We regret to inform you that due to your lack of points you did fail the entrance exam into the hero course. However, provided you are willing, there is a position for you in the general studies program if you wish to enter." A middle aged man in a wheelchair said to him via the acceptance hologram.

Initially Haru had been disappointed that he didn't make it into the hero course but his father told him that he didn't need to be a hero for them to be proud of him, they would be proud of him either way. Later that day he learnt that U.A.'s Sports Festival allowed for students to be transferred into the hero course if they did well enough. He could still be a hero and he could prove himself to everyone else. So with that he accepted the entrance into General Studies.

Walking into class, Haru saw that a few of his classmates had already arrived before him. He felt incredibly nervous; he wanted to make a good impression this time. No one from his old school was here so he didn't have to worry about his past reputation coming to haunt him. Looking around he noticed a familiar face among the group. The girl who had saved him during the entrance exams was sitting by a desk on her phone, an empty desk right next to her. Haru tried to be as subtle as possible and made his way over to the desk. Unfortunately much like his father and his sister subtly was not his strong suit. He tripped over mid-way and fell flat on his face. A few people started laughing but they suddenly went quiet when one student shot them all a glare.

"Yeah I'm dead." Haru thought as he tried to compose himself. A hand was held out to him. Looking up Haru saw the purple haired girl offering it to him with a small smile on her face. He took it and she helped him up. "That was so embarrassing." He mumbled to himself.

"Yeah I suppose it was but tripping is by far the least embarrassing thing out there." She added. "I'm Veena Dokuchi by the way and you are?"

"Haru Tobita." He answered. He tried his best to remember his Dad's advice about talking to girls, be polite, don't say anything stupid and don't do anything to warrant being arrested. In the end he just sat there in silence while Veena resumed playing a game on her phone. More students entered the class and the man in a wheelchair rolled in, the same man from his entrance letter.

"Good day class. My name is Tensei Ilda and I'll be your homeroom teacher." The man introduced himself. One student raised their hand with a question. They wanted to know if the teacher was related to the Engine Hero Ingenium, Tenya Ilda. "Yes I am related to Ingenium, he's my little brother." Tensei said proudly. "But enough about me, your guys orientation is today so let's get a move on."

Orientation was as expected; students were given an insight into what their future would be in the next couple of years while getting a small introduction to some of the teachers. When it was over the students returned to class to find Mr. Ilda waiting with the course outline. Several students had questions for the teacher and he tried his best to answer them all.

During that time waiting Haru found himself being very distracted by a heavenly aroma, sniffing the air a few times he looked over to see one his fellow classmates sneaking a snack while the teacher was answering questions. He seemed to notice Haru's gaze as he offered him a bite of his treat, a cookie which Haru accepted hesitantly. Taking a bite he found it was warm and moist almost as if it was fresh out of the oven.

"How is it?" He asked.

"It's good." Haru answered. "How'd you keep it so warm?"

"Trade secret." He informed Haru.

"Okay then. My name is Haru." Haru introduced.

"Zetseun Ondo."

Veena arrived back in her seat shortly after. Haru offered her an extra cookie Zetseun had given him and she took it. Apparently she was inquiring about the requirements to move up into the hero course. Haru already knew about the Sports festival but she found out there was a lot more to it than that. In addition to performing well, they also needed to ace all their current classes if they even wanted to hope to have a chance, and even then they would have to overcome several of the hero students as they were always the predominant course in the sports festival. They had the best quirks and also got physical training specifically. A lot of them were also the children of pro heroes so they no doubt had even more training than some of the General Studies course students. That didn't seem to stop Veena though.

"Believe me. No Hero, student or pro, stop me." She told me as we exited class. She and Haru met up with Zetseun and Haru introduced him and Veena to each other. Leaving school they all had to walk to a train station nearby to catch a ride home.

They talked a bit on the way there. Zetseun wanted to be a pro chef. He preferred cooking and had actually signed up for U.A. with the intention of being in General Studies since a student from U.A. would carry weight when he finally applied to culinary school. Veena however seemed more hero focused. She wanted to be a hero to honour her deceased father's dream. She spoke with a passion that Haru felt mirrored his own and she looked so cute when she spoke about it.

His quirk was starting to act up again. He remembered his mom's world about not letting it overwhelm him and instead try to reason with it. He did not need his quirk to ruin his chances of actually having friends now or jeopardize any chance of him becoming a hero because of poor misconduct. It was drilled into his head early on about how his quirk would make him behave so he needed to keep focus and not get swayed by his emotions.

They made it to the train station and eventually parted ways and he could not help but feel relieved when he arrived home. His mom was already making dinner while his dad was in office working. When his mom noticed him she practically pounced on him, her shorter frame making it seem like she was the child and he was an older brother or parent.

"How was your first day of school?" She asked. He told her it was alright and that he would tell her when the rest of my family arrived.

"La Brava. Is Haru home yet?" His dad asked as he walked into the room.

"Good evening dad." He greeted me. His father smiled at him as they walked over to the table. Unfortunately his older sister was still at work so they had gone on without her. Fortunately their mom,ever the camera woman, already had her video camera up and focused on him. She was gonna record him and live stream it for his sister or at the very least send the video to her.

He recalled the day leaving out his least gracious moment and his parents listened intently. "Gentle isn't it amazing, our boy has already made friends." His mom cheered with tears of joy. She always got over emotional due to her quirk. Lucky for him, his dad was always level headed enough for the two of them…..unless someone messed with his tea…then all bets were off. After dinner was done Haru wished them all good night as he headed to bed, tomorrow was another day and he would finally start my actual classes and be on his way to becoming a hero.

As always give me your honest thoughts and opinions on this story and please fav, follow and review and don't forget to check the main story and fellow spin off.