Happy Lockdown Everyone! How we're all doing good.

Its been so long since I did anything like this and I figured with lockdown, what's the harm in starting to write again. The is the first time I've ever written about teen wolf never mind a crossover with TVD…So fingers crossed it goes well.

The first chapter is really short but it's just a little taster to see what happens.

Disclaimer-I don't own TVD AND Teen Wolf.



The Moon was bright and cresenting in the sky as Stiles sat on the edge of his bed looking out his bedroom window. As he sat unable to sleep once again, thoughts of his packs next big threat occupied space in his mind. They had all lost so much recently; especially his best friend and alpha Scott. People around beacon hills had started disappearing or turning up nearly dead, missing a large amount of blood. Stiles had so many thoughts as to what it could be but that was exactly the problem. Could. It wasn't a word they wanted. The pack wanted a solid answer or at least theory but honestly Stiles was lost. At first he thought maybe it was a vampire because of the marks on the victims necks but then the daytime attacks didn't match that theory so again he was back to square one.

He stood up slowly from his bed, looking at the investigation board on his wall. He sighed. So much red string. Nothing made sense anymore. He stared at the board a little longer hoping to be hit with a clue he'd missed but nothing happened. He looked around his room one more time before throwing on some clothes and deciding that a walk at 3am is exactly what he needed to clear his head.

Stiles left the house quickly and started walking just wherever his legs took him.

Before he knew it, he was legit in the middle of the woods, in the pitch black. He heard a rustle from the trees and froze. He quickly swung around looking in every direction around him. He would normally just assume it was the wind or even one of the pack but with all the disappearance's, Stiles was starting to panic a little and he didn't even have his bat with him.

"Hello?!" Stiles yelled out into the dark woods.

His question met with silence. Soon Stiles took a deep breath and relaxed, he figured he was just hearing things. He shook his head and pinched at his forehead just like his dad does.

" 'Ello there…Mate!" A voice said very calmly. He English accent very thick and confident sounding.

Stiles screamed and jumped in the air. Clutching at his chest he said

"Who's there?"

"Your worst nightmare!" the voice said menacingly.

All of a sudden, a tall figure appeared in front of Stiles. Stiles could only just make out the veins underneath the gold glowing eyes. The man had gripped the back of Stiles head and forced his wrist into Stiles mouth. Stiles tried to fight but it was useless he was too weak. His mouth filled with this warm metallic tasting liquid which he guessed to be blood. He panicked and struggled even more until it all went black.


So that's the end of the first chapter. I'm going to try and run with this and see where it goes, and it seem pretty promising.

Remember to Like and review and stay safe out there guys.
