***This is my first attempt creating a fanfiction story for Haven...I am a big huge fan of Haven and I have to actually work up the courage to write a fanfiction story for Haven until now...but with being isolated at home for six weeks and having no where to go because of what is currently going on right now in the world...I figure that right now is as good a time as any to start writing fanfiction again. Some warnings though...I am a little rusty as I hadn't posted a story since last year...so there might be some errors in the writing. Also there may be some lags in times when I post stories...due to the fact that I am also trying to finish up some online schooling...please don't get me started on that. Okay so this story is set during the time when the town of Haven's troubled people are dealing with a sickness trouble that was being caused by the doctor that Mara and Duke had killed, while also dealing with a lack of oxygen in the hospital that was caused by a trouble brought on by one of the guard members.***
**I decided to have this oneshot centered upon what may have been going on through Nathan's mind as he is hobbling towards Audrey's hospital room in order to ensure that she has a oxygen mask on before he collapses from a lack of oxygen to the brain. The scene where he makes it to her hospital room and attempts to carry her out of the hospital but instead resigns to putting the oxygen mask over her face before he passes out, really spoke volumes to me considering the fact we knew just how much he loved her even if he wasn't able to feel her during that time. And it was the scene that ultimately stuck to my mind for a few days after I initially watched the episode. The episode that I am talking about is either 5.08 or 5.09...I forget which...so if either one of you say which episode it is in the review section...that would be lovely. Please enjoy!**
*Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Haven's origninal storyline, I do not own any of their characters, the only characters and storyline that I do own are ones created from my delightful imagination. All rights to the show's original storyline and characters are reserved towards the producers, the creator, the SyFy channel and Stephen King himself. I do not own any of it as I am merely just borrowing it all...so please do not sue me. Though, if I did own the rights to the show, the show would have had it's series finale or final season rewritten to the satisfaction of the fans.*
Breathless...Without a Breath
He can't breathe. He is sure that if he were able to feel what is happening to his body that he would feel his lungs burning as they fought to acquire sufficient oxygen to sustain him as he was vaguely aware of his surroundings, but he did know who he was trying to make it to as he could see little black spotted dots lining his vision, attempting with all its might to bring him down to the ground as he was nearing her room.
'I gotta find Audrey...' Nathan thought as he almost fell down from another onslaught of no oxygen, '...gotta find some way to get her out of here...get her some air...if only I can be able to make it to her without doing myself in first...'
This had to have been caused by someone's trouble, he was sure of it, but question was whose trouble was causing the hospital to suffocate from lack of sufficient needed air. Though how far was the lack of oxygen spreading inside the hospital...was the ultimate burning question that Nathan had on his mind as he struggled to breathe.
He was getting close to her room now...he could sense it...even as he struggled to stay upright. As he finally hobbled his way inside her room he couldn't help but think how beautiful she looked peacefully sleeping, in any other circumstances he would have scooped her up in his arms and would have refused to let go of her if someone were to try and take her from him. But instantly knew that as peaceful as she looked asleep that she would suffocate from lack of air quick if he didn't move quick.
So with all the strength that had to muster...he made an attempt to scoop her body up into arms...but found that after several attempts that the lack of oxygen had impaired his muscle movement as they strained upon the light weight of her body. Foregoing his plan to get her out of the hospital...Nathan thought of another idea as he spotted an oxygen mask hanging way above her head...and without delay he quickly grabbed the mask and moved to ease the straps of the mask over her head and onto her face. He breathed heavily as he struggled to put the mask over her but he moved back and stopped after he was sure that it was securely placed over her face.
It was only then that he finally succumbed to the ground as the lack of oxygen became too much for his brain to handle as the last thing that his eyes saw before closing was the shaky image of Audrey with the oxygen mask on.
And he wouldn't awaken until moments later when the air somehow began to return to the hospital and everyone who hadn't been suffocated to death woke up, he woke up to find Audrey awake in her bed staring at him with relief and pointing questioningly towards the mask on her face, as if to ask him 'What happened, Nate?'. At this, Nathan scrambled from the ground and was immediately at her side to take off the oxygen mask that he had struggled to put on her only moments earlier.
"What happened Nathan, did we just get hit with another trouble or something?" Audrey asked, her voice filled with slight grogginess and something else that scared Nathan.
"I think someone with a room suffocation trouble might have gotten sick with the mysterious illness..." Nathan replied, using his hand to lovingly stroke her hair, ignoring the fact that he couldn't feel what her hair felt like anymore since her split with Mara.
Mara. The reason behind why he could no longer feel the woman who made him feel alive again after he had first discovered that he could be able to feel her and only her, but after the split with Mara, things just hadn't been the same as they had used to be between he and Audrey. He felt like they were starting to return back to the old ways of her pushing him away when she felt like she wanted to desperately wanted to protect him, he didn't like how it was back then when she did it to him and he CERTAINLY didn't like the feeling her starting to drift away from him now. Which is what he was sure that he sensed her doing for weeks after she seperated from the likes of Mara.
He honestly had no idea what they were going to do now that it felt like they were losing some of the spark that made things hot and heavy between them and he desperately wanted to get back to the way they were before they got to this point, but he had to admit that as much as he was worried about where their relationship was headed, that he was more worried about her mental and phsyical health as he had just witnessed and had her gathered her up in his arms as soon as she started coughing right inside the privacy of their shared office.
They had come to the hospital in order to figure out if Audrey was possibly infected with the same infection that the troubled were infected with, given the fact that due to the split with Mara, Audrey also no longer held the immunity she once had before when dealing with people's trouble. It made her at risk towards people who had troubles that were deadly and not only that, but it made her at risk towards people with the deadly troubles who thought that she was Mara and wanted nothing more than to take revenge on her for creating the troubles. All the while, Audrey wasn't able to reveal the fact that the real Mara was being held as prisoner below the deck of Duke's boat, by Duke himself.
The only reason why they had kept her alive and hadn't turned her into Dwight and the Guard was because of the fact that they still needed her in order to figure out whether or not she could be of any help in dealing with the major troubles, that and Nathan was worried that Mara was connected to Audrey like William had been connected to Audrey weeks prior before he was banished back into the void. But even now...they were starting to doubt that Mara was going to be of any more use...what with her need to be a constant bitch and a terror.
Audrey had made it extremely clear to both Duke and Nathan that she DID NOT want to be associated or anywhere near the likes of Mara, that was fine with Nathan considering the fact that he had to deal with the insufferable evil and sneaky bitch in his efforts to bring Audrey out to the surface. He had to listen to her paInful pleas and cries of help whenever he beginning to lose his grip on her, each time swearing to her and himself that he would do everything in his power to bring her back permantly, and with Duke's help he did and was able to get her back. As he held her trembling naked frame on the floor of the Grey Gull ignoring the fact that they had eyes on their back, he swore to himself that he was NOT going to ever let go of her again.
Nathan is so deep in thought that he hadn't noticed that Audrey was still coughing even though the sickness that had been plaguing the citizens of Haven for days was gone now, which caused him to become concerned for her now as he immediately got on the bed and held her to him as she continued her coughing fit.
One thing was clear to him as he attempted to confort her with his warmth even as he couldn't feel the temperature of her skin or the paleness of her face as she clung to him, that something was seriously wrong and they had no clue of what it was or what they could do about it.
'What the hell is going on with me?' Audrey thought, as she fought to stop coughing and was clinging to the very thing that would steady her. Which was Nathan.
She didn't know what was going on with her body...but she did know that she wanted to find out...even if what she discovered scared her.
***I am completely aware of the fact that it kept jumping between Audrey's perspective of things and Nathan's perspective of things between them...I know...this is the first story that I have ever been able to post online in a year. Considering the turmoil that the world is going through right now...I feel like I am more comfortable posting more stories to Fanfiction in order to forget the fact that I am stuck in isolation. I have always been drawn to the thing of Audrey and Nathan's relationship because I found the fact that she was immune to the troubles and he was only able to feel her kind of romantic...even though we all know that the love that Nathan holds dearly for Audrey runs deeper than just being able to feel her touch...though true Nathan would be completely numb if he didn't have her touch. And I was one of the ones who was saddened when Nathan had revealed to Audrey that he could no longer feel her touch the morning after he rescued her from Mara...I was like: NOOOO! That means that he can feel Mara and that Mara has Audrey's immunity from the troubles. But then I was happy again when Mara and Audrey recombined with Audrey's personality now holding control because that meant that she had her immunity back and Nathan was able to feel the touch of her skin again. Sorry if I am seem sappy right now...it is just Audrey and Nathan bring out the sappyness in me and the waterworks. Though, I am pretty sure I am not the only fan who is affected by them this way.***
**Also if any of you guys out there are feeling feelings of isolation due to what is occuring in the world right and are currently questioning how they are going to deal with being away from their friends and family, just know that you're not alone and that things will soon begin to get better.**
*Also please don't forget read and review and please be nice in the reviews as this is my very first time writing Haven fanfictions and might post another Haven fanfiction soon depending on how positive the reviews are or how good you think this story is. Thank you and till next time...stay well and stay safe*