Total Eclipse
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, or it's affiliated characters, places, or things. Those are owned by JK Rowling and affiliated companies. This plot is mine, however, and sadly for me, I can't/won't make money off this. I also don't own the rights to Total Eclipse of the Heart. That belongs to Bonnie Tyler and associated companies. Such is life.
A/N: This just came out of the blue, and I am running with it. This is a one-shot. I may turn this into a string of song fics, but they will be non-connected unless otherwise stated. That being said onward we go. Also, I am changing when certain things happened IRL to fit the story.
Harry was sitting there with Hermione watching Parvati dancing with Victor. He knew Parvati was covering for him, but he didn't know why Hermione was doing this for Parvati. Hermione looked miserable about. Harry could see her looking off to one of the tables on the left-hand side of the room. Sitting at the table were a collection of girls. Most of them from Slytherin. Harry scanned the schedule for the girl he was too afraid to ask out after Cho. Sitting there next to a stunning blond was the young woman who held him silent as of late. If he like Dean and Seamus, the girl would make a definite nine on the 'Hot Girl Scale'. Ten was supermodel level.
There were no boys at this table. This got Harry thinking about who Hermione really wanted to dance with. Harry leaned over and whispered to Hermione, causing her to jump. "Who has your heart on a string, my friend?"
Wither her hand resting on her chest Hermione looked over at him. She looked shocked. Harry figured she thought she was subtle with her actions. Hermione blushed as she said: "Nothing."
Harry smiled and rested a hand on her shoulder. "Come on Hermione you can trust me, you know this."
Hermione looked around almost like she was expecting Rita Skeeter to be sitting right behind them. Once she was confident that the coast was clear, she leaned in close to Harry. "I was trying to work up the courage to ask..." Hermione looked worried for a moment. She closed her eyes and breathed out slowly. "I wanted to ask Daphne Greengrass to the Yule Ball."
"Oh," Harry said a little stunned. He then smiled slightly. "Did you tell Victor this?"
Hermione nodded. "Yes, and Victor said that it would be better if I had a cover date before I did that."
Harry was stunned at this. Nothing in the Magical World had shown him they had the same bigotry that muggles had. "Why?"
Hermione sighed. "In cases like Daphne, there are bloodline matters to consider," Hermione said this almost matter-of-factly. "She is the oldest of two daughters, and her line like almost every line is matriarchal. So, she probably has some kind of stupid marriage contract with someone like Malfoy."
Harry looked to the dance floor to find the fool they were talking about. Draco was dancing with Pansy Parkinson at the moment they seemed more than a little overjoyed. The Wyrd Sisters were playing one of their love songs at the moment. Harry turned his gaze to Daphne Greengrass. She was sitting next to the girl he wanted to ask to the ball. Harry could see way Hermione was trying to work up the courage to ask her out. Where Harry's girl was a nine on the 'Hot Girl Scale' Daphne was a ten. Harry looked back at Hermione to find the girl blushing a bright red.
"Why don't you ask to just one dance?" Harry said with a smile.
"WHAT?!" Hermione asked in a panicked voice.
"On the next love song, why don't you go ask Daphne to the dance floor, and to make it easier on you I'll do the same to Tracey Davis," Harry said the last part more bravely than he felt.
"Harry, that is riskier for me than it is for you," Hermione said as she looked once more over to Greengrass.
"There has to be a reason you wanted to ask her to the Ball," Harry said softly. He was trying to draw the truth out of his friend. He knew being blunt with Hermione like he was with Ron wouldn't work.
Hermione closed her eyes going off into deep thought. Harry was worried until she opened her mouth. As Hermione went to speak the Wyrd Sisters were going into one of their rock songs. "Every now and then she will look over at me and smile. The first time this happened was in Potions, and I thought she was smiling at you." Hermione pointed at him. "That ended the second time she did was in Arithmancy. After that, there have been times where Daphne would reach out and touch me. Every time she touched me, it was soft and tender. Any time we did talk to one another about the class it soft and tender. Not once did she call me 'mud-blood', so I started to think she liked me."
"Wow," Harry said in a soft tone. Harry looked back to the table at his bird. Her dark brown hair went well with her deep forest green dress. Harry was too far away to see her violet eyes right now, but they were breathtaking in his opinion. Looking at her gave him an idea. "If I go and ask Tracey Davis to dance would you go and ask Daphne to dance?"
"Harry, I don't know or think if it is a good idea," Hermione said, sounding more scared than timid.
"You never truly know until you try," Harry said as he pulled her to her feet. "Now let's go."
"Harry, this is stupid." Hermione protested.
"No, it's not. If we don't do this, we will never know what could have been." Harry said with a smile. "Even if we are happy with someone else we will always have that question: What if? Do you really want that?" Harry asked passionately.
Hermione took a deep breath in and shook her head. "No, I guess not."
As they made their way over to the table Tracey and Daphne, the music shifted over to the sound of a very familiar song. He was wondering why the Wyrd Sisters were playing this song. It was a good song, but it was a muggle song. The answer came as he got up to Tracey. "We have learned some muggle songs to facilitate the muggle-born in the audience. So, for those not raised in the muggle world, this is a slow love song."
As the lead singer said, this Harry was taking his last steps up to Tracey. "Ms Davis?" Harry asked as he looked into her violet eyes. He was lost in their beauty. He didn't know if he could bring himself to do it being lost in those beautiful eyes.
"Yes, Potter?" Tracey said with a smile.
"Would you like to dance?" Harry held out his hand.
Tracey smiled and took hold of his hand. "Absolutely."
Hermione was standing next to Harry in shock that he had actually done it. She shook her head of this and look back at Daphne. Daphne was smiling at her, and this made the air catch in her throat. Daphne's brown dress clung to every curve. Hermione was amazed that she was wearing a muggle dress. She thought that a pure-blood like Daphne would have stuck to the dress robes rule. Hermione was glad that she didn't.
"Can I help you, Hermione?" Daphne asked in a tender voice.
Hermione shook her head. "Yes, would you'd like to dance with me?" Hermione held out her trembling hand.
"I was hoping you'd do this," Daphne said as took Hermione's hand. As they made their way to the dance floor, Daphne asked. "What took you so long?" Daphne placed her arms around Hermione's neck, and this shocked Hermione for a second.
"I was afraid you'd say no. That's why I accepted Krum's request." Hermione said as she wrapped her arms around Daphne's waist. "I also thought you had a date."
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit lonely
And you're never coming 'round
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit tired
Of listening to the sound of my tears
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit nervous
That the best of all the years have gone by
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified
And then I see the look in your eyes
Hermione was dancing around slowly with Daphne. She was feeling like she was in end part of a movie right now. The girl of dreams was in her arms. The swaying of Daphne's hips against her wrist was more than a little distracting to Hermione. Daphne's eyes were just sparkling at this moment. It was like everything she'd wanted to happen was taking place right now.
"Do you know the background of this song Hermione?" Daphne asked.
"Not really. I've heard the song before, but I haven't looked into it." Hermione said softly as she smiled at Daphne. "Why do you?"
Daphne nodded. "Muggle music is one of my little tics."
(Turn around, bright eyes!)
Every now and then I fall apart
(Turn around, bright eyes!)
Every now and then I fall apart
"I was listening to the muggle radio, and the writer of this song said it was the love song about two vampires."
Hermione smiled at Daphne. "Are you saying you want to bite me, Daphne?"
Daphne smiled back, coyly. "Maybe."
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit restless
And I dream of something wild
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit helpless
And I'm lying like a child in your arms
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit angry
And I know I've got to get out and cry
(Turn around)
Every now and then I get a little bit terrified
But then I see the look in your eyes
Harry felt the pressure of Tracey's body pressed against his own. The fact that she was doing this of her own free will was something. As they made one pass by of Hermione and Daphne, Harry noticed Tracey looking over at them with a smile. This brought a question to his mind: "What's up, Tracey?"
Tracey looked back at him with a smile. "I'm happy for her. Daphne has been wanting this for months. It took me a bit to draw the truth out of her. She was afraid I'd not be her friend any more if I knew the truth."
"I guess you know why Hermione asked her to dance?" Harry asked with a smile.
"She's gay?" Tracey asked with a smile.
"Yes, do you answer have a habit of answering with another question?" Harry asked with a smile.
"Maybe," Tracey said with a smile. She laid her head against Harry's chest. "You know that Daphne loves muggle music?"
Harry shook his head. "I had no idea. That should be helpful in their relationship if one begins."
Tracey nodded her head. "I hope one does. Unlike me, she doesn't have an older brother to carry on the family name."
(Turn around, bright eyes!)
Every now and then I fall apart
(Turn around, bright eyes!)
Every now and then I fall apart
"Wow," Harry said softly. "So her parent's would be pissed that she's gay?"
"No," Tracey said coldly. "I think they would be more pissed that she loved a muggle-born. Fucking bigots." Tracey said this last bit harshly.
"Would her life be in danger?" Harry asked, genuinely concerned about Greengrass' well being.
"Probably, but if her parents through a fit, she can crash at my place," Tracey said this and looked back, Harry. "So Harry do you want to go together on the next Hogsmead trip?"
Harry smiled at this point. "Again answering the question with a question." They both laughed at this point. "Yes I would, but aren't I the one who should ask that question?"
"I don't know, shouldn't you?" Tracey asked with a smile.
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
'Cause we'll never be wrong
Together we can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time (All of the time)
I don't know what to do, and I'm always in the dark
We're living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
"So what do your parents think of you loving muggle music?" Hermione asked with a slight smile.
"They hate it," Daphne said with a smile. "I have everything from Heavy metal to country music. I don't think there are music genera I don't like."
"There will be one I'm sure, but you'd have to find it. Even if you do there will always be that one song or artist you like from it."
Daphne nodded her head. "Agreed."
Once upon a time, I was falling in love
Now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
Hermione pressed herself against Daphne. "So, um do you want to go to Hogsmead with me the next time we go?" Hermione was looking down and blushing at this point.
Hermione felt a pare of fingers lift her gaze up. She was looking into Daphne's crystal blue eyes. There was this beautiful smile on her face. "I'd like that." Daphne leaned in and kissed Hermione lightly on the lips. It didn't take Hermione long to return the kiss. At this moment, there was no one else in the room. It was just the two of them, and Hermione didn't want this moment to end.
Harry was looking over at Hermione and Daphne at this moment, checking on his friend. He was kind of shocked at what they were doing. He didn't think Hermione would have the courage to do this in front of everyone. Yet her she was just putting it all out there going for broke. Harry looked back at Tracey to find the girl was looking at him with a smile on her face. Her violet eyes had this sparkle to them.
"What is it?" Harry asked with a smile on his face.
(Turn around, bright eyes)
(Turn around, bright eyes)
"It could be that they are kissing and we aren't," Tracey said with a smile.
Harry leaned in closer. "Hey, you didn't answer with a question," he asked this with a smile.
"Should I have?" Tracey asked as she leaned in.
"Maybe," Harry said this centimetres away from her lips. Harry finally kissed her, and it was like fireworks going off right now. He felt something turning in his stomach at this moment, and it didn't feel bad. This was a good thing, right?
Once upon a time I was falling in love
Now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
The instrumental part at this moment made it feel like a Godly given moment. Harry didn't know if it was God or any number of Goddesses of love that had set this moment up. He was thanking them all right now. It was like there was no one else in the world at this moment except the two of them and Hermione and Daphne. Though if he were to guess right now there were probably a handful of girls that were screaming in agony right now. The Harry Potter fan club was vast, and he was confident that most of the girls wouldn't mind dosing him with a love potion right now. This might have to be something he needed to wan Tracey about. At the moment though there was only the two of them, and that was all that mattered.
(Turn around, bright eyes)
(Turn around, bright eyes)
Hermione broke the kiss at this moment with a bright smile on her face. As they swayed around, Daphne placed her head against Hermione's. This made Hermione smile brightly. She felt like she was on cloud nine right now. The idea of having the woman of her dreams in her arms right now felt like a dream. She felt Daphne's head move against her own. Hermione cast a glance over at Harry right now and found that he and Tracey were doing what they had just done.
"They look happy," Daphne said in an airy tone.
Hermione chuckled and nodded her head. "I can only think of what Harry must be thinking right now."
"Is he that perverted?" Daphne asked with a smile on her face.
"No, but he can be emotional," Hermione said this with a smile.
"Oh," Daphne said before she leaned in and kissed her lightly once more.
(Turn around, bright eyes)
Every now and then I fall apart
(Turn around, bright eyes)
Every now and then I fall apart
When they parted this time, Daphne brought themselves a touch closer and rested her head against Hermione's. Daphne whispered in her ear. Daphne whispered into her ear. "I'm probably going to have one of our elves move my stuff over to Tracey's place tonight. I'm not even going to give my parents the chance to ruin this."
"They'd try?" Hermione asked a little shocked.
Daphne nodded her head slowly. "They want me to be with Nott. I cannot stand the bastard. He practically undresses me every time he looks at me."
Hermione didn't know were this overwhelming need to protect Daphne came from. She didn't understand what Daphne was feeling right now, but she wanted to lift her spirits. "Would you leaving stop this?"
Daphne shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe, them hearing that I was dancing with a girl would unquestionably do it. Hell, if they hear I kissed you, they'd disown me."
Hermione smiled at this point. "Maybe we should do that more."
Hermione heard Daphne chuckle at this. It was like she loved tormenting her parents. Daphne leaned back and looked her in the eyes once more. Her crystal blue eyes were sparkling right now. "Don't tempt me," Hermione said, leaning in once more.
"Who says I'm tempting you?" Daphne asked before closing the distance between their lips.
And I need you now tonight
And I need you more than ever
And if you only hold me tight
We'll be holding on forever
And we'll only be making it right
'Cause we'll never be wrong
Together we can take it to the end of the line
Your love is like a shadow on me all of the time (all of the time)
I don't know what to do
I'm always in the dark
Living in a powder keg and giving off sparks
I really need you tonight
Forever's gonna start tonight
(Forever's gonna start tonight)
Hermione, at this moment, poured everything into the kiss. She didn't think she would need to say the words to Daphne at this moment. Hermione didn't know if it was fate or God's will, but at this moment, Hermione KNEW the two of them were meant for one another. What neither of them could see was the magic gathering around them. Around Hermione was this light brown glow like the colour of her eyes, and around Daphne was this crystal blue colour. The two colours started lapping at one. As this was happening a soft breeze started working its way around them. As the colours began to merge more, they began to make this beautiful light grey colour that started surrounding them from their feet. Hermione and Daphne could feel this pulse going on between them. At this moment didn't care to know what was going on. By the time they broke the kiss, there was no longer a difference in colour surrounding them, it was just a light crystalline grey.
When they parted and looked at one another, their breaths caught in their throats.
Harry and Tracey like everyone else in the room, was standing there stunned. The only ones who were stopped by this were the band. If anything the Wyrd Sisters were playing the song harder at this moment. Harry turned his gaze back to Tracey. Her violet eyes were sparkling a little more at this point. Harry smiled at her and asked: "What's going on right now?"
"I don't know. What do you think is going on?" Tracey asked with a smile.
"You coy minx," Harry said as he leaned in pecked Tracey on the lips.
"Minx am I?" Tracey asked with a slight laugh.
"Absolutely," Harry said before kissing Tracey deeply.
At that moment another surge of magic occurred. Like Hermione and Daphne, the two of them were surrounded by light. Harry was surrounded by an emerald green light, and Tracey was surrounded by violet light. The breeze surrounding them was slightly more substantial than the one surrounding Hermione and Daphne. At that moment, there was intense pain coming from the scar on Harry's forehead. Harry didn't care about his damn scar at this moment. It had been a warning sign about bad things happening, but this didn't feel bad at all. He could hear a feeble man screaming off in the distance, but at this moment there was only one person he cared about. Harry felt something running down his forehead from his scar, but he'd fix that later. At this point, the colour surrounding them was a deep violet, and the wind had weakened in intensity.
When they parted, Harry noticed this glow surrounding Tracey and looked at his own arms in shock. Harry looked at Tracey's beautiful eyes once more. There was this beautiful smile on her face. Harry could help but ask: "Okay, do you really know what is going on?"
"Maybe," Tracey said with a smile. She rested her head against Harry's shoulder as the song came to an end. "I think you and I soul-bonded, and Hermione is soul-bonded to Daphne."
Once upon a time I was falling in love
Now I'm only falling apart
There's nothing I can do
A total eclipse of the heart
Once upon a time there was light in my life
But now there's only love in the dark
Nothing I can say
A total eclipse of the heart
A total eclipse of the heart
A total eclipse of the heart
"What does that mean?" Harry asked as he slowed their swaying.
(Turn around, bright eyes)
(Turn around, bright eyes)
(Turn around)
"I think it means that we cannot be married off to anyone else," Tracey said with a smile. "Do you think Daphne's parents will be infuriated?"
Harry smiled as he led Tracey to the other happy couple. "I don't know, do you?"
Tracey swatted him on the arm. "Prat." The two of them started laughing.