"Ise, I'm done with my shift, I've gotta get home so I'll leave you to lock up ok?" A girls voice called out to Issei. He was working the evening shift at his local convenience store, a job he had taken up for two reasons. One, after his parents death in a horrific train wreck at the start of the summer he had to find some way to pay the bills and whilst his parents had already paid off the house and insurance payouts would keep him going until he graduated, without work he would have no money to do the things he enjoyed.

The second reason had just left, the daughter of the owner of the convenience store who was also a part timer, Caroline. A short buxom foreigner with long, wavy ginger hair had caught his eye one day when he was in the store shopping, and when she noticed that his gaze was on her for a little too long she asked him what was wrong. He responded with the first thing that popped into his head, "Do you have any openings for part timers?". She simply smiled at him and handed him an application form, one week later he was the one behind the counter and has been there for most of his last summer vacation before high school.

Before his parents died they had encouraged him to try and get into Kuoh Academy, a prestigious school that until this coming year had been a girls only school. He had been studying hard and the entrance exam was held last month. He was due to get his results any day now, he and his two friends, Matsuda and Motohama had agreed to try and get in together. The three, know to most as the 'Perverted Trio' had agreed to try and get in in order to form harems from the girls at the school, however after the train wreck Ise had another reason on his mind to get in, making his parents proud. Ever since they had passed Ise had spent more and more of his time studying, and less time hanging out with his friends. They did come to see him every so often still, they once came into the store while he was working and when his friends asked him why he was working there he just pointed over to the checkout where Caroline was standing. They got the idea quickly.

Issei was brought out of his thoughts when someone entered the store. 'At this hour really?' Issei thought looking at the darkness outside the storefront windows. The girl who entered was small, looked like she was about a year younger than him, she had white hair and cat hair pins in. Issei thought she looked pretty cute but wondered why she was out at this hour.

"Welcome." Issei said with a rehearsed smile, the girl didn't acknowledge him and simply went to the sweets aisle, emerging with more sweets than she could realistically carry. She brought them over to Issei and placed them on the counter and then put a 2000 yen bill down. Issei rung up the purchase and asked if she needed a bag. The girl nodded and walked out with her bag full of sweets.

When the girl left Issei began closing up the shop, he turned the sign around, locked the front door, and took the trash out to the back alley, locking the back door behind him, when he got there he set it down on the ground. There was another thing about him that few people knew, ever since he was young he could use magic, even he wasn't sure how. When he'd told his parents about it they were just as confused as he was, that was the day when they told him that he was actually adopted. It was a shock to him at the time, but since then he had come to terms with the fact. Issei took the bags of trash and set them in the bins, pressing them down so any passerby would be unable to see what he did next. Focusing his magic into his hand he created a small ball of magic in his palm, he called it ruination, or destruction since this particular magic destroyed any non-living thing it touched. He quickly used it to destroy the bags of trash, saving space in the bins.

He always did his best to make sure that no one ever saw him use his magic, but today, it seemed that he was negligent as a man with long silver hair ran into the alley looking fearfully over his shoulder. Issei heard the man speaking to himself, "Damn it Heinz, just had to come to her territory didn't you, Crimson ruin princess really is an appropriate name, that bitch is damn terrifying." That's when the man noticed Issei. "Lucky me, it seems I won't go hungry tonight at least. Sorry boy but this is the end for you." The man walked up to Issei and began licking his lips. Issei backed up a bit and held his arms up to block whatever was incoming.

"Stop right there." The voice of a young woman came from the entrance of the alleyway. "In the name of the duke of Gremory, I have been sent here to end you Heinz Collenheim, oh, we have a civilian, Koneko, grab him."

"On it." the little girl from earlier said, launching herself towards the madman. She knocked him to the ground with a clothes line. But then screamed out in pain when he bit her arm as she hit him. In the second that it bought him the man managed to throw the girl back towards her master.

Issei at this point had turned to run away. "Not so fast little snack." The man, Issei thought he'd heard his name was Heinz, yelled giving chase. Issei turned around for a moment and used his magic to create a wall of ice between him and the madman giving chase. Using the time it bought him Issei ran home as fast as possible hoping this was all a dream.

When all was said and done there wasn't even a shred of the stray devil's clothing left. Koneko held her arm where he'd bit her. Despite the Rook's defensive prowess the creature's jaw had the strength of a vice and it certainly left some damage. Meanwhile her king was inspecting the wall of ice. "This was, magic? Did he even use a casting circle?" Rias Gremory wondered aloud.

Her knight broke her train of thought, jumping down from the roof where she'd stationed him to cut off the stray devil's escape. However he'd been beaten to the punch by the one who created the ice wall they'd used to corner the stray against. "Prez, If I may, he used a magic circle but it was too fast. At that speed the spell had to be second nature for him. But that's not the most troubling part about it." The blonde haired boy said with a troubled look on his face. "The magic circle, was that of the Lucifuge family."

"How is that possible?" Rias wonderderd. 'The last of their line is Grayfia, there isn't even a second or third cousin left.' She thought to herself before giving her orders out to her servants "Akeno take and preserve a piece of this ice, we'll get it examined tomorrow. Koneko, Kiba, I want you two to look into who this boy is, we need a name, date of birth, family, anything you can find."

"His name is Issei." Koneko said matter of factly.

"How do you know that?" Rias asked shocked.

"It's what his name badge said. I bought some sweets from him earlier." Koneko said plainly.

"Well that's a start." Rias said a slight smile coming to her face at their fortune before dismissing her peerage for the night.