Falling Down

Chapter 22

It was time for the talk. The anger had been building for weeks and they'd tip toed around it, but the elephant was in the room.

In preparation for the tour, there were some final items to discuss, but the only thing on his agenda, was to set the record straight between them.

Pleasantly she finished up, "I think that takes care of it. If something comes up, you know where I am." She waited but he did not respond. "Is there something more?"

He stood and walked to the window, staring out over the city. "Thank you for coming to the party on Saturday." He waited a few beats so his next words would hit home, "Kate insisted we invite you."

She wasn't sure what to say. What he had said, was that it was his fiancee, and not him who had wanted her included. She was embarrassed with the invitation, but also knew she could not refuse. When she spoke her voice was unusually quiet, "Why would she insist."

When he turned to look at her, his eyes where ablaze. She'd seen him angry in the past, but this looked worse. "Because she's the smartest person in the frigging room!" He turned and paced.

"What are you talking about?"

He tried again, starting and stopping, working hard to control his anger. Instead he chose to glare, let silence do it's work.

"Rick...I don't know what your talking about."

He walked to her desk, grabbed the edges and leaned in, the glare remaining in place. "The reason she was the first person I went to with this cancer thing….is she's the smartest person I know." Without pausing, "The reason she's my partner, is that I need to be around people like her, who are smarter...to give me a change to listen to the gears turning in her head, to see the world through different eyes."

Gina said nothing, "I picked her because of her critical thinking. Her ability to see the larger picture, find clues in small things. When I asked her about treatment, she gave her reasoned advice, and she was right. Again."

"What does all that have to do with me being invited to your engagement party?"

He paced some more, then turned and went to the heart of the matter, "When you invited her out of my life, you proved you never understood how important she was to me...and to us. Nikki Heat exists because of Beckett. That car you drive, is because of Beckett! The payments you make on your condominium, are because of Beckett. She is not just some muse, she's so much more than the a fictional character and her just being her, fuels the stories."

"I...I have made some mistakes with, her….your partner."

"No. not some, you have missed everything Gina! I'm pretty sure you were behind the sudden FBI thing, and heaven knows what else you've cooked up." He turned back to the window, and spoke to the glass again, "When she told me about your lunch, and your 'get lost speech' my inclination was to simply end things with you and Black Pond!"

"Rick..." He heard the sharp intake of air as he delivered that hard news.

He cut her off, "But she would have none of that. She told me our goal is to get the most out of life and changing publishers and editors would take time we did not have to waste. She argued that you and I have done well, with both Storm and Heat, the partnership has been productive and your insights and abilities to get the best version of the books is too important to throw out."

Gina had nothing to say. No defense to offer. Here was the woman she had been intent of forcing out of her writer's life, jumping in to save her own job. It would be very hard to explain to Black Pond how her meddling had resulted in the loss of one of their best writers. If the story got out, she could be applying for a teaching job in a high school.

"So will I'll throw you guys overboard Gina? My wife-to-be considers that a childish and a self-destructive action. Thus her insistence on including you in everything because there is work to be done, and no time to waste. I will change nothing with you or Black Pond because of one thing, and one thing only…Beckett! Do not forget that Gina...you owe her and you owe her big!"

"Rick, I'm…."

He held up his hand to silence her, "No, we're done here Gina. I have a busy day and a tour to pack for, I need to get going."


As the cab worked it way through traffic, he thought about how much better he felt, and how much more he wished he had said to Gina. She really never did understand Beckett. He believed it was rooted in the unspoken bias of the editor's superiority over that of a lowly police detective. Gina had high-rise-itis, it afflicted those who work above the masses and consider themselves better than the rest. It had cost her the insight of just how the important, how valuable and catalytic Beckett was in his life and his writing.

He would follow Kate's advice. His goal was take care of the three most important people in his life: his mother, Alexis, and Kate. Gina would be used to that end.

If the cancer won, Gina would have to deal with his wife and widow, and up to this point his editor had planted nothing but weeds in that garden.


The plan was for him to leave on Tuesday morning, the first book signing would be that evening.

Monday was busy. Gina was in the rear view mirror but he had a doctors appointment set for after lunch which was to be preceded by a scan.

Following the Galapagos medicine fiasco, which he considered the absolute best illness he'd ever had, since the outcome was a partner-turned-lover and soon to be wife, they'd switched to a more suitable drug, regorafenib. He would take the new medication daily for three weeks, then stop, take a week off and begin again.

The visit was to check on the his medical status and see what the diagnostics offered. Since the building had both the doctors office and scan facilitates, there was no wait.

When Dr. Plentys entered the room he smiled at Rick, " Mr. Castle how are you today?"

"I think I'm good. Tomorrow is the start of a three week book tour."

The doctor laughed, "Most of my patient's are overwhelmed with the battle, you on the other hand look better each time I see you."

"My life is really good. I have no complaints. The medicine doesn't make me sick and I'm enjoying life to the fullest."

"Let's look at the films we got today," he spun in his chair and turned on the large monitor behind him. His abdominal shots came up. He had looked at the pictures enough to know what they were looking for, it looked like nothing had changed. Still the doctor remained quiet and his practiced eyes studied the image.

Castle interrupted, "Looks like the last time?"

In pensive voice the doctor said, "Yes, but no."

Castle moved to the edge of his chair. The doctor went from the image to a piece of paper on his desk. "When I was in med school we were taught to do it all. But those days are long gone. The radiology specialist see and analyze this information much better than I. Time has taught me to rely on their expertise, their lives are spent processing this data." He waived a dismissive hand, "You did come here to listen to me reminisce. Let me cut to the chase, Dr. Frank, the guy who took these, says he sees a slight improvement, a small reduction in the tumor sizes." Another, pause, "I was just trying to see what he has reported. You notice the prior film is above this one,: pointing to the monitor, "If you look close in these areas you'll see what means."

Castle looked close, but had a hard time distinguishing between the two tests. "Sorry doc, I don't see it."

"Well, that's OK, leave it to us, we are both encouraged, and again, this is my favorite type of news. I don't get to tell people they're cancer free very often and I normally don't see a retreat in the cancers I see, but the news today is good."

"I'll take it."

"So after the tour, what's next?"

Castle laughed, started to speak and laughed again.

"Rick you need to tell me what's so funny?"

The patient was now grinning ear to ear, "Ah...I'm getting married." To Castles surprise the doctor jumped up and came around the desk and grabbed his hand, shaking it hard.

"Congratulations, I am so pleased. I take it the bride to be is your Detective?"

"How did you know?"

"Because you light up every time you mention her, which is a good thing." The doctor went silent for a few moments, "Can I tell something...non-medical, but some thing I've learned from this job?"


"The patients I have and their conditions obviously vary a great deal, but there is common denominator, which separates them into two groups. There are those without support, and those who have love and support. The first group gets by, but the second group flourish even in this dire business. The second group does not necessarily live longer, but they live so much better. You getting married, having a family and soon a wife, is better than anything I have at my dispense to treat you. I think you know this."

"I don't know what you know, but my family is a tremendous support to me. My fiance is an incredible friend, we have been partners for three years, I'm delighted that she will soon be my partner for life."

The doctors voice changed, and he stared across the room at nothing in particular, "I know you are keenly aware that what you're facing is not easy. But perspective is so important, I often tell patients...about 100 American leave home each morning, and never return due to motor vehicle accidents...its even worse for heart conditions, which take someone every 40 seconds...I want them to think about those harsh statistics...the people in those groups never have time, and those left behind are devastated by the sudden loss. What we face here is hard, very hard, but there is a severe mercy to it."

The two sat in a brief quiet considering.

Then the doctor added, "We have no guarantees...so when I see you seizing life...it does this doctor good. Thank you," standing he reached out to shake Castle's hand, "Enjoy your book tour...and marriage. I'll see you in three or four weeks unless you need me sooner."


She was quieter than usual, knowing he had to leave early the next morning. It was her intent to be an adult, not mope, accept that they both had jobs to do. She could only muster a so-so performance and offer a stiff upper lip. After a light dinner they moved to the sofa.

She spoke first, "You sure we don't have enough money?"

He sat up straight, laughed and turned and looked at her, "I am so proud of you."

"What? What did I say?"

With air quotes for drama, "We don't have enough money..."

"That's not what I said, it was...don't we have enough money?"

"No, no...you missed it, the point was just two words, we & money….Wow, I never thought I would get you to talk about our money...this so cool."

She just shook her head, "We don't have any money, you do."

"Too late, you can't take it back...and we….we have a lot money...a lot my love."

"Let me start over, do you have to go?"

"Completely different subject...and yes I do."

She was quiet for awhile, "OK. I wish I could go with you..."

He reached for her hand, raised it to his lips and kiss it, "I will meet you on Friday evening. I have to be at two stores for four hours, we have the rest of the week-end to ourselves."

She straightened up, "That's acceptable...still not my first choice, but I'm really looking forward to it."


The plan was for a ten cities run. He would fly south to Miami spend two days in the area and then move north to Jacksonville.

Friday afternoon he arrived in Charleston, Friday evening Beckett flew in. They both shared a love for bookstores, the first store in Charleston was Saturday at noon.

After her arrival, Castle suggested she lay low and relax during the book signing which should be over by 2pm. Then they could roam for few hours and he would be have to return for the last signing from 6 pm to 8 pm.

It didn't go as planned.

Kate told him she hadn't traveled here to see a hotel room. She wanted to go with him, and watch the fans, then she'd roam off and be back at 2 pm. They could shop, walk around, and grab a bite and she would deliver him back in time for the 6 PM signing.

The Thunderbird was an old book store and the owner was very pleased to have a best selling author in his shop, it always helped business.

When Beckett and Castle entered the owner greeted him and turned to his companion, Castle did the introduction, "Rich, this is my fiance Kate Beckett, excuse me Detective Kate Beckett."

The owner said nothing for five seconds, but it felt much longer, "Is this...KB?"

Castle laughed, "Why would ask that?"

"Well obviously, because of your dedications."

Beckett was proud of his work on Nikki Heat series, there was no question she hated the name, but she loved both the stories and author, she extended her hand to the owner, "I am KB and soon to be KC."

The owner smiled widely, "You guys are getting married, that's great, congratulations, so you are Nikki Heat?"

She smiled, "No...I'm only part of that...Nikki is Nikki, and I'm just Kate."

Again the owner was silent and finally spoke, "I am so pleased to have both of you here. To meet the author," extended his hand towards Castle, "and the inspiration," then towards Beckett, "This is as good as it gets! Again thank you both for coming."

He turned to one of his employees who was fussing with a stack of books, while trying to conceal his intention of getting as close as possible, "Mark, go get an extra chair for the signing table." He returned his attention to his guests of honor, "This way."

Beckett started to speak, but Castle took her hand and gave it a squeeze, "Give it a couple of minutes then you can drift away."

There was large mahogany table set for the occasion. At one end was a large sign announcing that the author Richard Castle would be signing books today, along with the times. Besides the sign were stacks of Derrick Storm and Nikki Heat books. The line had a few early arrivals waiting. After Beckett and Castle were in place. The owner without fanfare announced the book signing would begin.

A woman, fourth in line, waved the owner over after the announcement. "Sir, who is that beautiful woman with Mr. Castle."

"The owner beamed, that...is Nikki Heat."

The woman looked surprised, "There's a real Nikki Heat?"

He shook his head, "I meant she is inspiration for Nikki Heat."

"How did you get both of them here." Her voice full of surprise.

"I had no idea they were both coming, but I'm delighted."

The woman waited as the fans in front of her greeted the author and he signed the books they had purchased. When her turn came she told him how much enjoyed his books, that she'd read them all. He smiled, genuinely pleased, "Well thank you, whom should I address it to?"

"My name is Sheridan." He began to write. After he finished he slid the book towards her.

"Again thank you for coming in." She did not move.

"If...if I may, could I ask for her, pointing at Beckett, to sign my copy."

Beckett was aghast. Castle was delighted. He said nothing, she looked at him with a, you-gotta-get-me-out-of-this look. Taking mercy he spoke, "She is my friend just along for the visit today."

"Isn't she Nikki Heat, or should I say KB?"

Castle laughed, "She is not Nikki Heat, but yes she is KB."

"If she could she just add, an ampersand and a KB under your signature...it would be like gold for me."

With that Castle laughed. Beckett was stuck at the pure joy in sound of his laughter, he slid the book to her, "My dear KB, could be honor Sheridan, and me, with your initials."

She paused for a second, the took the pen from his hand adding the request sign and then her initials.

The woman literally beamed, "This is just so cool." She then turned and told the person behind her, "Look Richard Castle and Nikki Heat, is that great or what."


It was 9:30 that evening when they arrived back at the hotel. He hugged her as they entered the room "You are so hot...Nikki!"

She slapped his chest, "Castle I don't want to get between you and your fans."

"I think what you meant was between, us and our fans."

"No, I meant you and your fans."

"Well the ones in Charleston, happen to love both the writer and his lovely muse...and of course the owner was beside himself."

The both showered and climbed into bed, she was fidgeting, "Speak to me Kate."

She rolled on her side to face him, "You do know what I was trying to say earlier, these are your stories, your job, its your spotlight...I don't want to stand in the way, you've worked to hard for this."

He scooted up onto one elbow, "When we talk about, money, and what I've earned, what this new series has meant for my career...you always resist," he paused and flopped back on his pillow, "Kate I cannot overstate how much of these books exist because of you," he rolled his head to look at her, "without you, there is no Nikki Heat...I know you doubt that, but love, it's just the truth."

He felt her hand slide across his chest, then she lid against him, her leg wrapping around his, "You don't understand just how good of a writer you are Mr. Castle." She moved up and kissed him. He turned off the lights.


At 8:15 the next morning, his phone shook, he'd ignored three texts, the fourth popped up, Rick, please call! ASAP! Gina. He groaned.

After complaining to Kate through one cup of coffee, she issued the directive, "Castle...just call her, she's not going away."

He hit the call icon, she answered on the third ring, "Have you been ignoring me?"

"It's called sleep Gina." Trying but failing to keep the edge out of his tone. Beckett shook her head. He pointed at the phone and mouthed, 'Really, you want to talk to her?' She just smiled.

Gina was off in her bullet speech mode, it took a few seconds to follow what she was saying, then he cut in, "Whoa! Stop Gina...what video?" Beckett's paper dropped to her lap, eyes on Castle.

He listened shaking his head, "No...no Gina I didn't see anyone with camera, it had to be a cell phone."

Then, "What station?..the news...seriously, we're in the news?" He listened more, "Oh…got it, she's in the news." He pushed at Beckett and smiled, his eyes dancing. If eyes could scream, "What!" his were doing a good imitation.

Castle stood and started to pace. He got a few steps away, when her hand landed on his shoulder and stopped him. She mouthed, 'Stand still!,' and pointed at the floor. She stood in front of him like a petulant child. Listening to only half of the conversation, but only for about 10 seconds, then she pulled him and the phone to her so they could hear both parts.

Ten minutes later, they were back in their chairs. She sat stone faced. It had been her plan to accompany him to the signing on Sunday and then, really disappear this time. But Gina's call had changed that.

Late Saturday evening Gina received a call from the store owner for Sundays events, again a mid-day and then a 6 pm meet with the author. She'd heard about Saturday's signing and the presence of Castles fiance and inspiration for the series. The owner had an eighteen year old daughter who'd read the Nikki Heat series and loved the tough cop character, but to meet the inspiration, the actual NYPD Detective, was going to be a real thrill for her. She was already calling her friends. Why hadn't Gina told them they'd be hosting this double event? Gina explained Detective Beckett was visiting Castle for the week-end and was apparently recognized, it was all impromptu. They laughed and she asked if she could make it happen at her store. Gina agreed to contact the happy couple.

Gina had not even seen the cell video someone had sent to a friend in the NY area. But they were excited to see the pair together, along with the news of the upcoming marriage. Detective Beckett was a hit. Gina thought to herself, "So stand by your man Detective, and mine. In for penny, in for a pound."

Beckett was more uncomfortable with raining on his parade. It was his book tour. She had been eye-candy at one a couple years before with herknock-him-deadsatin red dress. He could barely read his own book. Now she was a little embarrassed over the previous stunt, but not too embarrassed.

While she didn't want to help Gina, since she'd tried to run her out of Castles life, to resist this was counter productive for her and Rick.

The second issue was Castle himself. He would not give ear to her concerns about, his tour, his book or any of it. When she protested he simply said, "Kate, I want you in every part of life… you're like Nikki Heat...just a lot hotter."

In the end he prevailed. Truth be told, she was low on 'no's' for him. She would do whatever made him happy and after a brief period of glaring, refusing and whining, she gave in.


Julia's Cafe and Books was an ordinary block-lite building, but anything ordinary stopped with the walls. If was a book lovers delight. Books and more books with tables and chairs that begged one to sit. There was coffee and light food to shepherd you on your hunt for the next best-book-you-ever read. If there was a wardrobe that led to Narnia, it was somewhere in this store.

Beckett and Castle arrived early at 11:15. They wanted to look around and meet the owner and her daughter. They would soon be reminded that, things didn't always go as planned.

There was a small crowd outside the store, who parted so they could entered. Beckett could hear whispers of "That's her," and "Isn't he handsome." She took a deep breath. The interior of the store was crowded, again a hush fell as the walked past the people who were waiting. A woman behind the cashier register counter, heard the change in the din of the store and turned, she smiled, "Mr Castle, Detective Beckett, welcome to Julia's."

What followed was two and half hours of literary festivities. The table was set with two chairs and stacks of books on each side. At 1:30pm the store had run out of every copy of Nikki Heat. Ms. Armstrong, the owner asked if they could remain until 2pm as planned and just do a 'meet & greet.'

Beckett ended up surrounded by a throng of high school and college students, ninety percentage female. They were full of questions about her job and her decision to become a cop and then a detective. What it was like to be in a male dominated profession? One even asked why someone so smart and beautiful would choose law enforcement? Why not something more? Beckett quoted Connelly, hoping her soon to be husband would not be offended, "We speak for the dead? We are their last voice. It's a high calling." The group was literally stunned quiet.

Castle engaged in conversation about Derrick Storm and Nikki Heat. Many expressed their desire to write but questioned their imagination and abilities to both and write and edit. These were topics that he seldom got to discuss and he was delighted.

At 2:30 Monica Armstrong rescued them. She dragged them to a back private office and pointed at two chairs. After she shut the door, she leaned back against it. First she laughed and then groaned, "Oh my gosh, it's like a mosh pit out there." Beckett and Castle laughed, sitting felt so good and the room was so quiet. They were exhausted.

He spoke first, "Monica I have never, I mean never had a book signing like this. What was that?"

She shook her head, "Mr. Castle nor have I. It was by no means what I expected, but once the word got out about yesterdays signings, things got crazy." She turned to Beckett.

"Detective are you surviving?"

It was Kate's turn to laugh, "I am, and it was really fun. I thought crime scenes were chaotic, but let me tell you, this book signing thing is pretty crazy."

"Mr. Castle, I see your smiling ear to ear?"

"I am." He reached and took Beckett's hand, "I don't know if you know this, but one of my dedications was to the Extraordinary KB. I wrote that nearly three years ago," he paused and smiled again, "Today reminded me of the fact...that I had no idea...just how extraordinary she is..." His words trailing off to nothing.

Beckett was struck at the emotions behind both the, 'extraordinary,' and the 'no idea' statements. She wanted to throw herself at him and hug the air out of him. Instead she opted for levity, "He gets like this when he hasn't eaten."

As if on clue, Monica jumped up. "We gotta get you out of here. My daughters car is in the back, she'll take you back to the hotel and pick you at 5:45. If you want to eat outside the hotel, she'll knows plenty of spots."

"That's not necessary, we can just catch a cab." Monica was already shaking her head.

"The girl thinks you two are gods, she would love to drive you...and she has to go buy two of our competitors to get all the Heat series book they have...as you saw, we ran a bit short." Everyone laughed.

AN: Thanks for all the wonderful comments. Thank you for reading, following and favoriting this tale. Madreag.