Midoriya pressed the snooze button on his alarm and laid on his back, recapping his first weekend at Endeavor's agency. It was Monday morning now which meant school was set to start soon and his most recent day with Endeavor had kicked his butt, metaphorically this time. Endeavor didn't go easy on him with their training at all, even though it was only meant to assess Midoriya's current abilities.

The snooze period ended as his alarm rang once again, coercing the young student to get out of bed and turn off the ringing from his phone. He quickly threw on his school uniform, ate breakfast, and ran out the door, beginning the walk to school.

He had planned on talking to All Might before classes started but was interrupted on the way by Kirishima asking what Midoriya knew about the Hosu incident. "Well I know that Stain was about to kill some hero before Endeavor came in and-" He was cut off before he could finish his evaluation.

"I mean what you did in the fight and how it all went down. Come on I gotta know!" Kirishima pushed for details.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Midoriya nervously laughed. He wasn't really allowed to talk about this stuff, nonetheless let anyone know he was part of the fight against Stain.

"You can't tell me that when it's so obvious you were there!" Kirishima attempted to get the story out of Midoriya but to no avail. "I'm not sure why they're making you stay quiet about it but I guess I won't pry any further if you don't want me to." Kirishima's atmosphere changed as he seemed to calm down. Izuku thought he was already being discreet about the situation but clearly he needed to be more diligent about how he was acting. The only other way Kirishima would've been able to connect the pieces is if someone had told him..

That's when he put the pieces together. Iida wouldn't say anything about the situation, but Todoroki was another story. Being Endeavor's son as well as his prized child had clearly affected him in one way or another. Midoriya needed to talk to Todorki about his actions, but his first priority was All Might.

Before he could continue on his way towards the teacher's office, the bell rang, causing him to stop in his tracks and change course towards homeroom. Midoriya entered the classroom and shot a glance at Todoroki before sitting down in his own seat. Their talk could wait until the end of the day right? There were more important things to take care of.

Midoriya tapped his pencil on his hand throughout class while trying to think of what he would say to All Might later today and then how he would later approach Todoroki. He could feel his thoughts dragging his attention away from class and shook his head a bit, readjusting his focus and forcing himself to pay attention. He could think about everything later.


The bell's ring echoed throughout the classroom, signaling the start of his lunch period. He quickly got up from his desk and took this as his opportunity to talk to All Might about the offer Endeavor had extended to him. He found his way to the teacher's office relatively easily and knocked on the door before walking in.

"All Might! Can I talk to you for a bit?" Midoriya asked from the doorway. The Pro Hero turned around in his seat holding a packed lunch in his lap.

"Only if you eat with me." He smiled at his successor. Midoriya smiled back and gave a quick nod. He pulled up a chair next to All Might and sat down, pulling out his own packed lunch.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." Midoriya began as Toshinori started stuffing some of his lunch into his face.

"Yeah? What's up?" The hero asked with his mouth full of food.

"Well.." Midoriya wasn't quite sure where to begin with his sentence. "I got offered a job."

"That's great! You gotta make sure your school work is coming first still." All Might made sure his pupil's priorities were in order to which Midoriya looked down at his lunch.

"It is.. they're being super flexible with my school schedule which is great. But the place that offered me the job is a hero agency." Izuku was finally able to bring up the topic.

All Might lowered his chopsticks from his mouth and looked over the young boy. "What agency?" His voice was a little more stern than before.

"It's Endeavor's agency." He shut his eyes, expecting the worst from his teacher.

"Endeavor?" All Might asked in a chastising tone. "Of all the agencies you could've chosen, why there?"

"I didn't choose! He offered me a position. He's the Number Two hero I couldn't exactly turn him down. Plus it's not like you have an agency right now." Izuku looked up from his lunch and fought back a little. He wanted All Might to understand that this was a huge opportunity for him.

"But.." All Might began. He knew it wasn't really right for him to chastise the student on this opportunity of his but at the same time he had a feeling he knew what Endeavor was after, and it wasn't sitting well with him.

"What?" Midoriya questioned his teacher. "I get that you two are rivals but I feel like something else is going on here."

All Might looked his student in the eyes, while contemplating his next move. He couldn't tell Izuku how he felt about him, not now. He had grown feelings for his pupil while training him to inherit his quirk but restrained himself and separated his feelings from the boy. He was Midoriya's idol, his teacher, a father figure to him. He would be taking advantage of him by pushing his feelings onto the younger boy. But now that Endeavor was mixed into the situation, he wasn't sure what to do.

"Nevermind." All Might feigned a smile and continued to eat his lunch. "I'm proud of you." Toshinori's words fell short as Midoriya's saw the look his teacher had. He wouldn't pry though, it was clear to him that the information he was keeping was going to come with a price. The two continued to eat their food with strained conversation and tension between them.

After what felt like forever, the bell rang prompting Midoriya to quickly finish up his food. He bowed to thank All Might for spending lunch with him and quickly made his way out the door. What he said had really upset All Might for some reason and he knew it was something deeper than the fact that they were rivals.

He spent his last couple of classes wondering about why All Might was upset rather than his conversation with Todoroki which came to bite him in the butt when the last bell rang. He decided it was now or never and walked over to Todoroki's desk, prompting his classmate to look up at him.

"What is it?" Shoto looked up at the green haired boy standing by his desk.

"Can we talk? Somewhere private?" He asked while pointing his thumb over his shoulder at the door. He led the way outside into the hallway and waited for the students to clear out before starting his conversation. "Have you been telling anyone about the Hosu incident? And how we were involved?"

"I know you guys aren't allowed to talk about it but it's different for me." Todoroki just seemed to shrug off Midoriya's question as if he wasn't going against what the police chief had asked of them. "I'm the son of the Number Two hero, they can't really get me in trouble for anything. Even if they tried, my dad could just say I was acting under his agency."

"You do realize you're putting me and Iida in jeopardy by telling this story. You may be safe from trouble but we aren't." Izuku could feel himself growing annoyed at the lack of Todoroki's consideration.

"I've been keeping your part in the story vague, along with Iida. If people figure it out then so be it." Todoroki was unphased by the inquiry and rather nonchalant about their whole interaction. It was obvious to Midoriya that his classmate couldn't really care less about whether him and Iida got in trouble or not. If Kirishima was able to figure out that he was part of that fight, then anyone else he's told the story to would be able to figure it out as well.

"Okay." Midoriya was having a hard time keeping his tone from appearing hostile. "Is it possible that we could keep the Hosu incident to ourselves. You'd really be doing me and Iida a favor." 'Favor? He'd be just a decent person by keeping it to himself.' Midoriya complained to himself.

"What's in it for me?" Todoroki arched an eyebrow as he rested his back against the wall and kicked a foot up. Of course there had to be something in it for him.

"I can't exactly do anything for you right now but I'll be in your debt." Izuku bargained with the icy hot student. He shouldn't have to be in debt for this but he didn't have any other option. If word continued to get out then his hero career would be at risk.

"Yeah okay. We'll figure something out later." Todoroki extended his hand which Midoriya took eagerly to shake, anything to get him to stop talking about Hosu. Now that the incident with Todoroki was covered he could finally head home and relax. He had to get ahead on his schoolwork for today so he would have no problems working tomorrow after school.