(AN: Hello my lovely readers. I hope you are all doing well among this worldwide pandemic. I have been looking for a job on top of moving to a new state while in the middle of a bloody lockdown and it has not been a walk in the park. But my family members and I have all been blessed not to get sick in the middle of this crisis and I hope that all my readers are just as lucky. This is my new story. I promise I haven't abandoned my other two stories that are incomplete. I am just having major writer's block for the other two. I just hope my readers haven't abandoned me. On a lighter note; I just celebrated my 30th birthday last week and today I became an Auntie for the first time. My little sister just had her first child. A daughter. And I couldn't be more excited. I can't wait to meet her. She is so adorable.

Anyway, here's my new story. It's called Not So... and it is a Dramione pairing. I don't own Harry Potter or any known characters. But all the OC's are mine in their entirity. All known places belong to JK Rowling, the lucky lady. I hope you all enjoy my new story and as always, please read, review and enjoy!)

Not So…Cinderella

She let out a loud sigh as she leaned her forehead against the desk she was currently sitting at. A pair of strong hands began rubbing her shoulders and she sighed for a completely different reason now.

"Rough day love?" He asked.

"No. Just another letter from my father. He wants me to come home for Christmas, but I was supposed to spend time with you and your family." She said.

Her boyfriend of two years sat down next to her. Hermione Granger still couldn't believe her luck sometimes. She was the top student of her year, not only in her House, Ravenclaw, but was also Head Girl and currently dating a young man who was arguably the most attractive boy to walk through the halls of Hogwarts, perhaps since his father had come through twenty years before, Draco Malfoy. He was Head Boy to her Head Girl, and the most sought-after boy at Hogwarts. But for some odd reason, the hottest boy in school wanted to be with her. Not that she was plain looking or anything, but some of the desperate girls that had thrown themselves at her boyfriend, could definitely be classified as gorgeous. At least they would be if they lost the pinched looks on their faces whenever they looked down their noses at her.

"What's wrong with going home for the holidays love?" Draco asked, pulling Hermione away from her desk in their shared common room, and over to the soft couch near the fireplace.

Hermione snuggled up against her boyfriend's well-toned body with a contented sigh, laying her head on his shoulder.

"The problem isn't going home Dray, the problem is my stepmother Margarite and her annoying daughters, Francesca and Georgette. The three of them think they are Merlin's gift to women. They treat me like I am an interloper in their family when I am my father's biological daughter and he doesn't treat me the way they do. My stepsisters hate that they don't have the biggest room in the house or that they have to share a bathroom. And the three of them hate that my father refuses to let them blow through his quite comfortable fortune. Margarite has tried to get my father to move to a new home, but since the home we live in now is quite comfortable and large enough, my father refuses to move away from where he is comfortable. My stepsisters quite like rubbing in the fact that they get to attend school locally while I have to leave the country to attend a boarding school. They think it is because my father doesn't love me. They think that he sends me here so he doesn't have to put up with me nine months out of the year. The three of them don't know about Magic and I told my father that it would stay that way as long as I could manage it. They also love picking on me for anything and everything they can possibly think of." Hermione said.

"Like what?" Draco asked.

"They assume I have no friends, and that I would have to destroy my body the way they have in order to get a man to look twice at me. I have told them many times that I have a boyfriend who loves me, but they, and their mother, refuse to believe it, even though my father has told them it is the truth many times. My father invited you as well, but I wouldn't subject you to my stepsisters or their stalkerish, fangirl behavior, nor their snide comments that I would have to pay you to get you to act like you were my boyfriend." Hermione said.

"Myah, we can still spend time with my parents, and go to see your father and other family members as well over the holiday. And while we are out, we can start looking for a place of our own to move into after we leave here in June." Draco said.

"I would love that Dray. I would love it when we have our own place. You don't know how many different security, locking and anti-theft Charms I have had to put on the door to my room, as well as all of my belongings to keep my stepbitches from getting to them. And not that I expect it to happen, but I convinced my father to take out extra measures for his own safety, just in case my stepmother decides that she wants everything my father has without having my father in the way. He has made sure to let his wife know that in the event of his death, whether it be natural or not, everything he owns will be left to me thanks to the prenuptial agreement he had her sign. No matter how many fits she throws, he refuses to change his Will or cancel out the prenup. I had him go through a barrister that had a foothold in both the Magical and Muggle World so that a fake Will couldn't be pushed through in the event of his death. My paternal Grandmother died a few months ago, as you know, and she left quite a large sum of money to me, along with two vacation homes, a few cars, and her entire jewelry collection since she had no daughters. My stepmother was in quite the snit when Grand-mère didn't leave anything to her or her daughters." Hermione said.

"Why does your father want you to come home anyway?" Draco asked.

"His father, my Grand-père, is coming for the duration of the holidays. My father said he wants to speak to me in person. I love my Grand-père and cannot wait to see him. But I really am not looking forward to spending any time at all with my stepbitches or my stepmonster." Hermione said.

"I'll be there love. For however long you want me." Draco said.

"I'll always want you Draco." Hermione said.

That was the last of the conversation for a while as the two teenagers lost themselves in each other.

First Day of Yule Break

Hermione walked into her house, not hearing anything or anyone.

"Hello? Is anyone home? Daddy?" Hermione asked.

"I'm in the family room pumpkin!" Her father called back.

Hermione put her cloak up on the hook by the door, along with her scarf, and set her winter boots on the shelf next to the door before pulling off the matching white cashmere gloves and winter hat and headed into the family room. She smiled when she saw that her father was there, and smiled even bigger when she noticed Margarite and her two daughters weren't. Her father was sitting on the couch with her godfather, Graham Rowan and they were watching footy on the TV. She leaned over and kissed her father on the cheek.

"Hi Daddy. Hi Uncle Graham. Where is Margarite, Frannie and Georgie?" Hermione asked as she sat next to her father.

"They went out shopping and to the spa I believe. They are supposed to be returning later this evening. Where are your things?" her father asked.

Her godfather was one of the few people besides her father and grandparents that knew of her 'special' abilities. So, she could talk freely in front of him.

"Mipsy took them upstairs for me. She muttered something about making tea and snacks for us before she heads back to Malfoy Manor." Hermione said.

"Speaking of Malfoys, is Draco going to be coming here for any part of the Holidays?" her father asked.

"Yes. And his parents have invited me to stay for part of the holidays as well. I told them I would be coming just before I got your letter asking me to return home for the holidays." Hermione said.

"Don't worry pumpkin. I am sure that you will have time to spend with your future in-laws." Her father said, chuckling when his daughter 'eeped!' and turned pink.

"It's only a matter of time before that boy proposes sweetheart. Everyone can see how much the two of you adore each other." Her father said.

"And on that note, I am going to head upstairs. I need a bit of a nap before I have to deal with the three terrors." Hermione said.

Her father knew that she didn't care much for his wife and her two daughters, and he also knew that the feeling was entirely mutual between his wife, her two daughters, and his daughter. But he had married Margarite because he hated feeling alone. After Hermione's mother had passed when she was only twelve, he knew that he would never find another woman that could even come close to replacing Emma Louise Granger, but Margarite had been the only woman not to balk at him being a single father to a teenage girl. His wealth probably had more to do with that than anything else, but he did love Margarite, despite how much his beloved daughter and his wife butted heads nearly every time they saw each other.

"Alright sweetheart. Dinner is at seven." Her father said.

Hermione nodded and bid farewell to her godfather before heading off upstairs.

At the Spa

"Ugh! Hermione is coming home today. Just what we need, three weeks with a bookwormy, nerdish loser who wouldn't know a boy if he bit her in her flat ass." Francesca said.

"Yeah, I don't believe for a second that that freakish loser has a boyfriend. If she did, he would probably be as nerdy, freakish and bookwormy as she is." Georgette said.

"Girls, settle down. You can handle being around Hermione for a few weeks. Play nice and I am sure that Daniel will buy you something nice for Christmas." Their mother said.

"Ewww! You want us to be nice to that loser? It is bad enough that we have to be seen in public with her and be nice to her in front of other people, but in private? That is just wrong!" Francesca screeched.

"Francesca, Daniel's father will be spending much of the holiday with us, and it wouldn't do you any good if you treated that spoilt little brat with anything but the niceties deserved by people well above even her, around her beloved grandfather. If the inheritance that she received from her grandmother is anything to go by, then her grandfather is just as loaded, if not more so. Be kind to her, and maybe the old coot will leave us something in his Will when he kicks the bucket. You don't have to act nice when he isn't around, but when he is, I want you to act as if butter wouldn't melt in your mouth." Their mother said.

The two girls looked at each other with matching smirks. Their mother was nothing if not devious. They still thought it was incredibly unfair that Hermione's grandmother had left so much to Hermione and nothing to them. They had even sucked up to the old bag whenever they were around her. But the crotchety old bag hadn't left them even one piece of her vast and very expensive jewelry collection when she had finally kicked it just after Halloween.

"Yes Mum." Both girls said with matching devious smirks.

"Good girls. Now let's head home. I am sure your dear sister has arrived home and is just dying to see you." Their mother said.

"Are we having dinner delivered by that catering service again?" Francesca asked.

"No. Daniel said he had everything in hand for dinner tonight." Their mother said with a dismissive wave of her hand.

"No doubt he is planning something special for his perfect little princess." Georgette sneered.

It really rankled the two girls that their stepfather treated his daughter like a spoilt little princess and gave her anything she wanted, but when they wanted something, they would be told that they had more than enough material possessions already and didn't need anymore. And heaven forbid they ever wanted to spend more than their weekly allowance. But of course, it slipped their notice that Hermione never asked her father for money. She never really needed to, since her mother had left her money when she died, and her grandmother had given her a hefty sum as well. It didn't matter to the two girls that their stepsister only received these things after she had lost loved ones. The only thing that mattered was that she had those things, and they didn't.

"Come along girls. The car is here." Their mother said.

The two girls followed their mother out to the car they had hired for the day.

They arrived home and called the butler that their mother insisted on hiring, bring their day's shopping inside.

"Hello girls. Your sister is upstairs if you would like to say hello." Daniel said from his place at the kitchen table where he was reading the paper.

"Yes Dad." The girls chorused.

"Dinner is at seven in the dining room. Dress nicely, your grandfather will be here." Daniel said.

"Yes Dad." The girls chorused again before they managed their escape.

The headed upstairs and were about to completely bypass their stepsister's room when they heard her talking on the phone.

"…I know babe, I miss you too. I wish I could be there with you and your parents. We made so many plans for this Yule Break." They heard her sigh.

The two girls crept up to the cracked open door to listen more closely.

"I'll let my father know. I'll see you tomorrow Dray. Though I still don't understand why you want to take me shopping again. You already bought me a completely new wardrobe. The fact that you think I need an evening gown, a cocktail dress, and a clubbing dress to match each piece of jewelry I own is ridiculous. My closet is just about full to bursting and it is nearly as big as my bedroom in the first place!" they heard Hermione say.

Georgette and Francesca were both staring at each other, their mouths hanging open, and their visages nearly green with envy. They had never actually been inside their stepsister's room, but clearly by the supposed size of her closet, it was pretty big. They were so busy with the envious thoughts that they didn't notice that the room they were eavesdropping on went quiet. Not until the door was flung open and the two girls fell into the room with squawks of shock.

They quickly scrambled to their feet and looked around. They had lived in this house for nearly three years and had never seen the inside of their sister's room. Both could feel the jealousy building inside of them as they saw that their sister's room was twice the size of their own rooms and had three more doors leading to different areas that they still couldn't see, as well as large floor to ceiling windows, two on each side of a massive bed, and a set of double French doors leading out onto a private balcony. They had seen the balcony from the backyard, but had never known where it led to. Until now.

Hermione watched as her stepsisters' faces filled with jealous longing. She knew her room was large. It had been hers since she was born. It was one of the reasons that she had never left her door open when she was home, or away, and had Charms on the doors and windows to keep the Demented Duo from snooping. She knew that they would be absolutely appalled at the fact that she had much more space than them. Yes, it was the second largest bedroom in the house, but she wasn't about to give it up to the greedy bitches that made up her stepsisters.

"You know, it isn't polite to eavesdrop." Hermione said.

"Who were you talking to?" Georgette sneered when she managed to pry her eyes away from the only open door in the room, which happened to lead to her walk-in closet, which was, as she had said to Draco, full to bursting.

"Not that it is any of your business, but I was talking to my boyfriend." Hermione said.

"You mean the boyfriend that we have never had the misfortune of meeting? Who would be desperate enough to date someone as plain and boring as a freak like you?" Francesca sneered, her eyes glued to the clearly expensive looking vanity in the corner of Hermione's room, two jewelry boxes (she had ten), one from her Grandmother, and one from her mother, open and waiting to be sorted.

"You will be meeting him this break. And if anyone will be having the misfortune, it is him when he meets you and has to put up with being stared at all night." Hermione said.

"Puuurrrrlease, we wouldn't be caught dead going anywhere, or being seen anywhere, with you or your dorky boyfriend. And I doubt we would stare at anyone who would be desperate enough to date you. He is probably as ugly and nerdy as you." Georgette said with a high-pitched laugh.

"Suit yourself. It isn't any skin off my nose if you don't want to spend time with me. I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. The less time I have to spend with the two of you and your horrible mother, the better. Now if you would be so kind as to get the fuck out of my room, I would like to get ready for dinner." Hermione said.

Both girls turned and marched out of the room in a huff. Both were angry that Hermione still clearly got the better end of the deal when it came to everything. They were both already trying to figure out how to take some of Hermione's belongings for themselves. Hermione merely rolled her eyes at their dramatics and closed her door so she could get ready for dinner that night. She just couldn't wait to see Draco the next day. She missed him so much.


"Ahh, there is my beautiful granddaughter!" Hector said, the joy in his voice genuine for the first time that night since saying hello to his only son.

Margarite, Francesca and Georgette all bristled at the slight towards them before turning to see Hermione entering into the dining room. Their jaws dropped.

"Where on Earth did you get a Louis Vuitton dress. And those Christian Louboutin patent leather pumps cost more than your monthly allowance." Margarite said.

Hermione ignored her stepmother for a moment to greet her grandfather.

"It is wonderful to see you Grand-père. It is good to see you out and about since Grand-mère's passing." Hermione said, giving her grandfather a hug and a kiss on his weathered cheek.

"Ahh yes, my beloved Guinevere. She loved you so much my butterfly. But remember what your friend's godfather said, the ones that love us never really leave us. Your Grand-mère is with me in spirit." Hector said.

Hermione sat down between her father and grandfather.

"I am waiting for an answer Hermione Jean Annabeth Granger." Margarite said.

"Not that it is any of your business, but my boyfriend bought me the dress and the shoes. But even if he hadn't, I could have bought them by myself as well, I am capable of saving the money my father gives me, as well as having a trust fund and an inheritance from my mother and Grand-mère." Hermione said.

"What boy could spend over six thousand pounds on you?" Francesca said, envy, disbelief and disdain dripping from every syllable.

"My boyfriend comes from a very wealthy family. Not that it is any of your business. Daddy, Grand-père, Dray has been told to invite the two of you, as well as Margarite and my dear sisters, out to dinner tomorrow night. His parents would love to have dinner with us." Hermione said.

"Where will we be dining?" Margarite demanded.

Hermione ignored her stepmother as she waited for her father and grandfather to answer.

"We would be delighted to darling. What time and where will we be going for dinner?" Her father said.

"Dinner would be at seven tomorrow night at The Opal Dragon." Hermione said.

"How in the world did you get a reservation for the most sought-after restaurant in London? I called to get a reservation there and they are booked for the next two years!" Margarite said.

"It helps when your boyfriend is best friends with the owner's son." Hermione said.

Margarite and her daughters were looking at Hermione like she was an alien that they had never seen before. Hermione ignored the three insipid women and conversed with her father and grandfather, filling them in on what she could of her time at school.

The Next Day

Hermione stepped out of her en suite and set about getting ready for the day. Her bedroom door was shut and locked, and she was of age, so she used Magic to dry and style her hair into sleek, bouncy curls left free down her back, stopping at her waist, but pinned out of her face with two heavy silver hair combs that were shaped like dragons and encrusted with emeralds and diamonds. She pulled on a pair of dark blue denim pants that looked painted on, as well as an emerald cashmere pullover and a pair of flat soled black winter boots that were Charmed to be permanently warm and comfortable. She put just a touch of makeup on, enough to play up her eyes and lips, before she grabbed her wand, her shoulder bag that was Charmed to be weightless and bottomless and her wallet before she headed off downstairs.

Her stepsisters were still asleep, so she didn't have to deal with them, but her stepmother was currently sitting at the kitchen table, reading a magazine when Hermione came downstairs.

"Where do you think you are going?" Margarite asked.

"I don't have to inform you of my comings and goings Margarite. You aren't my mother. Don't assume you can tell me what to do. Especially since I am of age." Hermione said.

Margarite made to slap Hermione across the face, but Hermione caught her stepmother's hand before it even reached her.

"How dare you speak to me like that." Margarite snarled.

"You are lucky I stopped you from hitting me. Had your hand actually connected with my face, nothing would have protected you from my father's, grandfather's, boyfriend's and best friend's rage. None of them take kindly to me being hurt. And if you actually want anything from my father again, besides divorce papers, you will keep your fake, plastic nose out of my business." Hermione said.

She grabbed one of the fresh scones that Mipsy had clearly left before anyone in the house woke up from the plate on the counter and then headed out of the house and down the street. She maded it to the Apparition Point before disappearing with a twist and a pop.