Last chapter everyone! Thanks for reading this cute Jedctavius story! Comment and review! =)

Chapter 6 – Finale

Yep, their friendship is kaput. Four days have passed and Oct steered clear of Jed whenever they crossed paths. Well, Jed was doing the same. He intensely hurt his best friend, and he wanted to go and explain everything, but Oct will not want to see him. He surmised that the Roman is mortified. Anyone would be like that after confessing their love to someone and that someone doesn't feel the same way back.

But Jed feels the same way back.

He really has messed things up. He should've just kissed Oct back and told him how much he's been going crazy with his feelings for him, and how there was truth to every word that he said about him regarding Jed's feelings and actions.

Is it really because he's concerned about what people with think about them, including Larry and the gang? Or is it because his and Oct's friendship will drastically change? It's probably both. Everyone will be shocked, and with some, disgusted.

But it shouldn't matter, should it?

Jed ran a hand down his face and felt his sandpaper chin. The railroad is still being mended, and Jed's heart pounded in irritation that his people still haven't completed it. How hard can it be to nail metal to wood? He got off his horse and went over to a few of his men.

"What's the hold-up, huh?" he demanded and a fellow cowboy named Tom looked up at him from hammering a thick nail into the track.

"We're going as fast as we can, Jedediah. That kid really messed this up."

Jed didn't know what came over him, but a surge of fury shot through his system and he took the man by the collar. "I'm gonna mess you up if this doesn't get finished before the night's out, ya hear?!"

Others noticed the kerfuffle, and someone Jed didn't know tried to pry his hands off of Tom's collar. The man's face was turning a bit blue. "Jedediah, unhand him!"

"I ain't gonna wait another minute for this damn railroad to get finished, ya hear?!"

Jed was pulled back by two men, one having a hold of each arm, as Jed really wanted to beat Tom up. Fury coursed through his veins and he couldn't stop it. "Let me at 'im! Let me at 'im!"

"What the devil has gotten into you, Jed?!" demanded Jimmy, who had his right arm.

"Let me at 'im!" he shouted again, and the men held him back and started to drag him away. Suddenly, there was a large presence next to the exhibit.

"I think I'll take it from here, gentlemen," said Lancelot, and simply picked Jedediah up by his shirt. "I'll be relieving all of you of him for a while."

Lancelot walked away and Jed's fury was not any lower. "Out me down, ya hear?! Put me down, Goldie Locks! Seeing your face just makes me all the more angry."

Lancelot held the little blonde cowboy, who has a brown hat now since his old one was most likely still in Oct's room. "You need to take a breather. Now I'm not sure why you're like this, but you need to get away."

"Put me down or I'll shoot you!" He did so with his gun, but nothing happened.

"Are you quite finished?" asked the knight, and sat down on a bench. They were in the main part of the museum and the exhibits were walking around, and Rexie was playing his usual tug-of-war game again, only with Larry, and Dexter was on his shoulders.

"I'm not through with anyone!" Jed shouted and Lancelot put the little man in his metal hand. Jed pointed his gun at Lancelot again, and he was annoyed that nothing came out of the little weapon again.

"I think you need to sit down and relax, Jedediah. Taking a few breaths always helps."

Jed stared at the man's blue eyes, and knew that he wasn't going to be let down. He slumped down on the metal, sitting cris-crossed. He took a large, long breath through his nose and let it out.

"That's it," encouraged Lancelot. "A few more of those and you're right as rain."

Jed put his gun away and took another one of those breaths. "It's not workin'."

"Alright. If breathing won't do the trick, then talking about your troubles will."

Jed shot him a glare. "I ain't sayin' nothin'."

"Do want to feel like hurting everyone?"

"Right now, yes, because that's the only way I'll feel better."

"And why don't you feel well in the first place?"

"I told ya, I ain't tellin' you!"

Lancelot was silent for a moment, then, "Does this have to do with me and telling you how I feel about you?"

Jed hated that his pulse rose at that, and his face started to feel warm. He looked away, but Lancelot brought him closer to his face. "Ah, I see that I'm correct. You're blushing again."

"Oh, will you stop that?" Jed demanded of him, looking at him again. This knight will not leave him alone until his spills everything. "Look, if it weren't for you, Oct would still be my best pal."

Lancelot's brows rose. "Ah, I see now. He found out about my feelings and he's jealous."

"Yeah, but he's not jealous in the way you're thinkin'."

Jed really wished he hadn't said that. Lancelot, like Oct, is no dummy. He nodded, understanding. "I see... It seems that your best friend has been in love with you all along, and I was only a side-affection, an attempt to forget his feelings for you."

Jed couldn't deny it. "Yeah."

"Well, I cannot say that I'm surprised. So, he is angry with you because of me."

"It's more like you started it all."

"How do you mean?"

Jed shot him a glare. "I mean that you just added dry sticks to the fire. Oct became jealous because you're into me, but he went right around and said that I was loony for not excepting you."

The knights brows creased. "And why would he say that when he knows that you're not that way?"

"'Cuz he accused me of bein' that way. He's angry because I'm not that way and refused him when he confessed his feelin's for me."

Lancelot was surprisingly calm about this, and Jed hated that for some reason. "I see. I can see how that makes him angry, but not how it makes you angry."

Jed looked down at his lap, and that anger he felt before was now replaced with sadness. "I lost my best pal, for good. He doesn't even want to look at me because I said that I don't feel that way about 'im. It hurts. I just couldn't take anymore of the pain and lashed out at everyone."

Lancelot nodded. "Are you sure that's the only reason why you're upset?"

"What other reason would there be?"

"You actually do love him back."

At those words, Jed sprung to his feet, and he knew that his face as noticeably red since it felt very hot. "Now wait just a darn minute..."

"Am I right? You've been convincing everyone that you're not interested in men, when you really are, and you are interested in one man in particular—your best friend. I just can't figure out why you would lie to him and not run into his arms."

Jed honestly couldn't form a response to that, and his silence was evidence enough for Lancelot that he was right. The knight stood up and began walking in the direction of the Hall of Miniatures.

"Just where are we going now?" Jed demanded.

"We are going to the Roman display, and you are going to find Octavius and tell him the truth."

"Hey, I never said—"

"You revealed enough in your silence. On we go."

They came into the Hall of Miniatures and stopped in front of the Rome display. Jed didn't see Oct anywhere. Lancelot set his hand down and Jed slipped off of it.

"Now go on, Jedediah."

He about turned to go, when Jed stopped him. "Hey, Goldie Locks."

He turned. "Yes?"


The handsome knight smirked and was off out of the hall. Jed wondered what the man thought about all this, how jealous he was, but he'll think about that another time. He has to find Oct. He has to tell him everything, and he can't be afraid of the consequences.

Jed looked all around the display, leaving the building with Oct's room for last. At not finding Oct anywhere else, he went into the building, up the stairs and down the hallway. He stopped at the double-doors. His heart hammered like a drum as he slowly opened the door to find Oct walking around, looking at a scroll, his face deep in concentration. Jed noticed his hat sitting on the small table next to Oct's bed, and Oct's helmet was sitting next to the hat. Jed entered and took off his brown hat.


The man jumped and dropped the scroll. "Oh, good Neptune, that startled me." He saw Jed and his eyes widened and his gaze turned hard. "What are you doing here? I don't want to see you and..."

Jed walked up to him and stopped him from speaking by taking the back of his head and slamming his mouth on his. Jed didn't hold back. His kissed the lips that he has desperately wanted to feel, and he backed Oct into the wall, like he wanted to do before. He kissed and kissed him, and his pulse rose when Oct took the back of his head, sliding his hand into his blonde hair, and responded, desperately. He took hold of Jed's shirt with his other hand, and Jed loved the feeling of it, and of his lips and teeth and tongue, and him.

Sweat developed on the back of Jed's neck, and in other places since he felt so heated. Oct suddenly broke away, giving Jed a shocked expression. Jed muttered, "You were right 'bout everythin'. I lied to you and everyone, and you have the right to hate me for it."

Oct's eyes started to water. "Oh, I could never hate you, you fool."

He brought Jed's face back to his, and their mouths moved together for a long and joyous moment, then broke a part again.

"When?" Oct asked breathily.

Jed knew exactly what his best friend and man he loves was asking. "At the Smithsonian, when Ahk's strange and evil brother took me captive. You left, wantin' to find help, and I thought that was the last time I was ever goin' to see you or anyone again since I thought I was gonna die. Then you came back and broke me free from that hourglass. That's when I started to..."

"Love me?"

Jed can't lie anymore. He just can't. "Yeah. I thought I was goin' nuts, feelin' that way towards my best pal, but there was a time when I just accepted it, but never said anythin'. And I should've, knowing you felt the same. I'm sorry. I'm sorry I hurt you. I just... I guess I was afraid of what people, mainly the gang, would think, and... I guess I didn't want to change our friendship."

Oct leaned in and their foreheads touched. "One, it doesn't matter what other people think, and two, our friendship is still there. I was always told that friendships is a good foundation to romance."

"So... we can still be best pals?"

"Yes, but there's something more added to it."

The distance was closed again. They kissed for a second, but then Jed drew back. "Ya know, this is what I wanted to do in the bath room."

"Me, too. But you already know that."

"Yes, I do, partner."

"Partner? You always say that. That means friend, does it not?"

"Yes, but it can mean somethin' else, like that's what you call two guys who are together—partners."

Oct smiled, and Jed loved that his friend and love of his life was happy again. "Then let me ask you this: will you be my partner, partner?"

As an answer, Jed went in and kissed him again, deeply and with feeling. He was so happy that he could finally show Oct how he really feels, and he was surprisingly happy that everyone will know about them. That will keep Lancelot and Hal at bay, and will shock the bajeezus out of everyone else.

But Jed doesn't care. He has his partner, both best friend and lover, as it should be.